>> On 7/30/2015 1:12 PM, sadam.li...@gmail.com wrote:
>> No. It's a paid app.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> --
>> On 31 Jul 2015, at 3:34 am, Devin Prater wrote:
>>> Is Scrivener free?
Somewhere in voiceover utility there is a setting that controls what voiceover
will speak as the cursor moves. The state the setting can be set to speak the
character you just passed over, or the character that you are about to pass
over. Find that setting and you'll probably be able to correct
I believe that another way to do a forward delete is by adding the function key
to the backspace key. That's what I've always done, and I had forgotten all
about control D.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 1, 2015, at 9:57 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I think I'm missing something. Backspace will *
Who would want to do that Chris? Honestly, what's with all the Snark? We're all
adults here, for the most part, and that potential issue will take care of
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 2, 2015, at 3:17 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> wrote:
> Aleeha wrote:
> In order to join this
The thing is Chris, you've got a snarky, smart mouth attitude. And that's what
turns people off. It turns them off to you into whatever it is you're trying to
get across in your message.
If you want people to listen to you and take you seriously, then try being a
little more tactful instead of b
You can read all about quick navigation in the getting started manual that is
found under the help system on your Mac. Press VOO plus age and select the
QuickStart guide.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 3, 2015, at 7:07 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> It's a mode that enables quick navigation (hence t
After the last firestorm on this list concerning the creation of a new Apple
Beta list, I decided to look into blocking senders. I’m delighted to say that
it’s quite easy to set up a rule for this. I just set up a rule to look for any
mail “from" sender X, and move it to the “trolls” mailbox, an
; [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 06:00
> To: Macvisionaries
> Subject: Blocking selected senders
> After the last firestorm on this list concerning the creation of a new Apple
> Beta list, I decided to look into blocking
Last week I experienced a sudden and inexplicable loss of battery performance
on my iPhone 6. I took all steps I could think of, but I was still seeing my
battery performance plummet, requiring two charges in a day compared to ending
the day with at least 40% charge before the problem started.
I have asked this very question to Apple support on a few different occasions.
The best that can be done is to hide the applications on the purchase list,
they cannot be deleted. I am not certain as to how this is done. As to your
other questions the apps list in iTunes, I just don't have an ans
When you save a document, you have the opportunity to specify where on the Mac
it should be saved i.e., in what folder. If you don't remember what folder it
was set to you
Can open up TextEdit, type something in and then save that document. Now look
to see what folder the this text will be sav
The option plus return key is a key combination used to open the formula editor
in a cell in numbers. Other than that that's the only use of the option key has
a modifier that I know of.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 13, 2015, at 10:23 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I've actually never seen a hotke
No offense, but you could easily answer that question for yourself by looking
at the app in the App Store. It will give you the price of the app there.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 13, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Sunshine wrote:
> how much is mars edit?
>> On 8/13/2015 2:32 AM, Christopher-Mark
OK, I'll ask. What is the combo updater Ann?
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 15, 2015, at 8:37 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> I did the update to 10.4.1 yesterday and Mail went constantly busy. Having
> had to force quit it, I repaired disk permissions again (I always do that
> immediately after
Audio books and other things used to be available in the music app under the
“more” tab. Now, I can’t find where my synced audio books are stored. Only
music seems to be available in the music app. These are files stored as “audio
books” in iTunes on my mac. I can see them there and even sync th
I don't believe there is a punch record facility and Amadeus Pro. The best
method I have found to handle such errors is in the editing process. When I
make such a mistake is that, instead of stopping and rewinding the file, I
simply leave a short space and then resume from where the mistake was.
ning curve. Punch recording is a
feature found mostly in high-end applications and you're not likely to find it
in a $60 app.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 21, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I know about editing fortunately and
In other words, you click the mouse on the item.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 22, 2015, at 8:47 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Okay folks, a lister has the problem of not being to navigate through the
> album list in the usual way. I’ve set up voiceover to have the mouse cursor
> follow the vo
My god Chris are you actually going to start on this sort of thing again?
Speaking of rude trolls Lord! You're the reason I set up a trolls folder on my
email server.
Knock it off grow up please and knock it off
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 21, 2015, at 12:25 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> w
Maybe you've noticed, there are no moderators on this list anymore. The best
you can hope for is just to ignore stuff that bothers you. Or, if it's a
persistent troller, just use your delete key. That's about all the relief
you're going to get around here.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 25, 201
Jim, I am noticing the same phenomena.
I'm calling it Spawn of Chris!
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 26, 2015, at 2:45 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> are we spawning two antagonistic people on the list now?
>> On Aug 26, 2015, at 1:10 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> This is what I was suggesting b
I will be traveling in the Virgin Islands late October and I will need a good
points of interest app. I am assuming that blind Square is the best out there?
I've never used it. Does anyone have any recommendations? I would like
something that will work in concert with either Apple maps or NAVIGO
Not quite sure if I understand what you mean by wanting to keep the
accompanying video and video intact, but you could make a duplicate of the
movie, and then using QuickTime edit the three-minute you want keeping only
that. This is done fairly easily by splitting the video at one point and then
is called the RNIB Navigator.
> On 28 Aug 2015, at 20:52, Phil Halton wrote:
> I will be traveling in the Virgin Islands late October and I will need a good
> points of interest app. I am assuming that blind Square is the best out
> there? I've never used it. Does anyone h
I'm trying to download cayenne FB reader from the app store, but I keep getting
a quote no results found "message when I search for it. Is there a problem with
the app store today? I'm searching in the US store.
Sent from my IPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
I bought the 2600ma TechLink external battery pack from the online apple store
but can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve plugged it in with the included mini USB
cable and it shows all green lights, but when I plug the iPhone into the USB
slot on the device, nothing happens. No “charging battery” m
I see that KN FB reader is back in the app store now listed at $99 with in app
purchases. I have heard that some people have been getting charged both by the
Apple Store for the 99 and then again when they go to unlock the full version.
Does anyone know if this problem has been solved? I'm very
’re stuck paying $99 regardless.
>> On Sep 3, 2015, at 1:37 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I see that KN FB reader is back in the app store now listed at $99 with in
>> app purchases. I have heard that some people have been getting charged both
>> by the Apple S
forts here this was
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 4, 2015, at 6:14 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Phil,
> Below my signature are three versions of the same page from a book scanned
> using the StandScan Pro with the 12 v battery pack. I used Prizmo, K
I'm looking for a battery charger for my iPhone six to be used on an upcoming
trip. I just recently bought a Techlink charger which looked promising, but I
found out that it's a trickle charger. In other words it takes forever just to
raise the battery percentage a few percentage points. That wo
Thanks, I just bought a Malfi juice pack for the iPhone 6 today and will give
it a good week or so to try it out before I make a final decision. So far I
kind of like it it is rather bulky but still I kind of like it. As long as it
holds up and does what it advertises I'll probably keep it. Than
elling fake ones, so getting it from the mophie site directly is the way to
> go. It will make the phone thicker and a bit bigger, that’s definitely true,
> but the extra battery life you get is well worth it.
>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 4:26 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> Thanks,
I cannot find any way to access my Netflix account such as password and user
name changes etc. I've tried on the Netflix app, on my iOS device through
Safari, and on Mac OS X through Safari. I cannot find any link that will take
me to my account settings.
Can anybody help me to find how I access
Dropvox and boss jock Junior are two apps that come to mind right away.
Both apps are basically one tap to record type apps and in the case of drop vox
it uploads you're recording to your dropbox. Boss job Junior is very easy to
use and lets you record and save recordings to dropbox and other are
You would most likely have to create a custom Data format which allows for
leading zeros. How exactly this is done in numbers I am not sure but I don't
believe it has a leading zeros data format available.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 8, 2015, at 5:03 PM, Emilio Hernandez
> wrote:
> Hello
Can anyone recommend a Bluetooth speaker, easy to operate, easy to pair, for
under $100? I just want it for a small room streaming audio off my iPhone. No
fancy features needed, But good audio quality a must.
Sent from my IPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the G
The very same thing happens to me as well. I have a MacBook air 13 inch and on
those rare occasions I simply wait a few minutes and the problem takes care of
itself. You will notice if you keep trying to cause speech to come out that it
eventually catches up with itself and clears up within a mi
I also think that you need to reconsider this Mark. I own to OS X devices and
one iPhone. The iPhone gets the lion share of my use. I don't want to have to
change list simply for this arbitrary division of devices. I continually
monitor and use this list because it allows for all devices and on
Well, I am not sure but I think I've been insulted! My friend I think you're
going to have to start your own such list. I mean, after all, look who you're
asking for advice and direction. Very same people you think are fools adios my
friend good luck bye
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 15, 2015,
OK, I guess that means that in Mark's official judgment any discussion of iOS
TV OS or Apple Watch is forbidden, h!
Just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 15, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> I thought the rest of the list would be interested in t
I can't ever remember a time where this list was solely devoted to OS X and
discussion of other OSS iOS etc. was excluded. I have seen that with the
MacAccess list and that has gone the way of the dinosaur. I vote that we allow
all Apple discussion to continue.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 15
I can't see anything that precludes you're asking about OS X on this list. All
you have to do is ask your question and sit back and wait for the answers to
flood in. Just because others have questions about I was devices doesn't cause
you any harm or discomfort. Allow others to do as we have alw
Well said Donna
Sent from my IPhone
> On Sep 16, 2015, at 8:16 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Mark,
> I would just like to make one comment regarding your message. You write that
> any objections should have been sent to you off-list. I respectfully
> disagree. I know you like it because
I had a similar problem when Apple music first came out. I could no longer
access my iTunes match library. This is what I did in settings/music there are
silver headings, one of which is Apple music there is a checkbox to turn it
off. the next heading is library there's a checkbox there to turn
That would be pretty cool! I studied lisp in college. It was a real crazy
language back then.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 6, 2016, at 6:33 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this is random and not a common thing, but does anyone know of a Lisp
> environment that runs on the Mac and t
For the life of me I can’t find a way to send a friend request on either the
mobile Facebook site or via the IOS Facebook app. I know, how basic, but I’ve
never bothered with Facebook before now. I want to send a friend request to
someone. I have their Facebook page, but can’t find anything that
o do that. I just want to send a stupid friend Willy request. This
is really starting to irritate the heck out of me. Any help you can give me I'd
really appreciate it thanks
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 9, 2016, at 12:22 PM, Vaughn Brown wrote:
> Hi Phil,
sure why
> anyone would wanna do that, but, each is to his or her own, I guess. Just
> private message her, and ask her to send you a request instead.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 1:54 PM
What is the screen reader situation with windows 10? What version of jaws do
you need? Or, are you using NVDA? Is the built-in narrator somewhat usable to
get up and running with? I'm considering buying a laptop with windows 10 myself
and want to know what I'm getting into as far screen readers.
One little hint about video orientation. The orientation of the phone when you
actually start the video determines the orientation of the video itself. That
is, if you start off with your phone held vertically and start the video, no
matter if you re-orient the phone to landscape the entire vide
has anyone use the I grill meat thermometers that are sold through apples
store? They connect by Bluetooth to an I devices connect app and I'm wondering
if that app is accessible in all features. Do you have any other experience or
suggestions about grilling thermometers that talk exquisite! h
Thanks, I just ordered one from their website. I've never heard of a T guys
before, but it looks like a great place. Thanks again
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 14, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> The AT guys sell the iGrill thermometer so I know it is workable with
> VoiceOver. JJ
Remy, you are not pressing alt tab, you are evidently pressing command tab. You
have to determine which of your keys is actually the alt key in windows. This
will depend on how you have set up your VM. In my case the option key serves as
the alt key in windows, And the command key serves as the
>> On Mar 13, 2016, at 8:30 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> has anyone use the I grill meat thermometers that are sold through apples
>> store? They connect by Bluetooth to an I devices connect app and I'm
>> wondering if that app is acces
Number one
There is no jump command per se. You have to stop interacting with the sheet
layout area where your tables are for a given sheet, and navigate left to the
sheet navigation tab group where you can select the sheet you want to work in.
Then after selecting your sheet you have two choice
previous sheet and
> right-bracket being the next sheet. These are the same commands to switch
> tabs in Safari.
> CB
>> On 3/17/16 9:43 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> Number one
>> There is no jump command per se. You have to stop interacting with the sheet
This problem of announcing the table position was introduced with the last
version, and as far as I can tell, there's no way to shut it off.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 19, 2016, at 6:15 AM, Sandy Finley wrote:
> I have set some keyboard shortcuts in Numbers for common tasks including:
Mar 13, 2016, at 7:30 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> has anyone use the I grill meat thermometers that are sold through apples
>> store? They connect by Bluetooth to an I devices connect app and I'm
>> wondering if that app is accessible in all features
It's a good reference book for pages, well worth the price. IMO
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 23, 2016, at 7:12 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Jim,
> In TextEdit, there are preset tab stops but they don’t change the actual
> margin.
> In Pages, you should create a new paragraph style w
I am in the process now of doing a clean L Install on a test comp that I have
laying around. It's a 2011 21 inch iMac. I have just downloaded the el cap
Installer and plan to do the clean install tomorrow, and restore apps and docs
from a time machine backup.
I'll let you know how it goes ET. I
your mac book.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
> Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2016 2:28 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: One not so busy Macintosh.
t; Any good imaging software out there?
> Can dd be used?
> /AC
>> On 24 Mar 2016, at 02:28, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I am in the process now of doing a clean L Install on a test comp that I
>> have laying around. It's a 2011 21 inch iMac. I have just downloaded the
I have a 6S plus and have no problems with the audio. How is the audio without
EarBuds? Maybe the problem is with earbuds that you're using.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 26, 2016, at 2:10 PM, jaan ali wrote:
> Hi friends hope all are good, i bought iphone 6 s plus 3 days a go and found
Of course it's possible to map the Jaws or NVDA modifier key to the caps lock
key using Sharkeys. You just simply do what you did to map it to the right all
except select caps lock instead of right alt. Careful using Sharkeys Remy, if
you're not sure what you're doing you can really mess up your
Wow! iOS just keeps getting better! This four finger swipe command makes life a
bit easier.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 27, 2016, at 8:53 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I said last week that the four-finger swipe to switch apps, new in iOS9.3, is
> an iOS command and thus would not show
I just received an email from Winston chin about a major upgrade, version 4.0,
voice dream reader. It has me a little nervous as it doesn't make any mention
of voiceover accessibility. It does however state that there is major interface
changes and I'm wondering if anybody else has any thoughts
Whenever I want to record something from the iPhone, simple though this may
sound, I simply place the iPhone near the speaker of my MacBook air and record
what I want in Amadeus pro. Then I go back and clean up the recording and
normalize the volumes. I assume you're thinking of some direct wire
ary wrote:
>> It's been a while since our used Amadeus pro, but you should be able to use
>> a 3.5 audio input jack cable into the earphone jack of your iPhone and the
>> earphone jack of your Mac.
>> Gary
>> Sent from Gary's iPhone
I believe that all you need do is place the VM file in the virtual files folder
and then open that VM from the VMware is file menu.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 31, 2016, at 4:14 PM, E.T. wrote:
> How does one put the Windows VM back after a clean install of El Cap?
> Thanks.
> From E
I don't even know how you turned that feature on. If you can't get any answers
here on list, right to Winston chen through the support link and he'll be happy
to help you.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Apr 1, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Evening folks can anyone tell me how to turn o
I messed up some important files on my iPhone and want to restore to a previous
state. I have iCloud backup turned on and have a backup shown from yesterday,
which is what I want truster to. How do I go about this?
I believe I need to reset to erase all data and settings from within
The topics of the various cursors and navigating text are covered extensively
in the getting started guide that comes built into every Mac. I suggest you
read those pages and it will most likely answer all of your questions. In order
to get to this you press VO with the letter H to bring up the
Has anybody used the Simply safe alarm system? And if so, do you know if the
remote control iOS app is well in accessible?
Sent from my IPhone
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this
I am working through Ann's book, and I find reference to an update button when
changing styles of paragraphs. It says that after changing some attributes of a
paragraph you can update the style by pressing the update button next to the
styles button. However, there is no update button. I see t
Man! I hate voice over when it misses things. I now see the update button right
after the styles button just us and said it would be there. Never mind!
Sent from my IPhone
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or conce
Helga, once you type in your search term and press enter, your focus is in the
search window. You need to tab to the right and press the done button and you
will be placed back in the TextEdit document with the cursor placed on the word
that was found. Also, you can now use command G, or command
Hi Nicholas quite annoying isn't it? I assume that this is a copy of an email
you sent to the excess ability team at Apple. If so it's a very good message
and I hope they listen to you. For myself, I've just learned to live with it as
I learn to live with a lot of things.
Sent from my IPhone
I would try to click with the mouse. One, bring the mouse to the element by
pressing command vo plus F5. Two), then test to see if what is under the mouse
is what you want by pressing VO five. If that reports the desired item. Then do
a mouse click with vo shift spacebar. Sometimes routing the m
What is the command to activate the labeler in iOS? I know it can be done in
Mac OS X and I assume it can also be done in iOS. There are many unlabeled
buttons in a banking app that I wish to label.
Sent from my IPhone
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Vision
My Apple TV third-generation keeps crashing. How can I reset it? Is there a
mini USB port and do I connected to iTunes or something like that? Any help
appreciated thanks.
Sent from my IPhone
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have a
I occasionally run my battery down to zero so that the phone actually shuts
down from lack of battery. I don't know if this helps but I've heard that this
helps to reset the battery. Of course after running it down to dark, I put it
on the charger until it's 100% again. Occasionally I get a weir
Jonathan Motson put together a comprehensive EBook on the fourth generation
Apple TV. You can get it, at a reasonable cost, at Mosen.org.
Sent from my IPhone
> On May 3, 2016, at 4:52 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi, David Woodbridge did several podcasts on the new Apple TV. I’d
> definitely
I was thinking about Tim from when I began to hear about the Fort McMurray
fire. But I couldn't remember his name. What is his website?
Sent from my IPhone
> On May 6, 2016, at 1:19 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> For those who may have wondered, yes our list contributor Tim Kilbur
I just bought a 6S plus and check my status line and saw that I had four out of
five bars with AT&T in my home. I usually only have about two bars. I've heard
that the cellular is significantly improved on these latest models. Is this
true? And my seeing in fact improve cellular on the 6S plus o
They used to be when I logged onto a website and enter the password etc. I
would be asked if I'd like to save that password. Now since buying my 6S plus,
I don't seem to have that capacity I type in a password to a website and it's
not asking me to save them. Nor is it auto filling sites that us
OK, I've done the following and still no go:
Made sure that auto fill was set correctly in Safari settings
Turned on keychain
Logged out of, and then back into iCloud rebooted the phone
I then went to a website, Comcast.com, and logged in, and still I was not
prompted to save the password. I've ch
I found the solution to the problem more safari would not save her offer to
save Password in for Maisch and on websites. Everything was set up correctly,
auto fill, keychain, etc., the problem is that private browsing was turned on
and safari. Once private browsing is turned on safari. Will not
likely joining new towers you didn’t have access to or using a range that is
> more suited to your geographic and signal propagation conditions.
>On top of this the sensitivity is greater, LTE features more plentiful and
> in general Qualcomm did a great job on the radio in the 6S.
I'm trying to locate somewhere on apple.com the getting started manual for
Can anyone point me to a link or a page where I can just get the iOS voiceover
manual?. It used to be located somewhere in Safari bookmarks, but I don't see
it there anymore.
Sent from my IPhone
Is there a command I can use to have voiceover speak whatever text happens to
be selected? I'm working in the notes app and would like to be able to hear
what text is actually selected.
Sent from my IPhone
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
In the accessibility settings under speech, there is an item for both speak
selection and speak screen. I have used the HE why Siri command to do is speak
screen, and that works fine. However I cannot get the speak selection to work.
The instructions say that a Speak button will appear when text
rd commands in the manual. So why am I even
> taking up everyone's time? Well, I suspect this might be a valuable gesture
> for a lot of people to note. When I get the chance, I will look in the manual
> and see if it is there.
> On Dec 30, 2015, at 9:21 PM, Phil Ha
>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:15 PM Phil Halton wrote:
>> Actually, that gesture, the three finger quadruple tap, copies last spoken
>> text to the clipboard, and not the selected text. A crucial difference.
>> I am investigating the excess ability item that can &q
The AppleTV connects to your TV via an HDMI cable, not a USB cable. If you have
an old TV that doesn't have HDMI, you gonna have a problem. There may be
adapters but I don't think there are. You'll need a new TV that has one or more
HDMI ports.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jan 1, 2016, at 8:25 PM
Actually, I'm at his pro can be fairly tricky and unintuitive to use at first
especially when doing editing work. You would find it very helpful to go
through Jonathan motions Amadeus pro to Torio. I use that and I don't think I
could've figured out Amadeo's without it. The cursor routing the ed
>>> Hi, I haven’t found it to be so, there are a few apps I’ve seen around that
>>> are iPad exclusive, and the layout for things like the keyboard is a bit
>>> different. Sometimes having more working room is it’s own advantage, but
>>> unless you
It is for audio editing only. However, one neat thing you can do is to edit
videos in the Apple format. Like cut out sections of film etc.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jan 6, 2016, at 11:00 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Is amadeus pro only meant for audio editing or can you do midi and suc
I am seriously considering cutting cable Internet, and using personal hotspot
on my iPhone for Internet access instead. They finally raise the Cable price
one too many times.
My question concerns performance, particularly concerning streaming video like
Netflix and Hulu. I could either set up a
Well, I tried a little experiment and set up the personal hotspot, logged in
with the Apple TV and then stream TV show on Netflix. That works fine, I
watched a 50 minute TV show without problems. Then I connected my mac to the
Wi-Fi hotspot and tried to stream a video on Safari via flash. That w
My carrier is AT&T, but you know, I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and
pay the Comcast price for cable connectivity to the Internet. I just don't have
the time interest or inclination to do a lot of configuring of equipment.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jan 8, 2016, at 8:40 PM, Bill Dengl
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