I am upgrading 4.0 to 4.3, overwriting everything to change partition
Apache seems to be working fine except for cgi
I get in suexec_log:
[2008-05-05 00:53:03]: info: (target/actual) uid: (chris002/chris002)
gid: (bencon/bencon) cmd: search.pl
[2008-05-05 00:53:03]: emerg: failed to setusercontext (5001: search.pl)
[2008-05-05 00:56:54]: info: (target/actual) uid: (chris002/chris002)
gid: (bencon/bencon) cmd: search.pl
[2008-05-05 00:56:54]: emerg: failed to setusercontext (5001: search.pl)
I can't find anything searching the web except programmer's bug notes
which don't apply.
What is this error? What do I need to check (I have even tried adding a
new user and chowning to that uid and gid.
Didn't help but also didn't change error output at all in suexec_log
(stayed EXACTLY as above, even after stopping apache and/or rebooting)