Is the kindle app for mac accessible?
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> Okay, I find the artist I want, the album I want, but how do I go through a
> list of songs on the album so I can select it for a play list? This is in
> the latest version of iTunes on the mac. Thanks.
> Kliphton Senior
> (iMessage&Email)
> (Twitter,instagram,foursq
Wow, that is a lot of books, especially if you bought them all. This is an
invite to anybody who wants them. I have a library of 9000 books, in mobi
format whitch is what the kindle reads, and epub whitch is what iBooks reads.
If anyone wants this collection, contact me off list
OH, let me also point out that you can add the epub books to iTunes and they
will show up in your collections section of iBooks once you choose and sink the
ones you want. The mobi whitch is for kindle cannot be imported, you actually
have to have a physical kindle to import them to your librar
You basically doubled up my mini! I was going to go with the iMac, but
decided against it because of the price difference and not needing a screen.
But my mini pretty much has everything yours does except the amount of ram.
I have a 2012 mac mini latest model, 16 gig of ram, 1TB of flash storage,
Only HDMI on the one I have, oh and thunder bolt of course.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 4:10 PM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: video connections for new 2012 mac
Even before I got my SSD, I didn't experience lag in voices when I had
different voices set up for different activities. AS for using iMessage,
just set up a commander to go to the beginning and, and then just inter act
with the HTML section when reading and replying to messages, works like a
Do I have to separate movies and music, or does it do that for me too?
On Dec 9, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Chris H wrote:
> Correct, that's exactly what the folder is used for. Just put your files and
> folders in there, and iTunes will do the rest the next time it is launched.
> It is a super, underr
Well, I am the only blind one in the house. So I'm sure my sited family will
enjoy the 1080P. Since we have been using a set top box that already provided
it, and connects to our NAS. I just got the apple tv for the accessibility.
So what does jail breaking apple tv give you?
On Dec 12, 2012
> Okay, loving my appleTV once I got it setup. My only regret is the same
> regret I had when I got my iPhone and iMac. That it took me so long to get
> them. Now on to my questions.
> 1. Is there a quick way to turn voice over off and on with the remote?
> 2. If I create folders in the home
open up your preferences from the desktop, and check the box that says "show
all drives, storage, and network" I am probably miss quoting, but it's
somewhere along those lines. HTH
On Dec 29, 2012, at 7:29 PM, wayne coles wrote:
> Hello list I have just bought the 3tb time capsule but can not
bottom-line, if I buy it, I should be able to do with it as I please. I
shouldn't have to buy a movie that I already own on DVD, from the app store or
iTunes, just to be able to watch it on my iPhone, iPod, or appleTV. As long as
I don't sell it, witch I am not, then I am not breaking any laws
Didn't know I needed to be that specific. Most people on this list know that
you can convert videos aka DVD's to put them on your portable device. I was
asking for a friend, as I use to get all my content. And as I
stated in the other thread, as long as I am not selling it, t
Hello, have been playing around with handbreak, think I have most things
figured out except one. How do you add more than one selection to your q? I
want to select all the video tracks, since it's a TV show DVD, but can't figure
out how. Thanks.
Kliphton Senior
(Email&iMessage) kliph...@gm
ea behind vlc and handbrake working together?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul.
> On Jan 1, 2013, at 7:32 AM, Kliphton A M wrote:
>> Hello, have been playing around with handbreak, think I have most things
>> figured out except one. How do you add more than one selectio
I left the mac keyboard alone altogether. I just used sharp keys, and mapped
the grave key as the caps lock key in windows. This gives me the caps lock
key, and the insert key all in one. Been doing it for over 2 years, and have
never had to change it. I also mapped the backslash key as my r
Why a USB keyboard, why not the apple BT keyboard that comes with iMac's? Or
did they stop giving that as an option?
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> Writing this from my I phone. I unpacked my new I Mac yesterday and couldn't
> believe how thin it was and for
Yes I am, but when I first did it, I was using fusion 4.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 8:34 AM, "Jeff Bishop" wrote:
> Hello,
> Are you using Fusion 5?
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kliphton A M
> Sent
The one thing that someone told me helped the most. Forget everything you know
about windows! The 2 systems are as different as night and day, so open your
mind, and learn the new OS, because even though your not a knew computer user,
the system is new to you. Once you do this, everything wil
Okay, bottom-line is, I I will be on Skype this afternoon, and I want the
people I am talking to be able to hear everything I am doing on my mac. How do
I set it up so this can go off without a hitch? I've had the app for 2 years,
but never really played with it. If this is a redundant questi
so how do you choose what email address to use if there are multiple ones for 1
On Jan 23, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> No problem, even if you found the "new group" option, it would be hard to
> know to copy and paste contacts into it. I put up a more complete guide on
> app
Well, you can do that, but jaws is still going to ask you to activate. It did
this to me coming from fusion 4, to 5. Everything else will be preserved,
fusion will just tell you that the vm machine needs to be configured for later
versions, and once you do it, you can't go back. The folder yo
So, I have a folder with a lot of stuff in it. And I want to go to a
selection, somewhere close to the middle, and select to the end. How do I
accomplish this?
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Of course this is my own opinion. But I think that hurdle is real high on
making voice over as accessible with office, as Jaws or window eyes. The way
that jaws interacts with spread sheets, is way beyond what voice over can do
with numbers. But I wish you luck. I am a small business owner m
I do it. I didn't partition my time capsule, but I did put the movies in there
own folder. Works flawlessly. I have itunes set to point to the files, not
copy them to my library. Just for your knowledge. HTH
On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> We already have ho
Subject: Re: Using time capsule to play movies?
Hey Kliphton,
Thanks. I think the idea of doing this all wirelessly sounds very cool. If
I get a time-capsule, I may pick your brain more about how you did this.
On Feb 3, 2013, at 7:36 PM, Kliphto
Is that one better then SBSetings?
On Feb 6, 2013, at 12:48 PM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
> Hi, Springtomize will enhance folder capabilities as well as do around 50 or
> 60 more things. It's around $3 US Dollars.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> In comic strips, the person on the left always speaks f
There was a bt keyboard suggested by Johnathan Mosen, it's called the
logitech easy switch. You can pair it with 3 devices, I have mine paired
with my mac, iPhone, and apple tv. The keyboard is about the same size as
the apple bt keyboard. But the keys are more rounded, have a little indent
in t
On 2/7/2013 11:38 AM, Kliphton A M wrote:
> did you get the gv phone extension to work on the one that didn't freeze
up? This happened to me and my wives phone.
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Raul A. Gallegos
013, at 6:23 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen
>> Hi.
>> I have one of these keyboards from logitech but mine is charged via light
or sun. I love it, because I can use it on 3 devices, and because I do not
have to use batteries.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On
#x27;ve heard the battery life can be even longer if you turn the back lighting
>> off, which of course totally blind users won't need.
>> Jonathan
>> On 8/02/2013, at 6:58 AM, Kliphton A M wrote:
>>> There was a bt keyboard suggested by Johnathan
As those of you know with this logitech keyboard, you can pair it with 3
devices. I was in the wrong device, and hit a keystroke that locked my screen
for me. If you hit the function key, with the escape key while using your
iPhone's profile, it will lock the screen for you. Pretty handy, th
Your right, but the commander method works better for me. Less keys to worry
about holding down.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 9:46 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers
> Just thought I'd also mention that, if you are on the last item in your
> mailbox, shift control option command and down arrow will
ll me how I can switch to another device?
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 21.02.2013 um 20:58 schrieb Kliphton A M :
>> As those of you know with this logitech keyboard, you can pair it with 3
>> devices. I was in the wrong device, and hit a keystroke that locked my
I did it 2 years ago, and repeated the process last fall when moutain lion came
out as I wanted a clean install. So yes it is possible. my contact info is
below if you would like to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) k
How do you select individual tracks with mac DVD ripper pro? I have a lot of
TV series that I want to rip, and don't want the episodes ran together, so
could someone give me some hints and tips? Thanks.
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You stole my key combo!lol Them are the exact keys I use to jump to the top
and bottom, love it, wouldn't do it any other way.
On Apr 3, 2013, at 5:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes,
> you can also set up a keyboard caommander shortcut to cut down on the amount
> of keys you need
> Okay, maybe I expected to much, but this jawbone big jam box, looks and feels
> like a little box. Can someone who owns it give me an idea how big it is so
> I know I got the correct product? Thanks.
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had to create a new thread since I wasn't clear in my first one. I am looking
for an app to call and receive calls with my google voice number on my iPod
touch 5th gen. I know talkatone does this, but the sound quality really ain't
that great. So if anyone knows, please let me know. Also, do
So how do you bring all windows in to focus, like when it says "mail has no
windows" How do I bring the window back? Thanks.
Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
(Life Journal) kli
> So what program does everyone use to convert flack to mp3, or does iTunes do
> this for you? If not, what is the most accessible program that does?
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I could help you better by skype or over the phone, what works better for you?
My info is in my signature.
Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
(Life Journal)
I use the grave key with sharp keys for jaws. The capslock key in fusion just
does not take. Don't know why, but it doesn'. Any other key shoud work though.
On Apr 21, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Brandt wrote:
> Hi there folks,
> I have a copy of Windows 7 in VMware fusion, but I'm not using it at
Since whenever I send you a personal message off list, your email treats me as
a spam, but would you be willing to do a podcast on how to organize your music
in a way that fits everyones needs? I for one loved the way windows media
player organized my music, but can't find out how to do the sam
email me at
or add me to skype
email me and tell me witch works better
I can also be reached on iMessage
It's easy once you get the hang of it
On May 17, 2013, at 9:55 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I am trying to convert flac files to mp3, but
When I got it, it was free for the day. But I think it only costs $
On May 17, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Does it cost? Sounds pretty nice to me.
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefo
This is possible. I use a western digital 8TB NAS, and it has an iTunes server
on it. I store my iTunes library there, and point my iTunes from my Mac to
this folder. And I have no issues. My appleTV pulls and streams the media
content from there just fine. I turn on home sharing, and use t
So, bought myself a custom built 2012 MacMini. And upon setting it up, I
entered my 3 twitter accounts. Sorry if someone already posted this, but it
surprised me that you could have more than one twitter accounts, since it
wouldn't let me enter more than 1 Facebook account. But in going to post
Are you looking for free, or paid versions? What all would you like this
converter to do? Off the top of my head, I have heard a lot of people
mention handbreak, and DVD ripper pro. Just to name a few.
Kliphton Senior
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Personal bl
When notifications center was first introduced in mountain lion, someone
posted a work around on how to make a commander or hot key for it since you
couldn't do it the normal way in vo utility. Does anyone remember how to do
it, or have that message handy? I searched for it on the archives, but n
How do you tell it you want this short cut for notifications center?
[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: commander for notifications c
That is the only reason I have to use windows, to manage my business!
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Phil Halton
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: Memor
I can't seem to figure it out, or find the message with the instructions.
Could someone post the message, or instructions on how to create a short cut
key, or commander for getting to notifications center on the mac quickly?
Okay, doing some routine clean up of my mac. So how do I get to disc utility
from start up? Is it command r, or option R? Another thing, someone told me a
while back that you could reset the ram cash on your mac upon start up, how do
you do this? Thanks.
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Okay, finally took the plunge and am now using time machine. I know how to
turn manual and automatic backups on and off, but how do I get to other
backups? I want to get rid of the ones it already did because I don't want it
using up 3TB of hard disc space. So if someone could tell me how to
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