So, after playing with the new operating system a bit more, I'm going to stick with it rather than going back to Catalina although I still think that Apple has taken several steps backward with this new OS. I figure there's no point going back to an old operating system even if it's a bit easier for some things. I do hope Apple fixes the bug with using the dock, but I have an acceptable work around for that. I prefer not to open the applications folder every time I want to open an app which is what I used the dock for. Since this is currently not possible, I have made aliases for the applications I use the most and put them on my desktop. Regarding the messages application, I think I have found what I would consider to be a major voiceover bug and it's one reason I was having so much trouble with the app. Voiceover has a setting that determines how groups are handled, I usually use the bookend groups option since this eliminates the need to interact with items as much. This setting does not currently work with the messages app. Basically the new messages app has two sections, the conversations list and to the right of that is the area where the selected conversation is displayed. If you use one of the other voiceover group settings besides standard, once you move in to one of these areas, voiceover will get stuck there and you cannot get out of this section and go to the other one. Since I usually use the bookend groups setting, I created an activity for the messages app that switches to the standard setting instead. Unlike the messages app in Catalina, you can no longer use just the arrow keys to select a conversation, you must interact with the conversations list and use voiceover to select the conversation you want. Also, when opening the context menu for a conversation, you must use the voiceover up and down commands to move through the menu, using the regular arrow keys will not work. I've also found an odd issue with the notification center, in previous operating systems, when an application requested to use the notification center, the prompt would appear and there were buttons to allow or deny the request. With Big Sur, either those buttons do not appear or Voiceover does not see them. You have to press VO+command+space to open the actions menu to respond to the notification. I really hope Apple fixes some of these issues, I would consider some of them to be major.

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