Re: viphone list?

2009-07-02 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Cara Quinn is also the moderator for VI Phone. She is traveling this week with limited Internet access. Hang in there and I'm sure she will approve you all as soon as she has access to do so. :) On Jul 2, 2009, at 7:29 AM, John Denning wrote: > I used the ggroup site to request being added t

Re: brf reader

2009-07-03 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Back translating is really the best way to go. I mean, if you're reading with a braille display, TextEdit or any other text editing program should do the trick for you. If you want the TTS to read it, then what you're looking for is an app to do back translation on the fly. Either way, it

Re: brf reader

2009-07-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
d will support bluetooth > conectivity for braille displays. > > Best, > > erik burggraaf > A+ sertified technician and user support consultant. > Phone: 888-255-5194 > Email: > > On 3-Jul-09, at 8:19 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote: > >> >>

Re: brf reader

2009-07-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
read a book in braille via a braille display, note > taker or whatever. > Having said this though, I've gotta say I'm with Josh and find it > faster and just more enjoyable to have whatever it is read to me and > wish that the different programs who offer etexts to us would off

Re: VO accessible FTP Client

2009-07-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
I really don't recommend using the FTP terminal app unless you have experience working with command line apps. If you don't, it is likely to be a confusing and difficult process. Transmit from is my FTP client of choice. It is not free, however. :) On Jul 4, 2009, at 11:46 AM, B

Re: VO accessible FTP Client

2009-07-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Transmit is not free. That is it's only real drawback. The FTP command line option in Terminal is included as part of the system, but will doubtless prove difficult for less advanced users. While I could use the FTP option in Terminal, I find it too clunky for m y own personal taste, so u

Re: Re:

2009-07-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Yes, the gestures all work as described. It's a fantastic device. I recommend checking out the VIPhone list at the below URL for discussion on the iPhone by VoieOver users. On Jul 4, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Bill Sprenger wrote: > > Eliza, Bill here. Sometime

Re: Voice Over in Snow Leopard

2009-07-07 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
No one has the "right" to break the law. We will all know what to expect in Snow Leopard when all the information is made public. Being blind is also not an excuse for breaking the law. This is just a matter of breaking NDA contracts because of a few people's impatience. No one is making

Re: Crossposted. My first look at the iPhone 3gs. Thoughts and obsurvations.

2009-07-09 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
The VoiceOver volume is separate from the phone's volume. It can be turned up very loud, but there is a trick to it. You need to turn up the volume while VO is speaking. Unless you are calling a lot of numbers that are not in your contacts, I've found that I rarely use the keypad, but that

Re: Iphone apps questions

2009-07-11 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
There are apps for these and more listed at the below link. I personally recommend Fring, Tweetaro, and FaceBook for instant messaging, Twitter, and FAceBook respectively. On Jul 10, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Jed Barton wrote: >

Re: Purchasing songs using ITune

2009-07-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Beneath the iTunes Store HTML area, you will find the Songs table. You can select the song you want to buy by interacting with the songs table and navigating to it. Then do VO-Shift-M and select the buy option. :) HTH. On Jul 12, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Kamal Haffar wrote: > > Hi all: > >

Re: alternitive email clients?

2009-07-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
I've never felt a desire to seek out alternatives, as Apple Mail does everything I need it to. What features are you findingt hat you need that Mail does not provide? :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music:

Re: Groups mode in web browsing

2009-07-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
together on the page. A paragraph, complete with all its inline links, for instance, would be a single group. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog: http

Re: MS Office - any plans for Mac accessibility

2009-07-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
about accessibility in their Mac products than in their Windows one. It's quite ridiculous. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog: http://lioncourts

Re: MS Office - any plans for Mac accessibility

2009-07-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
work reasonably well. As I stated previously, there are lots of options depending on what you need and your personal taste. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: http

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
cient, and difficult to navigate is just silly. :) The ever growing number of VI iPhone users will tell you the same. Sure, it takes time to be comfortable. Once you are, it's fantastic. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter:

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-14 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
ve learned to use it properly, than a physical keypad. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog: Good

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-14 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Simon, VoiceOver on the iPhone gives full access to the device. In fact, it gives far more access than any third-party mobile screen reader I've ever used. What give syou the impression that it does not? Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter:

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-14 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Hi Scott, See my comments inline. :) On Jul 14, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Scott Bresnahan wrote: > I love the iPhone, but I have to disagree. I > think both points have some merit. The iPhone is > not for everyone.. > Nor will you ever hear me sayt that any one device is for everyone. :) > 1. Multi

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-14 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
an adequate, and is in fact ideal, for a huge numbe rof users, and that by arguing things like this multi-tasking situation, you're confusing folks like Will Lomas who would be just fine with an iPhone, but think they won't because of complaints about SSH and IRC. Hope that makes

Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-15 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
he background, then the iPHone has some limitations. If you do not know what these words mean, or have no use for these services, it will not impact you, and you can assume that you will be able to multi-task just fine. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter

Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
remarkable. Definitely join the VIPhone list, and check out the iPhone related resources at including a review of the iPhone 3GS with VoiceOver. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: http://stage19mus

Re: Apple plans to blick rival smart phones

2009-07-17 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Regardless of how anyone feels about other aspects, the decision is an understandable and logical one. I do understand the arguments against it as well, but the picture is not as black as Palm wants to portray it. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: http://t

Re: does reading on the mac take two hands?

2009-07-17 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
VoiceOver supports assigning Braille display keys to Voiceover commands. Also, you do not need to hands to necessarily perform VoiceOver functions, as there is a Control-Option lock which causes the system to interpret all commands as if they are VO ones. HTH. Josh de Lioncourt

Re: searching for specefic text on a webpage

2009-07-17 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
etters you typed. It is actually much nicer than a traditional find command, as you are describing, and a whole lot more powerful. :) HTH. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibi

Re: Probably a simple question.

2009-07-17 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
To make this more clear… Item Chooser only searches the viewable area outside of Safari. It works with the entire web page contents within Safari. That's the difference. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music:

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
There are a lot of us using it. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog: GoodReads: On J

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
And go me! I forgot to include the link to the VIPhone list. Brilliant, I am. Here it is. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: http

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Email Contacts Phone Safari AppStore Clock Of course, I'm using dozens that don't come with the phone, which I obtained from the AppStore. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-ce

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-19 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
ally try to know what they are talking about before making blanket statements. The NFB/AFB, and others, have been perpetuating false info about the Mac platform, and I'd hate to see the Mac community start doing it about the iPhone or anything else. :) Josh de Lioncourt …m

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-19 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
was what I found to be easier. As you become comfortable with the touch screen, you'll find that the additional size actually slows you down, as you have more realestate to cover to get from key to key. The smaller portrait keyboard is what I've managed to become very proficie

Re: auto text on i phone

2009-07-19 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
In the Settings app on the iPhone, choose General, Accessibility, and you can turn off the speaking of auto text. I've done this, as you can review the choices for auto texts without having them spoken automatically, which become tedious after a while. Josh de Lioncourt …my

Re: Is it possible to do Audio Editing on Mac OS X with VO?

2009-07-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
getting used to. That being said, there are some concepts in Amadeus that I like better, and also some from Sound Forge that I miss. My opinion may change as I become more familiar with Amadeus, however. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: http://twitte

Re: Is it possible to do Audio Editing on Mac OS X with VO?

2009-07-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Yes, Amadeus Pro is a multi-track editor. :) As I said, I'm still learning how to use it. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog:

Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast #4 - Badum Ching! has been posted

2009-07-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
In episode #4 of the Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast, knights Darcy Burnard, Holly Anderson, Cara Quinn, and Josh de Lioncourt discuss our impressions of the iPhone 3GS after a few weeks, how VoiceOver for the iPhone has been accepted by the visually impaired community, third-party

Re: Still no luck with unziping bookshare files

2009-07-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Actually, I recommend the UNarchiver. It is listed on BookShare's site in the Tools section, but here's the direct link: Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: M

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-21 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
hat much different from using any other phone that way. :) Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: Blog: GoodReads: http://goodre

Re: Web items

2009-08-02 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
It's a bug in Safari 4, that was recently introduced, I believe. If you pres VO-L, it should read the name of the tag for you. It's reading the MouseOver text, instead of the main text. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter:

Re: new 10.5.8

2009-08-05 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
compatibility releases like 10.5.8. Apple still releases security patches for Tiger from time to time, including one today. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility:

Introducing the Mac-cessibility network for Visually Impaired Mac and iPhone Users

2009-08-15 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
s to be a vast improvement. If you find the Mac- cessibility Network a valuable resource, please consider making a contribution. Josh de Lioncourt …my other mail provider is an owl… Twitter: Music: Mac-cessibility: http:

Re: iPhone: Utube Question

2009-08-18 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
I can't check this at the moment, but virtually every application puts a back button in the upper left corner of the screen, usually labeled with the name of the previous screen. If I am remembering correctly, the YouTube app should do this as well. HTH. On Aug 18, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Chri

New Guide posted to - The Insertion Point and VoiceOver

2009-08-20 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
We’ve just added a new entry to our collection of guides for blind and visually impaired Mac users. In "TheInsertion Point and VoiceOver", we provide an explanation and example for new VoiceOver users coming from Windows on the difference between the way in which Windows screen readers an

Re: Braile labels and the disk drive

2009-08-22 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
This would definitely be a bad idea. Personally, I have never, and would never, put Braille labels on CD's/ DVD's. I didn't realize anyone did this. There is so much potential for problems by doing this that it seems too risky to me. :) I either put labels on the cases that the discs are in,

Re: New Os or not?

2009-08-24 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
My guess, based on the Leopard install, is that regardless, you should be able to have a fresh install if you choose. It'll just archive your old Leopard installation and let you start fresh. You can then delete the archived OS if you wish. I do not know this for certain, it is only a gue

Re: unnecissary voices?

2009-08-25 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Outside of Alex and Vickie, all the other voices take up so little space that it is negligible. If you're looking to save a significant amount of space, I recommend eliminating some of the localizations that you won't be using. For example, if you don't speak Japanese, don't install the OS

Re: Wordpress blogroll not spoken by VoiceOver

2009-08-25 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Hi Ana, I use WordPress on most of my sites and have never run into this issue. Can you provide a link to your site, or send it to me off list, and I'll look at the page and see if I can figure out what the problem is? :) On Aug 25, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote: > > Hi, > >

Re: Wordpress blogroll not spoken by VoiceOver

2009-08-25 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
OS X 10.5.8 with Safari 4.0.3. If I'm looking at the wrong sections, let me know, but this looks perfectly fine on my machine. :) On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:15 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote: > > HI Josh, > > The link is > > Thanks for taking a look. > &

Re: anyone tried quicknav?

2009-08-28 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Will, QuickNav is one of my favorite features of Snow Leopard. I discuss this in my review on, but essentially, Left/Right arrows toggle QuickNav on and off. Down-Right interacts. Down-Left stops interacting. Up-Down clicks an item, same as VO-Space. HTH. On Aug 28, 2009, at

Re: anyone tried quicknav?

2009-08-28 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Obviously, you can't have every VO command available via just he arrow keys. :) However, you can assign any VO commands to the Numpad, Trackpad, or Keyboard commands in SL. On Aug 28, 2009, at 9:29 AM, william lomas wrote: > > hi josh but as stated in article, its limitations

Re: apple script and vo

2009-09-01 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
XCode is an Integrated Development Environment for writing Mac OS X and iPhone applications. It has nothing whatsoever to do with X11, and is indeed quite accessible with VoiceOver. On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:34 AM, James & Nash wrote: > > Xcode is for the X11 windowing manager and tools which a

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

2009-09-04 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
iPhone discussion has always been welcome here. :) The other list is more strictly focused on the iPhone, but we would have to also ban iPod, Airport Express/Extreme, and all sorts of other things from this list if we banned iPhone discussion. After all, the iPhone is used in conjunction

Re: general questions about VO on latest MacOS

2011-02-13 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Answers inline. On Feb 13, 2011, at 7:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > 1. What is with this "interact" command, or whatever it is called? > What is it and when is it used? > Interacting allows you to manipulate a particular control, without being forced to view all of its content at once. For instan

Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-16 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
I agree with Dane. I recently started using Abby FineReader, and have found it to be an excellent solution on the Mac. It's not tailored to the visually impaired specifically, but it does work quite well. The US retail price of Abby FineReader is $99, and there is a trial available from their we

Re: [Bulk] Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Twitterific for Mac 4.0 Is Released Sans VoiceOver Accessibility

2011-02-16 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
you seem to believe we are. We all volunteer our time for free to provide these things. We try to make them valuable. Josh -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@g

Re: setting up dropbox

2011-02-21 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
Hi Sarah, We reported on this on Maccessibility a couple of weeks ago. There no longer appears to be any way of setting up DropBox on the Mac, as they've made the application entirely inaccessible. I'm still trying to find a way to get back into my DropBox via the Mac. On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:57

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