Hello Scott and all:

You are correct Scott as long as you are moving from a version 3.xx  
license to a version 3.xx license. If however you are moving from a  
2.xx license to a 3.xx license then there is a fee. There are still a  
number of 2.xx licenses in the field and you do have to pay.

On Jul 19, 2009, at 7:35 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Just want to set the record straight. Not that I care about Mobile  
> SPeak, but you no longer have to pay a transfer fee. You can move  
> the license from one phone to another via the setup program.
> On Jul 19, 2009, at 6:33 AM, patrickneazer wrote:
>> Hello Simon and all:
>> One question you might want to consider is the issue of  
>> expandability. I am a user of a nokia 6650 with Mobile Speak and I  
>> love it. However, the number of applications that will work with it  
>> is not as robust as the Iphone. Second, while both my Mobile Speak  
>> and voiceover upgrades are free, the method of upgrading is quite  
>> different. I do not know about talks because I have never used it.  
>> However, if it is anything like Mobile Speak I cannot upgrade it  
>> independently. The only reason I make a point of this is the  
>> ability of being able to keep up with the latest updates to a  
>> system rather than being one step behind. Furthermore, does it make  
>> sense to have to pay a transfer cost if you either lose your phone  
>> or decide you want or need a new one. In the case of Mobile Speak,  
>> if you change phones for whatever reason there is a transfer cost.  
>> I do not know how it works with Talks. If I want another Iphone I  
>> just get another Iphone without incurring any additional costs for  
>> things beyond my control which may have resulted in the phone's  
>> loss or just for the freedom of wanting something different.
>> There are a few more reasons I can mention though I will point out  
>> only one more ... with this arrangement of the Iphone and AT&T, the  
>> entire customer service flow is for the first time under one roof.  
>> If I have a problem with the Iphone I am able to take it to AT&T  
>> and they can be of assistance without necessarily farming it out to  
>> someone else and if they do farm it out to someone else ... that  
>> would be Apple and they would know that I am on the way (smile).  
>> With Mobile Speak it could be a mobile speak issue which I would  
>> have to go to Code Factory, it could be a phone problem where Nokia  
>> would have to be called in, it could be a billing problem where the  
>> Phone company would have to be tapped and, if I had a problem with  
>> the actual purchase of Mobile Speak and I did not purchase it from  
>> Code Factory I then would have to deal with AT&T's office of  
>> national disability concerns which is a completely separate  
>> operation from AT&T. I like the one umbrella that the Iphone has  
>> the potential to provide. I have both and love both and see the  
>> advantages to each.
>> Just my two cents contributed to the discussion. No matter what  
>> your final conclusion, it will be a good one.
>> Take good care.
>> On Jul 19, 2009, at 4:35 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Yeah, I had a sit down and play with the I phone for about an hour  
>>> today and
>>> I gotta admit, the biggest problem is familiarity.
>>> I'm so use to the Nokia and talks interface that the IPhones  
>>> system is not
>>> as efficient  yet as I would have hoped.
>>> However I gotta admit that I am thinking of reasons why I  
>>> shouldn't change
>>> to one at this point,  and the only reason so far is that my n82  
>>> does
>>> everything that the iphone does and that I need it to.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of kaare dehard
>>> Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 7:29 a.m.
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: IPhone accessibility
>>> Honestly given what I have heard/read, because this interface is so
>>> very different from what we have grown accustomed to, it's probably
>>> tough to get fixed on it right away. it's probably a let's forget
>>> about the old wisdom or at least set it aside while looking in to  
>>> this
>>> and start from the ground. So, in a nutshell this is more like a  
>>> slow
>>> growth to understanding product rather than something that can be
>>> quickly affixed.
>>> On 18-Jul-09, at 7:10 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> Just wondering how many of you that are now using the Ipone 3gs,  
>>>> are
>>>> totally blind rather than the partially / Visually impaired users.
>>>> The device to me sounds more like it's for a VI person than a
>>>> totally blind
>>>> person.
>>>> I'm total  and I'm trying to compare this for useage /  
>>>> accessibility
>>>> against
>>>> my Nokia s60 device.
>>>> And as I've only had a very quick play with the IPhone 3gs I can't
>>>> say I'm
>>>> fixed on it yet.
>>>> And I'm keen to hear how the totally blind users are getting on  
>>>> with
>>>> it.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Simonf.
>> Take good care and I wish you enough.
>> Love
>> Me
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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