Re: Here is the Text of the User Manual for the Nearby Explorer, for iOS, GPS Navigation App

2016-08-28 Thread David Tanner
It appears that it usually does tell the side of the street to where you were looking for David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 S > On Aug 28, 2016, at 1:40 PM, gs wrote: > > The provision of information is not condescending. The podcast I heard > describing the product demonstra

Re: Can the iPhone be used as a Magnifier?

2012-03-18 Thread David Tanner
One of the low vision folks in our tech department told me about Vision Assist. It is $3.99 and thus far everyone I have shown it to thinks it is nearly as good as Ruby, which is very popular with low vision folks. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-23 Thread David Tanner
ts to hurt a little. If you tell them you want them to change then don't keep giving them any business until they wise up and change Kindell. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! - Original Message -

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-26 Thread David Tanner
What state do you live in? Remember that not all states do things the same. In Minnesota we purchase Apple computers, iPads, iTouch and (occasionally) an iPhone. And, the reason we don't purchase many iPhones has nothing to do with policy of our agency, The purchasing policies of the state

Re: Focus40Blue Firmware update 4.57

2012-03-31 Thread David Tanner
What I find interesting is that I had problems with my display last summer and they had me send the display in for repair. They replaced the display and the new display had the version of firmware you are talking about installed. That was last September. So, who knows how long this version of

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-02 Thread David Tanner
Congratulations on getting the Pearl, but I would suggest to you that you not do away with your scanner completely. You will find times when a thick book or so;mething that you cannot keep flat without applying pressure is going to do better on a scanner. The Pearl has a fixed focus, meaning t

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-02 Thread David Tanner
It is alive and well... Do you have version 12 patch 4? That is the latest release and there is some support for at least one digital camera in that patch upgrade. As far as Kurzweil 1000 on the Mac; the news isn't good. There is Kurzweil3000 for the Mac, but the folks at Cambian Learning d

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-02 Thread David Tanner
ed before. I wish I knew where I put the big box that probably had version 6 in it, but if it's like Jaws or anything else I'll end up with a new disk when I purchase the upgrade. I hope those are still reasonable yet. ----- Original Message - From: "David Tanner" To:

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-02 Thread David Tanner
012, at 8:21 PM, David Tanner wrote: It is alive and well... Do you have version 12 patch 4? That is the latest release and there is some support for at least one digital camera in that patch upgrade. As far as Kurzweil 1000 on the Mac; the news isn't good. There is Kurzweil3000 for th

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-03 Thread David Tanner
There are two models; a stand alone model and a model that is based on a digital camera attached to your computer and the EyePal software in your Windows or Apple computer. - Original Message - From: Brent Harding To: Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-03 Thread David Tanner
lready said too much, but what it takes to be able to obtain such technology just makes you throw your hands up in frustration. On 4/2/12, David Tanner wrote: And, I bet it is a lot cheaper too. - Original Message - From: "Jim Gatteys" To: Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 9:35 PM Sub

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-04 Thread David Tanner
27;t think it's as many as VoiceOver. Regards, Gigi Eugenia Firth On Apr 3, 2012, at 9:06 PM, David Tanner wrote: I understand where you are coming from, but it is good to see that there are some displays starting to come down to a somewhat more reasonable pric

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-04 Thread David Tanner
It is available as a stand alone, but there is also a computer based version for both Windows and Apple. - Original Message - From: Kawal Gucukoglu To: Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:09 AM Subject: Re: A Question Regarding OCR Thank yo

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-04 Thread David Tanner
omebody could correct me about this, but I don't think it's as many as VoiceOver. Regards, Gigi Eugenia Firth On Apr 3, 2012, at 9:06 PM, David Tanner wrote: I understand where you are coming from, but it is good to see that there are some displays starti

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-04 Thread David Tanner
never heard of. I don't believe any of the other screen readers could say that their program could support that many displays. There's a fair number with Jaws, and somebody could correct me about this, but I don't think it's as many as VoiceOver. Regards, Gigi Eugenia

Re: Braille displays

2012-04-05 Thread David Tanner
I realize it isn't like trying it yourself, but I can tell you that I was just using my Focus 40 Blue from my desk at work with the iPad in our technology resource center today, and even demoed using it with a deaf-blind client. It works very well. I have to tell you as a totally blind perso

Re: backing up apps in itunes

2012-05-08 Thread David Tanner
It does seem like a reasonable idea. But, I have a question in that regard. Question: If you have backed up apps either on the computer or iCloud how do you know whethere there are multiple copies of an app or whether the version that is backed up is the most current update of the app that is

Re: backing up apps in itunes

2012-05-08 Thread David Tanner
ssage - From: "alberto arrreola" To: Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 8:02 PM Subject: Re: backing up apps in itunes It will autimatically synces the newest app update when your phone backs up on icloud. Sent from my iPhone On May 8, 2012, at 6:24 PM, David Tanner wrote: It does seem like a

Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread David Tanner
Well, my only comments come from my experiences working on MBP 13s, and compaired to my MBP 15.6 which is almost 4 years old they aren't as fast, and can't be made run as fast because you can't get the faster processor for a 13 that you can with a 15 inch because of heat problems with the 13 inc

Re: ACB Convention -- who is coming

2012-06-28 Thread David Tanner
I will be attending the ACB convention and look forward to meeting folks from this and other lists there. Hopefully, will get to see you at the Looktel booth at the ACB Convention. - Original Message - From: "Cara Quinn" To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 1:02 AM Subject: Re:

Re: Sony's Sound Forge Audio Editing Software Coming to Mac?

2012-06-28 Thread David Tanner
It is pretty accessible on Windows, and particularly if you have paid for the Snowman Radio Jaws scripts that make it a very usable audio editor. I have no clue though whether that will mean anything when it comes to accessing it on the Mac. - Original Message - From: "David Hole"

MainMenu Coverage Of Mountain Lion Release

2012-07-25 Thread David Tanner ___ Announce mailing list David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

Re: Braille Support Broken in Mountain Lion!

2012-07-26 Thread David Tanner
I have gotten both the Braille Edge and HandyTech Active Braille to work with ML with no real problem other than the second time I used the Edge it ask for me to pear it and the time for entering the code was very short, but I did finally get it done. - Original Message - From: "Steve

Re: MainMenu Coverage Of Mountain Lion Release

2012-07-28 Thread David Tanner
words run together incase that would help. Laura Ann On Jul 26, 2012, at 1:35 AM, David Tanner wrote: Just hours ago, Apple released their new operating system, Mac OS10.8, known as Mountain Lion. Main Menu is pleased to be one of the first to cover this brand new operating sy

Re: Mountain Lion Installation Question

2012-07-29 Thread David Tanner
Hi, How big a USB drive do you need for making the USB bootable disk drive? - Original Message - From: "Robert Carter" To: Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:09 PM Subject: Re: Mountain Lion Installation Question Hi, Extracting the dmg may help but I didn't do that either. Lion Disk Ma

Re: New from TidBITS: Prep for Mountain Lion with New Take Control Ebook from Joe Kissell

2012-07-29 Thread David Tanner
Good news! This book is now available from Bookshare. I have just started reading it, and it looks like it is going to be a very good book to have while learning Mountain Lion. - Original Message - From: Dan Roy Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 11:35 PM Subject: Fwd: New from T

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-07-31 Thread David Tanner
I would definately agree, but if you remember, last year when Lion came out we went through this same complaint cycle. People want all the new stuff, but they want it to all work the same and don't want to take the time and energy to learn the new stuff. Some how it should just jump into thei

Re: Scanning program for the iPhone I felt

2012-08-20 Thread David Tanner
The camera on the iTouch 4 is not going to be good enough to successfully recognize text. - Original Message - From: "Jane" To: Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 9:29 PM Subject: Re: Scanning program for the iPhone I felt Is it worth getting with an iPod Touch 4Th Gen? Considering it

Re: iPhone update

2011-11-17 Thread David Tanner
I am totally blind and had no problem with the update on my 4S, but I did have a problem on my iTouch 3, and had I not had sighted help I would have had to start over as you did. It seems like having problems or not having problems is, for some reason, based more on the particular device. And,

Re: suggestions for learning mac book pro

2011-12-30 Thread David Tanner
I would also suggest listening to the tutorials on Mac and Lion that can be found on David Woodbridge has done an excellent job with these, and you may even want to look at the earlier Snow Leopard tutorials for information that may be covered there and not in the Lion

Re: Some questions about Google Goggles

2012-01-20 Thread David Tanner
I am thinking OO'Moby is better at these things than the Google product. O'Moby has recently added barcode recognition and does an excelent job of currency recognition. It is also very accurate on product recognition. - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Friday, Janu

Re: problems with abby fine reader express and my epson scanner

2012-01-23 Thread David Tanner
This is a question somewhat related to the question that Paul has ask. I would like to know if there is a way to know which scanners Fine Reader Express supports prior to purchasing the software. I have a Cannon Lide 200 scanner, and a couple of folks have told me that they don't think Fine R

Re: OCR on the mac

2012-01-28 Thread David Tanner
Yes, and you can always delete the copy on the server as soon as you save it on your computer. That being the case it would only need to be there for a few seconds until you saved it on your computer. - Original Message - From: "Doug Lawlor" To: Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:

Re: Missing blindcooltech, recommendations?

2012-01-29 Thread David Tanner and look through the information there on submitting tutorials and other audio segments that are related to technology for the blind and low vision there. THere is a place to leave your information on the website too. I look forward to hearing from you. David Tanner - Host

Re: NVDA as Windows screen reader (was 10.7.3 is out!)

2012-02-01 Thread David Tanner
It really is quite good now, and I do know several people using the latest version on their Macs on the Windows side. - Original Message - From: "Missy Hoppe" To: Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 7:58 PM Subject: RE: NVDA as Windows screen reader (was 10.7.3 is out!) Hi! I actual

Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-07 Thread David Tanner
Where can you download these from, including the browser? - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 6:17 PM Subject: Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO? It work well with voice over, but there are a few issues. Voiceover does not see lists, s

Re: Vo Support for Brailliant 40?

2012-02-14 Thread David Tanner
this display was released, and Apple already had the information when the display was released. But, with a 1.35 GB release just recently they couldn't include a Braille display driver. And, who gets hurt? The display company and people who would like to use that display. David Tan

Re: Vo Support for Brailliant 40?

2012-02-14 Thread David Tanner
to have that display but they won't buy it until Apple has it supported. Loss Humanware, gain Apple. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! - Original Message - From: Matt Dierckens

Re: Vo Support for Brailliant 40?

2012-02-14 Thread David Tanner
Thanks, I appreciate your reply. I think that we all have a tendency to come down on producers of blindness products, and sometimes we do it without knowing all the facts. I'll admit I have done the same thing and found out later that I was in the wrong. David Tanner - Host Mai

Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-18 Thread David Tanner
The new Arian seems to have added some really great new features. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! - Original Message - From: "Mike Busboom" To: Sent: Saturday, February 18, 201

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-18 Thread David Tanner
eople. Simple text editing is not good enough. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:46 AM Subject: Re: Mountai

Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread David Tanner
beta when there are other betatesters finding a lot of problems. This again happens because some betatesters don't take their job seriously enough. David Tanner - Host MainMenu Technology from a blindness perspective! - Original Mess

Re: program for mac for typing in braille

2014-02-16 Thread David tanner
Actually there is a Duxberry for Mac now if that's what you're looking for. Sent from my iPod > On Feb 16, 2014, at 7:14 PM, Daniel Hawkins > wrote: > > If noone answers this. The best thing I can come up right now for now is use > an updated Libre and ODT2 extention. > > I don't have a br

RE: program for mac for typing in braille

2014-02-16 Thread David Tanner] On Behalf Of Jessica Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:40 PM To: Subject: Re: program for mac for typing in braille how do I get the free version? I cannot find the link. Jessica On Feb 16, 2014, at 9:27 PM, David tanner wrote: >

Re: program for mac for typing in braille

2014-02-16 Thread David tanner
t;> >> But where to find that demo? I looked but no luck. >> >> Quote of the nanosecond . . . >> Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all"? >> Robert & Dreamer Doll ke7nwn >> E-mail- >> >> >>> O

RE: Pages tutorial

2014-04-20 Thread David Tanner
In case anyone is interested, there is a new book available on Bookshare called iWork the Missing Manual. This may be very helpful in using Pages. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Dionipher Presas Herrera Sent

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-10 Thread David Tanner
The Perkins many can be updated by putting the update file on them microSD card or putting it on a thumb drive and connecting it to the unit and going to update and it updates on it's own without windows Sent from my accessible iPhone > On May 9, 2014, at 9:47 AM, alia robinson wrote: > > thi

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-10 Thread David Tanner
The Perkins many costs $1550 in the US. I have had mine for a year and a half and absolutely love it. It works great with either devices and it also can be used with jaws and a number of other screenwriters. Sent from my accessible iPhone > On May 9, 2014, at 9:13 AM, Devin Prater wrote: > >

Re: perkins mini

2014-05-11 Thread David tanner
gt;> On May 10, 2014, at 19:09, David Tanner wrote: >> >> The Perkins many costs $1550 in the US. I have had mine for a year and a >> half and absolutely love it. It works great with either devices and it also >> can be used with jaws and a number of other scree

Re: Google's music manager

2014-05-28 Thread David Tanner
It doesn't be appear to be accessible with any kind of speech on Apple our windows. David Tanner, Host MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective! Treasurer American Council of the Blind - Minnesota > On May 28, 2014, at 3:34 PM, Traci Dunca

Re: running Windows on a Mac

2014-06-13 Thread David tanner
I have several friends who are using windows on MacBook air yes it definitely works and it works with Mavericks Sent from my iPod > On Jun 13, 2014, at 8:54 PM, Juliette wrote: > > I am trying to find out if a Mac Book Air would have enough memory to run > windows either with boot camp or

Re: Apple Stops Supporting Windows 7 in Boot Camp on New MacBook Pro, MacBook Air Models - Mac Rumors

2015-03-20 Thread David Tanner
Is Windows 8.1 supported? David Tanner, Host MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective! Treasurer American Council of the Blind - Minnesota > On Mar 20, 2015, at 3:48 PM, jeff `greene wrote: > > Hi Barry, That's been a rumor for a

Re: getting started guide with veryoiceover for 10.10

2015-05-01 Thread David Tanner
The only problem with this guy is it is for OS 10.6 Snow Leopard and would not be very current and all with new additions to voiceover since then. David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 > On May 1, 2015, at 8:37 PM, wrote: > > Hi Joe, > > The foll

Re: Voice Dream Mail

2015-06-20 Thread David Tanner
You must be using the free version if you were using the professional version you would be able to have more than one account Dictated from Voice Dream Mail. On Jun 20, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote: Anyone out there using Voice Dream Mail? I got my Google account set up for

Re: textDetective versus knfbReader

2015-07-10 Thread David Tanner
I have used text detective a lot in the past and I can guarantee you that the recognition is nowhere close to as good as canopy reader. Texted tattoo has limited use but it also has heavy battery drain. David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 > On Jul 10, 2015, at 5:38 PM, Phil Halton

Re: apple beta discussion group created!

2015-08-03 Thread David tanner
Has this become your list or can anyone else right on this list I would say the last 20 messages or more that I have seen have all been from you. How about somebody else but the message about something else. Sent from my iPod > On Aug 3, 2015, at 1:18 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: >

RE: My Own Thoughts on Today's Subjects

2015-08-26 Thread David Tanner
Folks, let us be adults here. We all have our own opinions about a lot of things. And, just to say that a person doesn't have the right to say that they don't feel a need for a certain product is not life shattering. And, if a person wants respect then they need to be sure that they are showi

Re: Quick and easy way to record on iPhone.

2015-09-07 Thread David Tanner
I've been using dropbox for several years and it is always worked with the current version of iOS and works fine with the current version and Frank works very well thank you. David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 > On Sep 7, 2015, at 8:21 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > OK, right


2015-09-15 Thread David Tanner
Perhaps the AppleVis list might be more open to discussion of all Apple products. Clearly the mod of this list is determined to rid the list of iOS altogether. David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 > On Sep 15, 2015, at 11:53 AM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > Hi all, > > I'd


2015-09-15 Thread David Tanner
That's one of the things I like about this list. There's always someone with a hateful comment to make towards other users of the list. Maybe you should be disciplined. David Tanner >From my iPhone 6 > On Sep 15, 2015, at 10:02 AM, george b wrote: > > Ok why don'

Re: MODERATOR NOTE: General List Discussion Policy Update

2015-09-16 Thread David Tanner
Thank you for your good choice in this matter. David Tanner, Host MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective! Treasurer American Council of the Blind - Minnesota > On Sep 16, 2015, at 2:56 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > > Hello Everyone, > > You

Re: E-mail bug on IOS.

2015-09-16 Thread David tanner
Sorry I don't know your answers for the iOS question because I just got it installment haven't done that much with it yet. However El Capitan is set to release on 30 September. Sent from my iPod > On Sep 16, 2015, at 4:30 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > > Hi. > > I don't know if anyone has got

Re: Typing Program

2016-04-25 Thread David Tanner
To get the keystroke program you know now I have to go to the main webpage for the New Mexico commission for the blind I not sure of the exact web mail address but it would be the main web address for the New Mexico commission for the blind and take the link from the main page David Tanner

Re: getting speech back on macBook air?

2016-01-02 Thread David Tanner
Does anyone here know what needs to be set on a new MacBook Air so that VO will come up automatically when the system is booted up? I have no problem turning VO on once it boots up, but , even though I have VO running when I shut down the computer, it does not boot up automatically. Any help h

Re: getting speech back on macBook air?

2016-01-02 Thread David Tanner
; ! > > Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind > built-in > > Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray, > > Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon Wireless > iPhone6+ and Apple TV user! > >> On Jan 2,

Re: VO documentation for iOS 7?

2013-10-14 Thread David Tanner
done. David Tanner, Host MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective! Treasurer American Council of the Blind - Minnesota > On Oct 2, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Barry Hadder wrote: > > You can find the latest iPhone manual here: >

Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-17 Thread David Tanner
So, I guess you have never seen anyone else or any other organization whose technology wasn't absoluetly perfect. Maybe you would like to be over 200 miles up in space wondering if you would get back to earth because the software on the spacelab wasn't working right. Or, what about the huge so

Re: 10.9.1 Disappointing

2013-12-17 Thread David Tanner
Oh, you forgot how many times FS will deny that they are aware of a problem with their software to the bitter end regardless how many times you prove it to them. Anyone ever experience the famous Jaws remark "focus lost"? Sent from my accessible iPhone > On Dec 17, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Richard

Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-17 Thread David Tanner
Well, Robert it probably does more to hurt all blind users of Apple devices than it ever will to help make things better. But, as I am sure you known blind people have a long history of being hateful, spiteful, not appreciating what is done for them, and constant complainers. Sent from my acc

Re: Mack Compatible Assistive Technology Software for Mac or Iphone

2013-12-30 Thread David Tanner
DocuScan+ is $299.00. You can go to and sign-up for a 7 day trial or the software can be downloaded and installed on your Mac from the Mac Store on your Mac for free. But, when you run it the first time you will have to either purchase it or sign-up for a 7 day trial. I

Re: Mack Compatible Assistive Technology Software for Mac or Iphone

2013-12-30 Thread David Tanner
The Cannon Lide desktop scanners work well with DocuScan, and can be had for around $100 for the Lide 210, which I believe is still the current model. Sent from my accessible iPhone > On Dec 30, 2013, at 2:12 PM, Christine Olivares wrote: > > Hello everyone, > I will be starting a work experi

Re: using the garage band

2014-01-15 Thread David tanner
There is a beginning basic tutorial podcast on Apple Vis that was done not too long ago that seems to be a very good place to start. Sent from my iPod > On Jan 15, 2014, at 9:22 AM, Phil Halton wrote: > > I don't believe the tutorials are accessible on GarageBand. Best look around > for anoth

RE: Looks like Windows is also heading toward full screen reader built in

2014-01-21 Thread David Tanner
One thing that may be a bit of an issue is that looking at Jaws, NVDA, Window-Eyes and even adding System Access to the list, Window-Eyes is the only one out of the four that apparently has no ability to be used on a Windows 8 tablet. That may be an issue that Microsoft hasn't taken into considera

Re: yosemite public beta

2014-07-24 Thread David Tanner
Where can one sign up for the beta? David Tanner, Host MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective! Treasurer American Council of the Blind - Minnesota > On Jul 24, 2014, at 3:31 PM, Michael Marshall > wrote: > > hey, > i’m making a S

RE: What a disappointment.

2014-09-09 Thread David Tanner
I am guessing much of your problems were with your internet connection. I had almost no problems and was streaming on my work network with a iPhone 5. Perhaps your internet connection is more of a problem than the internet or Apple??? s -Original Message- From: macvisionaries@googlegro

Re: Abisee?

2011-06-06 Thread David Tanner
Yes, I have used it, but since I now have DocuScan Plus I think I would opt for DocuScan Plus and if you want the digital camera you could get the Hover Cam. If you get both the DocuScan Plus and the HoverCam you will still pay a lot less than Eye-Pal and be able to do much much more than you c

Re: Abisee?

2011-06-06 Thread David Tanner
Donna, If you can deal with recognition over the internet I really would choose DocuScan Plus over your other choices. Your options are many more with DocuScan Plus, and if you want to use Braille it is definately there with VoiceOver. And, it works really well with VoiceOver. I have it and

Re: Abisee?

2011-06-06 Thread David Tanner
-7 seconds. I tend to scan books, rather than single page documents. What's the speed like with DocuScan? Also, what scanner are you using? TIA, Donna On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:41 PM, David Tanner wrote: Yes, I have used it, but since I now have DocuScan Plus I think I would opt for Docu

Re: Abisee?

2011-06-06 Thread David Tanner
to give it a listen. Cheers, Donna On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:45 PM, David Tanner wrote: Right now I am using a Canon Lide 200, and a almost 3 year old MacBook Pro. And, I am happy enough about the speed with those, but my employer will be buying me a new MacBook Pro come October with me supplyin

Re: internet explorer on the mac?

2011-06-11 Thread David Tanner
Is Chrome accessible with VoiceOver? - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 1:42 PM Subject: Re: internet explorer on the mac? Internet explorer is no longer develooped for the mac. Even if it was, most of Microsoft's mac products are not access

Re: Issues with VueScan 9.x

2011-06-12 Thread David Tanner
Can VUScan be purchased through the app store? - Original Message - From: "Kimberly thurman" To: Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 10:00 AM Subject: Re: Issues with VueScan 9.x Ray, Vuscan does now do OCR. I've had great success with it. Ann Robertson posted settings for this in the l

Re: Braille on the I phone.

2011-06-18 Thread David Tanner
Ok, I have a question that I can't believe that I don't know the answer to after using VO for almost a year. Is there a way to read a *.brl or *.brf file on the iPhone/? - Original Message - From: "carolyn Haas" To: Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 1:08 PM Subject: Re: Braille on the

Re: Braille on the I phone.

2011-06-18 Thread David Tanner
Subject: Re: Braille on the I phone. I don't even know if we can do that so that's a good question. On 18 Jun 2011, at 23:06, David Tanner wrote: Ok, I have a question that I can't believe that I don't know the answer to after using VO for almost a year. Is there a way to

Re: Braille on the I phone.

2011-06-18 Thread David Tanner
Duxbury uses. On 18 Jun 2011, at 23:19, David Tanner wrote: I don't know if we can either. I know we could with Mobile Speak Pocket on Windows Mobile, but I don't think I have ever seen anyone mention that there was a way to do that. - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gu

Re: Braille on the I phone.

2011-06-19 Thread David Tanner
You would expect less for a blind user? I bet a sighted person would expect a variety of font sizes and font font types. They would expect highlighting, bold text, etc. So, why should a blind user be expected to take less on a system that is advertised to have Braille support. It isn't adve

Re: docuscan plus

2011-06-19 Thread David Tanner
Yes it is still available from the app store. You do need to have an internet connection if you are running it in Snow Leopard both for recognition and for the original save. However, once you have save the document to the cloud you can go to document management and save it to your computer a

Re: [aiphone] new gps app per iphone and ipad

2011-06-19 Thread David Tanner
I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet, but what time I did spend with it looks pretty good for $2.99. Great for browsing an area, works as a compas when browsing, has the ability to zoom in and enlarge the print on the map. But, I have not checked out POIs. What little area that I looked

Re: One of the Best Voiceover Experiences Ever!

2011-07-02 Thread David Tanner
Do you suppose that the software for the 420 will be the same as for the DDM4? If so, that would be wonderful. - Original Message - From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" To: Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 8:26 AM Subject: Re: One of the Best Voiceover Experiences Ever! Wrote Cliff off

Re: Will It Be Easy To Install Lion?

2011-07-07 Thread David Tanner
The question is whether we should make the liquid we choose to drink a strong one or a softdrink? - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 7:04 PM Subject: Re: Will It Be Easy To Install Lion? You bet, that's the plan, I plan to do my next mac po

Re: Just my thoughts regarding CCC Carbon Copy Cloner

2011-07-07 Thread David Tanner
Are either or both of these available from the App Store? - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" To: Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 7:45 PM Subject: Re: Just my thoughts regarding CCC Carbon Copy Cloner Personally, I find both programs to be very good. They are both accessible an

Re: adding to libery in the new itunes?

2011-07-18 Thread David Tanner
Go to the files menu and choose add file to library and follow the prompts. The same goes for adding a folder. Go to File menu and choose add folder to library. - Original Message - From: "trahern culver" To: "MacVisionaries" Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 5:31 AM Subject: adding to

Re: read2Go

2011-07-18 Thread David Tanner
NO, it does not! - Original Message - From: "Ed Worrell" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:45 AM Subject: read2Go Hello. does anyone know if the read2Go app works with NLS copy protected daisy books? Thanks, ED please check out my music at Follow

Re: getting more voices for 10.7

2011-07-20 Thread David Tanner
Well, I got there by going to System Preferences and then to the Speech settings. When I got the list of voice choices I chose a voice that had not been available in Snow Leopard to be my System voice. Once I took an OK on the change I was prompted whether I wanted to download that voice. I

Re: all these issues

2011-07-21 Thread David Tanner
Ray, First off, keep in mind that people are going and trying things and are complaining if they are different. Ok, maybe the better way would be if folks spent a few days looking for answers before they started complaining. A friend of mine who was a Lion betatester says that there is no pro

Re: Launchpad

2011-07-21 Thread David Tanner
Here is my biggest complaint with Apple and a majority of software development companies. They are in such a big hurry to get their latest thing out the door before they even have the documentation ready to go. When will the public start telling these folks to get the documentation done before

Re: The lion sleeps tonight

2011-07-22 Thread David Tanner
Go to System Preferences and then go to Speech preferences. Then find the button for customize and you will see a huge list of voices. Go through the list and find one you like and check that one. After that tab until you get to the "OK" button. Press the "OK" button and you will get a promp

Re: Inputting with grade two braille on the Mac.

2011-07-22 Thread David Tanner
Well, go to your settings for Braille and set it for Contracted Braille input. That is quite easy to do. - Original Message - From: "Caitlyn Furness" To: Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 12:48 PM Subject: Re: Inputting with grade two braille on the Mac. Input in grade 2 would be awesom

Re: updates for Itunes and Iwork

2011-07-22 Thread David Tanner
Mary, YYou are asked if you want to upgrade to the latest update of iTunes after installing Lion. The best thing to do for now is not to let iTunes 10.4 install. It is slow, some menus do not read very well, and reading through the songs list is very slow. VO does read all the names of all

Re: The lion sleeps tonight

2011-07-22 Thread David Tanner
I would assume that you would find them in the applications folder, and you would install them from there just the same way as if you download Lion but do not choose to install it imediately. The interesting thing is that there is no extra charge for the extra voices, but they are a separate do

Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-22 Thread David Tanner
How much of the problems that people are having is caused because the OS is new, and things are done a bit different and it is too soon to have learned the new ways of doing things in the new OS. There a large majority of those who are complaining of problems who are new or relatively new to Ap

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