I saved one of Esther's many useful posts on this topic. She answered Linda 
Adams and me. Here's the post, below.
Hi Paul,

Ricardo has given you the quick answer to using bookmarks.  You can  
read a more detailed description about general navigation of your  
bookmarks in my archived post:
(Re: moving and deleting bookmarks)

I'll just briefly remark here that there is a general page for your  
bookmarks that you access with Command-Option-B, which is the shortcut  
for the "Show All Bookmarks" entry in Safari's Bookmarks menu.  You'll  
greatly simplify your navigation of that page, and improve your  
understanding of its organization if you first hide your toolbar,  
bookmarks bar, and tab bar -- all options that toggle between show and  
hide with shortcuts listed in the View Menu on the menu bar (Command- 
Shift-Backslash, Command-Shift-B, Command-Shift-T). At that point,  
after you interact with the scroll area, pressing tab will move you  
between three areas: a table of different collections of bookmarks  
such as your navigation history, your Bookmarks Bar, your Bookmarks  
Menu, and any folders you may have created to organize your bookmarks  
on this page; a search text field that you can also move to directly  
with Command-F, and a table listing individual bookmarks in your  
selected bookmark collection by bookmark name and address.  The  
general action will be to interact with the table of collections and  
select a bookmark collection or folder and then to tab to the table  
listing the individual bookmark entries and interact, then navigate to  
the bookmark of interest and activate it by pressing space bar.  You  
can also reduce the list of entries to navigate through in that second  
table by using the search field to type in Bookmark names or parts of  
bookmark names, and then only matching entries will be shown in the  
second table. The usual navigation options of typing the first few  
letters in the name of a bookmark to move to it and/or using your up  
and down arrow keys will work here.  There are also context menu  
options for editing bookmark name or address, copying or deleting, etc.

As Ricardo mentioned, the first nine bookmarks saved to the Bookmarks  
Bar on your Bookmarks page have the special property that they can be  
launched by pressing the Command key together with the number of the  
bookmark. (You can hide your bookmarks bar and still activate the  
first nine bookmarks by pressing Command and the number from 1 to 9  
for the bookmark you want.)  However, note that whenever you save a  
new bookmark to the Bookmarks Bar, it becomes bookmark number 1, and  
displaces the previous first bookmark, which is now number 2, etc.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have read through the vo getting started guide about safari. Is there a 
> resource to read up on bookmarks in safari? I am a bit confused about they 
> are organized. Bookmarks menu, bookmarks bar, what is the difference. 
> Folders, collections... a bit much for my poor brain.
> Also I have selected a bookmark but cannot find a way to go to it. I press 
> command o and get in to the open  dialog box. Press enter and get to the edit 
> bookmark name.
> So, as you can see, I got some issues with bookmarks.
> Thanks for any help.
> Ioana
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