I'm not sure why this might be, but on the opening Chrome page, I
could not to get speech to work at all. The moment I pressed Control T
to open a new tab, after typing in a web address, everything worked as
expected, in fact, better than expected.  Thank you for the tip.

On 10/4/11, Kevin Chao <kevincha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Which version of Chrome are you running> GO to Chrome Menu>About and
> copy that info and paste it into an email message. Before installing
> ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store, did you uninstall the previous
> version?
> Omnibar: Chrome://extensions/
> TAB to uninstall, RETURN, and OK.
> now, you can install ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store.
> Kevin
> On 10/4/11, Jim Fettgather <jimfettgat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had downloaded and installed Chrome, have gone to the Chrome store,
>> and installed Chromebox, but when starting Chrome, and turning off
>> Voiceover, still no speech.
>> I just get the typical bong sound when using Control option  right arrow
>> or down arrow, so not sure how to ensure that everything is installed
>> properly.
>> Thanks for any tips.
>> On 10/4/2011 1:17 PM, David Hole wrote:
>>> This is awwwsome!
>>> I've just installed it, and it was easy as H!
>>> Søren, ChromeVox is a javascript based screen reader for Chrome and
>>> Chrome OS.
>>> Try it out, and see how good it works in for example gMail! Just
>>> remember to turn off VO since it disturbs you when using.
>>> -David
>>> Den 04.10.2011 18:32, skrev �:
>>>> Sorry, what is Chromevox?
>>>> Best regards:
>>>> S�ren Jensen
>>>> Mail&  MSN:
>>>> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
>>>> Website:
>>>> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
>>>> Den 04/10/2011 kl. 04.54 skrev Kevin Chao:
>>>>> This is wonderful, fantastic, and awesome! It will resolve 99.99% of
>>>>> installation/initial setup issues.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: rshearer<rshea...@google.com>
>>>>> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:23:53 -0700 (PDT)
>>>>> Subject: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!
>>>>> To: axs-chrome-disc...@googlegroups.com
>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>> I've mentioned this on a couple threads already, but I thought I
>>>>> would make
>>>>> an announcement to the group...
>>>>> We just added ChromeVox to the Chrome Web Store! Hooray!
>>>>> Here are some of the advantages to installing ChromeVox from the Web
>>>>> Store:
>>>>> - You'll get automatic updates
>>>>> - Version numbers mean something
>>>>> - We have a fancy new icon :)
>>>>> I updated the Installation Instructions here:
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/google-axs-chrome/wiki/InstallingChromeVox
>>>>> and they
>>>>> describe how to download it from the Web Store.
>>>>> Here is the quick version:
>>>>> 1) Make sure you're running Chrome 14 or higher
>>>>> 2) Uninstall any previous version of ChromeVox
>>>>> 3) Go to the ChromeVox page in the Chrome Web Store:
>>>>> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kgejglhpjiefppelpmljglcjbhoiplfn
>>>>> 4) Click on the "Add to Chrome" button
>>>>> 5) A dialog should pop up titled "Confirm Installation" that lists the
>>>>> permissions that ChromeVox needs. We have a wiki page now about why
>>>>> we need
>>>>> these permissions if you're interested:
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/google-axs-chrome/wiki/PermissionsGuide .
>>>>> Click on
>>>>> the "Install" button to complete the installation process.
>>>>> 6) Yay, ChromeVox is now installed!
>>>>> --
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