Re: Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-28 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi listers, Am I correct, that the Iworks upgrades will be free if you have already an installed copy of the software? kr -Peter On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:32:24PM +0100, Daniela Rubio wrote: > Hi all: > About merging cells, they are still there, fortunately. > To complete the process, one nee

tts bug with some voices Re: New Voices in Mavericks (was, Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?)

2013-10-29 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi listers, Do you all remember the tts bug from some previous versions of osx and ios. The one that misspronaunced emailaddresses and url's. Well those are fixed in ml for the english or french voices. Badly to see that this bug is still around with the dutch voices, are there others that have t

Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-04 Thread Peter Durieux
you have: - the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide accessibility information) - voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer. VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the underlying accessibility layer of the

Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Peter Durieux
stall VoiceOver after > the fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO being there as well. > VoiceOver is a screenreader service woven into the MacOS thus difficult to > independently update. > > Later… > > Tim Kilburn > Fort McMurray, AB Canada > > On Nov 4,

Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Peter Durieux
y screenreader experience to be as fast and responsive as > it has been and if I want a piece of crap screenreader I’ll use Windows. > Seriously, I don’t know why Voiceover not having updates is an issue? > > Shawn > Sent From My White Mac Book > > On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:23 AM, P

handytech braillestar 40/0 and 10.9

2013-11-13 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi listers, What I have heard of a friend of mine is that he has issues with his Handytech under 10.9. The braille display won't be found, when he boots from the recovery, braille goes well. Anyone else experienced this one? :) (this prevent me from upgrading to 10.9) tia -Peter -- You re

Re: How well is terminal working in Mavericks?

2013-11-14 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Garry, Just a quick note, I just use a vm with Debian wheezy and brltty to do all my console tasks. terminal is accessible, but jumping to cursor position is missing for me as well. Looking forward to what the mavericks guys here will tell us :) On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 09:55:14PM +, Ga

Re: apple working on voiceover

2013-11-17 Thread Peter Durieux
I want to append some things ;) - incorrect reading from url's and email addresses and files with extension in some languages such as dutch, ... maybe some others - Trackpad bug, where you can't activite Controlcenter and spotlight by double tapping on the trackpad - Some refres

Re: soft/sip phones for mac

2013-11-17 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi TRelephone is a nice sip client for the mac, you can find it n the appstore. :) hth On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 07:30:32PM -0700, KJSC radio wrote: > Hi all. I was just wondering, is there any soft/sip phone software for mac? I > found a couple on the app store, but not accessible with VO. The

google drive app for mac

2013-12-01 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi listers, I'm looking for a google drive app of macosx. A bit of the dropboxthingie but for driver. Anyone an great idea? I know, I can use their website, but love copy pasting stuff in my cloudstorage. tia -Peter -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group

Re: Window Eyes under Fusion

2010-07-20 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Garry, I don't use we myself in a virtual machine. but there is a script for Window-Eyes that remaps the insert key to the capslock key. Maybe something usefull for you. Hope this helps, Kind regards. -Peter Op 19-jul-2010, om 22:40 heeft Garry Turkington het volgende geschreven: > Hi, >

Safari extension for posting an url to facebook and / or twitter

2010-08-11 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi folks, Does anyone of you know an accessible Safari extension which can post the url of the visited page to facebook and / or twitter? I've tried yourversion, but it seems not to be accessible. I can find the button in the toolbar, but when clicked the menu that is shown, isn't visible with v

Re: i o s 4.1 3g

2010-09-09 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Paul, T upgrade your phone, you need to hook it up to a pc or mac. there is no way to upgrade your phone on the phone itself from what I'm aware of. Hope this helps, -Peter Op 9-sep-2010, om 16:55 heeft Paul Erkens het volgende geschreven: > Hi list, > Can I update my i o s over a 3g conne

Re: Sendero look around app is now available

2010-09-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi I just downloaded the app and it works here in Europe. Just overview and addapt your settings. By default the country is North America, changing it to Europe/UK does the trick. Hope this helps, -Peter Op 18-sep-2010, om 09:27 heeft Anne Robertson het volgende geschreven: > Hello Dave, > >

2 feature requests for iOS and voiceover

2013-03-21 Thread Peter Durieux
Either in the upgrade from Lion to Mountain lion, the bug is still there. This is also reported to several times. We all hoping to see a fix in an upcoming update. Thanks in advance, Kind regards, -Peter Durieux E-mail: Mobile: +32 494 33 4

Re: 2 feature requests for iOS and voiceover

2013-03-21 Thread Peter Durieux
Hmm, blijkbaar geen email addy feedback soit, copy paste imn de website dan maar ;) Op 21-mrt.-2013, om 14:18 heeft Peter Durieux het volgende geschreven: > Dear, > > First of all, congrats with all the accessibility work Apple has done over > the last few years. > With this

facetime on mac

2010-10-27 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi folks, I just downloaded and installed facetime for mac on my Imac. If I launch the app, Voice Over announces that there are no windows. Looking in the menus, a lot of them are dimmed. So can't take a look at the prefs for example. >From what I have red from other voice over users, it seems th

Re: facetime on mac update

2010-10-27 Thread Peter Durieux
geschreven: > If you are not running snowy you are out of gas. Facetime will not play with > the other cats. > > On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:23 AM, Peter Durieux wrote: > Hi folks again, > > Just installed facetime on my macbook and it works there. > Strange that it will

Re: iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-28 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi, At the moment, there is no refreshable brailledisplay support on iphone os 3.1.x and 3.2. In 4.0 there will be support for it. It will come available on iphone in summer and for ipad in fall. Hope this helps, Kind regards -Peter Op 28-apr-2010, om 21:35 heeft Sean Tikkun het volgende g

Re: Returning my iPad

2010-05-04 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Bryan, Interesting to read an other view of the ipad usage. I want to pickup one thing, that I've also experienced on the iphone. Indeed, voice over didn't refresh the screen every time when it is refreshed visually. I did notice this on several apps and the main iphone screens. So I'm curiou

skype update on iphone

2010-05-29 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Listers, Today there was an update for the skype application on the iphone., The newest version allows you to make skype calls over the 3g network. I've 2 things about the latest update: 1) 4 voice over commands don't work anymore that worked before: The two finger flick up for read the hole s

Re: skype update on iphone

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Durieux
at 3G Skype access is finally here. > > Mark > > Sent from my iPhone > > On May 29, 2010, at 3:57 PM, Peter Durieux wrote: > >> Hi Listers, >> >> Today there was an update for the skype application on the iphone., >> The newest version allows you t

pandora iphone application

2010-06-10 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi folks, When I was listening to Steve Jobs keynotes where he was demonstrating the pandora application on the iphone. I searched the app-store for this application, but without luck. Could it be possible that the pandora iphone app isn't available outside the .us? Thanks in advance -Peter

Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Mary, I'm using a Handytech braillestar 40 with my macbook. You can connect it via bluetooth or usb. For other brailletables then the default one in macosx, you can download cecibraille. It contains language tables such as german, french, ... When you use google to find this dmg, you'll get r

Re: Mac/vo braille support

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi again, I forgot to mention that you can use the Handytech as an input device. :) Personally, I don't use it that way. I want the same behavior as when I connect my handytech to my LInux boxes. ;) grtz -Peter Op 18-jun-2010, om 09:45 heeft Peter Durieux het volgende geschreven: >

Data plans

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi all, Just my thoughts on this topic, but.. unlimited data is cool, but not that easy. Here in Belgium I pay 99 euro's for 20 hours of calling, 2 GB of data traffic. Another provider here in .be asks 15 euro for 50Mb, so If I see the prices elsewhere, for example in the .us, the data plans ar

Re: MobileMe redesigned website

2010-06-18 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Olivia, you can simply configure finder to access your mobileme idkisk space. For information about configure idisk on your mac, see the apple support site or google can help. Also, the idisk appllication on the iphone is very accessible, instead of closing an opened document. Ok, at least I

Re: using magic mouse like trackpad commander

2010-06-20 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Cody, >From what I'm aware of, the Magicmouse can't be used for voice over commands >as on on a trackpad on a macbook. kr -Peter Op 20-jun-2010, om 03:44 heeft Cody Hurst het volgende geschreven: > Hi list, > > I was searching on the MV history I found someone asking if they could use an

handy tech braille star 40 bluetooth pairing with iphone

2010-06-22 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi folks, Has anyone success pairing the Handy techs Braillestar 40 with his iphone/ipod? My Iphone seems searching , but don't see the device. When I scan with my macbook, it was found. Any suggestions should be appreciated. tia -Peter -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: handy tech braille star 40 bluetooth pairing with iphone

2010-06-23 Thread Peter Durieux
, om 22:24 heeft Doug Lawlor het volgende geschreven: > Hi Peter, make sure to go into Braille settings in the VoiceOver settings to > pair you're display. This is not done under the Bluetooth settings.Doug > Sent from my iPhone > > On 2010-06-22, at 4:14 PM, Peter Durieux wro

Re: iPad and Braille Display

2010-04-25 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi James, What I have red is that brailleterminals via bluetooth support will be in the iphone os 4.0. It will come available for the ipad in fall of this year. Hope this helps, -Peter Op 25-apr-2010, om 14:32 heeft James Gallagher het volgende geschreven: > Hello all. > > Sorry for my silly

jumping to cursor position in a text area

2010-04-26 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Listers, This is maybe a silly question, but don't find any voice over command to do this. When you are in a textarea and reading with a refreshable brailledisplay, is there a way to jump back to the cursor position? Specially in a terminal this thing should be very handy. Hope someone can g