I’ve noticed that I am having trouble with this app also lately. I am glad to 
hear that others are having the same experience, but it really makes me sad, as 
I depend on this app a lot. I was actually about to reinstall it, thinking 
there was just some kind of problem on my end. Honestly, I love this app so 
much that I am willing to pay for it. I’m going to send off a message to the 
developer to see what the status is. Anyway, hoping for better news soon. Take 
care and thanks for listening.Lynn

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 27, 2019, at 1:31 PM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, slowly move the iPhone across the barcode. When I check cans I slowly 
> roll the cans underneath the iPhone. It takes a little getting used to but I 
> have always gotten good results doing this.
> Sent from my IPhone
>> On Apr 27, 2019, at 11:40 AM, Pete De Vasto <pdevasto0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve been trying to get Seeing AI to read bar codes with two different 
>> iPhones now,  an iPhone 5s and an iPhone 7, and I can’t seem to get any 
>> results on either device. I can get it to sound the tones indicating I’ve 
>> found the code, and they are pulsating quickly which means I’m directly over 
>> the code, but the tones just keep on sounding and nothing else happens. Is 
>> there something else I need to do once I’m in place so I can get a read out?
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Pete De Vasto
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