Hi all:
Anyone know of a VO accessible P2P file sharing program for music and
the like.
I tried the latest LimeWire and the problems persist with it. Crashing
and so on.
TNX all:
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Hi John:
Thanks for the tidbits. I have just downloaded and installed Acqlite.
You can go in the preferences and configure where to put your files
and the like and it's fairly accessible.
Thanks AGN:
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Hi List:
Just experienced my 1ST prob with the latest version of Safari.
Funny thing, it crashed accessing the apple store. LOL
Oh, if anyone got a cpy of the MP3 of the new VO, I'd like to hear it
as well.
You received
our machines and go
from there.
I'm running Ham Radio Deluxe and a remote HF Station this way.
Hope this Helps:
Mike De VO1RYN
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at's a possible fix?
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;s some what
VO accessible, just make sure you click the last button over to
The buttons are not announced . It was a guess and it worked.
The live assistant chat on the audible site is full accessible.
You received this message
Hi List:
Anyone of an accessible HTML Editor for the Mac?
I have taken on a web master project and want to use the mac. I can,
of course do it in windows but don't want to. LOL
I tried opening an HTML doc in Text edit but couldn't see the code.
I may have to change the permissions, not sure.
I've taken over the web master duties of my amateur radio club's
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Hi all:
Anyone knwo of an accessible VO FTP client?
Tried Cyber Duck, don't like it.
As well, when I try connecting to the web site I'm working on, I
receive the notification that I don't have permission to access the
Any tips on that one?
Hi all:
I downloaded Windows Media Player for Mac but it is in the form of an
SITX File.
I can't seem to get StuffIt unless I pay for a promo. LOL
Any ideas on what other free utilities can do the job? Maybe there's
another player that will work.
vary much like another companies 98
Also, can VO be ran from the install like OSX-10.5? When I
re_installed 10.5 a few months back to try and lick my iTunes issue,
when the machine rebooted, just pressed command F-5 and I was off and
listening. LOL
e OS in my opinion. Not
saying it won't be stable andwork flawlessly but still not a complete
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hi all:
I've posted to msgs during the last couple of hours and they haven't
bounced back.
I need some assistance so please check the posts.
One with braking up my hard drive and another with time machine.
You rec
restore once I do a fresh install of Snow Leopard? I still
have 200GB free on my Mac HD but don't want Time machine to backup
every day until I wipe it out and install Snow Leopard.
You received this message because you a
lities and once that's done,
format the new unused space, giving it a label.
Please advise:
Can I tell Time Machine what to backup, photos, music and docs?
Already created an Aps CD.
You received this message because you
I'm only using the single disk split option as a temp measure.
Only thing is, how do I configure tm to backup once a day or week or
does it backup when there are changes to my system?
Have all important data burned t
Hi all:
is the Google search engine off line?
Not able to access the .ca or .com domain.
Haven't been able to access for a few days now.
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to my Rss Section so that I can check it now and then.
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Just disregard
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testing my new mailbox and rule
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not sure what column its in, set to contains and the next field
I'm still getting all the mail. Do I have to apply a rule to each
Maybe that's the prob, I'm getting the perticipants emails directly,
not from the macvisionaries@googlegroups.c
msgs and I really don't want to have to go through 40 MSGS every time
I check my mail, it's rediculis. I guess the only real ulternative is
to unsubscribe or apply a filter to each member and I don't think I'm
doing that. LOL
Hi list:
Just wondering where iWeb keeps it's files?
Last thing to back up before I install SL.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to t
command C to copy and
then command V to paste them in to the newly created pl.
All previously version playlists I have came across fine, can see the
songs tables.
Maybe the new VO features in SL takes care of that! (LOL) Better get
to it. (LOL)
Hi all:
Well here we go with the new SL.
How do I get the Mac HD to show up on my desktop?
Not sure I like the doc and downloads folder on the doc.
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Hi List:
How do I change VO to pronounce 100 as 1 hundred instead of one zero
I'm running SL.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to t
Catalina is working fine for me, if your mac is capable of running it, there is
no reason not to upgrade.
> On Apr 25, 2020, at 11:21 PM, Dave Carlson wrote:
> I’m still ignoring the upgrade notice to get Catalina over my Mojave OSX. Can
> anyone list known things that changed, possibly detr
The last time I tried firefox was a few months ago and it was very sluggish to
the point that it was not a good experience at all. The best browsers on the
mac are Safari and Chrome.
> On May 6, 2020, at 1:58 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> It should work similar to Safari. You interact with th
I'm having the same issue but it really started for me when upgrading to safari
15, I find myself using Chrome and Firefox more and more now.
> On Sep 26, 2021, at 11:14 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I haven’t updated yet but heard from a number of blind users of this issue.
> So i
Yes, I experience the same thing. The best way I have found to get around this
is to open the PDF file in preview, press command+a to select all of the text,
then press command+c to copy it. Then I paste it in to text edit and read it
from there.
> On Sep 29, 2021, at 3:54 PM, 'Andrew Lamanche'
I had the same issue with the Big Sur install as well. As you said, there is no
way around it, I have to keep a mouse around for that purpose. Once you get to
the install screen you can disconnect it but yes, you will need to connect a
mouse or track pad to continue.
> On Oct 28, 2021, at 9:38
It can be done without sighted help, you will a sim eject tool. The sim card is
very small so be careful not to drop it. They are about the size of a micro SD
> On Dec 18, 2021, at 5:11 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> Sent from my IPhone
> --
> The following information is important
I have never used an M1 mac but I know Apple is phasing out the Intel
processors so if they got an Intel mac they would be buying in to a technology
that Apple is phasing out.
> On Jan 20, 2022, at 12:15 PM, muhammad babar Shahzad
> wrote:
> Hello friends,
> As per the subject line, I reque
In many cases it doesn't matter but on certain web sites it makes a difference.
On some web sites, a subcategory of links will only appear when the mouse is
moved over the main link. For example, you might have a link that says
"products," and then a sublist of products links would appear, but o
The voiceover support in Firefox is coming along nicely. There are still a few
gaps with how it works but it's definitely useable. And certainly having
another accessible browser on the mac is a good thing.
> On Dec 18, 2020, at 7:38 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> A couple folks have asked me ab
I decided to give Big Sur a try on one of my macs, and honestly, I'm thinking
about going back to Catalina. Since I became a Mac user back in 2008, I think
this is the first time that I've considered going back to a previous version of
Mac OS, but for me at least, there are some major issues.
, and
probably a few more as I continue to explore Big Sur.
On 12/20/2020 7:25 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
I decided to give Big Sur a try on one of my macs, and honestly, I'm
thinking about going back to Catalina. Since I became a Mac user back
in 2008, I think this is the first time th
I have actually tried this, interesting that it does work on the M1 macs, I'm
using an Intel based mac mini, I think this generation was introduced in 2014
and they were sold until 2018. I'll try the voiceover menu, I set up numpad
star to do a right click of the mouse and that does not work. So
are no
> additional key-presses involved once you hold that power button for those
> five seconds. I suppose I could be brave and give it a try.
> On 12/21/2020 10:44 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I know with the M1 macs, there is a new way of selecting a start up disk,
So, after playing with the new operating system a bit more, I'm going
to stick with it rather than going back to Catalina although I still
think that Apple has taken several steps backward with this new OS. I
figure there's no point going back to an old operating system even if
it's a bit easie
Yes, opening an app from the dock works fine, the issue is opening the
context menu for a dock item in order to add or remove it from the
dock, that currently does not work.
Original message:
Things may work differently on the Intel Macs as opposed to the new M1
Macs, but Mike I am still able
Safari works fine, I don't use terminal or the other applications you
mentioned. The messages app is quite a bit different, it's usable but takes
some getting used to. At this point, adding and removing items from the dock is
not possible using the keyboard, I think Apple has confirmed that this
Glad that is fixed, when I installed big sur on my macs, I had to boot from a
catalina recovery to erase my hard drive first, I'm surprised a bug that major
made it in to production.
> On Jan 21, 2021, at 6:14 PM, Michael Marshall
> wrote:
> hey all,
> Very happy to report that in the lates
I wonder if this person even tried a mac. Yes, there was an issue with disk
utility in the big sur recovery and I agree that this should have never been
released, but it is fixed now. I'm wondering what tasks the author of this
article wants to perform but is unable to do. There is still an issu
>> is accessing and working with the shortcut menu for Dock items in Big Sur.
>> - Brad -
>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 18:36, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I wonder if this person even tried a mac. Yes, there was an issue with disk
>> utility i
Mac for the Blind
>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
>>> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
would add a feature recognizing when your iPhone is near so
>>> music can easily transfer from playing on iPhone to HomePod mini and trigger
>>> visual and haptic responses on the phone.
>>> In January, Apple posted record revenue of $111.4 billion during its 2021
>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>> Today
>>>>>>>>> Apple to discontinue original HomePod and says it will focus efforts
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> HomePod mini
Wonder if screen readers will work with this version of Windows.
> On May 7, 2021, at 9:11 AM,
> wrote:
> Hi,
> This article has step by step instructions for downloading Windows onto the
> new M1 Macs.
> It requires an Arm based version of Windows, Parallels, and a Windows Insider
> regis
All three of these browsers use the same browser engine, so the way things are
read will be the same for all of them. While you could install all three of
them, it's kind of redundant. I just have Chrome installed on my macs. The
accessibility of firefox has really come along nicely as well.
I'm surprised Microsoft developed Edge for the Mac. It uses the Chrome engine I
think so it's probably similar to just using Chrome.
> On Jun 23, 2020, at 11:30 AM, Paul Hopewell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running the latest Catalina on my iMac and have been trying the
> Microsoft Edge web brows
I decided to give the new Microsoft Edge browser a try, it works very well. You
can definitely tell that it's based on code from Chromium since voiceover reads
things very similarly to how things read in Chrome, but there are some
differences. I'm not sure if Microsoft took steps to make Edge ac
It's a separate download, if you do a google search for microsoft edge it
should be the first result.
> On Jun 27, 2020, at 10:25 AM, Dave Carlson wrote:
> Mike,
> Is MS Edge part of the Office 365 suite, or a separate download?
> Dave Carlson
> Oregonian,
ll, but
>>> sadly, they don't... and for me this feature it's very important since I
>>> usually read articles on internet. I don't know if those voices are working
>>> on the latest release, but if someone gives it a try, let us know.
Nice, please try some more sites when you can and keep us posted, it would be
awesome if firefox became as accessible on the mac as it is on Windows.
> On Jun 28, 2020, at 1:37 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> I just downloaded Firefox 77 and Firefox 79 nightly on my system, and they
> have indeed
I went ahead and gave the newest firefox, version 77 a try. Yes, it is
definitely better than previous versions, voiceover is quite responsive with
it. Is it ready to be used as someone's primary browser, not yet, there are
still some issues with the voiceover cursor getting stuck and you have t
This is really exciting, hopefully we will have very good voiceover support in
Firefox very soon, and I would say that it is already off to a great start.
The following information is important fo
It's usable, but not as good as on Windows yet, but it's getting there.
In the new Firefox 78 I was able to log in to my youtube account and
play some videos, I also tried it with some other web sites, I would
encourage everyone to give it a try and see what you think.
Original message:
Just W
At this time voiceover just says there are no menu options available
for each category, I think that support will be coming later this year.
Original message:
or is every list in it blank? Also, is this the production or beta?
Absolutely, here is the article, I think it's really exciting.
> On Jul 2, 2020, at 12:00 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>Ok. To get this back on track, could someone please repost the original
I will start a new thread with the article on Firefox accessibility, here it is.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or
ESSIONAL and Trainer
>>>> On Jul 2, 2020, at 1:16 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Here it is John.
I don't think there is a way to do this. I would suggest selecting and copying
the first block of text that you want, then paste it where it needs to go, then
repeat the process with the next block of text.
> On Oct 25, 2020, at 10:51 PM, Christina wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it impossible to selec
I went ahead and created a Big Sur install on a USB flash drive. After booting
from it, I discovered a major issue with Voiceover. When installing a new major
operating system, I prefer to erase my drive and install from scratch. Wehn
trying to access the list of drives in disk utility, voiceove
> wrote:
> Hi Mike.
> I just did a start upgrade. I can give this a look at some point, have you
> contacted apple accessibility about this? Thanks.
> Matthew
>> On Nov 21, 2020, at 12:30 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I went ahea
> down to how current in the hardware? This is a 2020 MacBook Pro. So I'm
> wondering if that really is the defining issue with installing, And or
> upgrading to Mac OS Big Sur.
> Sincerely Maurice Mines.
>> On Nov 21, 2020, at 17:30, Mike Arrigo wrote:
It is a major major bug.
>> On 22 Nov 2020, at 4:30 am, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I went ahead and created a Big Sur install on a USB flash drive. After
>> booting from it, I discovered a major issue with Voiceover. When installing
>> a new major operating system,
Yes, I use it every day at work, works very well, you can arrow up and down
through the messages in a channel and the F6 key will move you to the different
parts of the screen such as the side bar and channel list.
> On Jun 25, 2022, at 9:35 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone using
Doing a one finger tripple tap does a long press on the item and I guess for
some items it makes a difference.
> On Jun 27, 2022, at 5:43 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> A while back, perhaps within the year, I have noticed that at times double
> tapping a button does it activate the button. This h
I would say the best robots are from Roborock or Ecovacs, I would not suggest a
Roomba, they are somewhat behind the times compared to the other two brands I
> On Aug 26, 2022, at 2:33 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> Happy to discuss. I’m currently researching the best robot vacuums an
Yes, it works really well.
> On Aug 28, 2022, at 11:37 AM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> Have you had a good experience with the Roborock mobile app?
> Thx,
> Jeff
>> On Aug 26, 2022, at 7:35 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I would say the best robots
On Apple Silicon macs, the only way to run Windows is to use Parallels, and
unfortunately that software is completely inaccessible with Voiceover. Also you
would need to run Windows for Arm processors which at this time is basically in
beta, also not sure whether any of the screen readers would
There is only one version of the Alex Voice. The best way to adjust the rate in
small steps is to go to the voiceover utility, choose the speech category and
interact with the language and voice table. There is an edit field where you
can type in the rate you want, I use 37 and for me that’s jus
Yes, I have noticed this as well.
> On Nov 9, 2022, at 9:29 AM, Dolores Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone was experiencing VoiceOver fluctuating in pitch
> after updating to Ventura. I am and it’s really frustrating. It goes from low
> to normal, and switching voices or
It’s now called system settings in Ventura, system preferences is no more.
> On Nov 11, 2022, at 1:23 AM, Mohammad Fazil wrote:
> Hi, Group.for some unknown reasons, I am not finding system Preference in
> Apple Menu. What I’m finding is system settings only. Where should I look for
> SP,ple
Hi everyone, I’m wondering if anyone has tried running IOS apps on an Apple
silicon Mac and if so, how well do they work with Voiceover? Do the controls
read? I am absolutely loving my new M1 mac minis and M2 MacBook Air. For those
who have not tried an Apple silicon Mac yet, they are awesome an
Last I checked, Parallels was not accessible with Voiceover, in order to run
Windows on an Apple Silicon Mac, you need to sign up for the Microsoft insider
program and download Windows for ARM processors which has not been officially
released. If you need to use Windows you would be better off j
>>> On Apr 26, 2023, at 19:22, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Last I checked, Parallels was not accessible with Voiceover, in order to
>>> run Windows on an Apple Silicon Mac, you need to sign up for the Microsoft
>>> in
I have an iPhone SE running IOS 16.4.1.
I want to delete all voice mails and text messages, how do I do this?
Mike Dailey
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of
The dropbox mac application works fine, at least it does for me.
> On Jun 6, 2023, at 10:10 PM, Janet Ingber wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Does anyone know of an accessible Dropbox app for the Mac? I’m not crazy
> about using the Dropbox website to upload files.
> Many thanks,
> Janet
> --
Yes, you do need to do an actual mouse click on the dropbox item to open it
now, hopefully they will fix that at some point.
> On Jun 6, 2023, at 10:21 PM, Herbie Allen wrote:
> From the Website, download the Dropbox app and that will make your life much
> simpler. The one thing they did bre
As far as extended batteries, you might consider getting a power bank, these
are portable batteries with USB ports that will charge recent mac laptops that
charge over USB C.
As far as speaking the information you asked about, pressing VO+F7 once will
provide the time and date and pressing it tw
I don’t have this power bank but I do have other Anker products and they are
great so I would suggest checking out this power bank from them.
> On Jun 23, 2023, at 6:55 PM, Herbie Allen wrote:
Drives should not be disappearing, I have two M1 Mac minis and I have used USB
flash drives and a Seagate mechanical hard drive, sometimes connected to one of
the USB A ports and other times using a USB C to USB A adapter and have not had
any problems at all. One thing I would suggest, always co
I’m quite happy with my macs, especially the new Apple Silicon models, I have
no interest at all in switching to Windows.
> On Sep 7, 2023, at 11:23 AM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi all, it seems like we are having more than a few messages on this list
> about the disappointment in Mac’s VoiceOv
Wait until you try the Apple Silicon mac, it is so much better and faster than
the Intel, you will love it.
> On Sep 7, 2023, at 11:53 AM, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
> Hi I am having some small issues, but no showstoppers whin it comes
> to Mac OS accessibility. That being said. I am
The roomba app is very accessible, but Roomba's navigation is behind the times,
it uses a camera for navigation instead of Lidar, I would suggest something
from Roborock, app is accessible and much better robots.
> On Nov 24, 2023, at 11:30 AM, Dave Carlson wrote:
> iRobot Roomba app is very
I’m surprised you got Parallels to work, last time I tried it, it was
completely inaccessible with Voiceover.
> On Dec 29, 2023, at 10:02 AM, 'Matt Turner' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Hi folks.
> I still have and intel mac and wanted to get a new one in the new year.
> I’ve been playing wi
If you purchase an Apple silicon Mac, you can use Parallels with the version of
Windows for ARM processors, the company has been contacted by several voiceover
users about the lack of accessibility and it appears that the company has no
plans to address it.
> On Dec 29, 2023, at 10:48 AM, 'Matt
I use Amadeus Pro, it works great.
> On Jan 12, 2024, at 4:29 PM, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
> Hi I am going to a fore day similar but I don’t wish to take my vary
> good podcast recorder. I wood like to record som content for my podcast
> that I am restarting. I wood like to t
You can also move voiceover to the item you want to control click, than press
VO+command+F5 to move the mouse to that item, then choose to right click the
mouse from the voiceover menu. If you do this frequently you can define a
keyboard command or trackpad gesture for it.
> On Jan 14, 2024, at
I’m notsure if super duper is still in development, but Carbon Copy Cloner is,
and it’s very accessible.
> On Jan 23, 2024, at 10:35 AM, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
> Good morning everyone, which one is better or a VO user, in terms of
> usability and speed. One carbon copy koner? Two Super dupe
I didn’t even know Chrome had a built in screen reader on the mac, interesting.
> On Mar 25, 2024, at 2:33 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> I installed chrome on my MacBook Pro today and made the mistake of turning on
> the screen reader during set up. It conflicts with voiceover, giving me
> double
This also happens in Sonoma, I would call it a bug. The onlhy work around I
know of is to use the VO arrow key combinations to leave the edit field after
you type what you want, using the tab key also works.
> On Apr 28, 2024, at 8:52 AM, Paul Hopewell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running the late
I actually have everything related to quick navdisabled, including allowing
single letter quick nav and allow typing in text fields when using single key
quick nav, the issue still happens with the numpad. Wait until you try an apple
silicon mac, the speed is so much faster than the Intel proces
I'm seeing the same thing. For now I did the same work around you did, that
pitch change is just too much, it makes Alex sound like Mickey Mouse.
> On Aug 23, 2024, at 8:54 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
> I have voiceover utilities set to increase or change pitch when encountering
> a capital lette
I don't know of any work around, as far as I know there is no way to set the
pitch separately for indicating capital letters.
> On Aug 23, 2024, at 9:22 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> Isn’t it though? Almost reminds me of Mickey Mouse, but had no idea as to
> whether ornate there was a workaroun
Windows 10 has some odd quirks. With the software I do tech support for, on
some windows 10 systems, we have to install it a section at a time or it will
not work. If the fusion install does not work, this would probably prevent you
from being able to install it without sighted help as you could
The dropbox folder is usually within your home folder. I wouldn't even
mess with the side bar here. Press command+shift+h to open your home
folder, then open the drop box folder in the usual way.
Original message:
I’ve had a problem with using DropBox on my Mac Mini. It seems that
whenever I b
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