Just got my Mac going again and am still very new to it. I'm not sure how to
get to the headers field and finding what you said to find.
I don't even know how to get to the To: field of the message. To navigate
messages, I simply see the list and then use VO J to get to the message.
;reply to sender" and a new message to
> the original sender will open. You can tab and shift-tab to the "to" field to
> verify this.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
I like to use the VO J command to go from message title to message content. It
makes things a lot faster for me.
Oh, can someone tell me if my signature is going through?
On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> Thanks this makes more sense, but this does not solve si
I agree with you totally. It was a challenge when I switched too, but lists
like Mac visionaries helped a lot.
Thanks for letting me voice my opinion.
On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:25 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> THe greatest challenge in my opinion for someone who has used WIndows and a
> WIndows-ba
nd place vo on it.
> 5. Here you can invoke vo shift m. If you are not on the from address the
> reply to sender will not work I think.
> hth,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
> stores.
> Sent from my phone
rk I think.
>> hth,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com, on iTunes or most online
>> stores.
>> Sent from my phone
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 9:38 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi
will come up with the original
> sender's address in the "to" field.
> Basically, what you are doing is choosing "reply to sender" instead of
> pressing command-r.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deep
I just updated my 3gs to IOS 5.1 and found the reminder app on the phone. What
is the difference between that and the calendar and what is the easiest way to
use that app as I found it difficult to use.
Thanks for all your help.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 1, 2012, at 3:27 PM, Kawal
I use another twitter client that works wonderfully on my Mac but for the life
of me I can't remember what it is.
Mark Burninghawk recommended it to me and it works like a charm. Maybe he'll
see this post and be a little less bubble headed when it comes to the name than
I am at the mome
Hi I'm Jenny,
I found it hard to make the switch at first, but with the people on this list
and some patience I wouldn't go back to windows if you paid me. My husband has
a PC and I use it begrudgingly if I have to since that's where all our music
is. I don't yet have an external drive for my
nts at specific dates and times. There's kind of a crossover, as
> I use one or the other sometimes, depending on the task or event.
> Teresa
> "Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga
> On Apr 1, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Jenn
ion. I was in a brainstorming session for a new accessible iPhone
> GPS app with a company and a couple people were asking for this until I piped
> up and pointed out that it already existed.
> CB
> On 4/1/12 6:32 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Could you kind of give me a
se the app and what the
> features were. I hope you will try them out.
> Eric Caron
> On Apr 1, 2012, at 6:32 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Could you kind of give me an idea of how to use it better.
>> I try to change the dates of the rem
oing the
>> podcasts was to show a person just like you how to use the app and what the
>> features were. I hope you will try them out.
>> Eric Caron
>> On Apr 1, 2012, at 6:32 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Could you
I would love this information also.
I tried a free version of Rosetta Stone and it is totally visual.
If you have another way to learn spanish that is auditory I would also love to
know what it is so I could start learning myself.
That was a wonderful question.
Jenny and my goofy g
I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1. Is it me or does it slow the
Iphone down a lot when you upgrade cause that's what's happening to mine.
Thanks for your patience.
Jenny and my goofy guide BrooksHello Listers,
This is probably more appropriate for the viPhone list, but I'm no
m to handle instructions. you can still use the 3GS but one or two
> processes are bogged down.
> lew
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 19:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I have an Iphone 3GS and I upgraded to 5.1. Is it me or does it slow the
>> Iphone down a lot when you upgr
> but there are areas where it's more intensive in terms of performance drops.
> usually camera related where identifying colour, etc.
> we can't win everything though? can we?
> lew
> On 5 Apr 2012, at 21:32, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Ye
Hi, how do you get into terminalto put this information into it. Where is
terminal and how do I work it.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 5, 2012, at 11:05 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Doubtless, by now, y'all have heard of the Flash Back Trojan and the fact
> that 6000 Macs were most likel
d-O to launch. From there you should be able to type commands or
> paste them from email.
> CB
> On 4/6/12 10:42 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi, how do you get into terminalto put this information into it. Where is
>> terminal and how do I work it.
Still can't find how to get to terminal. Maybe I'm just a little flaky but I'm
still new to the Mac so I couldn't figure out how to do it with the
instructions I was given.
Thanks for those instructions. I'm just not intelligent enough to follow them.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 6,
As the subject line says how do you get to the app switcher on the Iphone and
how do I close those apps?
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:23 AM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Same exact thing here Donna. I've received neither java update thus far, and
> each time I run
tap but hold on the 2nd tap until you hear a chime and applications
> edit. as soon as this has happened you can double tap on the app to quit.
> after you're finished, press the home button twice to return to the main
> screen.
> lew
> On 6 Apr 2012, at 21:0
This is not an answer to the Bluetooth explorer question, but yes, you have
lost that a long time ago stranger:)
Write or call soon.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:45 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> I'm running Snow Leopard, and noticed an item called "Bluetooth Explo
I downloaded an album from iTunes and looked in the downloads folder, no dice,
the music folder, no dice, and the iTunes thing on the Doc, don't have a clue.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 7, 2012, at 6:58 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Happy holidays to all those celebrating.
What is the playlist browser and how do I get to it?
I also want to delete some things that I know are on iTunes from my playing
them from another website. how do I delete everything at one time instead of
having to delete 25 files one by one.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 7,
I hate Itunes, I can't figure it out at all! I'm trying to also delete things
that I have played from the internet and is stuck in the Itunes thing and so I
don't have any way of putting them in the search thing because they don't all
have the same names.
When I use VO to navigate I can't fi
he music table and
> there you should have the songs in the album you purchased.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I downloaded an album
> let me see if I can spend some time with you off list on this, bear with me
> though, most of the week I'm snowed under getting ready for the trade show
> and taking on a project I really want to get stuck in to.
> cheers
> lew
> On 8 Apr 2012, at 20:11,
ide of things.
> take care, keep smiling and remember, no matter what, there's always someone
> there by your side.
> lew
> On 8 Apr 2012, at 21:06, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Lu,
>> I'm using Lion and take your time. I just had
>> Libre and Open office [6 Updates]
>> Workflow not Flowing [1 Update]
>> A little help with sorting documents [1 Update]
>> Material for showing Apple accessibility solutions [1 Update]
>> Merging google calendar with iCal [1 Update]
>> e-mail's on ma
> Libre and Open office [6 Updates]
>> Workflow not Flowing [1 Update]
>> A little help with sorting documents [1 Update]
>> Material for showing Apple accessibility solutions [1 Update]
>> Merging google calendar with iCal [1 Update]
>> e-mail's on mac refus
Thanks for the advice. That's what I did.
I'll deal with it tomorrow.
On Apr 8, 2012, at 6:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I think she is just frustrated. I have been using itunes in both SL and Lion
> with great success. I am not sure I fully understand the problem, but when
> frustrated
thanks Mark,
On Apr 8, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Honestly, I'm sorry, but I thought this was off list, else I would have
> structured my reply differently. I agree; put Itunes on the back burner; I"m
> on my fourth dog and it's just never fun.
> • Mark Burn
I tried a sample of it and it is based on visual learning. They show you a
picture of a ball, for example, and then say the word for ball in spanish. If
you don't know if the picture is a ball however, you are up a creek.
On Apr 11, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> Hello lis
Every other time I turn on my Mac mini, I get a screen that looks like it might
want my password. I try to enter it but it doesn't no good.
I was told how to handle it a long time ago but I've forgotten as my computer
was in storage for a while.
If I manually turn it off and turn it back on
How much does that reader cost and can I use any scanner/printer/fax on the
Mac. My husband and I have a Brother, and I was wwondering if I actually could
use it with my mac as well or if I have to buy a whole other scanner for it.
gosh I hope not, I can't afford that.
On Apr 13, 2012, a
built into my universal printer and it does a decent
> job of it.
> lew
> On 13 Apr 2012, at 17:14, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> How much does that reader cost and can I use any scanner/printer/fax on the
>> Mac. My husband and I have a Brother, and I was ww
How much is the ABBYY reader?
On Apr 13, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> road test it, you should be fine, if not, let me know and we can see about
> any solutions or workarounds.
> lew
> On 13 Apr 2012, at 17:35, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
I know a couple of people have called to help last week but with some health
problems and the emotional stress of having to retire, and then give up my
guide dog, I just haven't had the strength to deal with a phone conversation.
Please tell me what to do with that horrid screen. It happen
As the subject line asks, how to you add someone to your address book?
On Apr 14, 2012, at 10:50 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I think of the previous recipients list as a sort of holding tank of
> addresses that have been dealt with in mail. You can then take these and put
> them in your a
> first name field, enter the first name of the individual you wish to add.
> Press tab to go through the various fields for entering information.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-04-14, at 5:04 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> As the subject line asks
ult, your cursor should land in
>> the first name field, enter the first name of the individual you wish to
>> add. Press tab to go through the various fields for entering information.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2012-04-14, at 5:04 PM, Je
>>> When in the AddressBook app, press cmd-n to create a new card or go up to
>>> the File menu and select New Card. By default, your cursor should land in
>>> the first name field, enter the first name of the individual you wish to
>>> add. Pre
the recipients you wish to send the
> message to, you can now press tab to move to the next field.
> • Enter the info you wish sent, proof it, and press cmd-shift-d to send it.
> Later...
> On 2012-04-15, at 8:22 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Thanks, but I'm s
> within VO navigation that the contextual menu won't come up properly if
> you're at the right end of the menu item.
> Later...
> On 2012-04-15, at 9:03 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My problem is t
t;Sender name", the "Subject" etc.
> After you go past the "Sender's name", go back with VO-left and stop after VO
> reads the Sender's name. Press VO-shift-m to bring up the contextual menu at
> which point you should see the Reply to Sender op
I use Lion, but I think Syrinx will work too, but I might be and probably am
that's the best one I've found.
On Apr 16, 2012, at 12:05 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> HELP!!!
> it seems that my current twitter client has developed a glitch and refuses to
> sign into twitter, and now mat
I'd like to go to T mobile and I was told about android phones that have the
ability to be spoken to to dictate texts and have texts and emails read to you.
I was told to that you can download a text to speech app for them, but you
guys know more than I do.
What is your opinion on the sub
rdo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 16, 2012, at 8:57 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to go to T mobile and I was told about android phones that have the
>> ability to be spoken to t
ccounts on your machine. If you change it to one of
> the accounts on your machine then every time you startup it will drop you
> right into that account. Of course this isn't as secure but it's quite handy.
> Hope this was what you were looking for.
> CB
Pardon my ignorance,
What are the I life apps?
On Apr 16, 2012, at 6:03 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
> No, you need to purchase them separately from the Mac Appstore.
> You only get those you really need though, and is not much.
> Nektarios.
> On Apr 16, 2012, at 7:51 PM, Paul Hunt w
I'm sure it's not a login screen because I have tried entering my password and
it won't go to the desk top.
Also, if I manually turn the computer off and then turn it back on, it goes
straight to the desk top.
It is a grey screen with an apple in the middle and has something, I can't see
On Apr 16, 2012, at 10:43 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello, the iLife apps are Garageband, iMovie,iWeb and iPhoto.
> hth
> ED
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvision
Yeah, I'd like to know the same thing.
On Apr 17, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have my mail set to spell check when the message is about to be sent. I
> wonder if there is a way to read the sentence or line in question with the
> mis-spelled word? I think it would
I do hold the power button to turn it off, that's how I can get the desktop the
second time.
I shut it down with the regular shut down sequence via the apple menu to shut
it down when I am done with it.
Hope that helps.
On Apr 17, 2012, at 10:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> I
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I'm sure it's not a login screen because I have tried entering my password
>> and it won't go to th
> VoiceOver starts" is unchecked.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I'm sure it's not a login screen because
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jonc...@cox.net
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> OK, I did it and it wasn't on so hopefully that will help.
>> Thanks a lot.
> let me compile some suitable settings for voiceover stability which will
> assist in your mac experience. please note that as you're using lion, some of
> my settings notes may differ slightly but the instructions will be the same.
> lew
> On 17 Apr 2012, at 17:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Are you pressing command F5?
> On 17 Apr 2012, at 05:54 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I have tried to get voice over to run but nothing happens. thanks.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 17, 2012
> I haven't been following this thread but is there any chance you are holding
> down the option key. this will bring up a screen that won't talk. I hope
> this isn't repeat advice.
> Marshall
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
ter or a third way is to use spotlight by
> hitting command-space to search for stuff on your computer and then type
> System and the first results should be System Preferences. Probably some
> other ways as well :)
> If you get stuck again just ping back :)
> CB
OK, I am trying, again, to reply to one person, however, when I navigate to
message headers then interact with it which gives me the person's name then VO
right arrow to what is hide, then VO left arrow to the from field again, and
then do VO shift M as in Mary.
this idiotic computer won't give
e it work for you it will go smoothly.
>> I'd try going over to the subject once you've interacted then back to the
>> name you want. I don't know if its a focus issue. Have you tried routing
>> the mouse to the name you want with vo-command-f5? Just a thought.
I'd like to know the same thing. I use Lion.
On Apr 18, 2012, at 8:13 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> How do you drag and drop something using VO? I've tried this with no success.
> I should say, I've tried to try it.
> On Apr 18, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Gerry Cook wrote:
>> Hi i hope your h
w keys. When you get to the message
> you wish to read in full, press return or VO-j if you prefer that method.
> Now, the message will be open and VO will read it in full. This is the point
> where you can Interact with the Header info inorder to dig deeper into its
> details.
I can get to the from field in the headers, it's the menu that won't come up
whether I interact with it or not. When I do interact with the headers field
and get the from field, I VO arrow right and get the hide something or another,
I VO left arrow to go back to the from field which I understa
I'd like to know the same thing.
Though my bank sends me every deposit and withdrawal that is made in my
checking account, also it sends me daily account balances, but sometimes it
forgets to send the balances, and sometimes transactions don't hit the bank
until a few days later.
I'd love to k
> On Apr 18, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I'd like to know the same thing. I use Lion.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 18, 2012, at 8:13 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> How do you drag and drop somethi
vo . for drop.
> irid domnori
> irid.domn...@gmail.com
> contatto skype: superirid
> Il giorno 18/apr/2012, alle ore 21:07, Jennifer Perdue ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I don't use the track pad anyway. I only have the keyboard, so will drag and
i'm sorry i can't help any better. take
> care, max
> On Apr 18, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Mine doesn't do that, I VO shift down arrow and when it says interacting
>> with headers, I right arrow and it says hide. I VO left arrow and i
, 2012, at 1:11 PM, irid domnori wrote:
>>> Yep, it works: vo , for drag and vo . for drop.
>>> irid domnori
>>> irid.domn...@gmail.com
>>> contatto skype: superirid
>>> Il giorno 18/a
sie's How to be
> Blind tutorials on YouTube.
> HTH,
> Rahul
> On 19/04/2012, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> that helps a lot.
>> Thanks.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 18, 2012, at 1:29 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> h
ut not sure how I would line the check
> up in the printer to get their complex endorsement that includes the account
> number. I don't know, to tell the truth, why they have 24 hour service, when
> what you need, they have no way to do.
> ----- Original Message - F
g to one of Mike Malarsie's How to be
>> Blind tutorials on YouTube.
>> HTH,
>> Rahul
>> On 19/04/2012, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> that helps a lot.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Jenny
>>> On
used it a bit on IOS and that was a cool experience.
> On 4/19/12, Scott Howell wrote:
>> None I know of. Your moving a file from point A to point B which seems to be
>> the goal.
>> On Apr 18, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Yes,
Just got my married name officially changed to Keller.
How do I change my identification name so that it will show on my emails.
On Apr 19, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Thanks for the first relevant answer to my thread. Oh and I'm glad I
> looked at the website because they
Original Message - From: "Jennifer Perdue"
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 17:16
> Subject: How to change my name on the email client
>> Just got my married name officially changed to Keller.
>> How do I change my identification name so that
I thought you were talking about on an I device not a Mac.
> As I do not yet have my Mac. I can't answer this question.
> - Original Message - From: "Jennifer Perdue"
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 18:02
> Subject: Re: How to change my name on the emai
t; On 4/19/12, Sean Paul wrote:
>> Afternoon Ms. Keller:
>> Settings, mail contacts calendar, swipe right until you find signature
>> button, tap it, can change & save there.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Jennifer Perdue"
>> To:
I know I changed this subject line, so as the subject says, I still can't
change my name on the email client.
Also, I wanted my emails to be from oldest to newest and have tried switching
from assending to desending and back and it doesn't seem to matter.
Any suggestions?
As my subject states, how do I change my name on the email client in Lion.
I think it's set as Jenny or Jennifer Perdue, I finally officially got my
married name change so I want it to say Jenny Keller.
thanks in advance.
You received this message because you are subscribed t
How much is Mountain Lion from the ap store?
thanks in advance,
On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:30 PM, Daniel Macdonald wrote:
> hi.
> you should her able to upgrade from snow leo[ard. I got the file from the
> pirate bay. it is a torrent site. the install works just as Lion did, taking
> for me 2
t free...
> Aloha,
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com click
> the off the bookshelf link
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 4:10 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Mountain Lion
> --
u set up your machine and I'm not
> sure off the top of my head how you go about changing that info.
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:02 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> As my subject states, how do I change my name on the email client in Lion.
>> I think it
Is there a countdown timer on the i-phone. Could someone tell me where it is
please. I have the 3Gs. Thanks.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 12, 2011, at 11:37 AM, Wendy Alling wrote:
> Hello all,
> Can someone give me some help with the audible app? I have it installed on
> my ph
ays that I use for other
> applications I don't use as often as mail and safari.
> HTH,
> Rachel.
> On Nov 12, 2011, at 8:32 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Thank you. Hope you have a great weekend.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Nov 11
Thank you. That works well.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 12, 2011, at 9:36 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
> Hi Jenny,
> Just quickly type the first two or three letters for the program you wish to
> navigate to.
> On Nov 11, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
Is Facebook accessable? I've never used it. Any suggestions? Just curious.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 13, 2011, at 12:27 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
> David,
> Your suggestion about that movie was too hilarious :P
> On my Windows laptop, the mobile site is working perfectly.
> I have
Mine does the same weird window thing at the beginning of the loading process
when I turn my mac on but that's the only weird thing it does. It's not worth
reinstalling lion over for me. I hope that will stay like that though.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks, Oh yeah You can get out of that wi
New to the mac so could you tell me where users and groups are?
Thanks so much.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:21 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> In Users & Groups, Interact with the Users, Groups and Login Options List,
> and navigate down to Login Options. sto
t; watch and timer!
> hth Colin
> On 15 Nov 2011, at 15:37, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Is there a countdown timer on the i-phone. Could someone tell me where it
>> is please. I have the 3Gs. Thanks.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Nov 12
ook wants to change things on the site a little
> too often
> Sent from my MBP
> On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Is Facebook accessable? I've never used it. Any suggestions? Just curious.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
and so on,
> which make the main site so overwhelming.
> My only piece of advice would be to start with a few friends or fan pages and
> then add more as you get used to it.
> Kes
> - Original Message - From: "Jennifer Perdue"
> To:
Thank you for your help and have a nice evening .
Jenning and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:56 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
> Hi Jenny,
> Yes, the mobile version of Facebook is very accessible.
> Even the main site used to work very well until Facebook decided to change
> its interfa
hat you need to fix, and I hope that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jennifer Perdue
> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:39 AM
> To: macvisionar
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jennifer Perdue
> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:32 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Preparing for clean lion install
> You're really gonna laugh, but where is
ly resolved by the team.
> Sexy Isra
> Israel Antonio
> www.sexyisra.blogspot.com
> www.twitter.com/sexyisra
> On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Is Facebook accessable? I've never used it. Any suggestions? Just curious.
>> Jenny
Don't necessarily know if this is a mac question so mods pardon me if it isn't
exactly. I'm not really proficient at the computer and I was wondering which
would be easier to use and basically, what do you use Facebook for and what do
you use twitter for, aren't they the same thing?
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