Hello all i have only been a mac user for just over a month and i have to say i 
can see neels point. I have to say it would be good if they could create a way 
where like jaws the option key could become like a windows key and take you in 
to all the menues that way and give the controle key some of the commands that 
you would need voice over keys for. although i have got use to the voice over 
keys it is slightly anoying to have to hold them down just to move around a web 
sight. forinstance if you are highlighted on a check box with jaws all you have 
to do is press space bar how ever if you are on with voice over you have to 
hold them two keys down before pressing space. How ever as i said to a friend 
of mine on the phone the other week i do not regret making the switch to the 
mac and do find it in a lot of ways better to use than windows. it would just 
be nice if they could modify voice over a bit to make it easyer to use. sorry 
if this has been a bit of a ramble hope that people understand what i am 
getting at. 

Ian McNamara

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