I actually was wondering the same thing; I don't think there is, but someone
correct me if I'm wrong here. I thought Imovie would, but I never could get it
to tell me when there was a face in view, so when I made a view of Hannah and I
and sent it to my dad, it turned out I'd cut both heads off
Ok, think the subject says it all lol. I ended up downloading a folder of
Mozart CD's that I had no idea whoever put them together merged all these
albums in to several long mp3 files, instead of splitting them into folders,
which would've made more sense.
So now, I have one folder for exampl
ught I remember seeing some video recording capabilities in quick time.
>> On Dec 29, 2014, at 4:47 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I actually was wondering the same thing; I don't think there is, but someone
>> correct me if I'm wrong here. I thought Imovie would, b
ec 30, 2014, at 3:37 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Hey Jessica,
> Do you know if you have the queue files? If so, you could use XLD which
> works really well and very accessible there is a bit of a learning curve but
> it’s not bad.
>> On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:3
You can set the option to have that button in the foreground if you don't want
to constantly have to keep going into the menu's. I can't remember exactly how
I did it, but it wasn't there when I first downloaded it, and I looked for it
in the menu's when for some off-the-wall reason, several al
Wow, that sounds wild as ever.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 6, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Thought the list might find the link below interesting.
> Barry Hadder
> bhad...@gmail.com
>> http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/future-iphones-could-be-squeezable-and-foldable-
Anyone else having an issue with sharing this site on Facebook? I lick that
and it gives me this image with a bunch of numbers.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 6, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Thought the list might find the link below interesting.
> Barry Hadder
> bhad...@gmail.c
>> On Jan 6, 2015, at 3:34 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Anyone else having an issue with sharing this site on Facebook? I lick
>> that and it gives me this image with a bunch of numbers.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 6, 2015, at 2:29 P
Subjects like what, and who's Gabe Vega? You've got me curious.
On Jan 9, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Just a warning from a guy who worked for Gabe. Be careful if you want more
> please email me off list.
>> On Jan 9, 2015, at 1:53 PM, Gabe Vega Commtech LLC
>> wrote:
I've never had any luck downloading anything with the mp3 downloader, can I get
some pointers with that? Ok, I did about 2 years or so ago, but can't remember
now how I did it, so I rarely purchase mp3's from them for that very reason,
and their tech support is anything but helpful.
On Jan 11,
it then the Amazon
>>>> Mp3 Downloader will then open and download the music you have purchased
>>>> onto your Mac. It is stored by default in a folder on your Music Directory
>>>> called Amazon Mp3.
>>>> The downloader app will also give you the option to
ll answer questions there. None
> on list period.
>> On Jan 12, 2015, at 7:35 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Subjects like what, and who's Gabe Vega? You've got me curious.
>> On Jan 9, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
The only one I've seen as of yet is one called "silverdollar,," and "change
reaction," but I don't remember right off how much either of them cost. I've
been trying to find a spider solitare game as well as a pinball game that may
be accessible, but haven't come up with anything yet.
On Jan 19,
I recently tried to update to IOS 8.1.2, which I tried to do over wifi, only
for it to do this crazy thing where the progress bar got stuck, just kept
saying "in progress," and my phone became unusable. Then when I tried
connecting to itunes and tried to finish the update there, it not only ref
> Why don't you update via iTunes in the first instance. While I have no
> problems updating over wifi, some people do or just prefer to update via
> iTunes as their screen reader will announce everything from start to finish.
>> On 20 Jan 2015, at 02:24, Jessica Moss
one? If so, what type? I ask because I have a friend that had a for
> S iPhone, and she updated to Iowa State. When she did that her phone became
> extremely slow.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 20, 2015, at 7:21 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I'
>> On Jan 20, 2015, at 1:23 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> The first one I tried to update was an IPhone 5C I got from a sprint store,
>> which also for some reason, came with IOS7, and have no idea if it was a new
>> or refurbished phone. I wouldn't t
Is this a single behind-the-ear headset, or a stereo headset, and is there a
podcast on how to work it? I got a bluetooth headset to use with my phone,
that says you can move backwards and forwards between tracks, but it only has 3
buttons to control the power/volume, so can't get that function
Is that available for mac as well? I've seen an IOS version, but can't
remember how much it costs.
On Jan 29, 2015, at 12:11 AM, Nancy Badger wrote:
> Kings corner not exactly what you want but close
> Nancy Badger, Ph.D
> Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
> UT Chattanooga
> Sent f
It's verry accessible, can't make heads or tails of how to play it though lol;
mostly because I don't understand the object of the game.
On Jan 30, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Faisal ali wrote:
> Hi,
> Is cribbage pro accessible with voiceover?
> Thanks
>> On Jan 29, 2015, at 12:19 PM, Austin Seraphin
What is that? It sounds familiar but can't remember where I heard it.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 31, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> that's a great game. thanks to those who pointed it out, I definitely
> recommend it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> --
> You received this message because
I don't have it just was curious as to what it is. If it's a paid game I can't
bug appreciate the offer though.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Gabriele Battaglia
> wrote:
> It's wonderful Jessika.
> We can play if you wish.
> Gabriel.
> Skype: gabriel_battaglia
> --
Fred? lol, that voice sounds aweful, reminds me too much of either the dectalk
voices, or the Vera reading machine we used to use when I went to FSDB.
Things have definitely come so far sense then.
On Feb 8, 2015, at 8:17 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Alex, it ain't just you dude. Alex is tons be
What words did you find he ran together? I use him as my default all the time,
and only thing I've found that sounds really weird, is when you try to log in
anywhere and go to the usual "remember me," checkbox, when he speaks the
"remember me," he sounds like he either has his teeth clenched, o
I like the idea for the Siri/loquendo voices, maybe even even for the iPhone.
I always wanted those higher quality voices when I ran mobile speak, but
didn't have the $99 they wanted for them.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 9, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> I'm with you about not
I just installed this on my phone last night, and was able to get through the
angry acorns level, but it won't let me go any further, and for some reason,
won't even let me start the game over. It just keeps telling me, that some
character whose name I can't pronounce always starts from the bot
I've just received an attachment from a family member that I need to open and
read, that's supposed to be a text file of some sort, but for some reason, I
can't seem to locate it. This file is really important as it concerns family
matters, so I need to be able to locate it, but have tabbed aro
The hell? That's senseless?.
Can they not handle competition or something? I don't foresee that holding
out and that's a waste of everybody's tax dollars, but the way I look at it, if
they want to waste their's and everybody else's time, all the power to them.
On Feb 22, 2013, at 4:22 PM, jsh
I've just installed firefox on my mac, which I'm not impressed with, and only
to on occasion, use webvisum when I can't get rumola to work, only to have it
not download. I've pressed the download link multiple times, and it just pops
up a new window, but when I open my downloads folder, it's no
pot? They deserve none
>> of my currency, that's for sure.
>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>> Sent from my Mac Book Pro
>> richr...@gmail.com
>> On Feb 22, 2013, at 7:20 PM, Jessi
bottom of the message,
>> VO shift m on the attachment and save as, save to downloads or open it.
>> Danny.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 23/02/2013, at 10:06 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>>> I've just received an
the link would
> have opened safari rather than firefox.
> Hth.
> --
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Feb 22,
What OS are you using? I didn't see one of those on mine and am using Lion.
I ended up downloading one called all to mp3 converter, and like it a lot for
the most part.
On Feb 23, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Lisette Wesseling wrote:
> Hi William
> I jus use the mp3 converter app which is already on the
I've been noticing that a lot myself. I use the mobile site, and even now have
a lot of trouble searching and the like, and even more trouble with the IPhone
I can search for someone using the IPhone app, but when I find someone, it
won't tell me if they have any mutual friends, just sho
I was curious about that too actually.
On Feb 24, 2013, at 4:17 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> That, and what are the differences, in general?
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> http://www.clgproductions.com
> E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Fre
Ok, didn't read the previous message in this thread, I actually was curious as
to what the difference is between the 2.
On Feb 24, 2013, at 1:38 PM, Lisette Wesseling wrote:
> Hi
> What are the accessibility differences between lite and pro? From the info in
> the app store, Amadeus Lite seems t
Join the club, not just for that reason, but the last time I bought one of
their products, the Intrepid phone with Sprint, I had problem after problem
with it. It crashed repeatedly, when I did the slightest thing with it, and
nobody at the Sprint stores I took it to could figure out what was w
me is not common, His name came up
> in the search results and told me how many mutual friends he had.
> Pam Francis
> On Feb 24, 2013, at 7:29 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> I've been noticing that a lot myself. I use the mobile site, and even now
> have a lot o
Ok, well sense all of a sudden, you're suddenly wanting to start bashing us,
let's talk about the IOS app for a moment, sense you brought it up. I enjoy
using it for the most part, but can't stand the fact that after I've confermed
a friend, when I find the "people you may know," option, unlike
> actually comments. I'm able to find my friends, the suggested people section
> works just fine, and I even use FB messenger with my phone.
> Feel free to write me off-list if you would like, I'd be happy to help if I
> can. :)
> Randy
> On Feb 26
Ok, just out of curiosity, why will you never have twitter? I had an acount a
while back, but didn't like the fact that you only had so many characters you
were allowed to post in a message, so got tired of it fast.
The only reason I really got it in the first place, was because I had heard
I usually a chat client called Adium that handles fb and all your common
messengers, and it works really well. I think when you set facebook up with
that though, you have to actually have a username aside from just your e-mail
address, if you don't already have one created.
I don't remember w
I've got emulators for about 4 different games that I play on occasion on my
mac, and would love to know if there's a wireless control I could get that
would be easy to configure to work with all of these so I don't have to try to
memorize different keystrokes for different programs/end up weari
I've just downloaded a bunch of Sega Genesis roms and had no idea the folder
was a .bin file, and now have no idea how to open it. Can anyone help out here?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and s
I've just recently had this strange issue with my mailboxes not displaying
properly anymore, and have no idea what to make of it anymore. I see my box
that's labeled "gmail," but when I do a tab/shift-shift command to navigate
through everything the way I normally do, it just takes me through t
you must first download an Genesis
> emulator,
> which is used to load the Genesis ROMS (games).
> So the answer is you need to download an emulator.
> Good luck.
> Gena
> On 03/03/2013 12:38, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I've just downlo
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I've just recently had this strange issue with my mailboxes not displaying
>> proper
I'm not sure if anyone on here plays this, or if this would be off topic for
this list, but I've managed to get to the rose1 garden of this game, and can't
get any further. I've tried replaying about every level I can think of to get
my curious carrots raised, and can't seem to be able to do it
;>> I was curious to what these were and the site quite clearly states:
>>> In order to play these Genesis games, you must first download an Genesis
>>> emulator,
>>> which is used to load the Genesis ROMS (games).
hock 3 wireless game
> controller to a Mac. This article lists a number of gamepads that are
> compatible with the Mac:
> http://www.macgamepads.com/gamepads/index.html
> with two of them being wireless, the Logitech F710 and the Microsoft xBox
> gamepads.
Join the club, I can't understand for the life of me why they feel the need to
keep changing it myself.
On Mar 10, 2013, at 12:01 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
> hello; the news releases about the updated Facebook did not sound good. they
> say the mobile and regular sites will have the same look and
For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of these after
doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind enough to sell me the
display model at a discounted price after I realized how much I loved it
especially after I was able to scan a book that had pictures intertwin
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2013-03-11, at 9:46 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of these after
>> doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind enough to s
I was wondering if there was a solitare game for the mac as well, considering
the fact that I've become adicted to the Spider solitare game that came with
Vista, but have stopped using my pc and will be selling it, and will not be
putting Windows on my mac just to play that.
On Mar 15, 2013, at
ve zoomX installed
>>> and pay very little attention to the flash myself.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>>> ontario disability support program
What exactly is the difference between those 2? I actually thought that Hulu
was free, but never really looked into it much either, so would love some info
on it.
On Mar 18, 2013, at 9:05 PM, ppowell...@aol.com wrote:
> I would stay away from that thing for several reasons. 1. If it sounds to
onsulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2013-03-18, at 7:51 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> To anyone else using this, do you know if there's a way to edit scanned
>> material that may only have 1 or 2 errors in it s
> ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2013-03-19, at 9:53 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Ok, I've tried for example to use the backs
Speaking of that, I've noticed on my end, that that option, for some strange
reason, is always dimmed, and I have no idea why that is. Can anyone give me
some info on that?
On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
> Hello,
> yes, it is common to need to "move" files/folders after copy
To whoever gave me tips a while back on how to install webvisum, I missed that
post a while back and finally found it after doing a google search after
putting the whole thing on the back burner for a while as it was frustrating me
and I needed a brake from it for a while. I've looked all over
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Mar 20, 2013, at 8:32 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> To whoever gave me tips a while back on how to install webvisum, I missed
>> that post a while back and finally foun
I'm trying to customize my preference settings in firefox, and all the
checkboxes I'm trying to check are determined they're going to immediately
uncheck themselves the instantly I tab away from them. Has anyone else had any
trouble with this?
This is really frustrating me, and I can't figure
Yeah, I just told it to update a few days ago.
On Mar 22, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Jessica,
> Are you certain you have the latest version of Firefox?
> On 3/22/13 20:24, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I'm trying to customize my preference
bugs and see if there are any bugs similar to yours.
> On 3/23/13 8:03, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Yeah, I just told it to update a few days ago.
>> On Mar 22, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
>>> Jessica,
>>> Are you certain you have the la
rry wrote:
> Not sure than really. Nothing comes to mind for me. I wonder if this may be
> a bug. I guess you could go to Mozillaand look for Bugzilla which is where
> they track all the bugs and see if there are any bugs similar to yours.
> On 3/23/13 8:03, Jessica Moss wrote:
learn more info about it, which
I unfortunately don't remember the exact name of right off.
On Mar 23, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> So you just downloaded what? Bugzilla is a web site so I am confused. Sorry
> if I confused you.
> On 3/23/13 14:22,
, 2013, at 6:53 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Try this web site:
> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org
> On 3/23/13 13:22, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Oh cool, never heard of that; thanx for the info.
>> On Mar 23, 2013, at 11:21 AM, Scott Berry wrote:
That's got me curious too, considering the fact that I'll never buy another hp
product of any sort again, so would love some info on this. The last 2 hp
products I bought, the software wasn't speech-friendly, so when the message
center popped up, I couldn't figure out what it wanted, sense I co
I'm looking for a piece of software that can you can use to change the lyrics
to parts of a song, like some of the radio stations do to try to discourage
people to recording their music; I was told this is called a processor. Does
anyone know if such a thing exists?
I've always thought those
I'd love to know that as well. I've been wanting to create something really
basic like that for Hannah to watch that just plays all my photos/videos
simaltaniously, so she can watch them without me having to scroll through them
one by one, so would love to know how to do that.
On Mar 25, 2013,
I've just noticed last night, that for some reason when I do the
"command+shift+c," command to bring up the computer ikon, it doesn't come up,
but instead it shifts focus away from the finder window and takes me to
whatever I was in previously. So now I can't access my drives, or anything
I'm on the desktop when I've repeatedly tried that command, and for some
reason, it continuously does this, so have no idea what to make of this.
On Mar 27, 2013, at 8:43 PM, Daniel C wrote:
> Make sure you're on your finder desktop, then try that command. Also, if you
> go into preferences for
It comes with a Chess game, but I've never played it before, considering the
fact that I'm not good at Chess, but aside from that, I've tried the Rsgames
client, which I love to play on occasion when I get a chance.
I'm not really sure aside from that sense I don't get a chance to play games
fails, reboot!
> - Original Message ----- From: "Jessica Moss"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:37 PM
> Subject: Finder acting strangely.
> I've just noticed last night, that for some reason when I do the
> "command+shift+c," command to
> when all else fails, reboot!
> - Original Message ----- From: "Jessica Moss"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:37 PM
> Subject: Finder acting strangely.
> I've just noticed last night, that for some reason when I do the
> "
That would be nice, I'm adicted to spider solitare, and loved playing it on my
Windows machine, which I'm about to sell, considering that I don't use it for
anything else.
On Mar 27, 2013, at 10:35 PM, anita wrote:
> No, can't play Solitaire, at this time: maybe Apple will come out with an
> ac
but booting into safe mode by itself fixes many
> system glyches. Or, you could try fixing disk permissions from the recovery
> partition.
> - Original Message - From: "Jessica Moss"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Finder a
sks that you wish shown on your
> Desktop. This was the default behaviour long ago prior to the Sidebar being
> introduced.
> Later...
> On 2013-03-27, at 6:37 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I've just noticed last night, that for some reason when I do the
Ok, if saving your battery life is a specific thing you're wanting to do, I
have one of the Newtrent, I think it's spelled, battery packs, that you just
plug your IPhone cable into, then plug it into your phone, and absolutely love
it. It comes with a power cord that you plug into an outlet to
thing similar, but it doesn't
> plug in to an outlet. Where did you purchase yours?
> Anita
> - Original Message - From: "Jessica Moss"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Portable device accessories
> Ok, if savi
This sounds cool; what's the difference between this and tap tap see? I've
tried that, and for the most part, love it, it's just a tad slow in my
oppinion, but that could just be my tolerence level.
On Apr 7, 2013, at 7:40 PM, timothy.hor...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Everyone, this app is an awes
I'm trying to create a page on facebook for my job, but can't seem to find a
place there to do this via the mobile site, can this be done? If not, can
someone please give me some pointers on how it's done in the first place?
I had to be given a physical link to a friend's link a while back, be
I love the fact that with Slacker, you can ban a song you don't want to hear,
instead of having to ban the artist completely; I've never seen that with
anything I've ever used, and think it's amazing. I can't speak for Pandora,
but have used Spotify as well as IHeart radio, and didn't find that
I currently use the slacker app, which I find really friendly with Voiceover,
and has more of a selection, and I think is a few bucks cheaper if you're
wanting to upgrade, which I don't plan on doing any time soon if at all, but
the free version is just as good if you don't mind the ads and occa
Ok, what's sound rts/python files? Now you all have me curious.
On Apr 16, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:
> Hi Teresa,
> I had this exact same problem with SoundRTS on my Mac. I eventually got it to
> work. I ended up buying Take Control of Terminal specifically to learn how to
I found a supposed Silver Dollar app for the IPhone through the Via app, that
was free, but when I clicked the "download app," option, it did nothing, and
the Applevis reviews showed it only as a Mac app, which I found strange. Does
anyone know anything about this?
I find this really strange
, at 7:45 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> That is odd. It's only for the Mac as far as I know. Personally, if only for
> the shooting game and to support development of Mac audio games, I think it
> is well worth the two dollars.
> On Apr 20, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> is well worth the two dollars.
> On Apr 20, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I found a supposed Silver Dollar app for the IPhone through the Via app,
>> that was free, but when I clicked the "download app," option, it did
>> nothing, and the Apple
their way to the mac. As for a podcast, I don't know; try google or
> applevis.com to see if someone made one. The app description does a good job
> explaining what the game has, though, and as to performance, my Mini runs it
> perfectly with no trouble at all.
> On Apr 21, 2013,
Ok, what exactly is the difference between Amazon's books and Ibooks? I've
never tried to download either/or, so don't know anything about them.
On May 1, 2013, at 9:51 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Best then to use:
> www.amazon.com/access or go through the mobile device: IN which case, Amazon
le, then this is awesome!
> Sent from my iPod
> On 2 mai 2013, at 07:49, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Ok, what exactly is the difference between Amazon's books and Ibooks? I've
>> never tried to download either/or, so don't know anything about them.
om free, up to about $15. Its best to go check out the books on the
> amazon kindle site I believe.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On May 2, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
om free, up to about $15. Its best to go check out the books on the
> amazon kindle site I believe.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On May 2, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
I've just downloaded ciberduck, and can barely make heads or tails of it. I
want to open a directory on a friend's ftp server, but the command+O function
only seems to want me to reconnect to the server, or another server entirely,
and I have no idea what to do after that.
Any tips someone c
Ok, I guess I can safely say I'm now adicted to this game and have already had
to tear myself away from it this morning and do other stuff. I love the way it
makes everything sound so different and reminds me of the makings of a Pink
Floyd song, but can't figure out for the life of me how to do
wish, you can lock the game into a particular
> dimension. The nethalim are kind of the opposite of artifacts; you want to
> push them away until they're gone. The pushing and pulling are not swiping
> motions; they are more tugging motions. Go fairly slowly while pushing and
> pul
I think Hannah does to a point too. I put the headphones on her, and let her
talk and sing into it, and asked her if she liked it, and she was like "yeah!"
then we would both talk into it, and blow into the microphone on the phone,,
but she then got tired of it, considering the fact that she's
I hear from the blindcooltech podcasts done on the mac/android podcasts, that
biblegateway.com is accessible, and I think I remember seeing an IOS app that
they came out with, but not sure if they have one for the Mac. You may want to
look into that.
On May 9, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Chris Blouch wr
"dragging jesture."
On May 9, 2013, at 9:29 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> It took me a week to get an artifact and another week to get rid of
> anethalim. Practice, practice. (evil giggle)
> Teresa
> On May 9, 2013, at 6:19 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I
ast I didn't until someone explained it
> to me. As for capturing artifacts, I have no idea. Maybe I need to start at
> the top of the screen instead of the middle next time...
> On May 9, 2013, at 7:38 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Ok, what exactly is the dragging jesture? Sor
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