e dark underbelly of OSX where great power and capability lie,
> if you can just find the right man page :)
> CB
> On 2/27/12 6:47 AM, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>> Oo, I have much the same concern, so I'm looking forward to hearing more
>> about this.
To add to this, airdrop has to be running means, that the airdrop window should
be visible on the recipients computer as well. I used to think that I could
airdrop a file to my wife, and that she would get a popup, no matter what she
would be doing. That's not the case. I need to tell her I have
Dear listers,
Having been a satisfied mac user for some 2 years now, I haven't yet used
itunes on windows so far. A lot of friends do not have a mac though, but they
do have a windows box. When folks get a new iphone, I can help them set it up,
but I don't know anything about itunes in windows.
No I don't see any new software in software update either.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:23 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Same exact thing here Donna. I've received neither java update thus far, and
> each time I run software update, it claims there's nothing new. It found the
> digital camera update tho
I bumped into this bug as well. What I do is simply start the sync from the
iphone itself, once I have itunes up and running on the mac. It's painless then.
On Mar 26, 2012, at 4:29 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I wonder what cause this bug. I use wireless syncing reliably. I've been
> doi
I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac.
Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As soon
as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular phones
anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use.
Dear listers,
My wife has a mac running Lion with all updates. Her mail started acting
strangely, and I can't solve it for now so I'm hoping one of you knows what is
going on.
One of her mail accounts has a problem. If I send a test message from my wife's
mac to myself, with just test in the su
Hi Pam,
I got started by listening to Mike Arrigo's podcasts on blind cool tech. They
have been very very helpful and informative. www.blindcooltech.com and then
search for Mike Arrigo, or just Arrigo. Ay r r i g o.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 3:43 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:
> Hi. I am a new Mac user and ha
Hi listers,
Itunes is not very easy if you just want to listen to radio stations on the
mac. I would like to listen to 1 of 3 specific news stations in my country.
What do you use to hear national radio in your neighbourhood? Can you send any
audio from the mac over airplay with a trick just lik
Hi listers,
I have been googling about it, but it doesn't give me much useful voiceover
friendly app information. On my macbook running Lion, what do you all use to
save youtube content in mp3 on your hard drive? I could turn to windows and use
total recorder there, but I guess there will be a
Another thing of interest could be an app for the iphone called vokul, spelled
v o k u l. You talk to it, and it does what you tell it to, much like siri, but
different. I like its way of doing things more than siri, but vokul cannot do
all the things that siri can. Not for the mac, but just goo
Hi listers,
I'm glad I can share something back, now that I received so much good help over
time from this list.
You can print from your iphone. I think you will have seen this already. You
sometimes find an action button, for example while viewing a document from
within mail etc, and then you
Hi listers,
I already have some 5 podcasts that I like, about Apple and accessibility.
VoiceOver on used to be one. The tech doctor podcast is one that I love,
because Robert has so many interesting people he's talking too, I have a feed
from John Panareese, and 1 or 2 I don't remember now. Of
Hi Daniela Rubio,
Thank you for the explanation of airdrop. I've seen this come by a number of
times, but there is one important aspect that never became clear to me. I hope
you can explain a little more about it.
Here's what I do, and where I go wrong.
1. I open airdrop on both Lion macs.
2. O
Hi fusion folks,
Today I went from fusion 3 to 4. Before you do this yourself, and if you're
still thinking whether or not to do it, here are some thoughts before you begin.
1. Last week, I bought fusion 4, while I had v3 running. After upgrading from
fusion 3 to 4, which is possible using an ap
I think disk utility can do it. If you look in its toolbar, there's an option
called burn. If you hit it, then disk utility will ask where the image is
located, so that you can select it and then hit burn. I cannot discover whether
or not iso files are being supported, but disk util can
Hi Walter,
If you only want to read, or download, from ftp sites, then finder is your
friend. From the desktop, just hit command k which is the dialog to connect to
any server. This connects to smb, ftp, and likely many more. If the ftp server
you want is called, say, ftp.you.org, then do this.
Hi Ray,
This sounds very cool, but I'm having a little trouble getting that to work.
That is, to access my dropbox menu.
Does the trackpad commander have to be on or off for this to work?
I tried it from the desktop.
Here's what I do.
1. I went into vo util, and turned on the announcement that ma
Command control u gets you into unity mode. I don't know if it's a toggle, but
try that first. If it doesn't help, command control s takes you into single
window mode. Then if that fails, command control enter toggles between windows
taking up the screen, or being a tiny window inside the fu
Dear listers,
I have an airport express, and I love it. One thing I would like to do though,
is have profiles. The express manual says that it can be done. To create a
profile, I should first select my airport express in the list, on the main
screen of the airport utility on the mac. I do this
Dear listers,
I've been googling the last hour, and stumbled upon many things but not an
answer. I'd like to know how one can delete a list on twitter, from inside
>From Kevin Reeves, I learned that one can create a list from within
>Yorufukurou on the mac. Basically, yorufukirou
Hi Pete and others,
Well, Robert yet again did a fabulous job in this podcast. I know about Katie
Floyd from other podcasts, like the mac power users one, and she always has
interesting stuff to tell you. This time, Robert interviewed her, and once
more, it's a pleasure to learn about the new m
Dear listers,
>From what I've been reading, I think It might be handy to have mltiple
>desktops. One can swipe with 3 fingers from left to right or right to left, to
>switch between virtual desktop spaces. Each can contain a few open
1. Do you think it gives benefits for us, voi
Hi listers interested,
In case you did not yet come across it, here's something to try. Itunes airplay
is usually the only way to stream music and other audio to your airport
express, or to your airplay speakers. Outside itunes, you're out of luck. Your
iphone can do more as far as I have exper
I saw that instead of updating vlc, you could reinstall it and the skipping
would be gone.
On Aug 1, 2012, at 9:21 PM, David McLean wrote:
> If you don't mind paying $32 try Decibel. Sounds fantastic and is easy to
> use.
> On Aug 1, 2012, at 2:18 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:
> Dear listers,
> A regular problem brought up on the list is how you can see that a file is
> indeed downloading or downloaded, from safari. If you look at this question
> more generally, then it suddenly has a whole lot more meaning, a solution and
> many uses.
> Each time a new file com
> Dear listers,
> Is this a bug? I normally back up to an external disk, formatted as mac os 10
> extended, journaled, encrypted. Previously, when I hooked up the usb cable,
> the disk would spin up, and a password prompt would appear, so I could unlock
> the disk and then use it as normal. H
> Harry,
> I don't have an answer. Just want to add that I am having the exact same
> problem. I made a rule for all messages with macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> in either their to, cc, bcc or reply to field. Most go into my mac
> visionaries folder, but not all. I don't know if some are d
> Hi,
> What I didn't hear anybody ask so far, is whether or not voiceover gets
> caught by the calibration process. Does it matter that voiceover is
> constantly chattering as we explore the calibration window while the mac is
> indeed listening?
> On Aug 4, 2012, at 8:09 AM, Maria From Austral
> Chris,
> After turning on your mac and before hearing the little jingle, press and
> hold your option key. This will stop the mac from booting off of your hard
> drive, and instead present you with a little menu. It's horizontal, but we
> have no speech feedback. Left is macintosh hd and the
> wrote:
>> I have the Windows version. :( it is not very accessible but usable. How is
>> this on the mac? You say it is not accessible in parts. Please elaborate.
>> Thanks!
>> - Original Message - From: "Paul Erkens"
>> To:
Dear list,
I have done a lot of planning on podcasting to our community, as far as
uncovered subjects go, but there's yet a lot of work ahead before I can get
something out. What I'm interested in to learn now, is how folks like the ones
from Serotalk, VoiceOverOn, the tech doctor and others, a
Dear listers,
My goal is to backup my own and my wife's mac to our time capsule, both having
our own storage space on the drive, so that we cannot see each other's backup
files. Also, we would like a shared space in time capsule, to share public
files between our 2 accounts. Is what I'm wanting
Dear all,
>From Robert Carter's podcast, I learned about something very cool. An e pub
>reader called bookle. It's in the mac app store. Takecontrolbooks.com is
>behind the app. They offer many tech books for mac users, not necessarily from
>a blindness perspective, but in easy to follow langua
Hi all,
I now have 1password from the app store. If you have it and know how to use its
safari extension, please tell me a little bit about the way you handle that
part of 1password. I'm still fighting with the interface in the 1password
If you don't know what 1password is: it is a
Hi Emilio,
Hazel is probably not the best way to go about this. Better leave Apple mail
stuff on disk unchanged. Chances are that you mess things up if you start
deleting or moving files around, without the mail index files being updated as
well. Use mail rules instead.
What you do with hazel,
with VoiceOver.
> Robert Carter
> On Aug 21, 2012, at 3:02 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I now have 1password from the app store. If you have it and know how to use
>> its safari extension, please tell me a little bit about the way yo
Hi CB, Very useful tip. Thanks a lot. Works for me.
On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Doesn't QuickTime Player already do this using the Export (command-E)? You
> can pick what kind of conversion from a popup menu and one of them is Movie
> to iPhone. There is an Options button
Dear listers,
In text edit, I'm trying to find a bit of text in a document. I don't succeed.
Here's what I do.
1. From within text edit, I hit command f to open text edits own find dialog.
2. In the search text field, I enter the text to find, in this case: set marker.
3. I move the vo cursor over
Indeed. Amadeus pro does it well. You can even retain art work and meta data in
your files if you want that, or strip it altogether. You can also set options
for the destination files. I use it all the time for stuff I buy in itunes, and
that I need to be in mp3 format for an old player that I h
Hi Jurgen,
How do you set a marker in an exact position? I'm using amadeus pro for more
and more tasks, but this concerns entire files only so far. I still don't get
the hang of editing, though I understand about play head and insertion point.
Can you help just a bit here?
With the arrow keys le
t you want.
> To find further occurrences, press Cmd-g and the word will be highlighted.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 26 Nov 2011, at 14:56, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> In text edit, I'm trying to find a bit of text in a document. I do
Dear listers,
Before I start bugging Apple with what I think is a bug, I would like to ask
you listers about the following. I found the bug while working in Amadeus pro.
In this sound editor, for some reason, you have to enter time in a strange way.
Let's say I have a file open that is 30 minute
To add to this: I remember reading somewhere, that if set up a new iphone with
ios 5, the 4 s will have it, if you don't hear anything and you wait 1 or 2
minutes, then voiceover would come on automatically. Maybe Kevin Ciao will know
this for sure.
On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Chris Blouch wro
sand 5 hundred!
> From the one you gave as an example no 39 here!
> hth Colin
> On 29 Nov 2011, at 21:52, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> Before I start bugging Apple with what I think is a bug, I would like to ask
>> you listers about the following. I found the
I saved one of Esther's many useful posts on this topic. She answered Linda
Adams and me. Here's the post, below.
Hi Paul,
Ricardo has given you the quick answer to using bookmarks. You can
read a more detailed description about general navigation of your
bookmarks in my archived post:
Dear listers,
What is the best way for a voiceover mac or an iphone user to work with
facebook? I have a small app on my phone but its accessibility is not what you
would wish for, to say it carefully. I just don't get the hang of it with all
those unlabeled things that say image image button b
that's the sad fact of it. I've lost count of sites I've had to work with
>>> where I've had to have sighted help even to get a bloomin phone number.
>>> the other ridiculous issue is CAPTCHA. don't get me started on this
>>> nightmare,
Hi listers,
When attempting to subscribe to the v i phone list, I get a message saying I
need to be invited. I suppose they are doing this to prevent a constant member
stream of folks joining leaving joining leaving all the time. Would anyone mind
sending me an invitation for viphone so I can su
Changing the default language on the mac to another language, involves 2 parts,
just like it is on the iphone. The interface for all the items displayed by the
operating system, and then your speech voice.
To change the language of the interface, for menus etc, go into system
Dear listers,
I thought I understood how to import ring tones into iTunes, but apparently am
missing a detail. Can you please pinpoint the problem? Here's what I do.
1. Given a bunch of files from my old Nokia, being mp3 files, I use amadeus pro
to batch convert them into m4r. Amadeus has a sim
orked well for
>> me.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I think you need firs to convert to the M4a format then convert to M4r. I
> think this might make a difference.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jan 21,
Hi, Emrah and others,
I'm still having difficulty working with the time in amadeus pro. While a file
is playing, is there somewhere I can see a counter running, so that I know
where in time I am in the file as it plays?
On Jan 11, 2012, at 10:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> I fell in
Hi listers,
Why is it that I seem to have 5 calendars, while I didn't set up any? If I go
to ical on the mac, and I hit the calendars button in the toolbar, I have home
and work on my mac, but I also have them in another section, namely icloud. Are
these different calendars?
You received t
Hi Angie,
I use amadeus pro all the time. I don't know if you ever used it, but if you
already bought it it's a breeze. Just hit command shift n after you start
amadeus pro, and a new batch converter window will appear. You have a formats
tab, where you set what you want your new files to become
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Angie,
>> I use amadeus pro all the time. I don't know if you ever used it, but if you
>> already bought it it's a breeze. Just hit command shift n after you start
>> amadeus pro, and a new bat
That's wonderful. Worth saving. Thanks for the tip.
On Feb 7, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> HI all,
> For those of you wondering what each key on the keyboard does, especially if
> you are using multiple layouts for different languages, I thought I would
> share my nice
u'll have the option to convert the file to your
>> default audio importing format when you check the menu options under the
>> "Advanced" menu on your iTunes menu bar. And you can change this via your
>> preferences menu at any later time. (Chris Blouch actual
Dear list,
I am learning to change the terminal prompt. It now includes my machine name
and my user name, which is what I want to get rid of. I think that the prompt
is contained in an environment variable. I found that I can look at them by
using env without parameters, and that works. However
Dear listers,
Subject says it all. How is bz2 different from zip? Can you generalize it by
saying that bz2 is simply another file compression format like rar etc? In
which cases is bz2 generally used?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
To add to Jurgen.
Load up a file: hit command o in amadeus and browse as usual.
2. To save a file, it's in the file menu where you expect it. Just like in a
text editor you can choose the file type, so you can also save directly into
mp3, into wav, aac or whatever you want.
3. There is o
Hi Allison,
I think more of us could benifit from an amadeus podcast if you are planning to
do one. Hope you will.
On Feb 8, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> I love Amadeus and use it exclusively for all my recording needs. It's not as
> professional as Pro Tool
Dear listers,
What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you a
framework with display support, and also a rich set of input devices. Using
x11, a client program can be built. All that is often used to access remote
computers. Where you log in to your mac being the only
Dear listers,
Which parts of xcode are actually accessible with voiceover? Of course, most,
if not all of the stuff for the command line is, because it is text based, but
what about the rest? If at all you are using parts of it, can you elaborate a
bit on them? For example, I know that the form
ain, google can find man pages, and there is actually a option in
> Google settings to indicate that you want a UNIX man page when you enter
> "man XXX" in the google search bar.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jonc...@cox.net
p as far as VO was concerned. With XCode installed you can do a
> man X
> to read more about xwindows.
> CB
> On 2/8/12 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you
Dear listers,
When attempting to find and replace, I'm having a focus problem with voiceover.
Does that sound familiar? What happens is: when I select a character that
landed in my pdf converted to plain text, I either want to get rid of it, or I
want to replace it with what it should have been,
lthough they claim much faster compression and uncompression
> speeds among other advantages. Disadvantage is that it's not as popular so if
> you send a bzip file to someone else they might not know what to do with it.
> CB
> On 2/8/12 9:25 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
input from standard in rather than a
> file, which would be needed to accept input from the pipe's output.
> CB
> On 2/9/12 6:11 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Johnathan,
>>> Looking at the command you gave:
>>> man -t bash | open -a prev
ate it and Preview knows how to interpret it. Postscript is also
> what makes a PDF work under the hood. PDF containers add things like fonts,
> images, indexing, links and more but the basic page layout is postscript.
> CB
> On 2/9/12 10:07 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi CB
Hi Mark,
Are you using snow leopard or do you have Lion?
If you have snow leopard on your mac, then there is a program called move
addict, that you can buy for 7 or so dollars. Using it, you can move one or
more files and or folders over to a new location.
Now if you are using Lion, then you don'
Yes that is possible. In internet explorer, go into the file menu, alt plus f,
and then find export. In this menu option you will be able to export all your
bookmarks. The dialogs contains a number of checkboxes, so just turn on
favorites and turn off the other ones. They will be exported
ring is interesting, but I'd actually make a
> much simpler recommendation to most people who want an easier way to view man
> pages: just get the freeware Bwana application from bruji.com:
> http://bruji.com/bwana/
> Put this into your Applications folder, and then you can use
I just bought an ibook about the iphone 4s. It told me that mail has a list of
previous recipients. I suppose the mac has it as well. Does that solve your
mystery? You can look back in your mailboxes inbox and sent, tosee if you can
find messages to or from your mysteriously completed ad
Dear listers,
An airport express is very, very simple to set up, but only if you want basic
features. I'm wondering about the admin utility that the manual keeps talking
about, because that is what you use if you want to configure more advanced
features in the airport express device. The apple
Hi CB, Interesting reed that was. Thanks.
On Feb 16, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> This article has a few more details about the upcoming release:
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-27076_3-57378751-248/apple-mac-os-x-mountain-lion-takes-more-bites-out-of-ios/
> CB
> On 2/16/12 9:58 AM
> press the Edit button to access more advanced features.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-02-17, at 5:24 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> An airport express is very, very simple to set up, but only if you want
>> basic fe
Does anybody know where voiceover on the mac keeps its custom labels, in case I
want to delete them and get back to factory settings?
On Feb 12, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Thank you that is most helpful.
> Ed
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Dear listers,
When examining commands for the mac command line, I keep coming across
com.apple. I think it is some kind of object that has properties. What does
this thing do? Where do I find documentation about this? Man doesn't have an
explanation as far as I can see. Can anyone help me get s
the settings store in the com.apple.recentitems.plist.
> CB
> On 2/21/12 11:42 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> When examining commands for the mac command line, I keep coming across
>> com.apple. I think it is some kind of object
Dear listers,
I have an old braille printer that is not attached to my mac. To emboss
something, all I have to do is create simple plain text files with 27 lines per
page, and no more than 30 characters per line. Looking at how text edit handles
printing however, that works with inches or centi
Yes I tried 2 solutions, both of which do work. I'll add some explanations for
those who are curious what vpn can do for you. But in short, these are usable
for us:
www.proxpn.com, iphone as well as mac, and:
www.getcloak.com .
So what does vpn do for us, normal iphone users? An example.
Hi amadeus users,
Joining files is easy. Here's how I do it:
1. Open amadeus, the sound menu and then join files. This dialog has a listbox
and 2 buttons. To begin with, of course all files you are going to join, must
be in the same audio format.
2. Hit the add button. If it's not labeled, use
If looping audio is not your priority, and you are just looking for a good
recorder for your iphone that lets you organize your recordings into nice
folders, and which is also completely VoiceOver accessible, then you could
take a look at list recorder. I'm using it all day. To rehurse my
ngs and,
> if not, is it possible to use binaural microphones with the unit?
> Thank you very much in advance for your input,
> Mike
> On 22,Jun,2014, at 17:31, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If looping audio is not your priority, and you a
Hi Maria and Joe,
Did you create any snapshots with fusion? A snapshot is a certain moment in
time that you captured, when windows was still just fine. Every week, I create
a snapshot in fusion, as long as windows is healthy. This way, if something
like this does happen, then you can always go
The burn app burns either an audio or a data CD. Problem with audio CD’s I
found, is that it creates clicks between tracks when you play back the CD on a
normal CD player. This happens if thelength of the input wave files is not a
multiple of the CD sector size. So in short, it burns. You can ri
I have one too. It charges via USB as well. Hth.
> On 27 Mar 2015, at 02:04, Juan Hernandez wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a stupid off topic question. Does anyone have an optelec alva bc640
> braille display? I seem to have lost my power adapter, and want to know if
> anyone on t
Hi all,
I have a shared dropbox folder with a friend. He accidentally deleted a bunch
of stuff that was only present in our shared folder, and I, rather we, would
like to get it back.
>From the dropbox web interface, we can recover those files, but here’s a
>question. I do see all the files th
I’m using CrashPlan and all I can say is that I’m satisfied. It’s true that the
settings button is inaccessible, but I had a phone call with one of their
support people and they set it up remotely. At least, they helped me get into
my settings. If you are just beginning to use CrashPlan tho
Hi Caitlyn,
Just to add to this: if you need the ftp protocol onlyt to download stuff from
elsewhere, then finder can do the job as well, and then you won’t need a
dedicated ftp client. Just hit command plus k when you are in finder. This
opens a dialog where you enter a url. This url can also
Hi Johny boy,
I think more than a few folks here are interested to know how to edit using
garage band. It would be awesome if you could write down the tips and tricks
you mentioned, or indeed you wouldn’t mind creating a podcast on it. That would
be interesting and very helpful. Hope you will c
Hi list,
When I need to make an appointment at work, I don’t have much time. Probably 5
seconds to say yes or no to someone’s request if they can come back then or
then, and another few seconds to plan the appointment before life goes on. I
used to have a note taker that did the job, but its li
Hi Jim and others,
What a wonderful tip that is. I have been running into mac versus unix files
since I’m using mac and windows side by side. Word count, sort lines, convert
from mac to windows formatting etc, wow. Thanks a lot. And for those
interested: yes, it’s in the mac app store. Still ex
Dear amadeus pro-familiar users,
Project I’m working on is a short audio book, being read by a family member.
The problem I’m facing is this.
When the reader makes a mistake, I have to stop recording, then rewind a little
bit, start playback so the reader can chime in at the right moment, and t
ith editing and Amadeus Pro, you really should get Jonathan motions
> audio tutorial on Amadeus. It really helped me understand how to use this
> program.
> Sent from my IPhone
>> On Aug 20, 2015, at 6:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear amadeus pro
Hi active iphone braillers,
Does the iphone support contracted braille in other languages than English? I’m
Dutch and I still remember grade 2 Dutch braille from elementary school, but
its vocabulary has some inconsistencies and I don’t know if it was ever
standardized to fit our modern age. Is
Has any of you ever used the baby monitor 3g app? It’s something you install on
the iphone that’s always with you, and another app on a device near your baby
or dog at home. Then, from anywhere, you can listen in, to the sound in your
home. I think it can also give you a notification on you
Hi Paul,
That’s a problem. It’s quite a story, but I’ll tell you all I know. I have
bootcamp installed and it went successfully on my mac mini late 2012. However,
on a macbook air from a friend from 2013, it did not work at all. Yes you can
boot Bryan’s DVD and you will get to a windows desktop
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