I really enjoy using the Eye TV app with the iPhone because of the
good accessibility in IOS 5, but I will sure be happy in encouraging
El Gato Systems to consider accessibility in an upcoming release.
On 12/6/11, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> a thought on this.
> If anyone is going to contact the
Hi to the list.
I have run onto a situation where I have purchased a DVD, but the go
menu will not let me properly select an episode title.
No matter what I try, it keeps defaulting back to episode 1, I've
tried cursor tracking on and off, routing the mouse pointer with
control option F5 and doing
According to keyboard help, you are supposed to be able to hold down the the
control key and tap to jump to a linked item, such as moving from the messages
table in mail to the text.
I can get this to accknowledge this gesture in keyboard help, but for some
reason, I cannot get it to work in th
Hi, it really is not too difficult to interact with the ruler in Text
Edit to set the line spacing to double space in a document.
However, I wonder if it would be possible to write an apple script to
accomplish the task with a keystroke?
Thanks for any thoughts.
You received this message be
So, in an attempt to access and install from the recovery partition,
using Command R to start the machine, and connecting to the net via
Ethernet,, I came up with the voice of Fred, after clicking continue,
the prompt, Signing into the App Store.
Then, absolutely nothing after that, just hangs on t
Using the new mail layout in Lion, I'm wondering if there is a way to suppress
the date field, while still being informed of the sender, subject, and the
preview of the first two lines of the message?
Thanks for any tips on this.
You received this message because you are subscribed
I just now got a Macbook Air, it's really amazing, it really is lighter
than air!
So, this is my first experience with the Trackpad, except for on the
iPhone, and I'm wondering if there is a gesture that can be used within
mail to jump between the messages table and the messages, to emul
I am still looking for accessible TV tuner software that is compatible
with Voiceover.
I have not heard about anything other than Eye TV, whose program guide
is not accessible to VO.
Any hints or tips for this would sure be appreciated. Thanks.
You received this message because you are su
I am also a bit surprised, I am running Snow Leopard with all software
updates applied, and Vision Australia's MP3's don't play in Safari,
Safari 5.
Other sites, like BlindCoolTech play just fine.
On 7/24/2010 11:43 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
Hi Al,
I just tried it on Safari and i
When reading mail, often, when using Control Option J to move between the
mail message table and the message text, there are unnatural pauses as
Voiceover reads the text of the message.
These pauses seem to occur at the end of each line, but not on all messages.
Any way to get Voice
Often, the option to display the message in plain text is dimmed out
and unavailable.
On 8/2/10, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
> Have you tried switching to plain text alternative? To do this, hit command
> shift p I think. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
> On Aug 2, 2010, at 11:59 AM, Jim F
Hi to the list.
I had purchased a My Passport 500 GB external hard drive, when
connecting it to the Mac, a message came up asking if i wanted to use
Time Machine to back up files.
I elected not to use Time Machine but instead to copy and move files
However, when I copy files or f
On 9/20/2010 4:38 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
You could reformat the drive as another option.
On Sep 19, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
Hello download ntfs3g and macfuse. You cannot copy and past using ntfs at all
unless you get these 2 *free* programs.
Take care.
I did
This one really has me stumped.
After highlighting a row of numbers to be sorted in either a row or column of
numbers, then stop interacting with the table and VO left arrow to the
formatter group, because this seems to be where the sort options are located,
no matter what I select, the sort now
On 11/15/2010 8:21 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
Hi there all,
POP is Post Office protocol. It simply downloads all of your new messages to
your computer for you to read.
IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol. Your messages, folders, filters, and
the like can reside on the server and your computer
I am also continuing to search for a Mac-based TV tuner whose program
guide is accessible. The El Gato Eye TV, spelled E Y E works great as
far as it goes. You can easily switch channels, play programs that
have already been recorded, and start a recording live at any time
simply by pressing Comm
Eye TV allows you to easily change the channel and to view your recorded
programsl both of which are accessible with Voiceover.
The program guide is not accessible with Voiceover, making it impossible
to schedule recordings in advance.
It is certainly possible to start a recording at any time
For some reason, the plain text option in the view menu is always
dimmed for all of my messages.
On 10/6/09, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi,
> Sometimes an HTML message includes a text alternative, which reads
> better and doesn't read all those blank lines. To access it, press
> Command-Opt
I have always been able to activate a link from an within an email by
pressing VO Shift M, and from the menu, choosing open link.
On 10/8/09, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Soren,
> Thanks for your explanation, it wasn't bad at all. :) Am I imagining
> that this doesn't always behave consistently
Hi. Has anyone been successful installing the Thunderbird email
program with Snow Lepoard?
I tried to open the Thunderbird DMG file, and it appeared as if even
the install process was not accessible, although, I could have been
doing something incorrectly.
Any prior experiences with Thunderbird
How would one go about researching purchasing a new scanner compatible
with Fine reader without the need for third party software?
On 11/10/09, Tony Bernedal wrote:
> Hi Anne.
> Thanks for the answer. I'll give vuescan a try later.
> Regards Tony
> 10 nov 2009 kl. 20.48 skrev Anne Ro
Email was exactly what I was going to suggest, but recently, Bookshare
files don't seem to contain HTML files, but only the XML equivalents.
On 11/16/09, Romack wrote:
> I haven't done this myself, but know that it would work:
> Just put the files in a Dropbox or iDisk account. With these tw
Because the Mac mini is the perfect form factor for an entertainment
center, I'm wondering what applications could be used for recording
television broadcasts? Playing DVD's appears to be no problem, as my
experience with Front Row has been very positive in that regard, but
the missing piece of th
Hello. I am very curious to try the 30-day trial of Iworks on the Mac.
When going to the Apple site where the download is located, the actual
download seems to be inside of an empty frame, at least this is what
Voiceover reports.
In other words, there is what sounds like a frame for the downloa
It would sure be great, if we had an accessible solution for scheduling
and recording and playing TV programs from cable or antenna..
On 6/18/2010 7:23 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
I personally think this is a good step taken by Apple. The
introduction of HDMI on the mini is fantastic for those who
I have just now installed iTV and it seems quite accessible in many
ways. It is possible to move around among the various channels, start
recording live TV, play, pause, rewind and fast forward through a
recorded TV program, and make quite a few other adjustments using the
I have no
Hi to the list.
I wonder if there is a way, using Snow Leopard, or perhaps another
program, to create duplicates of a non-commercial DVD?
I have looked around within the operating system, but have not found
any specific information as to whether this is possible.
Thanks for any suggestions.
ake a disk image using Disk Utility and then burn
> that image to a blank using disk utility?
> CB
> Jim Fettgather wrote:
>> Hi to the list.
>> I wonder if there is a way, using Snow Leopard, or perhaps another
>> program, to create duplicates of a n
I have purchased the program Popcorn to be able to copy DVD's,
however, I'm beginning to wonder about its accessibility, as there are
several windows that give the unknown message to Voiceover.
Has anyone had any success with this program?
Thanks for any tips.
You received this message
I should be able to figure this out after all this time, but my song
collection is growing quite a lot, and I'm trying to figure out how to
change the songs table to show as groups of albums instead of
individual songs.
Any help with this is sure appreciated.
You received this
Hi to the list.
Using Itunes 9, after turning on the store browser with Command B,
it's fairly straight forward to choose categories and interact with
all of the various artists and titles. It seems very responsive.
I'm wondering though if anyone has found a way to jump to specific
entries begi
I am curious to know, what advantages are there to turning off the
preview pane? Does the mail program behave differently in any way?
Thanks for your observations.
On 9/16/09, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Try to do it with the physical mouse click by routing your mouse
> cursor to voiceover cur
Hi to the list.
Has anyone tried any other mail clients besides Apple Mail that ships
with Snow Leopard?
I'm asking only because of the way that VO reads a lot of mail now,
with these hideous pauses at the end of each line.
Thanks a lot.
I may have inadvertently changed something, now, when I click on a
link in Safari, Voicever announces, pressed link, and there is no
longer an indication of when the new page loads.
It does load, but silently, with no audible indication of the download progress.
Any hints as to how to get
I had downloaded and installed Chrome, have gone to the Chrome store,
and installed Chromebox, but when starting Chrome, and turning off
Voiceover, still no speech.
I just get the typical bong sound when using Control option right arrow
or down arrow, so not sure how to ensure that everything
to uninstall, RETURN, and OK.
> now, you can install ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store.
> Kevin
> On 10/4/11, Jim Fettgather wrote:
>> I had downloaded and installed Chrome, have gone to the Chrome store,
>> and installed Chromebox, but when starting Chrome, and turning
Some web sites, such as Accessible World, use the popular Talking
Communities TC Chat client to conduct conferences using both audio and text.
I've used this client in Windows, and I have now tried it with the Mac,
and it actually is easy to use, requiring a bit more fiddling, having
On 12/8/2010 5:39 PM, Gary wrote:
Where did you get this client? Can you please send me the link.
On Dec 8, 2010, at 5:04 AM, Jim in KC wrote:
I have downloaded and installed the Talking Communities client used by
many popular sites such as Accessible World.
Most of the bu
You can download the Mac client here,
Now, there are two things that need to be namually configured. One,
you need to put in the IP address of the room, and the room ID.
Those two pieces of info are displayed on the same page as the
download link for the Mac.
It works well, but there are definit
: rs5affc3cfa191
Also, I had to restart the Mac, or restart the program, I don't recall
which, but it's probably a good idea just to be safe and restart the
computer, and then, the program was able to log into the room just
On 12/9/10, Jim Fettgather wrote:
> You can download the Ma
On 12/27/2010 5:56 PM, May McDonald wrote:
Hey there Colin, can you email me off list and help me out a bit?
It's been a while since I've used the talking community with the Mac
and can't remember how to toggle the talk key.
On 2010-12-11, at 5:04 PM, Colin M wrote:
Hi all!
For anyone w
When using Control Option J in Apple Mail to jump from a message back to the
messages table, is there a way to prevent voiceover from saying:
Interact with Messages Table?
Thanks a lot.
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"MacVisionaries" grou
Hi, Garth,
I have had some very good luck with Eye TV in conjunction with the
iPhone. The program guide, which is not at all accessible from within
Eye TV, is completely accessible from the iPhone or iPad.
Plus, you can stream programs over a Wifi connection from your Eye TV
to an iPhone or iPad
The particular unit that I have has a place to connect a coaxial cable.
This can be iether from an over the air antenna, or in my case, the
coaxial cable it's coming right from a cable box.
Hope this helps.
On 1/4/11, Mary Otten wrote:
> Jim,
> Are you using the eye tv that gets signals from an
Also, in VoiceOver utilities, you can go to the Verbosity category,
select the Text tab, and then Select the Speak text to the right of
the cursor PopUp button.
I am really glad that this option exists.
On 6/1/11, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi David:
> Welcom to Mac!:)
> I actually haven't run acro
Hello to the list.
I may be missing something very basic about concepts for using Numbers.
With two adjacent numbers, either in a row or a column, I cannot get the
Product function in numbers to multiply the entries.
I’ve tried selecting the numbers, but that did not seem to work, but placing
Hello to the list.
I have just now downloaded and installed this Microsoft office for mac 2016
preview, and what a bitter disappointment this is so far.
Voiceover does not seem to read any of the text in my preliminary try out of
the Microsoft Word application, everything else seems to read ju
In the latest Office Preview for Mac, I cannot get Option Right Arrow to
read word by word.
Option Left Arrow does seem to be reading prior words.
I'm just wondering if this is specific to my system or has anyone tried this
You received this message because you are sub
Hello, I have a Macbook Air and a Mac Mini both running Yosemite.
When I connect the Cannon scanner to the Macbook Air, , and go to printers and
faxes, I can add it with no problem and it works beautifully.
However, on the Mac Mini, it just literally does not show up at all, I have
tried all ava
Hello, I am wondering if anyone has had any luck with Option Right Arrow
reading word by word in a document?
Option left arrow seems to read prior word just fine, but I cannot get the
option right arrow to read.
However, option shift right arrow does read highlighted text.
Thanks for your thought
, 2014, at 9:57 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
Have you tried vlc?
Don't know if this would work but its worth a try.
19 aug 2014 kl. 15:46 skrev Jim Fettgather :
Hi to the list.
I have run onto a situation where I have purchased a DVD, but the go
So, I sure would like to know if there would be a way to use a BRF file
generated by this software and somehow use this to create a Braille file
using a Tiger printer?
Thanks for any insight or suggestions.
-Original Message-
From: Greg Kearney
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 4:01
When using up and down arrow keys in Safari, it seems like the
syncronization is not exactly precise to where the voiceover cursor is
Also, shouldn't there be a hotkey in Safari, with this new functionality, to
read next paragraph?
I could not seem to get this to work, so any observati
This is a strange phenomenon.
After installing Yosemite, after launching mail, it is perpetually busy.
And I mean, it stays busy.
Absolutely no way to read or compose mail, it’s simply stuck on busy.
I sure don’t know how to fix this one.
You received this message because you are subscribed t
2014, at 8:00 PM, 'Jim Fettgather' via MacVisionaries
This is a strange phenomenon.
After installing Yosemite, after launching mail, it is perpetually busy.
And I mean, it stays busy.
Absolutely no way to read or compose mail, it’s simply stuck on busy.
I sure don’t k
I have a quick question about the way that Spotlight is supposed to work in
As far as I have been able to read, you should be able to get web results from
Bing, using Spotlight.
So, pressing Command Spacebar, which brings up the edit box, and then typing in
a search term, using the d
stions, stand up for what we
> need we will ultimately lose what we have. Those who are currently taking me
> to task now will be truly whining.. The difference is, you know me, they
> don't.
> Pam Francis .
>> On Oct 20, 2014 10:05 AM, "'Jim Fettgather
According to documentation, performing a search term is Spotlight should bring
up Wikipedia entries, map data, possible dictionary definitions, and a host of
I was able to verify that typing in the term Starbucks into Spotlight brought
no results, and the message appeared visually on t
false as I would venture to say that Starbucks should
show up quite a bit around the Net. Probably some setting I need to manipulate.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Oct 21, 2014, at 7:51 AM, 'Jim Fettgather' via MacVisionaries
According to documentation,
I had tested out the $999 21 inch iMac running Sierra in the Apple Store, and
it had run with impressive speed and responsiveness.
Applications opened quickly, web pages loaded quickly, and there was no lag or
"busy signals" at all.
I purchased the unit, and set it up with my Apple ID and
Scott Granados
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:44 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: New iMac, A Bit slow and Sluggish
What kind of disk are you using, SSD or regular rotating/. Also is this a new
IMAC or a used older model?
Thank you
> On Mar 20, 2017, at 9:55 AM, &
Coming to grips with the latest Garage Band in Sierra, I am wondering if
there is a hotkey to immediately quantize a track after recording it.
I have looked through lists of hotkeys but have not found anything so far.
Thanks for any guidance.
The following information is important fo
It seems very beneficial to be able to skim within a mail message, moving
paragraph by paragraph.
There seems to be a discrepancy between what is said using Keyboard Help and
what is listed in the keyboard commands section of online help.
The command in question is Control Option Shift
This sounds like this might be kind of a long shot, but I am desperately
hoping that there might be a way, using Voiceover on the Mac along with
Excel 2016, to have Voiceover read column titles while navigating across the
columns while navigation is down many rows deep into the spreadsheet.
I h
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