Hello Eleni and all:
Here is the way to check voicemail using skype ... I am operating from
the premise that you are using version
1. Open skype (you probably knew that one already ... smile).
2. VO right arrow to the button after your name and a dollar amount
(which should be $0 i
Hello Scott:
You have probably gotten all of the information you require and need
to make a decision though I wanted to chime in.
Navigon is a FANTASTIC app. I have now tried it in 5 cities ... 3 of
which I have never been to. It has not let me down yet though it might
in the future (smile)
Hello Scott:
I found ISpectrum to be accessible though clunky to use. I could
locate the button and take the picture. However, after that the
touchpad became sluggish and I would have to lock the screen and then
unlock it to continue. I sometimes would have to do this several times.
When I
while on a city bus? I hope my questions make sense? I
>> mean, does it know you're walking or does it think you're in a car?
>> Thanks,
>> Christina
>> On Oct 28, 2009, at 12:54 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>>> Hello Scott:
purchases navigon (smile).
On Oct 28, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Christina wrote:
> Yes, that helps, thanks so much. :)
> On Oct 28, 2009, at 11:28 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>>> Hello Christina and all:
>>> Yes, your questions make sense (smile).
s will definitely help me
> make that decision. That is exactly what I was looking for, is some
> real field experience.
> Thanks a lot.
> On Oct 28, 2009, at 3:54 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Scott:
>> You have probably gotten all of the information
> know if they thought I was nuts or what, but hopefully they'll
> continue to make the app accessible. I haven't looked on their site to
> see if there is a manual, but might be nice to read it as well. I
> think I'm going to make the purchase in any event.
> Tha
iate any
> info. It may be on their site, but my searching and poking around just
> didn't quite seem to be able to find it.
> THanks for the input, it helped me make the decision to purchase and I
> think it was a very worthwhile investment.
> On Oct 28, 2009, at 8:14 P
Hello Lynda:
Welcome to the list and congratulations on purchasing a new mac.
You will find people here quite friendly and willing to support you in
learning anything you want to learn using your computer.
Please do not hesitate to ask any question because if you ask it rest
assured someon
Hello Lynn and all:
Hahaha. The challenge of lists like these you will get two answers
which are conflicting (smile).
Your question was ... is it necessary? No, it is not absolutely
necessary. Is it a good idea? If it limits the confusion that may
result from apps being open then by all m
Hello Randi and all:
There might be a chance that no password at all was set in the
beginning. When prompted, try simply pressing return and see what
happens. I cannot make any promises though that is what happened to me
when I purchased my last Mac mini. It was previously owned by someone
Hello Ester and all:
Does the video adaptor solution apply to ppc g4 mac minis? At least in
theory (smile).
On May 5, 2009, at 12:35 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> To make things even more confusing, Apple changed the DVI port on the
> Mac Mini to a Mini-DVI port on their new March 3, 20
Hello Bret and all:
I do not know if this has been answered already so if it has please
excuse the post. The ticking sound is near and dear to my heart
(smile). I really dig that sound even if it is not a top priority
If your ticking sound has disappeared and you cannot get it back
Hello Krister and all:
A slightly bigger, less attractive, and possibly louder braille
printer is (was) the Emboss 1. It was a vertical load and print
machine. The thing came with a silencer cabinet (smile). Dragging the
cabinet back and forth to school was a story in itself. The Apple II E
Hello Peggy and all:
Then that makes me just one of those darn meddling kids at 40 (grin)..
Given the writing of the article in the Braille Monitor it looks like
I will need to renew my annual membership in S.O.S. (stamp out
stupidity). Thought I could save the 20 bucks this year. Oh well, i
Hello Mike and all:
Smultron, which is free and Coda which is commercial might be what you
are looking for. I know everyone likes free (smile) though I went out
and spent the money for Coda. I am just starting out and learning
though I am satisfied thus far.
Hopefully that is of use to you.
Hello Robert and all:
I do not know if you have a google account already or not. You will
have to get a google account to subscribe to the list. Once you have a
google account ... search for the group and then you will be asked to
subscribe. say yes and presto ... you are in ... or at least
Hello John and all:
This information is correct. I do not know if you have a google
account though you will need one to subscribe.
Take good care.
On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:10 PM, John Denning wrote:
> I tried sending an email to the address given and received this from
> google.
> Hello denni
Hello Chris:
Welcome to the list. So glad you are here. You will learn plenty here
both about the mac and what you can do with it.
The people on this list are both friendly and helpful so if you have
any questions ... ask away no matter how silly you think the question
might be. A silly que
Good morning Kevin and all:
Have you updated to the latest version? Even though I have my adium
set to check for updates automatically I had to perform the update
manually. That solved some of the problems I was having.
Give that a shot if you have not already.
Be well.
On Jul 7, 2009, at 12
Hello Keith and all:
Go for it (wink). I do have to tease you a little though ... my Apple
journey got started over at the Apple store near I-65. So, if the guys
in Green Hills cause you to stand on line again ... just hop over to
the other store in town ... they will help you out and take a
Hello Gary and all:
You can get it from the MicroSoft website.
It does not convert files though it does allow you to play them within
Take good care.
On Jul 11, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Gary wrote:
> Same question. where can I get this program? Does it convert or just
> play the avi?
Hello Jenny and all:
Give hitting the spacebar a try and see what that does.
On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
> Hi my mac using friends,
> all right. I've gone for two, or two and a half weeks not using the
> screen at all . Its pretty nice. I have one tiny little tro
Hello Russell and all:
The following is a statement for comparison purposes only ... so there
is no need to make this portion of the discussion last too long (smile).
I am thrilled to hear that your experience is a positive one. That
feeling of being able to accomplish something you enjoy for
Hello John and all:
I know this has been asked so please forgive me.
Where can this article be obtained? I have not seen it yet though it
seems to have captured people's attention ... LOL
On Jul 13, 2009, at 1:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>I know a few folks have said this, but you have t
Hello Damon and all:
I have no idea what to say in response to your question because I have
both an Iphone and a symbian 60 phone and I am sold on the performance
of the Iphone.
So, let me ask a question of you and then possibly I would know better
how to respond.
What sorts of comparisons
Hello May, Wynter, and all:
Yay. Glad you are walking toward the light (smile).
It will take you 25 hours no doubt ... lol
And if you are looking for revenue ... take mana ... lol
OK, shhh that last comment does not belong in this thread (wink).
You will convince them and they will be better o
Hello Jenny and all:
I know I am late to the party on commenting on this one ...
No, it won't go away or wear off ... LOL ... it will subside for a
second and then ... you will be asked to purchase something for
someone who is hard to shop for ... then you might be off again ... lol
Or, wait
Hello Jenny and all:
Glad I struck a friendly nerve (wink). Yep, it never goes away.
I must confess that I am not the biggest consumer of movies. Most of
the world believes that is because I cannot see ... LOL ... it just is
because I do not like many movies. I am even in the minority in the
Hello James and all:
Well, I can give an example of the power of the item chooser which
might shed some light.
When using facebook in the beginning I was completely lost.
Specifically, as you know, there is a feature on facebook which allows
you to send a private message to someone. For the
Hello Simon and all:
I am a totally blind user and use the iphone quite a bit for work and
It truly offers accessibility out of the box and it offers
accessibility to a wide variety of apps.
I will not rave on and on about it lest be considered an iphone
enthusiast (wink). Let me jus
Hello Anne and all:
Everything you said in your email is absolutely credible except that
line about not being young ... that will be ignored (smile).
I have a question. Does Navigon cover all of Europe and is there noise
about when it is heading towards North America?
Thank you.
On Jul 18, 2
Hello Jonathan and all:
It would appear your complaint is with vo lock and not with item
chooser. with vo lock enabled, there are many things you cannot do.
For example, if I wanted to type this email with vo locked that would
not work either because of the reality of vo being locked and pre
Hello Jonathan and all:
Mark. I just attempted to send a reply to this via your hotmail
account. It comes back as undeliverable regardless of which mail I
send it from.
Is it still operative?
Attempted to send a tip or two using the item chooser. In short, the
item chooser located your ema
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 2:36 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> I have a question. Does Navigon cover all of Europe and is there
>> noise about when it is heading towards North America?
> It covers most of Europe apart from Russia and Ukraine, and it's
> supposed to
Hello Anne and all:
Thank you so much for your responses. You have done it again (smile).
Take good care.
On Jul 18, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Patrick,
> On Jul 18, 2009, at 8:44 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Another question if I may ... do you happe
Hello Simon and all:
One question you might want to consider is the issue of expandability.
I am a user of a nokia 6650 with Mobile Speak and I love it. However,
the number of applications that will work with it is not as robust as
the Iphone. Second, while both my Mobile Speak and voiceover
Hello Simon and all:
I will refrain from answering the question pertaining to battery life
because that is a variable thing depending upon usage. I will leave
that to others (smile).
However, in regard to messaging one of the things I like about the
iphone as opposed to my Nokia is that I c
On Jul 19, 2009, at 7:35 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Just want to set the record straight. Not that I care about Mobile
> SPeak, but you no longer have to pay a transfer fee. You can move
> the license from one phone to another via the setup program.
> On Jul 19, 2009, at 6:33 AM, p
Hello John and all:
Thank you for posting this link to the post describing OCR Now Lite.
I had been holding back on taking a look at this app though this
description has given me the push to give it a go.
Thank you so much. If I like it I will have you to thank for it.
On Jul 20, 2009, at 12
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> ] On Behalf Of patrickneazer
> Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 10:34 p.m.
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
> Hello Simon and all:
> One question you might want to consi
om: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> ] On Behalf Of patrickneazer
> Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 10:39 p.m.
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
> Hello Simon and all:
> I will refrain from answering t
Hello Marie and all:
Are you attempting to do this in apple mail?
On Jul 25, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
> has anyone set up an imap aim account with success? I can send emails,
> but it seems to not want to download from the server.
> am I missing something?
> >
Take good care
ve followed
> several steps online instructions, and the email is going to the
> account, I checked on the web.
> On Jul 25, 2009, at 3:29 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Marie and all:
>> Are you attempting to do this in apple mail?
>> On Jul 25, 2009
not landing in mail. Hope that was a little clearer. So I think
> there's a connection issue from the server to the mail app.
> On Jul 25, 2009, at 3:41 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Marie and all:
>> I do not believe I follow you. You are using apple
25, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
> no, but I confused you :)
> that part is working fine. it's emails coming in that well, are not
> coming in. :)
> On Jul 25, 2009, at 4:17 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Marie and all:
>> This sound
Hello Simon and all:
There are a few ways to end a call.
1. Double tap the screen with two fingers similar to the way you would
double tap the phone when starting or stopping a song in itunes.
remember when double tapping the phone to keep your fingers apart a
little or else the phone might
Hello John and all:
The only addition I would make is that you would want to select the
portion of the song you wanted to convert to the AAC file since
ringtones have to be 40 seconds or less.
On Jul 28, 2009, at 12:52 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Someone can correct me if there is anoth
Hello Kim and all:
The two things that tripped me up when making ringtones from my own
music ... or any music for that matter were:
1. When you create the AAC version in itunes you must make sure you
delete it from the songs list in itunes before you run it from the
2. Make sure th
Hello Christian and all:
I am sitting next to a symbian 60 phone which functions plenty enough
like a windows mobile phone. On the other side of me is an iphone. I
only use the sym 60 phone when it rings ... LOL. Other than that the
iphone pretty much has replaced it.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:2
Hello there:
Just chiming in. It happens here as well. No loading sound and the
website does not matter.
On Aug 6, 2009, at 9:30 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> Yes yes yes. I have been noticing this as of late. Its not with any
> specific web page. It seems to happen at random. I'm so used to
> hearin
Hello Greg and all:
Thank you for your email.
Do you have any information about the iceberg reader? I observe that
many books in the itunes store seem to be using this. Any thoughts
would be appreciated.
I ask because some books though stated as being available in audio
form in the itunes
Hello there:
Strange. I must be the local contrarian (smile). Attempted to
duplicate the problem by having someone ... actually a few someones
call while performing a route in Navigon. I could not reproduce it.
At the end of the call I performed the 2 finger double tap and navigon
was still
Hello Krister and all:
I would have just written I agree in this message though that would
chew up unnecessary bandwidth and not really explain anything and no I
am not taking a shop at the moderators with that statement because I
actually agree with the policy. I am not usually a get it off
>> is vastly more precise.
>> All technology needs to be compared on a reasonably level set of
>> criteria applied to all solutions, mainstream or blind guy ghetto.
>> cdh
>> On Aug 12, 2009, at 7:19 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>>> Hello
is a universe of products, we need to measure them
>>>> against each other. Navigon, in my opinion, has a number of
>>>> things it does much better than the AT solutions (will show up in
>>>> a blog entry soon) but Mobile Speak does some other things
Hello Louie and all:
I received the same email. I do not quite know why when you did the
update you were told you were up to date with skype 2.7. is running here.
On Aug 13, 2009, at 1:04 PM, louie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I got a e-mail from skype saying that there was a update to versi
nts accesswise?
> On 13 Aug 2009, at 18:20, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Louie and all:
>> I received the same email. I do not quite know why when you did the
>> update you were told you were up to date with skype 2.7.
>> is running h
Hello Anna and all:
If your setting is show offline contacts, the online contacts
automatically appear at the top of the list.
You can set it to only show online contacts. This works though if you
attempt to send a request to someone you will not know if they receive
the request until they
> Hello all:
> I am posting a question to all 3 lists because this question impacts
> macs and the iphone.
> Does anyone have any experience with any of the iceberg reader
> material available in the itunes store?
> Thank you for any responses.
Take good care and I wish you enough.
Hello Christos and all:
Believe it or not, it is that simple (smile).
Plug in the express, set up your network (following the prompts), plug
in the printer, add it and that is all.
Could not believe it myself (grin).
On Aug 30, 2009, at 6:49 PM, christos hux wrote:
> Hi out th
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