Hi all,
Just upgraded to the latest el capitan and the upgrade went smoothly. This is
on a macbook pro.
Before the upgrade, I could turn on the machine and it would boot ready for
After the upgrade, I'm always asked for a password before I can get enterance
to the machine. Olbiously some
Using Mavericks on an imac. Just got yorufukrou and it’s installed and in the
applications folder. I want to move it to the dock. I select it and then hit
command shift t but all that does is to show or hide the tab bar.
What am I doing wrong?
You received this message be
I have all my music on idevices and the cloud. I want to copy some items from
itunes to an sd card to play in another device, not an idevice.
What’s the best way to copy music out of itunes and onto the card?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
s, get to the Finder, either create a new folder or open an
> existing one, then paste them into that folder.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jan 25, 2014, at 3:27 PM, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have all my mus
Sorry for posting this here, but thee viphone list seems to have gone away or
Using the facebook app on a 5s running ios7. When I select newsfeeds the first
story may be something like "joe smith commented on on this" The app says to
two-finger double tap to interact with the sto
Hi all,
I am trying to run menutab pro on my imac under Mavericks. The only way I can
get it to work is to access it from finder with control f. If I open the
application directly, there are no windows open and I can’t figure out how to
open one from there.
Is there a way to bypass all the s
Control will usually stop speech with Mavericks on my imac, but there are times
when it will not. I haven't figured out a pattern to this behavior.
On Jan 29, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Nope. Control still stops speech for me.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer wit
Okay, dumb question of the day. How do you get into the notification center on
the imac using Mavericks?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send a
I thought you could install windows itself without sighted help. Of course,
you'd need help with installing speech unless you're familiar with the
keystrokes to get your speech going.
Isn't this how it works? Thinking of doing it here.
- Original Message -
From: A
et, but up to that point it is much
> easier and error-free to have sighted help.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> mehg...@gmail.com
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 6:11 PM, don bishop wrote:
> > Alex,
> > I thought you could install windows i
Can't speak to your question on bibles but when I start the latest twitter,
after I'm logged in, I get this welcome screen and it says swipe between
timelines, but there seems to be no control on the page to do anything at all
so I'm stuck there.
- Original Message -
From: Dani
I should have mentioned I'm using iphone 5s and latest ios.
- Original Message -
From: don bishop
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:04 pm
Subject: Re: OT: New Twitter and Bible.is for iPhone
> Can't speak to your question
I've beeen experimenting with the latest version of twitter for the iphone. I
finally figured out how to get to your timeline and past the intro screen.
When the intro screen comes up, turn voiceover off and then swipe to the
right. Finally turn voiceover back on again and you can read your
What I did was to let the twitter app load until I got that welcome screen.
That's when I turned vo off and swiped to the right. Not sureif youhave to
swipe 1 or 2 times, but then turn vo back on and you should be able to tap on
the screen to make things happen.
Kind of confusing, bit it wor
Hi Robert,
Glad to see you here. I made the switch from windows a few months ago and
haven't regretted it.
Are you aware of the interactive tutorial for vo? To start the tutorial press
command vof8. It's divided into several sections with a section to practice
what's been discssed for that p
Yes I have played with the tutorial a few times, but due to hearing,
> did not get a lot from it.
> I wont have any regrets either once I get past this roadblock.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> Oxymoron: Rock garden
> Robert & Dreamer Doll ke7nwn
> E-mai
I've tried to do this on the mac and the iphone, but can't figure out how to
do it.
I want to hide the posts from a particular person and still be a friend. I'm
sure there's a way to do this. Can I do it from the m.facebook site or the
standard facebook site, and how do I do it?
phone do you have
> the because it's really easy on iOS.
> Mike Malarsie
> www.malarsie.com
> > On Feb 24, 2014, at 10:27 PM, don bishop wrote:
> >
> > I've tried to do this on the mac and the iphone, but can't figure out how
> > to do it
ike Malarsie
> www.malarsie.com
> > On Feb 25, 2014, at 12:13 PM, don bishop wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> > I have an iphone 5s running oios 7.06
> > Don
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Mike
> &g
Is there a way to play a dvd which has multiple programs on it which allows you
to select a particular program? I have an imac with the apple external cd/dvd
Also, some tv programs have a third channel for audio description. Is there a
way to play that channel along with the ste
I got my mac several months ago and have moved quite a bit of data over from my
windows machine. I have a favorites folder in windows I'd like to move over
to the mac. The folder is currently on a portable hard drive so moving them is
not a problem.
My question is do I move them into bookmark
; Podcast: www.mysticaccesspodcast.com
> Twitter: MysticAccess
> Twitter: JediKent
> On 3/25/2014 10:21 PM, don bishop wrote:
> > I got my mac several months ago and have moved quite a bit of data over
> > from my windows machine. I have a favorites folder in windows I
Hi, ,
I've deleted a lot of message in the mail app on the iphone 5s under ios 7..1.
Is there a way to empty the trash in one or maybe two steps without having to
delete each message individually?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I have a braille edge 40 which I use as a display and input device with my
There are commands to do a lot of things, but I can't find an equivalent to the
vo j command. Does anyone know if this command is supported and if so what is
the key combination?
You r
ing for the wrong thing. The command you
> want to assign is "jump to linked item". I'm pretty sure I've seen it, but
> don't have a display right here to check.
> On Mar 29, 2014, at 10:14 PM, don bishop wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a braille
and when
> the Edge is in VO help mode, that too is not in agreement.
> I got the iPhone list sorted out but not the Mac. Wish HIMS would get on it.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-ma
Hi all,
I've been having an odd email problem for some time and finally getting annoyed
to the point that I'm writing to the list.
I'm using an imac with Mavericks and the email app. I have one account set up
with a bunch of folders under the inbox and have filters to set up moving
messages i
, at 11:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Don,
> Have a look in System preferences under Notifications, and see what you have
> set for Mail. I hate Notifications so I put everything in the Not in
> notifications section.
> Cheers,
> Anne
I have a fair amount of documentation here, but cannot seem to find how to
delete an email account in mavericks. How can you do this?
I created something and screwed it up so would like to start over so need to
get rid of the old one.
You received this message because you are
I've been having a problem the past few days. When I boot up, I get vo speech
for a few seconds and then no speech. Also the keyboard appears to be
unresponsive. I do have a braille display and I can sometimes get it to respond
to the keyboard without speech.
After a few minutes I get speech
- Forwarded Message -
From: don bishop
To: macvisionarr...@googlegroups.com
Date: Friday, May 2, 2014 5:01 pm
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem with a setting in mavericks mail. Does anyone know of a
> person I co
Hi all,
I'm having a problem where I loose voiceover speech for several seconds
periodically. I can't see a pattern to the speech loss, and it eventually
comes back. I've been noticing this since the last Mavericks update. I took
the machine into the Apple store and the tech cleaned up a bun
Hi All,
I assume most people turn their mac off at night rather than just putting it
into sleep mode. Right?
If you do turn it off, how do you do it? I turn mine off using vo command
eject. I purchased the learning the mac discussed a few days back, and in
there she says to press the power
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to figure out how to eject an sd card from my imac so I don't get
the error that the disc was ejected improperly.
I press the eject key on the keyboard, but apparently I have to do more than
How can I properly eject a card or drive?
You rece
I should know this, but honestly I don't. When in safari and down a page, like
the middle for example, how do you quickly jump to the top of the page using
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe fro
s vo-fn-left. You may need to add shift to it, too; shift takes you to the
> top, no shift takes you to the visible top. I don't normally notice a
> difference, but if one fails to do what you're after, try the other. All that
> said, cmd-up should work just fine.
> > On
Hi all,
I haven't used my mac for a few weeks because of other personal matters. The
machine was left on and itunes and imovies updates were installed.
However I want to install osx 10.4, but can't see anythsh inthe menus or app
store to allow me to install it. What am I missing?
Many thank
t; >
> > On 7/8/2015 6:33 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> >> You wanna install Tiger?
> >>
> >> Uh, why?
> >>
> >> Chris.
> >>
> >> - Original Message - From: "don bishop"
> >> To:
> >>
Is it possible to set up multiple accounts on 1 mac using separate apple id's?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisiona
Actually I haven't put skype on my Mac yet, so this is probably a dumb
question. Thanks for the heads-up on answering a call; how do you end a call?
- Original Message -
From: Faisal ali
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2015 11:46 am
- Forwarded Message -
From: don bishop
To: sionar...@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 3:24 pm
Subject: clearing facebook notifications
> I'm using the m_facebook_com page for reading newsfeeds and it also shows
> notifications.
> There use
Hi all,
Just got a windows laptop and intend to install itunes. Do I need to install
anything else to access my apple account (music) on icloud?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about t
Thanks, exactly what I wanted to know.
- Original Message -
From: Sabahattin Gucukoglu
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Date: Friday, March 11, 2016 8:01 pm
Subject: Re: accessing cloud on a windows 10 machine
> iTunes is all you need on Windows to get to your iTune
Hi all,
I purchased my mac with maverick a couple years back. In the carton is a copy
of bootcamp. I suspect it's badly outdated by now, I'm now running el capitan.
Where would I go to get a current vwithsion of bootcamp?
The following information is important for all membe
I’I’m thinking of getting fusion or maybe installing bootcamp and I have a
auestion which I think applies to both.
Do you also need to have and install a copy of windows?
Thanks for any clarification on this,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
Hi all,
I’ve had this imac for a bit over a month and just today I see the trackpad not
working properly. I’m guessing it’s the internal battery which drives the
bluetooth. First, not sure exactly how to access the batteries and secondly,
what sort of life should I expect from these batteries
Using an imac and mavericks, I've seen this but it'snot consistent. Sometimes
control will work, but it's sluggish.
- Original Message -
From: Scott Rumery
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:05 am
Subject: Stopping VO Speech
> Hello,
I have at&t UVerse as my provider and using the router they provide. The imac
connects to it just fine and writing this on it now. However, I also have 2
windows pc’s on the network. They can “see” each other just fine, but I can’t
get the mac to see them. I don’t see anything on the ima
I’m looking at installing Fusion 6, but before I do anything, I’d like to get
some idea of the hardware status such as available memory, disc space etc.
I’m sure it’s there somewhere, but can’t seem to locate it. I’m getting pretty
comfortable with the Imac now, but still have a lot to l
I have the mail configuration set to check for new mail every minute. This is
with Mavericks.
But, after I either start the machine and mail app or after I “wake up” the
machine, it can take several minutes to get the mail downloaded. I know the
messages are just sitting there on the se
Hi again,
This time a Safari question with Mavericks.
When I was running Mountain Lion and started Safari, it would come up with my
home page displaying. Now, under Mavericks, Safari just opens on the tool bar.
Is there a setting I can change to get the display of home page back again?
I have a couple of mp3 tracks on an sd which I’d like to import into my itunes
library. Would I use “add to library” and then paste the filenames in or is
there a better way.
Thanks much,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group
I’ve done this before when running Mountain Lion but not with Mavericks. I’m
trying to connect my big jambox as a speaker, but for some reason I can’t
locate how to get the Imac into pairing mode.
Could someone please refresh my memory?
You received this message becaus
> Les
> On Nov 15, 2013, at 11:17 PM, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve done this before when running Mountain Lion but not with Mavericks.
>> I’m trying to connect my big jambox as a speaker, but for some reason I
>> can’t locate how to get t
I’ve done this before but for the life of me I can’t remember what I did.
Using Mavericks I want to connect my big jambox as a speaker but can’t remember
what I do in system preferences/bluetooth to do this.
Could someone please refresh my memory? Maybe it’s just late in the week.
Using an
I have an iphone so am used to getting apps from the app store, and I assume I
can install in the same way on the mac.
However I’d like to know how you uninstall a program on the mac if you decide
you don’t want it.
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
I’ve tried accessing both facebook and twitter using safari and find the
interface not the most friendly.
I use the facebook app and also twitterific or tweetlist on my iphone and find
there is a lot less clutter.
What apps are people using on the mac to access either or both of these
n easily
> switch between mobile and desktop modes. Most parts of the FB site are easy
> to navigate if you learn the heading structure, particularly the news feed.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 20 Nov 2013, at 21:19, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve tried accessi
I’ve recently moved to a mac from windows and don’t regret the change at all.
However, there are a few windows apps I’d still like to run, so I will probably
go with Fusion 6., especially since no sighted assistance is required to
I still have my old pc running windows 7 and would like
Please escuse my ignorance, but what is an iso?
- Original Message -
From: Caitlyn and Maggie
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2013 6:46 am
Subject: fusion and windows iso
> Hi,
> I have an ISO of win 7 and want to use that to in
I assume you get the .iso from microsoft as they appear to be free downloads.
Do you need some sort of authorization key to activate it? If so, where can I
locate it. I still have a pc running windows 7.
- Original Message -
From: BBS
To: macvisionaries@googlegrou
Seems to me I remember reading somewhere that the imac will do a check of the
system automatically. Is this true? If so is that on by default or do you
have to set it up. If so, where do you do this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
d that means the
>>> hardware check passed. More info here:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_startup
>>> CB
>>>> On 12/2/13 8:43 PM, don bishop wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Se
Just purchased Radium for the mac. The program downloaded okay and it
installed all automatically.
It’s in the applications folder where it should be (I think)
I’m trying to move it to the dock, but commmand shift t doesn’t seem to do
anything. What am I missing?
You re
On Dec 7, 2013, at 10:20 PM, Gerry Cook wrote:
> comand control shift t will add it to the dock.
> cheers gerry have a nice day
> Email: gerryc...@optusnet.com.au
> Skype: gerry.cook1
> Twitter: @gerrycook52
> On 8 Dec 2013, at 5:07 pm, don bishop wrote:
> you wish.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Dec 8, 2013, at 10:22 AM, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi I tried the control shift t and all it does is make the ding sound. I’m
>> pretty sure I had radium selected before doing this. Also,
I haven’t been a mac user for too long, and when I started out I really didn’t
know the commands well at all, so ended up pressing wrong keys very often.
Anyway, during all that nonsense I managed to screw up the word Macintosh in
the finder. Problem is I can’t figure out how to correct th
> two!
> --
> Cheryl
> Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
> meet Immanuel (God with us),
> Jesus, the crucified Savior,
> Christ, the risen Lord.
> On Dec 10, 2013, at 9:17 PM, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I haven’t been a mac us
I am considering loading fusion on to this imac and then loading windows from
the original discs.
My question: does the fusion installer ask for windows discs (or whatever you
wish to install) and is this done under osx so you have speech throughout the
windows install?
Is there an easy and quick way to locate a field on a web page where you need
to enter data such as a username or even a search argument.
Currently withsafari and mavericks I just poke around until I find it. This is
especially a problem with a new web page or one I don’t visit often.
, there's no command for moving between text boxes.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>>> On 12/14/2013 06:31 PM, don bishop wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there an easy and quick way to locate a field on a web page where you
>>> need to enter dat
I recently moved from windows to the mac. I used audible managerwith windows
which was a real clunk.
Do your instructions mean that you can do it all with safari and don't have to
use any audible software? If so, that would be great!
- Original Message -
From: Cheryl Homiak
I know there are quite a few people who are also on the viphone list.
I haven’t gotten anything from viphone for a day or two and am wondering if the
list is down or if I somehow got unsubscribed.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
e fantastic!
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 31 Dec 2013, at 4:06 pm, don bishop wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know there are quite a few people who are also on the viphone list.
>> I haven’t gotten anything from viphone for a day
wish there was a similar setting in ios7 for the iphone.
- Original Message -
From: Brett C.
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 3:44 pm
Subject: Re: Background Sounds Getting Softer
> This is called audio ducking. You can change the setting b
I see a couple sliders in the power saver section of system preferences.
However they’re apparently not labeled as vo isn’t speaking the field names,
just the slider values.
Anyone know what each one does and their order?
You received this message because you are subscribed to
e. The first one is Computer sleep and the second is display sleep.
> CB
> On 1/9/14 12:39 PM, don bishop wrote:
>> I see a couple sliders in the power saver section of system preferences.
>> However they’re apparently not labeled as vo isn’t speaking the field nam
I’ve bought mp3 files from amazon.com before under windows, but not sure how to
do it using the mac.
Any tips or suggestions? Is there an app you download or is it done somehow
via itunes?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Guess this problem doesn't apply to the braille edge as have been using it
successfully with bluetooth since upgrading to Mavericks.
- Original Message -
From: Scott Erichsen
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, January 20, 2014 12:55 pm
Subject: RE: Braille sense with
I have my own domain and use mail forwarding through my sbcglobal account. I
seem to be loosing messages with sbcglobal which is a part of at&t. So, I'm
considering setting up an icloud account on the mac and iphone. I'm wondering
if there are any limitations on message size or attachment siz
Haven't received amy messages for this list for some time and wondering if I'm
still subscribed.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisi
I have an account i'm trying to set up under apple mail. This provider doesn't
use ssl. I can receive mail just fine, but can't locate the port number or
optional login info for the smtp (outgoing) side of things.
Any help would be greatly appreciated on how to get to the smtp settings using
Teing only. Do not respond.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email
Hi all,
I'm setting up several rules to filter mail. I'd like to filter mail from more
than one list into a folder. How do I indicate connectors for multiple
conditions such as and, or etc?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> When you are creating or editing a filter as you tab through the fields you
> will hear add criterion. Click on that and you can add another rule in that
> field.
> Hope that is what you need.
> Max.
> On 03/10/2013, at 1:43 PM, don bishop wrote:
Hi all,
Don't think my original message went through so here goes again.
I am getting a macbook pro and I have heard that voiceover will come up
automatically several seconds after the machine starts so you can use the setup
assistant with speech.
Is this truch? I'd really like to do the whole
Hi everyone,
I have a mac and getting and macbookpro and I'd like to transfer things like my
email settings from the mac to the new machine as I have several mailboxes set
up using filters and really don't want to have to crccte them again if I can
help it.
Can I do this using wifi or do I need
> My macbook pro is supposed to arrive tomorrow. One of the first things I want
> to do after setup is check the battery status. Is there an easy way to do
> that?
> Thanks,
> Don
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you hav
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
> On 5/23/2016 6:41 PM, don bishop wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >> My macbook pro is supposed to arrive tomorrow.
Hi all,
How do you turn off the vo hints on the mac. I set the verbosity options to low
whereever I found them, but this doesn't shut off the long command
descriptions. I can't find where to turn these off. Any help will be greatly
The following information is
Just got a macbook which has itunes 12.4 and trying to figure out how to get to
my music: I click on "my music", but can't seem to locate anything.
Also, I go to "for you" and only can find one item.
I assume I'll figure it out eventually, but in the meantime, does anyone have
any pointers on n
Over the years I guess I authorized several machines in itunes including a
couple windows machines which have now bitten the dust.
I've reached my limit of 5 authorizations and would like to authorize my
macbook pro. Is there any way I can unauthorize the old machines or do I need
to call apple
De-Authorization All" link there.
> Activate it and confirm. This will, of course, de-authorize all of your
> computers, so, you'll just need to re-authorize the ones you want and you're
> good to go.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
Does anyone know which program you use to copy settings from a mac to macbook
pro? I looked through applications and especially utilities, but don't see
anything that looks like what I'm looking for.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionari
Hi, it's me again.
I have had a mac and iphone for severeral years and they both see the same
music on the cloud.
On my new macbook pro I can't see any of my music on the cloud.
I have signed onto my account and again in icloud. I also authorized the new
machine, but still not seeing any of my
> Hi all,
> The macbook pro is working well, but one problem. I have an imac and iphone.
> I see my contacts on both. But, can't see them on the new macbook. Contacts
> seems 6be set in icloud on the new mac, so not sure what I need to do to see
> my contacts.
> Any suggestions?
> T
Yes, I've noticed that too.
- Original Message -
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 11:43 am
Subject: Search tab in iOS app store seems totally busted!
> So... When I go, in iOS10 to the app store, then to th
Hi all,
How do you activate the hotkey (command so) to start safari?
I think it's a setting in system preference but not sure which one.
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