user guide at length i am seriusly thinking about getting
a mac in the future.
ian mcnamara.
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hi all my friend and i to get her use to her mac have sent a fiew emails
backm and forth to eachother to get her use to the mac.
basicly it's now dimd the send option so she can't send an email.
how do we undim it.
ian mcnamara.
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yep as a windows user i am beginning to think that mac for blind
people is the way to go a friend of mine has just bought one and
although where struggling with a fiew things at the momant it looks very
ian mcnamara.
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hello all by tommorrow afternoon i should be a memor of the mac squad
going to get my new mac tommorrow morning.
also my friend will lomas is staying with me for the weekend so he will
help me with it tommorrow.
ian mcnamara.
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getting an eye mac but don't know exactly which one i am getting yet.
ian mcnamara.
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making good
headway at the momment.
i am happy to be a member of the mac squad as my friends call it.
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hi all how do i create a folder in the mail cliant as i have an email i need to
thanks very much
Ian McNamara
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hi that worked for me. thanks very much for the help.
Ian McNamara
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cool thanks all for the help its a cool opperating system when you get use to
it. i am really happy with it now. just got to master downloading stuff but
that can wait for another day.
just getting the basics has been hard inuff the last couple of days.
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well i have gone to the view menu with in Skype so now i only see the contacts
who are on line. to call one of them i make sure there name is highlighted then
i presss vo shift and m and press enter on call.
not found a quick way of hanging up yet.
Ian McNamara.
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hi i can't get in to my down loads folder how do i do it.
thanks very much
ian mcnamara
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hi just gone in to the mail cliant when i pressed vo arrow keys to the left
twice to get to the mail box menu i can only see my inbox.
how can i get back to the mail boxes table.
thanks very much.
Ian McNamara
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hi i just down loaded a zip file hwo do i extract it.
thanks ian
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cool thanks fixed it.
ian mcnamara
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hi all what does the dash board do? just wundering if it is worth using.
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hi i am noticing some times when i go in to my mail it shos me the in box but
when i go to try and get to the other mail boxes it is not letting me get to
them all. just wondering if there is a way round this.
ian mcnamara
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hello yep i am having exactly the same problem. i can't logg on to msn ither
yet i can logg on to face book and aim fine.
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i have been trying since saturday and have not been able to logg on once.
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well i find it very good so far i have used it on facebook to chat to my
friends and i am very impressed.
ian mcnamara
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i have to say wen i have used adium i have not noticed my mac slo down at all.
although it might depend how much you have on the system.
ian mcnamara.
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yep got it fixed now i just had to do vo shift m on the tool bar and it said
sho mail boxes.
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exactly i have been trying on my mac since saturday we even tried on a mates
msn and it would not let us on his ither.
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i hope so because i want to use it i really like adium
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hi all how do i play an ogg ffile on the mac.
thanks ian mcnamara
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ok do i have to get it from some where or does it allready come on the mac. if
so where do i get it.
ian mcnamara.
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cool will have a go at that later on today. that's a good thing also while i am
on the subject of files is there any good mp3 converters accessable with mac so
that i can convert things to mp3's if i want.
thanks and sorry for all the questions still getting use to the mac.
yep i got it thanks.
its working really well.
Ian McNamara
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don't think so if it was not for my friends who have them and people on this
list i would not be as far as i am now. it's fun to have got it at the same
time as two other people as we are all learning together.
Ian McNamara
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i love skype with the mac now i have made it so i can only se my on line
it is really good.
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hi i have been trying to open ogg files with vlc media player but when i go to
open on the menu and it asks me to choose the application i want to open the
file with vlc media player does not come up.
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yes i agree if that is possible.
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that is very true i payed for mine out right but as you say you do not have the
extra money to fork out for the screan reader so it works out better.
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k the plunge as it has not
been as steeper learning curve as i thought.
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yes i would like to know this to as friends of mine send me vidios of there
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hello all i am now set up on eyechat so if any one wants to add me this is my
Ian McNamara
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hi all sorted it now worked it out for my self.
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sounds good mate think i might be going to the eyephone when i can next
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i just want it
to read from where i got to.
thanks very much for any help.
Ian McNamara
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loving itunes so much that was useful info.
Ian McNamara
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just get adium and create a facebook logg in on there thats the way to get
around facebook chat.
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ght i would want to make
the most use of it that i could.
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problem diving in plus a
friend of mine was at my house when i got the mac so he did all the basic set
up for me.
i have to say since having the mac i have found it a lot more iffissiant for
doing basic things and i do not have the crashes i some times have with
Ian McNamara
modify voice over a bit to make it easyer to use. sorry
if this has been a bit of a ramble hope that people understand what i am
getting at.
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very useful info think i will keep this as a reffrance.
Ian McNamara
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no i do not think we do at present as i would like one if we do as i still have
to use windows for mudding at the moment.
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ke to dictate to my computer when i am doing things like
creative righting.
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I am using nambu which i find a pritty good application for twitter.
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Lucky people i really want an iphone or ipod touch as i want to play that
aurify i listened to bryan smarts podcast on blind cool tech and i really want
to give it a go it sounds a really ausam game.
Ian McNamara
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do a lot of
singing so this is going to be very useful for me.
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I do not recieve my own posts from any group i am on but i don't really mind as
apple mail makes a noise so i know the mail has deffinatly gone.
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It's hard being so new to mac to think of anything really big that needs doing
yep i would like to see garage band become more acccessable. Also it would be
nice to see a more accessable mud client like vip mud for windows.
Ian McNamara
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To be fair though with vo you don't really need a back up from what i've seen
so far genraly i find if it frezes all i have to do is turn it on and off and
it is fine again.
Ian McNamara.
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so is this sort of like skype then? Ian McNamara.
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cool may take a look at this app i am hoping to get an ipod touch soon. I would
like an ipad but it's two bulky in my apinyon. I have to say i found it
interesting on the apple hotnews how the ipad seems to be helping autistic
Ian McNamara.
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that's odd as mine does that ok. never had to do anything to make it read the
whole thing you could try interacting with the document and see if that makes
any diffrence.
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well none of the others have been accessable so ar so i would not emagain that
this one will be ither.
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I just use my built in one i got with my imac. it's a good webcam and it does a
good job. also th mike is really clear on it.
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able to change to
iworks. I just use text eddit at the moment as i only need basic word
prosessing at the moment but will probly get iworks later on in my mac usage.
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hello all my name is ian mcnamara i am 26 years old and i live in
birmingham in the u k. i currently own windows seven but am thinking of
getting a mac in future so thought i would join this list to learn about
thanks very much
ian mcnamara.
skype heeman2730
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i have to say although i am a windows user i do feel games should be
made for the mac as it would benafit the gaming community even more.
that is one of the reasons i will not switch to mac yet.
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well i could do that but i prifer to have seprate opperating systums on
seprate computers forinstance i would want mac on a mac machine and
windows on a windows machine i do not like the idear of running to
opperating systums on one machine.
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yep chess is a good game i like it a lot i am getting b g chess from
spoonbil games so i can practis. but i am going to get a real chess set
in the future.
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