Good Day: 

        Firstly, this being my first post to this list, I should probably give 
a brief introduction. As you can tell from the name field, my name is Henry 
Hollithron. I am a college student, and las October, I acquired a MacBook Pro. 
As you might expect, Mac OS has become my primary operating system, and though 
I still have my windows computers, I prefer, if possible, to accomplish what I 
wish on, what to me, is a much more intuitive system. In any case, I have been 
wondering for quite some time whether there is any word processor currently 
available which can handle tables. As I said earlier, I am a college student, 
and I some times receive documents with tables. My experience thus far has been 
that neither Nisus Writer Pro nor Pages even acknowledges the tables. As for 
Text Edit, I can at least get the content from the tables, but if I have to 
make some modifications to the file in question and send it back, the table 
formatting disappears, which is a problem. From checking the list archives, I 
have gotten the impression that there is not currently a way to get tables to 
work. Am I correct? I would be glad to be told that I am wrong, since I'd 
rather not have to add working with tables to the very small list of tasks for 
which I still need to use Windows. Any help is much appreciated.

Thank You:

Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Homes

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