Hello everyone,
I’m not sure if this is the place to ask this question or not since it is
Braille-related. I recently purchased an Orbit Reader and have had no problems
pairing it with my iPhone XR. However, when attempting to read books I
downloaded using VoiceDream Reader, I have problems.
Hi. I am currently using iOS 13.4 with my iPhone XR and can confirm the
keyboard issue as well.
Stay healthy,
> On 07.04.2020, at 17:11, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> It's not just the LogiTech keyboards. My Smart Keyboard for my iPad Pro
> behaves si
Hello Pete,
Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question, because like you, I have been
unable to edit existing contacts since 13.4.1. All I can do is assure you that
you probably weren’t doing anything wrong. Like you, I would like to know how
editing existing contacts is accomplished.
Hello Phil,
If you don’t mind, I would also like that explanation.
Thanks so much for bringing this approach to my attention.
Peace and health,
> On 18.04.2020, at 15:18, Phil Halton wrote:
> Voice dream writer, the companion app to voice dream reader is absolutely the
> app for yo
Hello Jürgen,
I grew up in the States but have lived all of my adult life in Austria. There
is a nine-hour time difference for much of the year between Central Europe and
the West Coast of the US. While I always do the conversion in my head, it is
easy to just ask Siri what time it is in Seat
I subscribe to several publications on the iPhone and recently, I have been
frustrated by an inability to sometimes read articles in their entireties.
Today, for example, I wanted to read a rather lengthy article in The Atlantic,
but could only read three or four lines of text. My assumpt
I am asking this on behalf of a blind friend who does not subscribe to this
My friend needs to log on to a secure website where he can download PDF
documents he needs to read for his job. However, he keeps receiving a message
telling him that he needs to disable his popup blocker
op interacting with the table and add the site as one
> that is allowed pop-ups. Close Safari Prefs and it should be good to go.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Jamf Certified Tech
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
I frequently receive emails with attachments, but I have not been able to
determine whether an email has an attachment or not. Is there a way to make the
Apple Mail program let one know that the message currently in focus has an
A blind friend told me that if an email has an at
I open the message. the attachments are hard
>> to find once I've opened the message.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 20, 2021, at 3:40 AM, Michael Busboom > <mailto:mbusb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I freque
Hello everyone,
Quite some time ago, a blind individual wrote on the blindness-related Apple
lists about an iPhone app that permitted a blind person to be able to hear
celestial bodies. I had the privilege of being introduced to the demo.
However,some personal issues prohibited me from really
Hello Listers,
I have never used FaceTime Audio with my MacBook, but I need to now. When I
asked Siri to call the person using FaceTime Audio with whom I wish to speak, I
was told that the person was not in my contacts. When I use my iPhone and
issue the command, I am immediately connected.
Thank you. I will give this a try.
Greatly appreciated.
> On 21.12.2021, at 15:05, Brad Snyder wrote:
> More specifically, you need to go into the Apple ID settings on each device,
> and make sure contacts is selected.
> - Brad -
> On Dec 21, 2021, at 07:54, Dave Carlson wrot
I recently heard a program on local radio that fascinated me. I would like to
record it before it disappears. The local radio stations let you listen to the
program for up to a week before it is removed from their list of offerings.
I am looking for an app that will enable me to record such
Hello everyone,
Although I have been using VO on the iPhone since the iPhone 4S, I am wanting
to tweak the VO settings on my iPhone 12. I am wondering if someone could tell
me where I might find that documentation. When I asked Siri where I could find
VoiceOver documentation, I got two differ
gt; <https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/iphone/iphfa3d32c50/ios>
> Douglas Lawlor Email: doug.law...@gmail.com
>> On Mar 24, 2022, at 8:56 AM, Herbie Allen wrote:
>> Your best bet might be to go to Applevis where you can look for what’s new
gt;> Your best bet might be to go to Applevis where you can look for what’s new
>> in iOS15.
>>> On Mar 24, 2022, at 05:12, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Although I have been using VO on the iPhone since
Hi. I frequently use a bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone and am having problems
understanding a command. Normally I use VO Space to select an icon, but
sometimes, this only produces a pop-up menu of choices. However, I can usually
get to the option I want by simultaneously pressing the arrow-up
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Apr 20, 2022, at 08:39, Michael Busboom > <mailto:mbusb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi. I frequently use a bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone and am havi
Hello everyone,
Recently a very close friend of mine died, and I inherited two iPads that he
and his wife owned. One of the iPads is three years old, and the other is five
or six years old. On one of the iPads, there are apparently a lot of pictures
that family members would like to have, pro
Apple accessibility to see what they might suggest.
> Apple was helpful to me when my husband passed, but then I knew the codes to
> his Apple stuff.
> Eileen
> From: Michael Busboom <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 10:03 AM
> To: 'Adrian Leong&
I use Uber quite frequently, mostly through the BlindSquare app. Since I live
in a metropolitan area, there are frequently instances where lots of cars go
by, and the driver, not knowing that I can’t see him/her, just sits there,
waiting for a passenger to get in to the car.
Is there a w
essages very simple. I am blind and use a white cane.
>> Or
>> Look for man with white cane.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Vaughn
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com On
>> Behalf Of Michael
After having listened to Jonathan Mosen’s excellent Zoom tutorial, I
immediately became enamored of the Zoom service. I subsequently learned about
a book on Zoom accessibility that only recently appeared. Unfortunately, I
misplaced the information and, despite googling the subject, I
I live in Europe, and I don’t have a dog. Nevertheless, I want to be able to
let the driver know that I won’t find him/her and that the driver will need to
apprise me of his/her arrival.
> On 27.02.2021, at 18:51, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> Well, we are getting a little off the Acple topi
Hi, everyone,
I use Blind Square quite a lot, normally when I am out and about. Today, since
my Logitech K380 was paired with my iPhone XR here at home, I just left it
connected. What I discovered is:
1. From within Blind Square, go into Tools.
2. Try to find the Contacts button.
I was una
A few years ago, a blind app developer produced an app that made celestial
objects audible. I believe, though I am not sure, that the app was called
Astrios. If the app is available, for purchase or otherwise, can someone tell
me how I might acquire it. When I had the opportunity to t
Hi, everyone,
Yesterday, I decided that I wanted more access to news sources. I went into
the App Store and as my search criterion I typed „Apple News.“ The first app
to appear in the results was Readly, so I downloaded it. Now, I am in my
two-week trial period where I can read news for free
Although I can get into my list of notifications, I have not been able to
figure out how to interact with individual notifications and reminders. Once
you are in the window where you can go up and down the list of notifications,
how can a single notification be dismissed or a reminder mark
ebar to open
> actions menu. From there you can close or examine a notification.
> Andrew
>> On 7 Dec 2020, at 10:11, Michael Busboom > <mailto:mbusb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Although I can get into my list of notifications, I hav
Hello to everyone,
A few years ago, there was an app which was apparently in Beta that enabled
blind people to experience radio astronomy on their iPhone. I was sent the
app, which worked for a limited period of time before it expired.
Unfortunately, when I could have experimented with the app
>> On Mar 14, 2023, at 11:04 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello to everyone,
>> A few years ago, there was an app which was apparently in Beta that enabled
>> blind people to experience radio astronomy on their iPhone. I was
Hello Scott,
First of all, I am very glad that you found a solution to your problem.
Although I don't own an external keyboard for my Mac, I am considering picking
one up for my iPhone. What I wanted to know is how difficult it is to make
sure that the battery in your solar keyboard is charge
Hello everyone,
Since I find it very difficult to enter data on my iPhone, I am considering
buying a bluetooth keyboard that, apparently, has been designed specifically
for the iPhone. I was told that this bluetooth keyboard is made by a company
called Boxwave and that is designed in such a wa
Hello everyone,
I have an iPhone 4 and a BraileNote Apex (querty keyboard). Although I can
read VoiceOver output on the Apex's Braille display, I am unable to input data
from the Apex to the iPhone. Does anyone have any suggestions, please? I find
data entry on the iPhone difficult, hence th
thing odd like
> that. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to enter data using the
> full qwerty keyboard, but I would email both supp...@humanware.com and
> accessibil...@apple.com to request such functionality, so they know
> there is an interest.
> On 12/15/11, Michael B
Hello listers,
I recently acquired an Android phone (HTC Desire Z) and want to synchronize it
with my Mac Book's address book and calendar. Do I need to go through the
cloud, or can I accomplish this through either a USB connection or Bluetooth?
I was advised that for synchronization with Symb
Hello Listers,
I recently purchased a Bluetooth keyboard that was specifically designed for
the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. For the most part, the keyboard works well, the
caveat being "for the most part."
whenever I turn off the keyboard and iPhone 4, they lose their pairing, and I
need sighted
ld be the keyboard, but I doubt that as it is
> designed for the iPhone, and the keyboard model should not be able to
> affect vo's ability to announce the pairing code.
> On 1/6/12, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> I recently purchased a Bluetooth
s bar.
> If you can, try another (different brand) keyboard and see if the same
> thing happens.
> On 1/6/12, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> This happens every time I power off the iPhone and then switch it back on
>> and thus far, VO has never read th
Hi, Johnny,
Although I haven't had a chance to spend too much time with a Bible program
that I have on my iPhone 4, I have been told by another blind iPhone user that
it is very, very accessible.
The Bible program is called "Youversion," and I believe that you will find
everything you need at
et it on my I-Phone.
> I'm wondering if anyone would know if this program would also work on the
> MacBook Pro as well?
> Johnny
> On Jan 8, 2012, at 2:14 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hi, Johnny,
>> Although I haven't had a chance to spe
via either a Mac or a Windows
> based computer. I'll keep you updated on my progress with Youversion.
> Johnny
> On Jan 9, 2012, at 2:45 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Johnny, hi.
>> A couple of things that come to mind for the Mac might be
>> www.
I have recently acquired a Bluetooth keyboard with a tiny docking station to
use with my iPhone 4 running IOS5.
While it is easy enough to enter text into an edit field, via the Bluetooth
keyboard, I have been unable to cursor or arrow through a text that I am
creating in order to insert or del
Hello Shanna,
Although many portions of the Blackboard platform can be navigated with VO
through Safari, there is one area that is difficult and, as far as I am
concerned, inadequately "accessible."
I am referring to the discussion areas where students interact with one another
and their teach
Hello everyone,
Could someone please refer me to some documentation on how to install the
latest version of Chrome with accessibility on my Mac? I am just a bit
confused. Is the latest accessible version of Chrome called ChromeVox or is
ChromeVox an extension for Chrome?
Lastly, which versio
me includes a process to update your installed version, so
> after installing it for the first time, the browser should install new
> versions automatically.
> HTH,
> André
> On 11/01/2012, at 08:05, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
; rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 4:47 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Colin,
>> Thank you very much for your list of keyboard commands. Unfortunately, my
>> small Blueto
I believe that most institutions are now using 9.1. This version was supposed
to have addressed bulletin board issues with regard to accessibility.
On 12,Jan,2012, at 1:38 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Do you know which version of Blackboard is being used? THis would be good
> info to have.
Hello Ezzie,
Is OmniWeb a Mac-based browser and when you used it, did you have many problems
effectively participating in classroom discussions via Bulletin Board?
On 11,Jan,2012, at 9:59 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
> Hello Shanna, Mike and Others,
> I've used Blackboard successful
Dear listers,
In two months, I will be visiting my family in the U.S. While there, I will be
doing a demonstration of access technology for blind people. While it won't be
difficult to demo screen reader techniques on a Mac, I am still not sure how to
demo VO on an iPhone. Most of the people
Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2012-01-13, at 7:28 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> In two months, I will be visiting my family in the U.S. While there, I will
video but the 4S can. I can't get one of them until later this month. Do your
> audience have iPhones?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 13, 2012, at 6:28 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> In
Hello everyone,
I am managing the translation of a book from German into English, and I will
need to regularly send mail to the translators and editors who are involved in
the project.
I want to give the distribution list a name and then insert (either manually or
from my contacts in my Addres
mber is that you have to restart Mail for the
> group to be recognised.
> In mail when you type the group name into the address area mail will then
> populate the address field with all the individual email addresses from the
> group.
> Hope tha helpsPOPULATE
> 18 J
Hello Vic,
I am very sorry that I cannot help you in any way, but I did want to ask you a
If I understood you correctly, you are using a speech recognition app on your
iPhone and routing the output of your program to your Mac. Is this correct and
if so, is this difficult to do?
keyboard for use with my I-phone 4S. I
> had been looking at the Freedom I-Connex and the Apple bluetooth keyboard,
> but have yet to make up my mind. Since the keyboard you are looking at is
> make for the I-phone, I assume that it has all of the necessary keys that are
> needed for
k or
> bvice versa for then to catch up lwith each other on re-opening.
> You can, of course, add a new contact manually. Lots of interaction
> needed but you can get to the necessary email field where you could petepaste
> in the address.
> On 18 Jan 2012, at 11:07, Michae
Hello everyone,
If you go to the Vision Australia website, you can learn about a really nice
app called Money Reader. I bought it and tested it using three different
currencies. It worked flawlessly, though I couldn't get it to announce the
currency and denomination as quickly as the presente
Does anyone know how well Google Goggles works for those of us (most of the
people on this list, I assume) who have a visual impairment?
I frequently run into situations when I don't have sighted assistance, and it
would be great to be able to have Google Goggles tell me what is in the can
Hi there,
Ever since "upgrading" from Snow Leopard to Lion, I have had an annoying
problem with Apple Mail. While scrolling through the mailboxes on my Mac, VO
always says "Blank Expanded" when I arrow over a new section of mailboxes on my
Mac. How can I get VO to once again announce the actu
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> www.appletothecore.info
>>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
s interesting. Voiceover is reading all the mailboxes and folders in
>> my mailbox table. I'm using IMAP as well. Is your verbosity set to low?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
d Commands
>> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
>> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
>> Keys
>> Action
>> left or right
>> Move cursor by character
>> up or down
>> Move cursor by
I am looking for a low-cost solution for masking my Mac's IP address. For
quite some time, I used Hot Spot Shield, but this is no longer an option,
because "PowerPC Applications are no longer supported."
Can anyone suggest an accessible alternative?
My thanks in advance,
You re
I am looking for the equivalent of a context menu for iPhone apps. Somehow it
is probably activated by tapping once and then holding but I could be wrong. I
am also wondering how to do a "select all" in an edit field. The other day, I
used Siri for text dictation and could have really
Since acquiring my iPhone 4S a little over a week ago, I have been downloading
Apps with abandon and thoroughly enjoying the experience of using them.
Recently, I discovered an App called Color Detector. It is a self-voicing App,
so you don't even need VoiceOver. However, the App's
Hello Mike,
Do you know if this App works at all in Europe? Since I still am an expatriate
American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy it, but knowing
that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more interesting.
Kindest regards,
P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac d
dium a try based on this thread as I am considering a voice chat
> app.
> Eric
> On 6/3/11, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Sarai,
>> Thank you for commenting on my post. I have downloaded Adium and have tried
>> to add a friend who uses GoogleTalk to my co
Hello Johnny,
Although I haven't tried out the program personally, I know that a lot of
people use a program called Macsword. If you want to download it and check it
out, you can find it at:
I hope this helps.
On 11,Jun,2011, at 8:29 AM, Johchi wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a problem that is causing some annoyance.
Whenever I go to the Sidebar in Finder and start arrowing through choices
there, windows open automatically. This is very annoying, and I am at a loss
as to how to solve it.
I went into the Finder preferences and the "Spring-loa
-> sidebar and disable your iDisk.
> HTH.
> Geoff
> On Jun 15, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a problem that is causing some annoyance.
>> Whenever I go to the Sidebar in Finder and
> stop this behaviour.
> Later...
> On 2011-06-16, at 6:03 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Geoff,
>> I'm one step ahead of you; iDisks never were enabled.
>> Any other thoughts?
>> Best regards,
I don't use Windows all that often on my Mac, only for occasionally reading
with the K1000 program and for specific editing jobs where I need Word 2007 or
I use VMWare Fusion so that I can run Windows and Mac OS simultaneously. I
have allocated a 20 GB partition on my hard driv
Greetings, one and all,
Up until recently, I used a service on Skype that would allow me to call a
university switchboard, and enter the person's extension via the numbers on my
Mac keyboard. As I typed the extension, I was able to hear the touchtones that
were generated as I entered each numb
Hi Mark,
This idea sort of worked, but only sort of:
1. Pressing Command-2 indeed permitted me to generate touchtones, but no
matter how quickly I pressed and released a key, the tones were sustained and
in almost every instance, the tones beeped twice.
2. Sometimes, although I know which nu
Hello Ricardo,
I recently paid for Garage Band but haven't even opened the package yet. Are
you sure that you didn't pay anything for the software? If you didn't, why was
I charged? :)
I always enjoy your contributions and wish you all the best.
On 8,Jul,2011, at 5:20 PM, Ricardo Walk
Hello everyone,
I went to the Apple accessibility page and looked for the VO manual for Lion,
but I came up empty. I won't be able to install Lion for another week or so,
but I had hoped to be able to read the manual in advance.
Would someone be willing to send it to me off-list if it comes un
Hello everyone,
I don't know what I did to precipitate this change, but Mail is behaving
slightly differently than it used to.
Yesterday, I was notified about a new version of Mail, and I downloaded it. I
may have made some other changes as well, but the problem I am now having isn't
keys or interact then use VO-a to read the message.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Jun 30, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I don't know what I did to precipitate th
out using the Preview pane. You have to either read line by
>>> line with the arrow keys or interact then use VO-a to read the message.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Jun 30, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
ew pane. In that case,
>>>>> all the advice about VO-j is useless. Apple has broken Mail for those of
>>>>> us who read without using the Preview pane. You have to either read line
>>>>> by line with the arrow keys or interact then use VO-a to read the mes
es table,
> they're immediately marked as read after I've simply VO down arrowed past
> them, and I don't like that.. .
> On Jun 30, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I don't know what I did to prec
Hello everyone,
Does anybody know if there is a "Take Control" book out there for the latest
version of Mail or at least for Mail under Snow Leopard? Since I still have
several questions about how to accomplish certain things in Mail, I thought it
wiser to consult a manual before posting to a
Is it possible in Mail to be notified when someone asks for a return receipt?
I am not being notified, nor are receipts being sent to people who need to know
that I have received their mail. While I sometimes intentionally ignore these
requests, I don't always, and it'd be great to know w
er for
my boss.
Kindest regards,
On 12,Jul,2010, at 10:56 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> Apple Mail does not support receipt requests.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hi.
Normally, receipt requests aren't important to me, but they are to the
organization for which I work. I'm afraid that if I don't find something, I'll
have to do all my mail under Windows which, in my case, is very doable but not
I guess I will need to look for new e-mail clients unde
One of the things I love about Voice Over is the way that it alerts us when a
mis-spelled word is encountered while reading. While this is really cool, I am
wondering if it is possible to take advantage of this feature while typing.
Whenever I type, my keyboard is silent, the way I like it. H
> AIM: cincinster
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 9:12 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> One of the things I love about Voice Over is the way that it alerts us when
>> a mis-spelled word is encountered while reading. While this is really cool,
>> I am wondering if it is
ever had my Keyboard to speak
> *nothing* when typing. I use the Speak Words setting in VoiceOver Prefs.
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> One of the things I love about Voice Over is the way that it alerts us when
>> a mis-spelled word is encoun
ying twice. It would seem that if there was sufficient demand, APple
> would have implemented this facility into Mail, but apparently its use is not
> significant.
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Normally, receipt requests aren't important to m
Anne, yes. Mine plays a tone when it encounters a mis-spelled word. I am so
excited about the idea of seeing this implemented that I will write a note to
the Apple accessibility people right away.
On 12,Jul,2010, at 11:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Mike,
> Have you set it t
do one neat trick or other, but to
>> have this feature i talked about above incorporated into the speel checker.
>> That way many programs could benefit from that feature. What do y'all think
>> about that?
>> /Krister
>> 12 jul 2010 kl. 21.53 skrev M
Mike, I understand that, but how do they use them? Do they send them with every
message or expect you to send them with each message? Sounds a little overkill,
but I am sure there is a reason.
On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
Actually, I hate them, but my
Michael Busboom wrote:
Actually, I hate them, but my place of employment practically insist on them.
For me personally, they are useless, and I don't blame Apple for never having
implemented the feature. Nevertheless, I am stuck.
On 12,Jul
but how do they use them? Do they send them with
every message or expect you to send them with each message? Sounds a little
overkill, but I am sure there is a reason.
On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
Actually, I hate them, but my place of employment practically i
Hello Donna,
I put a Documents shortcut on the Dock, and it works fine.
On 2010-07-14 15:34, Donna Goodin wrote:
Well, that at least saves a couple of steps.
On Jul 14, 2010, at 9:07 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
The easiest way to do this is to press Command shift
I use Window-Eyes under Fusion all the time and have had absolutely no
problems. A couple of keys are reversed, but it's not really a problem.
Mike Aureco (spelling) did a fantastic job covering this topic on a Blind Cool
Tech podcast.
Best regards,
On 19,Jul,2010, at 10:40 PM, Garr
Hello everyone,
Before submitting this feature request to the accessibility team at Apple, I
was curious if (1) it is implemented already and (2) what others thought.
I work in a multilingual context daily. I am very satisfied with my
text-to-speech software, too. However, I occasionally have
Hi, Ahmed,
When you're in your list of messages, press the Option Key and while holding it
down, press either the Arrow-Up Key or the Arrow-Down Key, depending on which
direction you want to move. You will need to keep the Arrow-Up or Arrow-Down
Key pressed for about a second or so.
Hope this
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