Dear misc@ readers,

Some weeks ago I realized that OpenBSD amd(8) lacks NFSv3 support (see
[1], [2]), which could increasingly become a serious limitation when
dimension of shared files exceed the 2GB limit.

Considering that the patch in [2] isn't working for me (maybe the
OpenBSD NFS server requires a proper treatment of the mount protocol
version on the client side as suggested by Philip Guenther?), I started
working on a more complete patch, starting from FreeBSD's amd(8),
but without luck, since the codes diverge significantly (and, most
important, I'm definitely not an expert programmer...)

So I tried to use the am-utils ([3]) latest version (6.2) and I
noticed that, apart from a minor modification to the OpenBSD specific
configuration (which could be discussed with the author), it compiles
flawlessly and works as expected (in order to tackle the command name
conflicts, I'm temporary renaming amd/amq in base, and starting the
daemon through rc.local).

I'm just wondering if:

1) there is a specific reason why the am-utils code is not imported in
the base system, or it is only due to lack of devs' interest /

2) building a port might be a solution (I could try to work on
that, just give me some hints on the cleanest way to avoid the
command name conflict).

Any feedback/hints are welcome, of course!

Thanks in advance for your time



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