On Fri 05/06/2015 19:30, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote:
> Hi Raf,
> On Fri 05/06/2015 03:33, Raf Czlonka wrote:
> > Httpd is not required in order to run 'ajaxterm' - it runs on its own
> > webserver.
> > 
> > On -current:
> > 
> > sudo pkg_add ajaxterm
> > sudo rcctl start ajaxterm
> > x-www-browser http://localhost:8022/
> > 
> > It's not tremendously useful on localhost, mind you :^), so you'll need
> > to use relayd(8) in order to both forward the HTTP traffic to port 8022
> > on localhost as well as encapsulate it in TLS - a simple 'rdr-to' pf(4)
> > rule will suffice for testing, and *only* testing, purposes (i.e. do
> > *not* send your username or password over plain HTTP on an untrusted
> > network.
> In fact, I'm already using plain HTTP by means of a rdr-to rule in pf:
> pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 8022 rdr-to port 
> 8022
> and, of course, it is only for testing purpose. Now, in order to make
> the server accessible from the Internet, I need to encapsulate the
> traffic in TLS - as you correctly said - and I was thinking to something
> similar to the Apache's "proxy" plugin.
> As far as I understand from your reply, this can be obtained using
> relayd (and not httpd); ok, I'll dig into the documentation.
I ended up with the following relayd.conf:

# Macros

# Global Options
interval        10
timeout         200
prefork         5

# Relay for ajaxterm TLS connection
relay ajaxterm_proxy {
        listen on $ext_addr port $ajaxterm_ext_port tls
        forward to $int_addr port $ajaxterm_int_port

Of course, private key and public certificate have been created with the
expected names:

openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/
openssl req -new -x509 -key /etc/ssl/private/ -out 
/etc/ssl/ -days 3650

All seems to be pretty functional, but I hope someone would comment on
this, confirming that my understanding is correct (this is my first
attempt with networking in general and relayd stuff in particular...)


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