expr / (( )) different behavior

2017-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
: -09 % 3: bad number `09' [snip] bash seems to behave same way; just wondering if this inconsistency is expected... -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: expr / (( )) different behavior

2017-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hi Janne, On Fri 11/08/2017 13:07, Janne Johansson wrote: 0 is parsed as octal in places, so 09 would be bogus if octal. [...] Thanks for the clarification; does that mean expr(1) can treat 10-base numbers only? No info in man page on this matter... -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus

Clarification on ksh(1) nohup mechanism

2017-08-12 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
up observing the same behavior. Could you please give me some hints? All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

doas /usr/bin/vi best practice

2017-08-13 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
is preserved by default. The only thing that came to my mind was to add to doas.conf(5): permit setenv { -HOME } :wheel cmd /usr/bin/vi but I really don't know if this is the best practice. Any hints? All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: ht

Re: Clarification on ksh(1) nohup mechanism

2017-08-15 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Anyone? On Sat 12/08/2017 18:36, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: Dear misc@ readers, I'm lost with the subject... From the man page I see that, differently from standard ksh, OpenBSD implementation by default do *not* send SIGHUP signals to child processes when a SIGHUP is received b

mount_nfs(8) -b option

2017-08-15 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
the entire process as much transparent for the user as possible). All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: doas /usr/bin/vi best practice

2017-08-15 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
because I had to keep pressing enter to clear that error message, instead of the file instantaneously opening. I could not be bothered to investigate further until you had mentioned it. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

amd(8): outdated FILES manpage's section?

2017-08-21 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ed. [0]: https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.sbin/amd/amd/amd.c?rev=1.15&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: mount_nfs(8) -b option

2017-08-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
as giving up on this matter... After having added the fileserver's IP address to /etc/hosts, all works as expected. I owe you a beer! Thanks a lot. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: mount_nfs(8) -b option

2017-08-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
as giving up on this matter... After having added theĀ· fileserver's IP address to /etc/hosts, all works as expected. I owe you a beer! Thanks a lot. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: mount_nfs(8) -b option

2017-08-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
AN). Great! I was giving up on this matter... After having added the fileserver's IP address to /etc/hosts, all works as expected. I owe you a beer! Thanks a lot. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Clarification on ksh(1) nohup mechanism

2017-08-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Folks, On Sat 12/08/2017 18:36, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: Dear misc@ readers, I'm lost with the subject... From the man page I see that, differently from standard ksh, OpenBSD implementation by default do *not* send SIGHUP signals to child processes when a SIGHUP is received b

Zoom meeting via chromium web app

2020-03-28 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
be very appreciated. All the best -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com] Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

tmux and CPU usage

2020-04-18 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
: 8 buttons, Z and W dir wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0 uvideo0 at uhub3 port 6 configuration 1 interface 0 "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. Integrated Camera" rev 2.00/5.64 addr 8 video0 at uvideo0 uhub6 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel Rate Matching Hub" rev 2.00/

Re: Help debugging slow nfs (40kB/s); linux client

2020-04-18 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
In my case, both server and client(s) are running OpenBSD (6.6 the server, -current the clients). The point is that I was not able to gather enough information to send an e-mail to bugs@... -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com] Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com Link

sndioctl and USB HID keyboard

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
l output.level=+0.1 [...] but when I use the multimedia keys... nothing happens. I really don't know how to debug this; is it related to the interaction with sndio? Any hints? -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com] Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: sndioctl and USB HID keyboard

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
"doas -u " -- Alexandre Yes, that's the root cause and prefixing the sndioctl command with doas makes the trick. Unfortunately, this solution isn't applicable to my use-case, since there are several users that can log in this machine... Are there any alternatives? -

Re: sndioctl and USB HID keyboard

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
). I think the point is that the sndioctl command can only be run by the logged in user, as pointed out by Alexandre in another branch of this thread, so the usage with hotplugd could be tricky... Thanks for your feedback -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com] Web: http

Re: sndioctl and USB HID keyboard

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
Hello Alexandre, On 20/04/2020 - 19:50, Alexandre Ratchov wrote: On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 07:35:03PM +0200, Alessandro De Laurenzis wrote: Hello Alexandre, Thanks for your prompt feedback. On 20/04/2020 - 18:00, Alexandre Ratchov wrote: [...] > > This is the right way of doing it excep

Re: sndioctl and USB HID keyboard

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
d that offensive. This is to confirm than changing the device to /dev/audioctl0, usbhidaction performs the mixerctl commands correctly. I cannot comment on implementation internals, but I tend to agree with Theo's doubt: sndioctl seems the natural candidate to be the only tool for

[tmux] 'send-keys' command behavior (Ctrl + Arrow keys) in post-6.7

2020-05-25 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
ft, C-Right, C-Up, C-Down combinations: ^[OD ^[OC ^[OA ^[OB (for both 6.7 and -current vim version is 8.2.534). Of course, this way my settings in vim are screwed. I do not see many relevant commits in tmux since 6.7, except maybe: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=1589646

[Thunderbird] How to correctly set Mail-Followup-To header?

2020-06-25 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
is a smarter way... Any hints? All the best [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Help_Documentation:Mail-Followup-To_and_Mail-Reply-To -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com] Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: [Thunderbird] How to correctly set Mail-Followup-To header?

2020-06-26 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
I'm answering to my own question: that variable needs to be created... after that, the header is properly added. Sorry for the noise On June 25, 2020 5:55:49 PM GMT+02:00, Alessandro De Laurenzis wrote: > >Greetings, > >Disclaimer: the topic isn't strictly OpenBSD

Strange network issue during startup

2015-10-04 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2 uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0 uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0 uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0 uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0 vscsi0 at root scsibus3 at vscsi0: 256 targets softraid0 at root scsibus4 at softraid0: 256 targets root on sd0a (ff014e14e96d5c40.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b iwn0: RF switch: radio disabled iwn0: Radio transmitter is off ugen0 detached -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Strange network issue during startup

2015-10-05 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
tr_psc = (caddr_t)tp; > > return (if_enqueue(tp->tp_if, m)); > } > > int bear with me, I need a couple of days to try this; I'll keep you updated. Cheers -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Strange network issue during startup

2015-10-09 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
..] I'll try your patch asap. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Strange network issue during startup

2015-10-09 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
of my curiosity: was this the same problem in [0]? Cheers [0] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144422539521881&w=2 -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: apache 2.4 - Missing mod_cgid.so?

2015-10-23 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
_cgid.so should be built but seems to be missing. mod_cgid.so is > the module that should be used with the worker or event MPM. [...] That did the trick! We should update both current and 5.8-STABLE port, I think. Thank you very much for your prompt feedback. Cheers -- Alessandro DE LAUREN

Re: Strange network issue during startup

2015-10-26 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hi Mike, On Fri 09/10/2015 19:20, Mike Belopuhov wrote: > On 9 October 2015 at 19:15, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS > wrote: > > Hi Mike, > > > > On Fri 09/10/2015 19:07, Mike Belopuhov wrote: > >> Hi, > >> > >> Please drop the diff I've

Chromium-44.0 freezes a machine with 5.8-STABLE

2015-10-26 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
rface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6 uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls audio1 at uaudio0 ugen0 at uhub6 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6 uvideo0 at uhub1 port 5 configuration 1 interface 0 "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. CNF8243" rev 2.00/85.39 addr 7 video0 at uvideo0 vscsi0 at root scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets softraid0 at root scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets root on sd0a (5a985a987f3fa32e.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b WARNING: / was not properly unmounted -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

New less(1) in base and RAW-CONTROL-CHARS option

2015-11-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
] give the exact same result. Should we remove the "-R" option completely (from the man page too) or am I missing something obvious? Thanks for your time -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

tput(1) setaf capability and 256color terminals

2015-11-19 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
t being able to understand the meaning of the terminfo entries, I do not know how to set those parameters... At first glance, it seems that the first one is the color (as per manpage description), and the other two don't have any effect, but I hope that someone of you guys can re

Re: Is there a fix for stock vi's bug-for-bug compatible ESC-equals-return feature?

2019-02-19 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] Web: http://www.atlantide.t28.net LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Black screen when starting Xorg with Dell XPS 13 9350

2019-04-13 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
Hello Noth, Could you please double check the two links you posted? It seems that the first page doesn't exist and the second one is not relevant... Thanks -- Alessandro Il 14 aprile 2019 00:33:14 CEST, Noth ha scritto: >Thanks to jostein@ on #openbsd, I now have a working touchpad. All it >

"send_packet: No route to host" during DHCP request renewal

2017-01-09 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
on egress inet proto tcp from anyto (egress) port 49152:49407 # transmission daemon passin on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } from anyto (egress) port { 9091 51413 } [snip] Thanks, -- Alessandr

libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied

2017-03-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
from ttyC0 (and so reserving it as a kind of "virtual console" for kernel messages), but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this: is it the expected/desired behavior or should it be fixed? All the best [0]: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=145125527304834&w=2

Re: libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied

2017-03-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
I log in from ttyC0, reset to "root,wheel" when I logout from there, set to "just22,wheel" when logging in through xenodm. Does this make sense? Thanks for your feedback -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

dhclient lease declarations broken in current snapshots

2014-11-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ult Commenting out the "lease" section, all works as expected. Am I missing something? -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

surf (browser): URL bar doesn't appear

2014-11-22 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
nt in the right direction for a proper debug more than welcome. Thanks in advance for your time. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: surf (browser): URL bar doesn't appear

2014-11-23 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hi Dmitrij, On Sat 22/11 21:00, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote: > Alessandro DE LAURENZIS said: > > It's just me? Any hints? Any point in the right direction for a proper > > debug more than welcome. > > http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=141321944629586&w=2 I can

USB printer not working with CUPS 2.0.1 (in -current)

2014-12-03 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
nters.conf... I [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Generating printcap /etc/cups/printcap... D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: clients=6 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: jobs=0 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: jobs-active=0 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: printers=2 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=29032 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=11792 D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=535152 Both the messages: D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:04 +0100] [Client 77] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) D [03/Dec/2014:08:58:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients and dirty files" look suspicious, but I'm not able to debug further... Maybe it worths noting some "strange" permissions: just22@poseidon:[~]> ll /etc/cups/printers.conf -rw--- 1 root _cups 897B Dec 3 08:58 /etc/cups/printers.conf (not readable by _cups?) Thanks in advance for any hints -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Proposed patch to unmute Azalia sound card on Compaq 610

2014-12-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
me=119,119 record.volume.mute=off [ off on ] record.volume.slaves=adc-0:1,adc-2:3 { adc-0:1 adc-2:3 } [4] just22@icarus:[~]> audioctl name=HD-Audio version=1.0 config=azalia0 encodings=slinear_le:16:2:1,slinear_le:20:4:1,slinear_le:24:4:1 properties=full_duplex,independent full_duplex=0 fullduplex=0 b

apmd.8 lacks of hibernation quirks info

2014-12-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
differentiate b/w S3 and S4 wake-up could be useful in some corner cases. Thanks in advance for your time. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: apmd.8 lacks of hibernation quirks info

2014-12-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ur message, I retried hibernation on the R61 (with the very last snapshot, by the way), and it works flawlessly there too! So I can report only excellent results! Thanks a lot for your work. Any comments on the two points that I highlighted in my OP? -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22...

Re: USB printer not working with CUPS 2.0.1 (in -current)

2014-12-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
hout any luck. Of course, if you have anything else to suggest in order to help the debug, please let me know. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: USB printer not working with CUPS 2.0.1 (in -current)

2014-12-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ion: hp:/usb/Deskjet_F4200_series?serial=CN8C54F12J05BR Defaults: job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: USB printer not working with CUPS 2.0.1 (in -current)

2014-12-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
and/or USB 2.0 devices while using USB 3.0 ports. > Laptop's USB ports are 2.0; I do not know if there could be an impact of the xhci driver anyway, but how could I check? Any chances to switch off xhci and revert to uhci/ehci? -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gm

Re: Proposed patch to unmute Azalia sound card on Compaq 610

2014-12-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
my assumption is wrong, then yes, you're right: the whole subid should be tested. Anyhow, thanks for your feedback. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: xfce4-power-manager not updating battery status

2014-12-17 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
r/local/bin/dbus-launch -a -z "${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS}" ]; then eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session` fi (see /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/dbus-x.y.z, maybe not needed if your login/session manager does that for you). Hope this help -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

man -m not working with latest snapshot (Dec 20)

2014-12-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
... Is it just me? -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
dSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" D [07/Mar/2015:18:24:37 +0100] [Client 1] Waiting for socket close. D [07/Mar/2015:18:24:37 +0100] [Client 1] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) D [07/Mar/2015:18:24:37 +0100] [Client 1] Closing conne

Re: Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
be world-readable. After changing the permissions all works as expected. Maybe something to fix in CUPS port? Antoine could give us his view... -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Sat 07/03/2015 23:20, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > After adding the exception, I continue to see the "Not Found" message. > So the encryption was not the root cause. > > But it seems I've sorted it out: the files used for CUPS's web interface > are cont

Re: Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-08 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
k, and I can confirm that the permissions are correct. I don't really know what went wrong... Anyhow, now it's ok. Sorry for the noise. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-09 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Cannot connect to CUPS web interface in -current

2015-03-10 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello Stuart, On Tue 10/03/2015 08:28, Stuart Henderson wrote: > Is this while building the port, or just installing from packages? Installing from packages. Isn't that expected? -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

HP Deskjet F4280 scanner not working in -current

2015-03-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
on). Any hints? Suggestions for further debugging are welcome, of course. Thanks in advance for your time [0] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141761605715886&w=2 -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

acpi0: failed to allocate hibernate memory

2015-04-17 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Dear misc@ readers, I'm facing intermittent failures during hibernation on my Thinkpad R61. The relevant info in the dmesg [1] is: acpi0: failed to allocate hibernate memory This is a very recent snapshot, but I'm not able to confirm that the problem is new, 'cause I rarely use the suspend-to-di

Ajaxterm with httpd?

2015-06-04 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Dear misc@ readers, is it possible to run Ajaxterm with httpd? If so, could you please point me to some relevant documents or provide a sample configuration excerpt? Thanks in advance -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com]

Re: Ajaxterm with httpd?

2015-06-05 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ng relayd (and not httpd); ok, I'll dig into the documentation. Thanks a lot for your precious help. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Ajaxterm with httpd?

2015-06-06 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Fri 05/06/2015 19:30, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Hi Raf, > > On Fri 05/06/2015 03:33, Raf Czlonka wrote: > > Httpd is not required in order to run 'ajaxterm' - it runs on its own > > webserver. > > > > On -current: > > > > sudo p

amd (BSD automounter) stuck at nfsv2?

2015-06-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
uration? Any hints? Thanks in advance for your help. All the best [1] http://serverfault.com/questions/335061/openbsd-configuration-client-unable-to-mount-via-nfs-using-berkeley-automounter [2] http://www.openbsdsupport.org/sharedhomes.html -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: amd (BSD automounter) stuck at nfsv2?

2015-06-21 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Sat 20/06/2015 14:25, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Dear misc@ readers, > > I actually use amd for a long time, but I never realized this until I > started to share large files... > [...] > but nothing changes. Of course, NFSv2 works properly only for files > smaller

Re: amd (BSD automounter) stuck at nfsv2?

2015-06-22 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hi Predrag, On Tue 23/06/2015 00:32, Predrag Punosevac wrote: > On Sat 20/06/2015 14:25, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > >> Dear misc@ readers, > >> > >> I actually use amd for a long time, but I never realized this until I > >> started to share large f

amd(8) -> am-utils code transition (or am-utils new port)?

2015-07-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
sd-bugs&m=142049488315510&w=2 [3] http://www.am-utils.org/ -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Show us your /etc/profile

2015-08-01 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
common...): just22@poseidon:[tmp]> time find ./ -type f -maxdepth 1 | wc -l 113069 real0m1.732s user0m0.100s sys 0m1.560s just22@poseidon:[tmp]> time ls -l ./ | egrep -c "^-" 113069 real0m2.238s user 0m0.630s sys 0m1.550s All the best -- Alessan

Re: Show us your /etc/profile

2015-08-02 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Sun 02/08/2015 08:23, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: [...] > operation); this could probably be more appropriate: > > alias nof='find ./ -type f -maxdepth 1 | wc -l' Ok, that's clearly inefficient because the search is performed in all subtrees, instead of cwd

Setting a git http server with httpd(8): directions needed

2015-08-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
in: I definitely need some help here. The first thing that comes to my mind is: I know that I should set the two "environmental" variables GIT_PROJECT_ROOT (to /git I suppose) and GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL, but I don't know how to export them to the CGI script... Any additional hints (and of course, any corrections) are welcome, of course. Thanks in advance -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Setting a git http server with httpd(8): directions needed

2015-08-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
7; not found My point related to the env vars to be passed to the CGI script is still valid, I guess... Many thanks for your help -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Setting a git http server with httpd(8): directions needed

2015-08-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello again, On Fri 14/08/2015 11:51, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Dear misc@ readers, > > I'm trying to set up a git server with HTTP as transfer protocol, using > httpd(8) in base; considering that info on the net are very sparse > when apache isn't the subject

wtfs write error when running newfs

2015-08-23 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
s uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0 uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0 uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0 uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0 vscsi0 at root scsibus3 at vscsi0: 256 targets softraid0 at r

Re: wtfs write error when running newfs

2015-08-26 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
lity issue of the (very old) IDE-to-USB case... Thanks for your feedback -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

gphoto2 (PTP mode camera) no more working in -current

2015-08-26 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
r unimplemented on this platform (-12) canceling transfer 5:0x1d9a956631b8 (status 0) 'libusb_cancel_transfer(port->pl->transfers[i])' failed: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform (-12) canceling transfer 6:0x1d9a03209938 (status 0) 'libusb_cancel_transfer(port->pl->transfers[i])' failed: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform (-12) canceling transfer 7:0x1d9a962dc6b8 (status 0) 'libusb_cancel_transfer(port->pl->transfers[i])' failed: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform (-12) canceling transfer 8:0x1d9a03209a38 (status 0) 'libusb_cancel_transfer(port->pl->transfers[i])' failed: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform (-12) canceling transfer 9:0x1d9a956632b8 (status 0) 'libusb_cancel_transfer(port->pl->transfers[i])' failed: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform (-12) Freeing camera... Freeing port... Closing port... resetting filesystem Clearing fscache LRU list... fscache LRU list already empty Internally deleting all folders from '/'... Lookup folder '/'... Found! / is 0x1d9a80f59880 Recurse delete folder 0x1d9a80f59880// Invalid parameters: 'camera' is NULL/FALSE. Invalid parameters: 'camera' is NULL/FALSE. [snip] All those libusb errors look suspicious, but I need directions for further debug... Please note that concerned port versions (gtkam 0.2.0, libgphoto2 2.5.8, libgphoto2_port 0.12.0) didn't change b/w 5.7 and snapshots, so the problem must be somewhere else. I also tried disabling the XHCI support in the kernel, but the behavior is the same. Thanks in advance for any hints. All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Fw:[Re: gphoto2 (PTP mode camera) no more working in -current]

2015-08-27 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
- Forwarded message from "Kent R. Spillner" - From: "Kent R. Spillner" To: Alessandro DE LAURENZIS Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 09:57:50 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: gphoto2 (PTP mode camera) no more working in -current Not to me, to the list. :P -Original Message---

Re: gphoto2 (PTP mode camera) no more working in -current

2015-08-28 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello, On Thu 27/08/2015 07:49, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Dear misc@ readers, > > I have an old Canon camera (model "Digital IXUS 40"); it was perfectly > working in 5.7 through gphoto2 in PTP mode. > > It doesn't work anymore in -current (5.8 GENERIC.M

Re: gphoto2 (PTP mode camera) no more working in -current

2015-08-28 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
thanks for your prompt feedback. Cheers -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Surf2 first feedback

2016-03-19 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
owing message: URL cannot be shown 2) I use the script in [1] for link hinting (of course, it is in ~/.surf/script.js and it's the only one); but pressing the Alt key, that should highlight the link numbers, nothing happens. Needless to say, both things are pretty functional in Sur

xfce4-mixer: volume level is incoherent after modifications through media keys

2016-05-07 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
volume level using the multimedia keys, value in the panel plugin isn't updated (this machine is a Lenovo R61, in case that matters). Is it just me or is this a known bug/limitation? Thanks for any feedback. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn:

Is sysmerge(8) no more needed?

2016-05-20 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Dear misc@ readers, At the end of my last upgrade, I didn't find he message relating to sysmerge(8) as the first operation to be run after rebooting. Isn't it required anymore? I didn't find nothing about that in this list... Thanks -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just2

Re: Print-to-file crashes firefox and xombrero

2016-05-25 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
16 dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP My few cents -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

No ping response from www.openbsd.org

2016-06-04 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Trying to ping openbsd.org I obtain no response. Could someone confirm that the feature has been disabled on purpose? Is there a specific (security?) reason for that? Thanks -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Low brightness in text console

2016-06-04 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
iguration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2 uhidev0: iclass 3/1 ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1 wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0 uhidev1 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2 uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z and W dir wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0 uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0 uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0 uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0 uhidev2 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2 uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0 uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0 uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0 uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0 receive error 54 from nfs server argo:/vol/datavol01 receive error 54 from nfs server argo:/vol/sys_backup receive error 54 from nfs server argo:/home/export/bt -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Low brightness in text console

2016-06-05 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ort time, then it's restored. Copying Mark, just in case he's interested in this too. All the best [1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=146006055104594&w=2 On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 1:06 AM, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS mailto:just22@gmail.com>> wrote: Dear misc@

Re: Low brightness in text console

2016-06-16 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
he impression that the switch is snappier, too. Sorry for the late feedback, I just had some spare time to try... Thanks a lot for your help -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

cvsweb: headers of revision files are shown in plain text

2016-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
sitory, which can take a lot of time and disk space to create! # If you enable this, you may need to make sure that cvsweb can write to # CVSROOT/val-tags, due to a bug in cvs. $allow_tar = ''; # Options to pass to tar(1). @tar_options = qw(); # e.g. @tar_options = qw(--ignore-failed-read); # GNU tar has some useful options against unexpected errors. # Options to pass to gzip(1) when compressing a tarball to download. @gzip_options = qw(); # e.g. @gzip_options = qw(-3); # Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster # compression, or higher, for better compression. # Options to pass to zip(1) when compressing a zip archive to download. @zip_options = qw(); # e.g. @zip_options = qw(-3); # Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster # compression, or higher, for better compression. # Options to pass to cvs(1). # For cvs versions prior to 1.11, the '-l' option doesn't work; If you want # working checkouts with an older cvs version, you'll have to make sure that # the cvsweb user can read and write to CVSROOT/history. @cvs_options = qw(-lf); push @cvs_options, '-R' if ($uname eq 'FreeBSD' || $uname eq 'OpenBSD'); push @cvs_options, '-u' if ($uname eq 'NetBSD'); # Only FreeBSD's and OpenBSD's cvs(1) supports -R (read only access # mode) option, which considerably speeds up checkouts over NFS. # A similar effect is provided by -u on NetBSD. # Options to pass to the 'cvs annotate' command, usually the normal # @cvs_options are good enough here. @annotate_options = @cvs_options; # To make annotate work against a read only repository, add -n, e.g.: # @annotate_options = (@cvs_options, '-n'); 1; #EOF I would really appreciate suggestions... Thanks in advance -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
appear. No core generated, nothing annotated into system logs / Fluxbox's log. This is on -current, Aug 10 (same behaviour with other recent, don't know the situation for previous ones). Anybody noticed the same? All the best -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantid

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello David, Does restarting Fluxbox work otherwise or the crash only happens after resuming? restarting it before suspend to disk works flawlessly. Cheers -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On 2016-08-11 15:23, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: Hello David, Does restarting Fluxbox work otherwise or the crash only happens after resuming? restarting it before suspend to disk works flawlessly. Cheers It's worth mentioning that suspending to RAM does *not* trigger the

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-11 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
curses-based URL ripper vim-7.4.1467p1-gtk2 vi clone, many additional features wget-1.18 retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP when-1.1.31 simple but effective personal calendar wmctrl-1.07p5 interact with an EWMH/NetWM window manager wol-0.7.

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-12 Thread Alessandro De Laurenzis
the crash is triggered after the first ZZZ, too. -- Alessandro De Laurenzis [mailto:sandro.delauren...@gmail.com]

Re: cvsweb: headers of revision files are shown in plain text

2016-08-12 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On 2016-08-11 11:31, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: Dear misc@ readers, I'm trying to set-up a cvsweb server (OpenBSD 5.9 i386) with stock httpd(8); this is the relevant part of my httpd.conf: # Name-based web server server $web_domain { listen on $ext_if port 80 loc

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-12 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
fluxbox nor other processes (I'm currently running this session since several hours without any issues). Only the restart seems to trigger the misbehaviour. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: cvsweb: headers of revision files are shown in plain text

2016-08-12 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello, I'll try with -current as soon as I have a bit of spare time. Just made a (very quick) trial on current: same behaviour... Out of idea. -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: cvsweb: headers of revision files are shown in plain text

2016-08-13 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Hello naddy, On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 19:20:12 + (UTC) Christian Weisgerber wrote: > On 2016-08-12, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS > wrote: > > > Out of idea. > > I have no idea either. I run cvsweb on a local machine. It just > works. /etc/rc.conf.local: Actually, my t

Re: Fluxbox doesn't survive to a suspend to disk when restarted

2016-08-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
Mike, On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 19:47:40 +0200 Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Hi Mike, > > On 2016-08-12 18:54, Mike Larkin wrote: > > Shrug. Works fine here on i386 and amd64. > > > > Do other processes crash as well? What if you leave fluxbox > > running? Does

xpdf crashes when going fullscreen

2016-08-23 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
ls found) (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/local/bin/xpdf Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error. 0x1693d3cabc78 in XtWindowOfObject () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.11.0 -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: xpdf crashes when going fullscreen

2016-08-25 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
diff below and report back? sorry for delay; yes, I confirm that this patch solves the issue. Cheers -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:jus...@atlantide.t28.net] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Firefox download progress always reported as failed

2014-06-14 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
.5, GENERIC.MP. Any hints? Thanks in advance -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:just22@gmail.com] LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

Re: Firefox download progress always reported as failed

2014-06-15 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Sun 15/06 08:52, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: > Greetings, > > I'm facing a weird Firefox behavior: when downloading a file, the > progress indicator stays always "switched off" and in the download > window the current operation is reported as "fail

Re: Firefox download progress always reported as failed

2014-06-15 Thread Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
On Sun 15/06 00:15, patrick keshishian wrote: [...] > similar to what is discussed here last month: > http://marc.info/?t=14006906821&r=1&w=2 > > --patrick Thanks a lot, Patrick! Time for me to start reading ports@ too :-) -- Alessandro DE LAURENZIS [mailto:

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