Good Day:
Firstly, this being my first post to this list, I should probably give
a brief introduction. As you can tell from the name field, my name is Henry
Hollithron. I am a college student, and las October, I acquired a MacBook Pro.
As you might expect, Mac OS has become my primary
Good Day:
If you change the sources table so that it is focused on music (note
that this is the default source when opening iTunes), you will find, right
below the table with all your songs, a text area which tells you how many songs
you have, the total time it would take to play your
Good Day:
VO-F2 pressed twice quickly works quite well on my MacBook Pro running
Lion. Being a new Mac user, I'm not sure what shortcuts might have changed,
but, on my end at least, the window chooser is working fine with the shortcut
you have below.
Education never ends.
Good Day:
When I did the upgrade, there was a second window available from the
Window chooser for the voice manager which told me to redeem the activation
codes. It had found the activation codes for the older InfoVox language packs
which I had, and I had to activate each one by pressi
Good Day:
I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of
them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only used Mac
OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional information. At any rate,
here goes.
Education never ends.
>>>> Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to
>>>> read the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too
>>>> elegant, but better than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick
Good Day:
I have a british voice on my Mac. When I turned on dictation, there was
a popup menu with the different languages and accents which were available for
that service. It was set to British English, but I had no difficulty in
changing it to American English.
On 26 Ju
Good Day:
Here is the relevant extract from chapter 7 of the VoiceOver Getting
Started guide, which is the last option in the VoiceOver help menu. Of course,
VoiceOver now appears to be more specific about which data has been detected,
but I think the instructions still apply.
Good Day:
In theory, there is Read4Me, available from the App store. It used to
work quite well, costs $3.99, and allows one to switch voices easily with tags
in the text file such as [[ALEX]] or [[DANIEL]]. Unfortunately, at least on my
computer, it no longer seems to want to load. I b
Good Day:
When the installer asks you to sign into the app store, you have to use
the Window chooser to access the dialog. I seem to remember that I had to click
the mouse in the edit field for the Apple ID using the VoiceOver commands
VO-CMD-F5, followed by VO-Shift-Space, both while f
Good Day:
Did you try looking in the window chooser. Generally, this is how I
have found the dialog for signing into the App store. Note that if you do find
the dialog with the window chooser, you may have to use the VO commands to move
the mouse on to the field for the Apple ID and cli
Good Day:
There is Read4Me. I have been having some problems running it on
Mavericks, but the developer says that he does not have the same issue. Perhaps
you could try it out and tell us both how things go? Here's the link:
I h
Good Day:
With iTunes Match enabled, you remove an artist or album as normally
through iTunes, except that there is an additional checkbox, "Also delete these
songs from iCloud," which you would check in order to remove the content from
iTunes Match. As for adding, you need do nothing e
Good Day:
The converter is in a frame following the first heading on the main
page. If you interact with it, it guides you through the four phases of
conversion. When the page updates, you may have to refocus VoiceOver, but the
web interface is certainly useable.
Good Day:
in point of fact and for what it’s worth, you could still achieve this
effect with VO-shift-space in Maverics. In Yosemite, however, there seems to be
no way to bring up the menu.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock H
Good Day:
The terminal works as it always has in Mavericks. You need to make sure
that you are interacting with the text where the contents of the terminal is,
but I have no problem reviewing the screen if that condition is met.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons
Good Day:
The VO-command-space keystroke has simply been changed to
VO-command-return. Other than that, the procedure for selecting non-contiguous
items is identical to that in Mountain Lion.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Good Day:
Have you tried repairing disk permissions? For whatever reason, it
seems to solve some problems of sluggishness under any version of Mac OS. Of
course, a clean install would also seem to do the trick, but I know you are
reluctant to go that route.
Education never e
der mavericks? No delays open ing apps or switching windows? No
> delays loading emails when pressing enter? No audio stuttering?
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:49 PM, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
>> Good Day:
>> Have you tried repairing disk permissions? For whatever
Good Day:
For headers, the "default" setting will show you, among other standard
details, the person to whom the message is addressed. It omits all the
information about exactly which servers were involved in the transmission of
the message.
Education never ends. It is a se
Good Day:
For whatever reason, you need to run this program from the terminal. If
you are comfortable with this, then the command is
java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar
where should be the path to the jar. You can simplify
your life by either being in the directory where the jar can be f
Good Day:
Indeed. This program appears to be quite prone to crashing. I realise
that it is open-source and thus not meant to be perfect, but I don't think it's
yet ready for stable use. The exception thrown by the program that you copied
below occurs, I think, when it pops up a dialog
Good Day:
Have you tried pressing command-shift-w in TextEdit to make sure that
"wrap to window" is selected. Also, have you interacted with the text? I have
no trouble reading a .doc file from start to finish.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greate
Good Day:
Frankly, I prefer Abby Fine Reader express and use DocuScan only for
very casual scanning. Of course, I am somewhat biased, since I study multiple
languages, and DocuScan only recognizes English, but, in my experience, even in
English, Abby Fine Reader does best with, for ins
Good Day:
Frankly, I find Abby Fine Reader to have the better recognition engine,
but, as I said yesterday, that is just my opinion.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Holmes
On 04.06.2013, at 15:53, Alex Hall wrote:
or Prizmo? Prizmo on
> the iPhone is remarkable provided you have good lighting, and a scanner, of
> course, has perfect lighting. Are there podcasts of these three apps in use?
> Maybe that would help...
> On Jun 4, 2013, at 4:55 PM, "Henry D. Hollithron"
> wrote:
Good Day:
I used Terminal successfully for an entire college semester, since I
had to remotely run programs on the Computer Science servers through SSH and
transfer files through SFTP. Two rather obvious things occur to me:
1. Are you interacting with the Shell element, which contains
Good Day:
If you go into System Preferences > Energy Saver and go to near the
bottom of the window (close to the lock buttons), you will find a button called
"Schedule…" which, when clicked, opens a dialog allowing one to set a time for
the Mac to sleep or shut down and start up automa
Good day:
In the scheduling window, there are two checkboxes. The first one is
for "startup or wake", and the second is unlabelled. If you check the second
box and vo-right, you will find a popup button which is set to sleep. If you
bring up the popup menu, however, "shut down" is one
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