I think it is a vo problem. I had this problem a few days ago, and I thought I
was just messing up because I'm a new Mac user. I couldn't get the settings to
stick, but my sighted husband informed me that they were reading properly, but
vo was reporting them incorrectly.
fer a few hints on how best to accomplish this task? Thanks in
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t found after poking around. How can
I change the default app for opening a file type>?
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Thanks so much, Esther, for all that great info. And yes, get info. That is
what I remember hearing for how to change the default app to open a file.
Thanks to the list for your collective patience.
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article, e.g. at
www.religiondispatches.org. I know VO has a lot of good features for moving
among headers, links, visited or unvisited, form controls etc. But I haven't
found one that lets you move to the next nonlink text on a page. Am I missing
it?> Or does it just not exist?
Hi Les,
Thanks for the tip on vo command p to find the next plain text. I looked in the
web section of the vo help menu and didn't see it there. Just double checked
and didn't see it. Where should I have looked to find this one?
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he sites I visit, mostly news sites like my
local paper or others with compilations of articles. Of course, one can set web
spots, like place markers on the Windows side of things. That's one I never got
in to in Windows and haven't as yet on the Mac either.
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Thanks, Nick. Find menu. I had seen all those commands, but just filed them
away in some mental compartment that relates to finding text in word
processing, not on the web. I'll definitely try this option and hope it does
the trick.
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utput from the sound card, so to speak, perhaps a
bluetooth or rf device whose receiver plugs into the line in on your stereo? I
have no clue if there would be a market for such a thing, especially since
there is Itunes with the Ipod as remote. But that doesn't let you control the
Mac, jus
Hi Les,
Yes, I do read braille, and I saw that about the braille manual from the
Lighthouse. It looked like that was referring to the Leopard manual, but
perhaps I misunderstood.
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Hi Chris,
Yes, I know about wireless headphones. I worked using headphones for 8 hours a
day for 30 years, so I try to avoid them when possible. It could be a
cheap way to find out just how far the keyboard will work reliably, though. 30
feet might do what I want.
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idea won't work
I had one of those little transmitters several years ago, and it was pretty
cool. But of course, then, there weren't bluetooth keyboards, so you couldn't
control the source of the audio remotely.
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elds under static? I'm seeing 3
fields, not 5, and none seems to have text in it. No text is announced when I
flick to each field in turn. Perhaps sighted help will shed further light here,
but the 5 versus 3 fields is quite mystifying.
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. So I was
thinking Fusion wouldn't work because you don't actually boot Windows, as I
understand it, thus the driver install would quite probably not go well. Any
experiences you care to relate would be most welcome.
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ical sound recordings. Is there any way
to fake Itunes out and somehow get these things in there and transferred over
to the Ipod? Or am I out of luck? Thanks a lot Apple. Itunes just doesn't seem
to be flexible enough to meet my needs. But am I overlooking something?
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nd so many think its such a
hardship to keyboard. If its not a touch screen or a mouse, they can't do it.
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are other good
things in there.
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chine. Can anybody tell me good
reasons to get the 3.1 update that offset the inconvenience of the much lowered
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e Mac-related
podcasts available on blindcooltech
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? Or do I just copy and paste
the app the old fashioned way?
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the top level view of the hd any more, which offered another way of
getting at the downloads folder, among other things. any advice?
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thanks, Esther. How ironic that people in the UK can't get this app!
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. Here's hoping they get
a fix soon.
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7;m glad I have a pc with an active audible account so am not
dependent on this Mac.
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st as others have reported. How
come, when I went back to safari 4, the problems didn't go away? I also deleted
the new webkit I had recently installed. No help there. what am I doing wrong?
this is as frustrating as anything I've seen with Windows.
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machine was used for.
What can I do to get 4 back until the mess with 5 is fixed?
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issions if it doesn't work? And
why wouldn't it work? Maybe that's why those of us with these safari problems
are having them? Our permission repairs aren't working right?
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I'm sorry to report that downloading the safari 5 from the apple site did
nothing for my problems here. I repaired permissions after installing and
loaded the audible site, which caused the restart problem just as it has all
along. I do hope they get this fixed soon.
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Turning off java script in the developer menu seems to have solved the problem
I was having on the audible site. ichat is still messed up, but at least it
sbetter than it was. Hoping for a fix soon.
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Hi Olivia,
Did turning off java fix ichat for you as well? Here id did nothing useful,
which I suppose I wouldn't expect it to; I don't guess java script is involved
with ichat, is it? anyway, still looking forward to a fix, but half a loaf
beats none.
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In addition to having to interact twice, you sometimes get taken back to the
start of the chat with no way to get to the end without reading through the
entire thing, very annoying, to say the least! Hoping for a fix.
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thanks, Darcy. Works like a charm. Having never used Safari extensions before,
I'm wondering what else is out there that might be useful and accessible and
where you find these things. A google search is obviously one way, but I'd be
curious if others have actual experiennces.
Accessing Audible via google also works for me and has allowed me to turn
javascript back on, which has improved functionality o other sites. Still
waiting for the IChat fix.
Love the reader.Î
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Yes, pocket tunes is quite accessible and easy to use.
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Pocket tunes is an iphone/ipod touch app that lets you stream and record radio
stations and podcasts.
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I don't think pocket tunes can record at selected times. If it can, I haven't
found a way to do it. But its such a cool app otherwise. Its catalogue is
really good, as John said.
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Hi Dan,
No, I did not download a book with java script disabled. I was seeing funky
behaviour on other sites, so I tried the method of accessing audible by googlig
it and going in that way. that seems to work, so I was able to re enable java
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I do not have personal experience with parallels. but there have been notes on
this list in the past stating that Parallels was completely unusable with VO.
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here. Am I missing a step?
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Hi Cara,
Neither vo plus space or enter does anything for me when in the doc on the
applications or documents folders. vo shift m brings up the menu that has the
open option in it. enter and vo plus space work on the doanload and other
folders, but not applications or documents. Weird.
After checking "list" in the menu that comes up when you hit vo shift m on a
folder, I did find that pressing enter on the applications folder in the doc
did open it. thanks.
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received responses. I
have not. I wrote specifically about Ichat, because that problem seemed to have
received less publicity than the general issues with the app and websites.
Hopefully, there is a fix in the works.
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o use various portions of
the apple website, and there is the IChat problem as well. and why entering
audible from a google search, even with a cooky and an account should work but
entering it from either a bookmark or by typing it in doesn't, I haven't a clue.
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You can't play library of congress talking books on an Ipod. so if you read a
lot of those books and magazines, you'd need some sort of something to play
them on, such as the stream, right?
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Hi David,
I never enabled time stamp in IChat. It was that way by default from the first
time I used it. I'd like to disable it but have not seen an entry for that.
Looking forward to when the problem with vo and IChat gets squashed.
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them to reproduce. so many of
us have experienced and reported this bug. but no fix was forthcoming in the
maintenance release.
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at thing is really a nuidance.
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Hi Olivia,
I think you said you have an ipod or ipad. Get the apple store app and order
the IPhone that way. Not a fix for this problem, but you'll get your IPhone
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Hy Barry,
How about Ichat? I tried shutting down and restarting there and its messy,
sometimes sort of works, often not. has anybody found a stable work around
with Ichat?
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Control option j takes you to the preview pane and the message is then read
automatically. vo j back to the message list. But I thought Mark said he didn't
use the preview pane.
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or restoration of my system,
which is faithfully backed up on a frequent basis. With so many of us having
these problems, though, it does not seem like its an individual system thing.
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Hi chris,
I am thankful that the preview pane does not just start reading the next
message automatically. I delete a lot without reading, so for me, starting the
reading of each new message would not be a desired behavior. different strokes,
I guess.
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most current, even though my version was
purchased a month or more ago?
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stick plus this warning
message. What the heck is this referring to? And since I didn't modify it, how
might a mod happen? is it something that could be causing me problems and how
can i fix it?Mary
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I never had the problem with mail not rreading when I pressed vo plus j. So for
me, there was no problem to fix.
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light for the curious like me.
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I have books in my sources table, but there are audiobooks in there. I was
expecting to see ibooks as a separate category. I assume audiobooks and Ibooks
won't be mixed together in the same table.
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t you can do in Ichat. there are several events in that events
pop up menu, and you dcan assign sounds to them or speak announcements etc.
Hope that helps somebody.
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ial concave cells that
Handytech uses. One of the toughest things about deciding n a display, aside
from the money, is getting to really try a variety of them if you don't attend
one of the big conventions. but I'm getting off topic.
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devices throughout the day? Or
do you have to pair the display anew each time you move to using a different
device? I'm sure that's a silly question. But I've found that assuming can lead
to unpleasant surprises.
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and some other language. Your
choice is one of the other. Am I understanding that right? Or would it be
possible to check the check box for American English when you aren't doing
anything that requires another language?
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Thanks for the tip, annie. I thikn those Baum displays are sold here under the
Humanware brand; there doesn't seem to be a Baum dealer in the U.S.
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site. And thanks to your
husband for doing this work!
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27;s info before you hear the next subject. I'd like to not hear
message status and would like subject prior to sender. Not a big deal unless
you've got hundreds of emails backed up, I suppose. but it would be nice.
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thanks, Cara, for the post from Josh. I don't have a Macbook, so the trackpad
isn't available here. But I do have numpad commander and quicknav. Not much
good here, but good other places. Tradeoffs.
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Hi Eric,
By they are only set up for computer braille entry, I assume you mean vo, not
the particular display, the bc640? Or did you mean just that display?
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hard drives are 7200 rpm; I wasn't
able to find that in the looking I did, but its probably buried somewhere in
there. The server model is 7200 rpm with duel 500gb drives, but I recall
hearing that that os version isn't vo friendly. What gets me is how much Apple
wants for memory
re all reasons why I can't see
dumping windows for scanning/ocr purposes. If abbyy would come out with a full
version of fine reader, that might be a different story.
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with your k1000 and your fusion
on your mac?
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expensive solution doesn't seem
practical. I'm intrigued by the camera idea, but I would never pay a thousand
for an add on or close to twice that for a stand alone solution.
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Thanks, John. that Fujitsu doesn't sound like the scanner for me. I doubt the
library would appreciate me cutting up their books.
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for your reply about using the braille star. I'd love to see the
Handytech braille cels. Apparently, its a unique design, and people either love
it or hate it. its hard to picture how the concave cells are without getting
your hands on a display.
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Yes, it will be great if they come out with an accessible scanning ocr app for
the IPhone. But I don't think I see such an app being for the most efficient
way to do books. Great for stuff on the go, however.
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xt to have it start
reading. is there a way to have the whole thing open like you can in acrobat
reader and just read from start to finish? Alternatively, how do you find the
text that is the next page after that page is displayed?
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For whatever reason, although the view menu in preview was set to view a pdf as
single page continuous, the document I was having problems with wasn't reading
like that. Reopening the document and preview solved the problem; no idea why
it didn't work right the first time.
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For more opti
safari reader, on the other hand,
worked flawlessly. Right arrowing through to see the various chunks of text
also worked. but vo a certainly did what chris described.
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went to system
preferences and increased the rate of the system voice, but the slow reading
continues even after a restart. What else might I change to get speech read at
something approximating a speed I'm use to with vo?
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Hi Anne,
My mouse cursor is not tied to the vo cursor either, but I got the same reading
results as Chris.
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d how to select just those I want. this must e a
simple thing that I'm overlooking.
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could be deleted. the Russian
voice is pretty decent, better than I thought it would be, as is the Mexico
Spanish voice. Pretty darned cool! I wonder if Ibooks will have foreign
language texts eventually; I suspect I'll wait a long time for anything in
Russian, though.
You rec
on a real russian
layout keyboard in decades, so it ought to be interesting.
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hing installed. I see the bookshelf and title, author and category,
which I presume are ways of sorting the material. but my list is said to be
empty, which would seem to indicate the absence of a sample test book with the
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, preferably a pc,
since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed.
I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while
back, but was that for Mac only?
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that helps. Web pages also
load a lot faster on my Mac than they do on my Windows pc, some times, a lot
faster, which is a time saver.
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Hi Doug,
I looked at the description and reviews for documents 2. It looks like an
incredible app for the price of a mere $2. Some reviewers weren't too happy
with it. but if its accessible with VO, what's not to like?
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g to go to voice over gestures and try
different combinations to figure out what the keys on their display will do.
Beats a blank, as they say. but I would hope that the practice will be to have
key assignments listed in the relevant support docs once they become available.
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keys on either side of the spacebar. Of course,
the price you pay is that you have forms mode with Jaws, for instance.
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Ibooks is now available on the Ipod touch and Iphone, not just hte Ipad. Its
not on the Mac.
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Simon, Ibooks is for ebooks in the epub format and it will also read pdfs.
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the school system where my husband teaches here in Oregon uses all macs. I
don't know if others do or not.
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Can this be done? I just installed the latest webkit, and it has solved the
Audible problem. I'd like to import my safari bookmarks into webkit; can that
be done?
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To pos
up in
safari but not webkit.
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Well, it must be time to turn this off and go to bed. I just opened webkit
again, and my Russian links that I swear were not there when I was last in
webkit were there as Esther said bookmarks should be. Definitely time to call
it a night!
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Hi Ben, this is the Springfield school district, right next to Eugene, Oregon
where we live that uses all macs. what they use in their district offices, I
haven't a clue. but in the schools themselves, its mac all the way according to
my better half.
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No, it won't work with the Ipod because the Ipod has no camera with which to
take pictures.
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Hi all,
I have recently installed the stanza app on my Ipod and subsequently went to
the website to look at the faq. For whatever reason, the portion of faq having
to do with transfering files didn't show answers when I clicked on one of the
questions in that section. Anyway, my questions are th
f controls, kind of like speech box mode for JAWS.
that is wasteful of valuable display real estata, and if this is indeed what
happens, I think they should do something about it.
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ut that one too. IPlease drop accessibility at apple a
note to add your voice to others who would like the functionality restored.
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nt to lock vo keys; seems like
doing that would be a lot less necessary since they introduced quicknav. Thanks
for the tip on language and speech rate adjustment; I didn't realize that
existed. It will be handy.
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