Re: Spotify on the IPhone

2011-12-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
Kevin, am I correct that you need a Facebook account to use Spotify? I don't have one, but I'm finding the selection on Pandora a bit lacking these days, so have toyed with the idea of creating an account on Facebook just for the purpose of using Spotify. On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Kevin M

Re: Got Siri

2012-01-19 Thread Lynn Schneider
Gigi, if you want commas and periods in your text, just say them. Here is an example: Hello comma ,my name is Gigi and I'm learning to use Siri period. To learn more Siri tricks and techniques, I would suggest a book which you can purchase and download from the iTunes store called Talking To Si

Re: The official Twitter app for iPhone and links...

2012-01-24 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi David. This is precisely the reason I stopped using the official Twitter app. I could not reliably click on links, so am now using ?Tweetlist. On Jan 24, 2012, at 4:55 PM, Deamon David wrote: > Hi folks. > I try to post this here since I didn't find that much about it in the > archive. >

New voices are great

2011-07-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
While there are things about the new Lion that I'm working on getting used to, the one thing I have really come to love is the ability to have so many new voice options for free. I initially downloaded them just for fun and because I have always wanted different voices, but couldn't justify plu

Re: should I or what?

2011-07-24 Thread Lynn Schneider
As someone who just upgraded to Lion, I would recommend waiting for a while until some of the bugs are worked out, especially since you are a new user and are just learning. While I personally have not found the bugs to be show-stoppers for me, I just think that things will be worked out more a

Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-24 Thread Lynn Schneider
I think definitely part of the problem is that, with a new OS, we do have to learn to do things in a different way, but I also wonder if we can isolate these problems to specific system configurations. I have an iMac with 4 GB RAM, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and I am not having the lag issues pe

Re: What is the reading list?

2011-07-24 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Christopher. Have you ever heard of a service called Instapaper? Basically, it is a way of saving a web page for later reading. Say you are on Twitter and you see a link to an article you really want to read, but you just don't have time right now. So, what you would do would be to open t

Re: where do the new voices go?

2011-08-06 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Mike and others. I totally love some of these new voices. I always thought Alex and I would have a monogamous relationship, but, well, you know, I have to confess that I've been cheating on him these days since more exciting things have come along. LOL. Actually, I love the idea that I ca

Re: DTB players and thumb drives again.

2010-08-02 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Jenny. I use a thumb drive with my NLS DTB player all the time and I do my file transfers with a Mac, but I recently had a similar sort of thing happen. It ended up being that I had a bad thumb drive. It was strange because the drive had been working perfectly for several months, and then

Re: DTB players and thumb drives again.

2010-08-03 Thread Lynn Schneider
; command+e. You should only take your flash drive out after you do that. > > On Aug 3, 2010, at 12:16 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote: > >> Hi Jenny. I use a thumb drive with my NLS DTB player all the time and I do >> my file transfers with a Mac, but I recently had a similar sort o

Re: Flash

2010-08-04 Thread Lynn Schneider
Andy, this is the reason why I had to buy a Windows netbook. There are some pages, many of which are very important to me, that you just cannot access. I love my Mac very much, but the sad truth is that if you have Flash-intensive pages that you want to access, you will not want to try it with

Re: problems with safari & google

2010-08-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
One thing I found that helped was to sign into Google with my Google ID and tell it to keep me signed in. I don't know if this will help in the long term, but it did help when I did that just recently. Of course, if you don't have a Google ID, that won't help unfortunately. On Aug 23, 2010,

VO J not working in new ITunes, any alternatives?

2010-09-09 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. Since upgrading to the latest ITunes a few days ago, I have noticed that I can no longer use VO-J to jump from the sources table to the list of songs. Arrowing around is a bit tedious, so I was wondering if anyone out there had another solution for me or could at least explain why

Re: VO J not working in new ITunes, any alternatives?

2010-09-09 Thread Lynn Schneider
Tedious? You would only have to press VO left or right 2 times to get from > one table to the other. :). That just one more key press than control J. > but, you can also press VO command T to jump from sources table to songs > table. > > hth > On Sep 9, 2010, at 8:12 PM

The new Twitter and the follow button with Safari

2010-09-25 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. While I typically manage my Twitter experience with clients, there are times when I do use the Twitter web site, mostly to follow people. Today, I attempted to use the new Twitter web interface and found that I was unable to click on the follow button in someone's profile. I got

New ITunes, what do you all think?

2010-09-25 Thread Lynn Schneider
Well, I downloaded the new ITunes today. There is a Ping sidebar that I had to hide. I still can't use my VO-J to jump to the table. Other than that, it seems like it is the same. I would use Ping, but honestly, I'm up to my ears in social media these days and really don't want anymore. LOL.

Re: iPhone, my first impression

2009-10-01 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Jean-Philippe. I agree with you that typing on the iPhone is not as fast as with a standard keyboard, but you would be surprised at how proficient you can become with practice. I have the iPod Touch. I have found that one of the tricks to becoming really proficient with the touch screen

A few questions for this Imac newbie

2009-10-02 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi there. Words cannot express how thankful I am for this list and the many great podcasts out there which helped me make the transition to the Mac. I do have a few questions that I cannot find the answers to in the documentation. First, is it necessary to periodically restart my Imac? I

Growl and Adium

2009-10-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I am a very recent switcher who has tried to install and use Adium. Upon starting up Adium for the first time, it wanted me to install something called Growl. I was not sure if this was absolutely necessary to use Adium, but I said yes. Since then, things look different on

Re: iPhone, my first impression

2009-10-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
You know, since both devices have Bluetooth capability, I've been wondering whether it would be possible to use a bluetooth keyboard with the Touch or the iPhone? I'm not having a problem entering text or using the touch screen myself, but it's just something I've been wondering about. On

Re: Growl and Adium

2009-10-07 Thread Lynn Schneider
Adium even if I > turned Growl notifications off, it kept saying "Adium/Skype has new > dialog", and it annoyed the heck out of me. So yes, you're safe to > turn it off. The notifications in Adium still work, speaking events > and all. > > Regards, > Nic > On O

Adium and messages from unfamiliar people?

2009-10-09 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi there. I'm trying to message some of my MSN Messenger friends. I noticed that for some reason, I'm seeing conversations from totally unfamiliar people. The people seem nice enough, but I don't know them. Can you guys explain this and how I can stop it? Also, are there any good altern

iMac unstable after coming out of sleep mode

2009-10-27 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I have had my iMac for a little over a month now and am on the latest version of everything. Sometimes, I notice that when I hit the control key to wake my iMac up, it will be a little unstable for a while. For example, sometimes the first app I run after the wakeup process

Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-30 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi. You said something that caught my attention and I'm hoping you can explain further. I have been using my iMac now for a little over a month. I'm not sure if I would call myself a switcher, since I still think Windows has a lot of value for me, but the one thing I do miss is not being

Time questions

2009-10-31 Thread Lynn Schneider
Thanks to everyone for all the great info. I have two questions about time that I hope you can address. First, will Snowy be a smart little kitty and update my iMac's clock to daylight savings tonight or will I have to do it manually? Secondly, yesterday someone said that if you have the ch

Re: Time questions

2009-10-31 Thread Lynn Schneider
; Nic > Skype: Kvalme > MSN Messenger: > AIM: cincinster > yahoo Messenger: cin368 > Facebook Profile > My Twitter > > On Nov 1, 2009, at 12:54 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote: > >> >> Thanks to everyone for all the great info. I have two question stream

2009-11-08 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I like following extreme weather events. In the Windows world, I accessed the audio stream at frequently when there was an approaching storm. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get this stream to play on my Mac. I have VLC, but it does not seem to grab the s

Re: adem, and msn, ipodtuch?

2009-11-13 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Maurice. I had trouble with Adium at first too, but just a couple days ago, I figured it out. To read the chat window, as someone else here said, you have to VO-arrow around to find the part of the window that Voiceover describes as unknown and interact with it. Since it seems to keep tra

Re: music downloads

2009-11-15 Thread Lynn Schneider
I like I have not tried it yet on the Mac side, so I hope it is accessible, but on the Windows side, I used it all the time. You can buy single tracks or albums, and the prices are quite reasonable. On Nov 14, 2009, at 7:21 AM, May McDonald wrote: > > I'm looking for Ch

Re: -- installing windows media player

2009-11-25 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Donald. You need something called Flip For Mac. The latest version is compatible with Snow Leopard. I haven't been able to get it working yet, but this is the application you need. Try this link: O

Re: -- installing windows media player

2009-11-26 Thread Lynn Schneider
; > On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Donal Fitzpatrick > wrote: > Thank you Lynn I'll try this. > > From: Lynn Schneider [] > Sent: 26 November 2009 06:38 > To: > Subject: Re: -- installing windows media play

Re: no mac for blind people in Belgium

2009-11-29 Thread Lynn Schneider
It's not that much different here in the U.S. Typically, if you want a state agency to pay for your technology, they will have contracts with certain companies like Humanware and will prefer certain screen readers, typically Jaws. On Nov 29, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote: > > 29

Need good OCR program for the Mac

2009-11-29 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I'm looking for a good OCR program for the Mac. I would like to scan books and submit them to Bookshare, so quality is very important. I have been looking at some of the commercial packages out there instead of the blindness-specific packages, but I need to be able to decolunize

Re: Economics and the Mac

2009-11-30 Thread Lynn Schneider
I purchased my first Apple computer about three months ago. I will never forget the feeling of complete surprise and joy at being able to just turn the iMac on and get it talking within minutes. Microsoft is not to blame for not having default Windows access out of the box, blind people are to

AbbyFine Express problem

2009-12-02 Thread Lynn Schneider
I purchased AbyyFine yesterday. It does a great job converting PDF documents to text, but I've been having a problem when I try to do OCR from a scanned document. I tell the program that I want it to get the document from my scanner, and then I think it is the Twain driver window comes up. It

Re: Introduction

2009-12-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Rick, as a very recent switcher myself, I know what you are dealing with in learning to use the Mac. Aside from learning a whole new set of commands, there are also some concepts that need to click in your head to successfully use the Mac. The more time you spend with it, the faster things wil

Re: Whinings about Amadeus Pro:-)

2009-12-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Krister, I'm trying to learn Amadeus Pro myself. I'm wondering if we could run that PDF manual through AbyyFine to get a better rendering? It does a great job with PDF documents. I'm also looking for any podcasts that might be out there on Amadeus, but can only find one concerning the batch c

Re: Is the IPod Touch just a toy, or what?

2009-12-06 Thread Lynn Schneider
what apps you install and how you end up using it. In reality, I would guess that most of the things people do with their Touches and iPhones revolve around entertainment pursuits, but if you want to, you can also make it a very handy tool for getting things done. Lynn Schneider MSN Messenger: ca

Re: Media Player

2009-12-06 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Matt. I use VLC and have also installed something called Flip For Mac which is supposed to play Windows Media files, although I have not been able to get it to work for It says I don't have some sort of mime plugin and I don't know where to get it. Windows Media files ha

Re: It's pointless!

2009-12-10 Thread Lynn Schneider
n the go, and sometimes I need my Mac because I want to use a wonderful, stable computer system and I have a great deal of respect for Apple and all they are doing to make technology accessible to everyone. I'm not sure if that answers your question. Lynn Schneider MSN Messenger: canepr

iTunes and time jump, can it be done?

2009-12-27 Thread Lynn Schneider
-option-right and left arrows, but that is very slow. I did see something while poking around in the information menu that says start time and end time, but I can't quite get that to work. Any assistance with this would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. Lynn Schneider MSN Messenger ca

Re: iTunes and time jump, can it be done?

2009-12-27 Thread Lynn Schneider
d Enjoy, > > Mark > > -----Original Message- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Lynn Schneider > Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 12:26 PM > To: > Subject: iTunes and time jump,

Re: iTunes and time jump, can it be done?

2009-12-28 Thread Lynn Schneider
k playing and > paused it before you run the script. There's a shortcut sequence that > used to guarantee the track was selected, but with all the recent > tweaks in iTunes behavior, I wouldn't want to try running down the > sequence and checking the circumstances under w

Listening to audio clips on

2010-05-16 Thread Lynn Schneider
I am very interested in all things Alaska, especially mountaineering in Alaska, so I really like a public radio station from there at Up until a few weeks ago, I could listen to the audio clips like the news casts and a program called Nuggets. Now, however, they have apparently c

Re: Listening to audio clips on

2010-05-16 Thread Lynn Schneider
e at the station directly? > They may not even know the situation exists. > Karen > > On Sun, 16 May 2010, Lynn Schneider wrote: > >> I am very interested in all things Alaska, especially mountaineering in >> Alaska, so I really like a public radio station from there at www

Re: Listening to audio clips on

2010-05-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
nswer to your question. When I went to the > site there was a Listen Online link. I clicked that (VO-space) and it just > downloaded a file called listen.pls. I opened that and it launched iTunes > which started playing the audio. Is this not what happens for you? > > CB > >

Getting song title in the iTunes radio stations, is it possible?

2010-06-19 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I've been curious about something for a long time and thought I'd get your input. When I listen to the radio stations that are provided through iTunes, often I will hear a song I like, but cannot seem to get the title. Also, I would like to automatically buy these songs in the iT

Re: Getting song title in the iTunes radio stations, is it possible?

2010-06-20 Thread Lynn Schneider
#x27;s site is the only information available. Some > stations provide info and others do not. > > hth, > On Jun 19, 2010, at 5:20 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote: > >> Hi everyone. I've been curious about something for a long time and thought >> I'd get your input.

Printing labels on my Mac

2010-01-11 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. As you know, I am a fairly recent switcher. I used to make and print address labels under Windows with MS Word. Now that I don't have that anymore, what can I use to make and print labels on my Mac? The only word processing I have is with TextEdit, which I don't think has a labe

Adium and display name for Windows Live Messenger

2010-01-11 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. One of my MSN Messenger contacts pointed out to me recently that my display name is now no longer Lynn, but is showing as, which is my MSN Messenger username. I don't remember changing that, but how do I get it back to my correct display name again? Thanks

Re: Adium and display name for Windows Live Messenger

2010-01-12 Thread Lynn Schneider
ebooks and such that I use adium for. >>> On 2010-01-12, at 3:07 AM, Chris G wrote: >>> >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> It seems like this is an issue for users of multi im clients. When you >>>> change your name you'll need to change it a

Repairing permissions, should I close all apps?

2010-02-05 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. If you are having problems with your system and you want to repair permissions to try and fix them, is it necessary to close all apps first? I noticed that last time I repaired permissions, it did fix a bad Safari problem, but when I looked at the log, it showed that certain files

Re: Blog post: First Glance at Firefox Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-02-11 Thread Lynn Schneider
Oh I would so love to have an alternative to Safari! I'm a fairly recent switcher and I don't miss Windows at all except that I totally and absolutely miss the great accessibility I had with IE. I hate the fact that I can't read line by line or copy web page text to the clipboard and he distur

Pandora on the Mac

2010-02-13 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I totally love the Pandora service on my iPod Touch. I purchased a paid account, but cannot seem to get it to play on my Mac. I can find the links to play the stations, but when I click on those links, I get no music at all. Is it necessary to download the Pandora player for the

Need Twitter client suggestions

2010-03-15 Thread Lynn Schneider
I know this has come up frequently on the list, but I have recently been bitten by the Twitter bug and want to know what you all think is the best client to try. I have downloaded Tweetery for the iPod Touch, but I need something for the Mac and want to know what the latest information is regar

Re: adding stuff to the doc?

2010-03-21 Thread Lynn Schneider
Also, you can add it while the app you want to add is running. Open up the app you want to add. Now go to the dock and find the app you want to add. For example, say you want to add mail to the dock. Arrow through the dock items until you hear it say mail running. Now, hit vo-shift-m and ar

Re: apple startup sound

2010-03-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
LOL, your message makes me remember back when I first started using a Mac. I found the power button, pressed it, and that start-up sound just about made me jump out of my chair it was so loud and it scared me! I thought maybe I had pressed a system destruct button or something. Yes, I'd like t

Gmail, Imap and missing mailbox

2010-03-23 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone. I'm on a cooking list and keep the recipes I like in a mailbox called Personal. Until recently, I could look at the Personal mailbox on my Mac. Now, however, it does not appear in the list of mailboxes. It does still exist because I can view it when I log into Gmail from the web

Re: Selecting links in Syrinx

2010-04-03 Thread Lynn Schneider
If it doesn't seem to work, after hitting the command-shift-l combination, try hitting command-tab to go to your Safari window. I find that sometimes when I use the command-shift-l, it actually does open the link, but it does not automatically put the focus on the Safari window so I have to com

Re: syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Lynn Schneider
I started using Twitter about a month ago. Twitter is very accessible, both with the main Twitter web site and with Syrinx. Yes, when you get new tweets, you will hear a sound effect which is nice because it's not too obnoxious but just loud enough. I really like Syrinx very much and use it a

RE: question about Ipod: How to prevent it from unpausing?

2009-09-18 Thread Lynn Schneider
Personally, I turned the screen autolock completely off in settings, as I am a new Ipod Touch user and find it annoying to constantly have to unlock while I'm reading documentation trying to figure things out. If you turn off the autolock, you can still lock manually if you want. -Origina

Need cloud-based Mac-accessible service for recipes

2011-08-27 Thread Lynn Schneider
I'd like to find a cloud-based, Mac-accessible, reasonably-priced service for backing up my recipe collection so I can access my recipes on the go from my iPhone, PC, etc. I'm thinking these files, which would be plain text files, shouldn't take up that much space, but I probably have a couple

Question about Safari and reader

2011-09-10 Thread Lynn Schneider
I really find the reader in Safari, shift-command-r, to be extremely helpful, but I wonder why about half the time, it does not work at all? When I encounter a page where it does not work, is there anything I can do to make it work? Thanks in advance for any insights. -- You received this me

Too much verbiage being read in message list in Mail

2011-09-14 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi guys. How can I cut down on the amount of information I see when going through the message list in Mail? I am using Lion with the new mail view instead of the classic, but I find that there is a lot of useless chatter. I'd really like to get rid of the date stamp column, as I don't care ab

Has anyone successfully done jobs with Amazon Mechanical Turk?

2011-09-14 Thread Lynn Schneider
I have a day job right now, but I'm looking to make a few extra bucks and was wondering about doing jobs using Amazon Mechanical Turk. One problem I have noticed already is that they have an inaccessible capcha to sign up for the service, but aside from that, I am just wondering if any

Re: Seeing AI And Reading Of Bar Codes

2019-04-27 Thread Lynn Schneider
I’ve noticed that I am having trouble with this app also lately. I am glad to hear that others are having the same experience, but it really makes me sad, as I depend on this app a lot. I was actually about to reinstall it, thinking there was just some kind of problem on my end. Honestly, I love

Question about searching from within folders

2011-01-12 Thread Lynn Schneider
I thought I was opening a container of rice pudding, but instead opened a container of sour cream. I knew I had some recipes on my Mac that contained sour cream, so, not wanting to waste the sour cream, thought I'd bring them up and find one but just cannot figure out how to do it. My recipes

Re: Question about searching from within folders

2011-01-12 Thread Lynn Schneider
in sour cream. > Hope that helps. > > Carolyn H > On Jan 12, 2011, at 7:20 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote: > >> I thought I was opening a container of rice pudding, but instead opened a >> container of sour cream. I knew I had some recipes on my Mac that contained >>

Need accessible Youtube to MP3 converter

2011-04-16 Thread Lynn Schneider
The subject line says it all. I am looking for an online, software, IPhone app, etc. that will convert a Youtube video to MP3. Your help with this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Lynn -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries

Re: Youtube to MP3 converter

2011-04-16 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Allison. This looks like what I need, but does it require a Facebook login? I tried to convert a video and it wanted Facebook credentials, but I don't have a Facebook account. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks. On Apr 16, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote: > Hi Ly

Re: Jaksta

2011-04-17 Thread Lynn Schneider
Chris, here are a few of my thoughts on this. After you authorized the program, did you try exiting it and then reopening it? Also, I'm not sure what you mean when you say you clicked on a file. Were you trying to record something from the internet or were you trying to convert a file that wa

Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-05-01 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Frank. I think the one you are referring to is called Imap Weather Radio. The direct App Store link is: I have this app. It costs 10 dollars. While it does do some helpful things, in my opinion, it is not worth that much mon