Re: WebHosting Management Software

2009-05-28 Thread Chris Bennett
hem that proper walmart/mcdonalds feel, just keep them in the proper pasture! Chris Bennett

Re: Can't get tls on smtpd to work right, just can't connect to server using tls.

2009-06-02 Thread Chris Bennett
tc/mail/certs/CAcert.pem If, on the other hand, you intend to use TLS for authentication you should install your certificate authority bundle as /etc/mail/certs/CAcert.pem. You didn't mention this file. Chris Bennett -- A human being should be able to change a diaper, pla

Re: List of old forked or frozen code like apache that needs cleanup?

2009-06-03 Thread Chris Bennett
be very helpful for people like me who aren't programming gods to have someone take us by the hand and tell us what we should do to help! I see lots of stuff digging around that I don't understand and I don't even know if it's good stuff or just leftover legacy stuff

Re: List of old forked or frozen code like apache that needs cleanup?

2009-06-04 Thread Chris Bennett
t find difficult to provide since you don't really need it anymore: Which books have appropriate information for OpenBSD? How about opening a few new or old books and listing a few good ones. I'd like to know a few good ones on C and the make process. Chris Bennett -- A human being sho

Re: CD-ROM doesn't play

2009-06-12 Thread Chris Bennett
Only scsibus1 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0 sd0 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: SCSI0 0/direct removable sd0: drive offline sd1 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 1: SCSI0 0/direct removable sd1: drive offline uhub3 at uhub2 port 4 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/7.02 addr 4 uhidev0 at uhub3 port 4 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 1.10/25.00 addr 5 uhidev0: iclass 3/1 ums0 at uhidev0: 16 buttons, Z dir wsmouse0 at ums0 mux 0 softraid0 at root root on wd0a swap on wd0b dump on wd0b Chris Bennett

Re: Plenty of Spam these days on the List

2009-06-26 Thread Chris Bennett
nd all that nasty spam will go away!! -- OR -- perhaps its just that those little bastards have gotten a tad cleverer? I certainly noticed more spam getting past spamd starting a few months ago into my server. spamd is wonderful, but I have to maintain a manual blacklist now. Chris Bennett -- A

cron problem

2009-07-02 Thread Chris Bennett
I had an odd problem with cron. I made three perl scripts:, and During testing, I put the following entry in cron: 33 * * * * *;;; When it ran, I got 6 versions of each of these scripts running concurrently and in order also. They d

Re: cron problem

2009-07-02 Thread Chris Bennett
hour but more than a few minutes The 'highlander' suggestion sounds useful. Chris Bennett -- A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the d

Re: cron problem

2009-07-03 Thread Chris Bennett
Frank Bax wrote: Chris Bennett wrote: steve szmidt wrote: Just off hand, are there not too many time parameters? Probably, I just threw in some * to fill in extra ones. I was just trying to show that I was purposefully running at a certain time during testing. Too lazy to count them

Re: running spamd at same machine of the real smtp server

2009-07-05 Thread Chris Bennett
, doesn't pass through spamd at all. Chris Bennett

Re: Question about webmail for users who are not busy on ports prep for 4.6

2009-07-05 Thread Chris Bennett
squirrelmail, which is PHP. Chroot or not chroot, that is the question!? Chris Bennett

Re: Color with ls command

2009-07-12 Thread Chris Bennett
tried all the options that seemed appropriate, like --tabsize and --width These failed to have any effect. Is there a fix for this? Ilike cute, pretty colors, but not if it cuts info!! Chris Bennett

Re: Color with ls command

2009-07-12 Thread Chris Bennett
, but not if it cuts info!! Chris Bennett try the package colorls Yes this worked once I changed TERM=xterm-xfree86 pkg_delete gnuls Chris Bennett

xterm in scrotwm, won't read aliases or TERM from ./profile or other file

2009-07-12 Thread Chris Bennett
this? scrotwm does not work with anything except 'xterm' only and exactly in /etc/scrotwm.conf. Chris Bennett

Re: xterm in scrotwm, won't read aliases or TERM from ./profile or other file

2009-07-12 Thread Chris Bennett
Floor Terra wrote: Hi, On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Chris Bennett wrote: I'm using xterm in scrotwm. However, each instance fails to read any aliases or environment stuff like TERM. I have set a file that echos all the needed commands which I then copy paste to get my stuff into

spamd greylisting not only wrong user, but also non-existent domain

2009-07-14 Thread Chris Bennett
just never seen it before? Chris Bennett

Re: /bsd raid0 Error re-writing parity!

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Bennett
ve a Linux machine available, you could scan the disks with the "badblocks" utility, it is usually good at finding disk errors. e2fsprogs has utility for badblocks. It is in ports, can't remember if is package also. Read instructions very carefully!! Chris Bennett

Re: Attn Sir, Your Contract Payment..

2009-07-20 Thread Chris Bennett
(Dr) Musa Taofeek wrote: period to this proceeding analysis On this Payment, we have been mandated by the senior economic adviser to the United Nations Association under the Accountant General of the Federation, to transfer the sum of US$10,550M Usd to your nominated Bank Account From the

Re: [5.0] pkg_add too many FTP connections

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Bennett
I found two different problems that seemed to be cured in two different ways. Your network may be the problem. I have access to two different wifi sources. They are both different connections completely and at the same location. Changing to the other one cures the problem. I also found that changi

Re: using ssh to forward the install console

2011-12-11 Thread Chris Bennett
this is the setup I use to upgrade and install on my remote server. It works great. This would probably be a good purchase since you could use it again in the future on other, later systems. Chris Bennett On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:15:15PM -0600, Corey wrote: > On 12/07/2011 01:47 PM, Eric O

Re: Starting out

2012-01-27 Thread Chris Bennett
On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:52:41AM +0100, Jannik Pruitt wrote: > > I know that Open BSD is not really a desk top system. Hmm, if its not a desktop system, how come I booted off a portable USB hard drive at an internet cafe to escape from windows and get some real work done?? Have fun.

Re: Keeping installed ports up-to-date

2012-02-14 Thread Chris Bennett
lean make update make repackage make reinstall For a release upgrade, do the same except only once until you upgrade again. Do not use ports if you can use pkg_add -ui instead. Chris Bennett

Re: Keeping installed ports up-to-date

2012-02-14 Thread Chris Bennett
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 08:32:52PM +0100, Marc Espie wrote: > On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:50:31AM -0600, Chris Bennett wrote: > > On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 07:06:26PM +1030, Giridhari wrote: > > > HELO, > > > > > > whatbs the correct procedure for keeping por

Re: Keeping installed ports up-to-date

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Bennett
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 08:58:22AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote: > On 2012-02-14, Chris Bennett wrote: > >> > For -current: > >> > Update your ports tree at the SAME time as you update -current, never > >> > before or after. > >> > > &g

Re: Keeping installed ports up-to-date

2012-02-15 Thread Chris Bennett
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:12:06PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote: > On 2012/02/15 13:23, Chris Bennett wrote: > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 08:58:22AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote: > > > On 2012-02-14, Chris Bennett wrote: > > > >> > For -current: > > >

Re: Keeping installed ports up-to-date

2012-02-16 Thread Chris Bennett
es require other modules that are NOT listed in Makefile.PL or Pod manuals. I have been grepping use and require in the build directories to search for dependencies. Is there a less eye straining command sequence to use? Thanks, Chris Bennett

Re: when re-install how to make "leave some partitions untouched" simple

2012-02-18 Thread Chris Bennett
the end. If you want to preserve anything, back it up. Write down every number in disklabel, or forget getting it back. I had room for adding another partition at the end so I put a copy of everything there also. Chris Bennett

xlock segfault only with certain users

2012-02-19 Thread Chris Bennett
seems fairly stable. Thanks Chris Bennett

Re: xlock segfault only with certain users

2012-02-20 Thread Chris Bennett
On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 11:31:22PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote: > >On Sun, Feb 19, 2012, Chris Bennett wrote: > >> I am running snapshot from right before ports unlock on i386. > >> > >> I can use xlock just fine, however when another user logs in, it > >&g

SSH, root can repeat commands with up arrow, others cannot

2012-03-11 Thread Chris Bennett
This started for me a while back. Login as root, I can repeat older commands with up down arrows. History command shows history. su -l otheruser Cannot use up down arrows to access history. History command shows correct history. Login remotely as otheruser. Same problem. Chris Bennett

Re: SSH, root can repeat commands with up arrow, others cannot

2012-03-11 Thread Chris Bennett
sgusting pile of crap! alias mutt='env EDITOR=vim mutt' does the trick. Thanks! Chris Bennett

Re: SSH, root can repeat commands with up arrow, others cannot

2012-03-12 Thread Chris Bennett
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 10:09:13AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote: > > I've wasted countless time because of this "feature", it's probably > my no.1 annoyance with the OS. It used to be possible to set this > in a file sourced via ENV so it could be applied automatically, > but sudo now (rightly) p

Re: US Export of Cryptography

2007-05-19 Thread Chris Bennett
Theo de Raadt wrote: Yeah, right. Those of us looking from the outside do not have such simplistic views of the US, sorry. But our viewpoint is not purely about OpenBSD as open source. We make our code available for people to use in a commercial setting, so we must meet a higher standard. As

From address when using mail command

2008-08-21 Thread Chris Bennett
perhaps the /etc/myname file which has in it. Reading man pages about /etc/myname file doesn't really make it clear (to me) what other contents it can have. Can I change it to my main server's address and not have a problem? Would this fix the mail From proble

Re: From address when using mail command

2008-08-22 Thread Chris Bennett
wrote: Hello Chris, From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Aug 21 21:28:29 2008 From: Chris Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: From address when using mail command Everything with my sendmail and dovecot works great. But when I occasionally want to send a message

Re: From address when using mail command

2008-08-24 Thread Chris Bennett
Aaron W. Hsu wrote: Hey there, I think I understand your (worked around) problem... From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Aug 23 14:49:55 2008 Subject: Re: From address when using mail command Actually this was not my problem. My server is mail and web host for several sma

Re: Default Apache chroot problem.

2008-10-19 Thread Chris Bennett
chroot. (Or put the results into a database and read that instead of files) A cron can be used to either run the main script directly, or to check for a request by the script inside the chroot. Of course, you could also just run un-chrooted Apache. Good Luck, Chris Bennett

Re: printer

2008-10-21 Thread Chris Bennett
Try installing packages LPRng and apsfilter With LPRng installed, you get a different set of lpr, lpq and lpc, which are located at /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin. You will need to specify the full path or you will get regular bsd lpr, lpq and lpc. Run apsfilter after getting LPRng running c

Two Video Cards and Monitors

2008-10-22 Thread Chris Bennett
I have two good monitors and two video cards that I am trying to get working at same time for two screens at once. After I installed second card, I found that it was not configured. If I change the BIOS setting to PCI first, the other card then works and first one is not configured. I have made

Re: Modern operating systems are flawed by design, including OpenBSD.

2008-10-23 Thread Chris Bennett
If anyone is concerned about their binaries not being signed, please burn a CD with your binaries contained. Send it to me. I will then sign your CD (they make felt markers just for these tasks) and send it back to you!! Ted Unangst wrote: The awesome power of the gmail spam filter had kept

Problem installing milter-spamd -setenv

2008-04-03 Thread Chris Bennett
nd How do I do this step successfully? using OpenBSD 4.0/i386 Thanks Chris Bennett

Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
I am upgrading 4.0 to 4.3, overwriting everything to change partition layout. Apache seems to be working fine except for cgi I get in suexec_log: [2008-05-05 00:53:03]: info: (target/actual) uid: (chris002/chris002) gid: (bencon/bencon) cmd: [2008-05-05 00:53:03]: emerg: failed to se

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
to the target group. If unsuccessful, error out. */ if (((setgid(gid)) != 0) || (initgroups(actual_uname, gid) != 0)) { log_err("emerg: failed to setgid (%u: %s)\n", gid, cmd); exit(109); } /* * setuid() to the target user. Error out on fail. */ if (

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
p://> values apply. Chris Chris Bennett wrote: I did find the following, which seems relevant but I have no idea if doing this would be ok or not. Number: 6637 Category: suexec Synopsis: suexec doesn'

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
Actually I didn't, checked that right after I posted, BUT it was already set as setuid!! A mistake in release?? Dan Harnett wrote: On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 08:36:27AM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote: I am upgrading 4.0 to 4.3, overwriting everything to change partition layout. Apache see

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
Good idea, but I just checked and /usr is not nosuid Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2008-05-05, Chris Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am upgrading 4.0 to 4.3, overwriting everything to change partition layout. Did you somehow end up with suexec on a partition mounted "nosuid"?

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Chris Bennett
I tried renaming suexec to suexec.bak this produced the result of some scripts working, others don't These are all tested scripts I am now concerned that there may be a hardware problem How can I check out the disk in OpenBSD? fsck doesn't seem to really do any write testing. I saw a previous pos

FTP Access problem?

2008-05-13 Thread Chris Bennett
I just found the following doing ps -auxw: root 10526 0.0 0.2 500 1052 ?? S 6:19PM0:00.01 ftpd: [priv pre-auth] (ftpd) _ftp 10361 0.0 0.2 504 924 ?? S 6:19PM0:00.00 ftpd: connected: USER admin (ftpd) root 27896 0.0 0.2

Re: FTP Access problem?

2008-05-13 Thread Chris Bennett
OK, I figured this out for myself. Wasn't sure which logfile to look at. Is in /var/log/xferlog. So this is what an access attempt looks like. Sorry for the noise. Chris Chris Bennett wrote: I just found the following doing ps -auxw: root 10526 0.0 0.2 500 1052 ?? S 6

4.1 -> 4.3 Problem with ifconfig/hostname

2008-05-19 Thread Chris Bennett
check the other ends netmask and reject not having a matching subnet mask? Thanks, Chris Bennett

Re: openbsd multiboot

2008-05-21 Thread Chris Bennett
hen I have some time. The GAG page: Chris Bennett Leo Baltus wrote: Op 21/05/2008 om 01:10:05 +0300, schreef Imre Oolberg : Some time ago i did experiment with dual-booting (actually multi-booting) from one harddisk several OpenBSD instances, for the sake of fun.

mplayer, DVD's and dvd drive's digital out line

2008-07-24 Thread Chris Bennett
r DVD player? Could I just make an adapter from this line to an RCA plug and just connect this directly to my stereo receiver and forget about even caring whether sound drivers work or not? Chris Bennett

SD card and IDE converter

2008-07-25 Thread Chris Bennett
ike a way to get my pictures into OBSD without having to use windows Chris Bennett

Re: SATA/PATA boot order

2008-07-27 Thread Chris Bennett
This is so simple if you know the answer, and very hard otherwise. /etc/fstab will refuse to work unless the wd0 and etc are correct. But after making a change in drives, whichever one is wd0 or wd1 will change and booting fails. This is easy to fix if you use vi or another editor. But you wil

Re: fw_update

2012-05-10 Thread Chris Bennett
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:34:14AM +1000, Brett wrote: > > Easiest way to disable the uvideo firmware (and any bios video spyware) is to > stick black electrical tape over the webcam lens. > When I was a kid, one of the science experiments we did was to use a speaker as a microphone. Electrical

Re: OpenBSD in April's issue of the CACM

2012-05-29 Thread Chris Bennett
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 09:06:37PM +0100, Wilhelm Brandt wrote: > I was just reading the April's issue of the Communications of the ACM (the > flagship magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery), and noticed > that OpenBSD and its developers were mentioned in one article, in a rather > ne

old SoundblasterPro in laptop

2012-06-10 Thread Chris Bennett
I bought a very old laptop after mine gave up. At first I got a dmesg entry opl not configured After fixing BIOS to: WSS I/O Address = 530H SBPro I/O Address = 240H Synthesizer I/O Address = 388H WSS & SBPro & MPU401 IRQ Level = IRQ7 WSS(Play) DMA = Channel 0 WSS(Rec.) & SBPro DMA = Channel 1 Co

Re: Learning C Programming

2012-06-21 Thread Chris Bennett
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 09:05:42PM +0200, Pieter Verberne wrote: > On 2012-06-21 20:09, Bryan Irvine wrote: > >On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Amit Kulkarni > > wrote: > >>>??Talk about learning C Programming and the K&R book being a > >>>good one. ??Is > >>>this the book? > >>> > >>> > >>>http:/

Re: Learning C Programming

2012-06-22 Thread Chris Bennett
s, etc. I have gotten very close to finishing up on the programming I needed to do and I will need a new challenge to keep my free time filled (too much of that unfortunately). Chris Bennett

Re: Learning C Programming

2012-06-22 Thread Chris Bennett
s one's > own hand first, or would it generally be useless and > counterproductive? > Yes there is an official answers book, but it is written by other authors. I believe that the K&R book refers to it somewhere. Chris Bennett

Memory error with latest snapshot

2012-06-23 Thread Chris Bennett
? Thanks Chris Bennett

Re: OpenBSD's webpage desing

2012-06-26 Thread Chris Bennett
ed to access OpenBSD web pages from base console you get after login. wget elinks I find the actual information much more important than pretty sites. I am in Texas, all I need to do is look out a window to see pretty stuff. (that's a joke. Texas is ugly as hell!) Chris Bennett

Re: OpenBSD's webpage desing

2012-06-26 Thread Chris Bennett
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 06:59:28PM -0300, Christiano F. Haesbaert wrote: > If you really wanna improve that, I'd suggest reworking the same > webpage, but making it possible for people with vision impairment to > use it more effectively, I've been told that there are a some ways to > improve it. >

Re: OpenBSD - UEFI Secure Boot

2012-07-07 Thread Chris Bennett
On Sat, Jul 07, 2012 at 06:54:31PM +0100, wrote: > I bought Betamax (because it was the best)... until... > I bought SAAB (because it was the best)... until... > I bought Amiga (because it was the best)... until... > > I don't want to be saying... > > I bou.. erm.. got... OpenB

Re: problem in fstab

2012-07-24 Thread Chris Bennett
learning to use ed for all of these single user mode problems. I do and I don't regret it at all. ;) Chris Bennett

Re: More sensible and consistent rc.conf.local

2012-08-29 Thread Chris Bennett
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 11:22:38AM -0400, Simon Perreault wrote: > Le 2012-08-29 09:57, Mikkel Bang a ?crit : > >If OpenBSD was on Git / at GitHub, youngins like me would have patched > >this baby up a long time ago. > > Sadly, a good argument against moving to Git. > > Simon > Whatcha 'git agi

Re: OpenBSD 4.9 + Sound Blaster Live!

2011-08-18 Thread Chris Bennett
I used before to control volume locally. Required a file to hold the starting and current values. None of the special features work, however, not even the joystick port as I understand. Still, if you get it working, they are fine. Chris Bennett

Re: CDDL vs GPL and maybe some implications for BSD?

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Bennett
o not care to be stripped searched by flying in the US. We only travel by bus and train. Things are seriously screwed up here! Chris Bennett

Re: Thanks a lot to all devs of OpenBSD

2011-08-28 Thread Chris Bennett
On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 02:52:19PM -0500, J Sisson wrote: > On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Loganaden Velvindron > wrote: > > > If other BSDs worked this way, they would have been > > successful in attracting a larger userbase. They > > have the means to do it with their larger developer > > com

Re: My thoughts on OpenBSD - is advocacy working ?

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Bennett
On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 11:11:11AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote: > I don't see diffs in this thread. > They are diffing cars. Unless those cars are using embedded OpenBSD, which they aren't As Perry Mason once said: "This is irrelevant, immaterial and incompetant"

Todays snapshot won't boot laptop

2011-10-22 Thread Chris Bennett
I get ddb almost right away. pchb0 at pci0 dev0 function0 "Intel 82443BX AGP" rev 0x03 intelagp0 at pchb0 panic: kernal diagnostic assertion "(reg & 0x3) == 0" failed: file "../../../../arch/i386/pci/pci_machdep.c" line 452 stopped at Debugger +0x4: popl %ebp PID PPID PGRP UID S Flags wait Command

Re: do not understand how to upgrade to-CURRENT

2011-10-22 Thread Chris Bennett
something. Ask questions after trying for a while. Read all the FAQ. Three times. Read all the manual pages Chris Bennett

Re: do not understand how to upgrade to-CURRENT

2011-10-23 Thread Chris Bennett
mes -current works perfectly, sometimes not. Chris Bennett

Re: do not understand how to upgrade to-CURRENT

2011-10-23 Thread Chris Bennett
OK, I was exaggerating just to get the point across firmly. Using -current can occasionally be complicated. But answers come along to problems quickly. Very quickly. My problem is now fixed after applying a patch and compiling. Voila! Problem solved. I like running -current. The occasional probl

Re: Todays snapshot won't boot laptop

2011-10-23 Thread Chris Bennett
Yes, that worked great. Thanks

Re: mnemosyne

2011-10-23 Thread Chris Bennett
Yes, that fixed it. On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 10:34:45PM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote: > > Can you install py-Imaging and see if this fixes your issue. > Thanks. > > -- > Antoine

A bunch of crap in /etc/mail WTF?

2011-10-29 Thread Chris Bennett
not speak German and I have cleared all spam from my mail accounts. Chris Bennett

Re: the ports are really functional?

2011-10-30 Thread Chris Bennett
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 11:12:40AM -0300, Zantgo wrote: > What happens is that I tried to install things on the ports, but almost no > one serves me, I've only been able to install firefox, I tried also install > KDE, GNOME and KFCE, but I have been many errors, commonly solocionables, for > exa

Re: OpenBSD and shebang line to a script not supported?

2011-11-01 Thread Chris Bennett
cleared all this up for us! Chris Bennett On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 04:28:12AM -0400, Eric Furman wrote: > Nobody cares. This is not a list devoted to > a stupid piece of shit OS developed by the > dumb shit Linus Torvalds.

Re: Which version of Firefox most secure?

2011-11-21 Thread Chris Bennett
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 07:26:38AM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote: > AdSuck from packages/ports and whitelist mode (need some work from > start to allow JS/cookies only for pages you really want) and runs > superb > Well, I feel like an idiot. Never thought of that. I really hate some of the crap that

Re: Which version of Firefox most secure?

2011-11-21 Thread Chris Bennett
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:57:42AM -0600, Chris Bennett wrote: > On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 07:26:38AM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote: > > > AdSuck from packages/ports and whitelist mode (need some work from > > start to allow JS/cookies only for pages you really want) and runs > &

Re: OT, .. but has anyone seen a crontab editor

2010-02-20 Thread Chris Bennett
Theo de Raadt wrote: I am very impressed by the oratary skills you have all shown in this discussion... but please... can this thread be terminated soon? I agree with Theo. Please take this troll-fest off the list. You can all flame each other privately. -- A human being should be able to

PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Bennett
I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL) I also am using a forum and wanted to add a second forum using PostgreSQL (first has been using mysql) This software supports doing this. All is working fine, except one script called from crontab to send out subscript

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL) Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if you

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded a production server to -current (needed latest PostgreSQL) Did you upgrade all packages? Specifically, any Perl XS modules must have been built with a version of Perl matching the Perl binary, so if you

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it.. On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote: Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded a production

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it.. On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote: Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded a production

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-25 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it.. On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote: Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded a production

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett wrote: Stuart Henderson wrote: oh, please also keep /tmp/pkglist around in case anyone wants to see it.. On 2010-02-26, Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-25, Chris Bennett wrote: Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010-02-23, Chris Bennett wrote: I just

Apache Seg faults children after latest upgrade

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett
I just upgraded to latest -current trying to eliminate problem with PostgreSQL. Apache now starts but segmentation faults(11) for every child. -- A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, b

Re: PostgreSQL and perl script ->perl.core

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett
Stuart Henderson wrote: On 2010/02/26 07:47, Chris Bennett wrote: "debug" version still works clean I have now given myself a new problem Apache is now blown out: runs but I get [Fri Feb 26 07:44:14 2010] [notice] child pid 26552 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Re: Apache Seg faults children after latest upgrade

2010-02-26 Thread Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett wrote: I just upgraded to latest -current trying to eliminate problem with PostgreSQL. Apache now starts but segmentation faults(11) for every child. I already got answer to this, httpd DBI has changed -- A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion

Re: FWIW Current snapshot Apache/PHP buggy

2010-02-27 Thread Chris Bennett
Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote: I've just installed a server using current and have found that there are problems with session_destroy(); such that is just does not work. The Apache is the installed (1.3) version and PHP is from packages. I have tested the same software and setup on a 4.5

Re: selling bsd in cd for profit??

2010-02-28 Thread Chris Bennett
they don't, bad, but still it would be free advertising to OpenBSD, which may bring in paying (to OpenBSD, not seller) "users" to OpenBSD. And , of course :) ::put on asbestos suit:: They could even advertise their product on this list. That wouldn't bother anyone, right? ::

Re: -current or -stable [was: Not another Browser Question]

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Bennett
t to run -current in production. But I don't regret it. I say go for it on the Desktop. I use disk instead of CD or FTP for my upgrades, just add a directory to root for that. Chris Bennett -- A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, d

Re: pf: blocklists

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Bennett
nixlists wrote: spamd is great, but I need to filter other traffic. I still wonder how people manage to download and convert blocklists for loading into pf in an automated way as a cron job. Has anyone attempted to do this? Often there are syntax errors in the lists, sometimes transfers fail. IOW

Re: -current or -stable [was: Not another Browser Question]

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Bennett wrote: --- On Thu, 4/3/10, Tomas Bodzar wrote: From: Tomas Bodzar Subject: Re: -current or -stable [was: Not another Browser Question] To: Cc: Date: Thursday, 4 March, 2010, 14:37 On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:52 PM, wrot

Re: -current or -stable [was: Not another Browser Question]

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Bennett
nixlists wrote: On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Chris Bennett wrote: -current is typically safer by default since all those errata in release versions are already fixed in -current snapshots. No patches, no builds. just update to latest snapshots, other than time to update packages, maybe

Re: OpenBSD i386 dies mid-boot

2010-03-10 Thread Chris Bennett
with these first few lines: Bad memory sounds reasonable, I have a boot cd that tests memory in a variety of patterns. Tests almost all of it memory in place. The one I use was (is?) given out by Microsoft. You should be able to find a copy, if not I can send you the iso. Chris Bennett

Re: Hardening OpenBSD : Just delete!

2010-03-14 Thread Chris Bennett
Matthias Kilian wrote: On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 08:51:05PM +0100, Otto Moerbeek wrote: ( ) He forgot to remove sh(1), unvis(1) and chmod(1). and getty(8), login(8), and /bsd Better remove the mainboard. That's w

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