Re: Question please regarding the option-t time check

2020-03-27 Thread Dave Carlson
We in Washington, Oregon, and California are seriously considering applying to the Federal Government to stop the madness and just go to Daylight Savings Time all year round. I’m looking forward to it happening in my lifetime. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and

Re: Question please regarding the option-t time check

2020-03-28 Thread Dave Carlson
Morris, So it’s standard time that California voted on? Didn’t know that. But I do know that all three states need to get together and agree before the Fed will allow it to happen. I’d hate to have to switch time driving north/south across the borders. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar

Re: thermometers?

2020-03-31 Thread Dave Carlson
Long time ago I bought a talking fever thermometer (presume you’re talking about that type) from Ann Morris. Likely ILA or Maxi-Aids will have one. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the

Re: thermometers?

2020-03-31 Thread Dave Carlson
Not at all surprising. Sort of like toilet paper. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if

Vertical Separators: Basic Definition

2020-04-01 Thread Dave Carlson
I run across these all the time, and if I interact, I can adjust their percentages. I suspect they are dividers for sections of a window, but can anyone shed more light than that? How would a non-VO person manipulate them? What is the visual result when messing with them? Dave Carlson Engineer

Re: Vertical Separators: Basic Definition

2020-04-01 Thread Dave Carlson
Seems like if I change percentages too far one way or another, things disappear. If I like the effect, how do I save that setting for future openings of that app? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for

Single-Letter Searching for Filenames

2020-04-02 Thread Dave Carlson
the next file starting with “b””. Instead I need to type more of that filename in order to come up with it. I really miss just being able to tap the same key to jump from one to another. Is there a setting somewhere that could make this happen? Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian

Re: Single-Letter Searching for Filenames

2020-04-03 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, Yes, that does work. But old habits are hard to break from 30 years of MS-Windows. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or

Keeping Finder Windows Open

2020-04-03 Thread Dave Carlson
one closes. How do I open new windows without closing the current window? Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the

Re: Keeping Finder Windows Open

2020-04-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Lorie, I know about the Command+~ to switch between open windows. My problem is keeping them all open. It’s rare that I ever have more than two open. When I try to open a third, the previous one closes. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The

Re: Stopp ads loading

2020-04-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Not sure I understand where I can find this file. Did I miss something? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the

Re: Stopp ads loading

2020-04-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Dan D, Okay, need help here. Where is the ETC folder? I vaguely recall seeing it somewhere, but not now. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: Touch ID Issue

2020-04-05 Thread Dave Carlson
I have to make new fingerprints about once a month. Dry, wet, lightly sanded, full of glue, are all reasons for failure. And not to mention when I get a cut or nick in the shop. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is

Forwarding a Text Message on the Mac

2020-04-06 Thread Dave Carlson
I can do it on the iPhone, but cannot figure out how to forward a message transcript to someone else. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: Forwarding a Text Message on the Mac

2020-04-06 Thread Dave Carlson
Yes, if you mean the VO+Shift+M. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a

Re: Forwarding a Text Message on the Mac

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Kawal, That may be relevant, but I know at least one of the messages was an iMessage and not SMS. Still a mystery. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you

Re: Mac asking for my password when it's supposed to be asleep

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
I think you have it set to wake from external bluetooth devices. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: Installing Zoom on the Mac

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Petrus, Go to system preferences/security. Look for an area for downloading apps and select App store and trusted providers. Then you can allow installation from a trusted internet site. And Zoom is pretty darn VO-friendly, too. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker

Re: Forwarding a Text Message on the Mac

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
E.T. — no. The only context that comes up is “Clear chat transcript”. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running

Re: Mac asking for my password when it's supposed to be asleep

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Go to the extras menu, arrow to bluetooth. VO+space to open menu. VO arrow down to Open bluetooth preferences. There in System preferences, click on the advanced button. Arrow to a checkbox talking about allowing bluetooth devices to wake your computer. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar

Re: Installing Zoom on the Mac

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Petrus, If you put <> in the Safari search field, you will ring up the page. Find a link for downloading the app for a Mac, and proceed from there. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following informat

Re: Mac asking for my password when it's supposed to be asleep

2020-04-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Lorie, Another place where an external signal can wake your Mac is in System Preferences/Energy Saver. There you tell whether Wi-Fi network can wake your computer while connected to power or on battery. See if unchecking this makes a difference. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar

Re: Microsoft word on the Mac.

2020-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
Kawal, I still have some issues with MS-Word on the Mac, and wonder if you can share some of the adjustments you made to help? Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries

Re: Microsoft word on the Mac.

2020-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
Morris, You say your version is not the on line version? So you mean you are not using Office 365? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: Microsoft word on the Mac.

2020-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
Morris, Okay, thanks. I have an Office 365 subscription, but the actual apps are installed on my Mac. They would just be updated automatically from the internet. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all

Converting a USB flatbed scanner to a Wireless Scanner

2020-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
A port on it and needs to connect to our home network wirelessly. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: VoiceOver via BT2 inductive neckloop

2020-04-13 Thread Dave Carlson
the computer microphone, and all received audio come through your inductive neck loop. BTW very clever idea, isolating Voiceover to the neck loop. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: How to unmute accidentally muted VoiceOver?

2020-04-13 Thread Dave Carlson
Paul, Another method to mute and unmute is using a touchbar, if you have one. double tap with a single finger just to the left of where SIRI is located. Or double tap SIRI and ask to turn speech on, should also work. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician

Re: How to unmute accidentally muted VoiceOver?

2020-04-13 Thread Dave Carlson
Paul, Sorry didn’t think this through. Double tapping the touchbar just left of the SIRI position mutes all sounds, including Voiceover. Voiceover speech on/off is via the touchpad with the three-finger double tap as previously reported. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker

Re: VoiceOver via BT2 inductive neckloop

2020-04-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Paul, Quite possibly the microphone is designed to be half duplex, so does not pick up speakers. This would be almost essential to prevent feedback loops. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members

Re: Two specific bugs in numbers OS X

2020-04-15 Thread Dave Carlson
I can confirm the row headers issue. However on my installation it stops reading row headers at row 50. Not sure of where the column headers stops. I’m on latest Mojave, not Catalina. Have not tried the move to end functions, as I didn’t know they had ever been available. Dave Carlson

Re: Two specific bugs in numbers OS X

2020-04-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Phil, Those keystrokes do nothing, but then I’m using an external Windows keyboard so the mapping may not be correct. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If

Re: The libby app

2020-04-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Petrus, Interesting. I use Overdrive on the web with no problems. Once I download the file.odm file, I click on it and a Safari window opens with Overdrive, and then I download the book. I don’t see the need for a separate app. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker

Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-17 Thread Dave Carlson
I was a power-user with Excel on the PC, but feel like a total idiot in the Mac version. I have a cell with a formula. How in heck do I open the ability to edit that formula, or even just read it? Maybe I’m missing the obvious, and hope someone can push me in the right direction. Dave Carlson

Re: Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-18 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, That does not work. Do I need to have any specific settings enabled to edit formulas? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or

Re: Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-19 Thread Dave Carlson
Nope, Option + Return only moved the focus to the cell below. What did work was good old F2. It then positioned the cursor to the immediate right of the last character in the cell. but thanks for pushing me in that direction. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and

Re: Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-19 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, I was talking about Excel. Did I fail to mention that? Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this

Re: Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-20 Thread Dave Carlson
I notice that VO does not play well with Excel. When I do tap F2 to edit a cell, the formula displayed is always the previous one I visited for editing. I consistently need to press Esc and then F2 again to have the current cell formula in the edit field. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer

Re: Editing Formulas in Excel for the Mac

2020-04-20 Thread Dave Carlson
in a Windows environment, even if VO tends to get confused or lag behind in reporting what’s going on. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: world time clock

2020-04-21 Thread Dave Carlson
Jurgen, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, are all in Pacific time zone. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the

Re: How do I change my Wifi network password?

2020-04-21 Thread Dave Carlson
Donna, You need to use the actual IP address of your router to get access using Safari. There you should find your Wi-Fi network settings. Usually the default ID and password are “Admin” if you haven’t changed them already. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and

Re: world time clock

2020-04-21 Thread Dave Carlson
Jürgen,Ojai is certainly not a very common or well-known California town. Any of those larger cities will provide a good measure of Pacific time. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the

Re: A couple of questions for the list concerning contact cards on the Mac and I phone and Skype on the Mac.

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Carlson
? Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inapprop

Re: A couple of questions for the list concerning contact cards on the Mac and I phone and Skype on the Mac.

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, that’s why I asked. I didn’t find any table to interact with, except for one, and that did not have any items listed to give me any warning. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the

Re: A couple of questions for the list concerning contact cards on the Mac and I phone and Skype on the Mac.

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Carlson
Kawal, It’s in the menus, under Card, a couple down from the top. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: A couple of questions for the list concerning contact cards on the Mac and I phone and Skype on the Mac.

2020-04-23 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, No, I did. I had three with duplicate information, and one duplicate. All I could do was to click on the merge button. Have no idea which ones were affected. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all

Re: delivery delay

2020-04-24 Thread Dave Carlson
Got it. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Catalina -- What are Caveats and Trade-Offs?

2020-04-25 Thread Dave Carlson
I’m still ignoring the upgrade notice to get Catalina over my Mojave OSX. Can anyone list known things that changed, possibly detrimental or just plain irritating? I may take the plunge since there’s a bit of downtime around here. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker

Re: Busy message

2020-04-26 Thread Dave Carlson
service.\ Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Re: Catalina -- What are Caveats and Trade-Offs?

2020-05-01 Thread Dave Carlson
Thanks to your responses. A follow-on question. I understand that iTunes has been affected. What are the replacements for iTunes capabilities, specifically in playing audio books in the .M4B format? Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Not Playing Well

2020-05-03 Thread Dave Carlson
Voiceover? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Not Playing Well

2020-05-03 Thread Dave Carlson
I’ll give that a try — thanks. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a

Re: Question About E-mails from Ramy

2020-05-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Happens to me on my iPhone but not on the Mac. Likely you just need to turn off your automatic language detection. Dave Carlson Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you

Re: Question About E-mails from Ramy

2020-05-05 Thread Dave Carlson
Pete, Think it’s under Settings/General/Keyboard. But not absolutely certain. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the

Re: Blocking senders on list

2020-05-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Phil, Likely you need to set up a rule to delete the message to trash when it arrives. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns

Re: An old apple keyboard

2020-05-08 Thread Dave Carlson
computer, and a spare in case one gives up. It’s so much more comfortable than those flat keyboards with large pads. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have

Set up a Hotkey for Printer Queue

2020-05-09 Thread Dave Carlson
directly? Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Re: Picker Items

2020-05-09 Thread Dave Carlson
tap anywhere. Dave Carlson Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Re: Picker Items

2020-05-10 Thread Dave Carlson
Angus, No. Speaking rate is a different item. It is a slider and it is changed by flicking up/down with a single finger to change the value. Dave Carlson Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: Safari Busy

2021-08-13 Thread Dave Carlson
Try doing a refresh. Only thing I’ve found to help. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Aug 13, 2021, at 3:41 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote: Hi, Safari has been freezing a lot. Often when I just open a new window, it’s hard to navigate anywhere because Safari

Re: File duplicate detector

2021-08-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Catherine, Can’t use the link you sent. Can you try it again? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Aug 14, 2021, at 6:09 AM, 'Catherine Turner' via MacVisionaries wrote: Catherine -- The following information is important for all members

Re: Auto Voice Over at Login

2021-09-03 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, This does not appear to be consistent with Mojave. I suspect this is for Catalina or Big Sur? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Sep 3, 2021, at 2:08 PM, Brad Snyder wrote: Sorry Greg, that won’t do it. To enable VoiceOver at the log on screen, one

Setting Up iCloud Documents Folder

2021-09-05 Thread Dave Carlson
folder in iCloud showing up on my Catalina OS so that any files I create or change or delete in Catalina, or Mojave, or on the iPhone will sync across all the operating systems. What steps do I need to do so that my Catalina install shows the same documents folder? Thanks. Dave Carlson

Re: Setting Up iCloud Documents Folder

2021-09-05 Thread Dave Carlson
turned to the iCloud services table, and you are now done. You > may close System Preferences > Internet Accounts. > > HTH. > > - Brad - > > > On Sep 5, 2021, at 20:46, Dave Carlson <>> wrote: > > I know I did this for my

Re: Setting Up iCloud Documents Folder

2021-09-05 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, Very concise, and it does spark a slight recollection of doing this long ago. I’ve copied it and will have handy so I can do it when I have my Catalina OS up and running. Thanks very much. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Sep 5, 2021, at 8:10

Any VO Experts Who Can Help with this App?

2021-09-08 Thread Dave Carlson
of Designer 4 from Carvewright: Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about

Re: Any VO Experts Who Can Help with this App?

2021-09-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, No, have not tried that. But first, it would be happening quite often, and I’m not sure that I can even move around the screen. The tab key dows nothing, and using the trackpad also does nothing — at least with regard speaking to me. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar

Direct Access to Startup Disk Dialog in System Preferences

2021-09-14 Thread Dave Carlson
I use the Startup Disk Dialog often to switch back and forth between Mojave and Catalina. Is there a way to put a shortcut or alias on my desktop to quickly access this dialog? Or even better a rapid way to switch between the OS options? They are on separate partitions on my hard drive. Dave

Re: Anyone know how to enter a hard page return into a Pages document on aniPad using a bluetooth keyboard?

2021-09-15 Thread Dave Carlson
DONNA, FOUND INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING WEB SITE: Keyboard shortcuts for Pages on Mac - Apple Support <> Page Break , Fn-Command-Return or Command-Enter (not available on all keyboards) Dave Carlson Ore

Re: Direct Access to Startup Disk Dialog in System Preferences

2021-09-15 Thread Dave Carlson
will everything go back to normal after a subsequent reboot? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Sep 15, 2021, at 7:12 AM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi, Using Terminal is probably your best bet. See this link for more deta

Re: Direct Access to Startup Disk Dialog in System Preferences

2021-09-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, You are a breath of fresh air and knowledge. Thanks for putting my mind at rest on how to do this. I’d never had known about this stuff. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Sep 15, 2021, at 10:08 AM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries

Re: Direct Access to Startup Disk Dialog in System Preferences

2021-09-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, Not sure I did this right. Should the .sh file have the following line of text: sudo bless -mount /Volumes/MacCatalinaOS -setBoot Or should it be something else? When I VO + space on the .sh file it just opens the file. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and

Re: IPhone SE 2020 (2nd generation)

2021-09-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Shawn, What is it about Face ID that you don’t like? Did you have it on your previous iPhone? I personally like Face ID as it is so much faster than using Touch ID or the passcode. Perhaps it’s the lack of a home button that’s actually your reason for your iPhone preference? Dave Carlson

iOS 15 Roll-out Today?

2021-09-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Did I hear that iOS 15 will. Be pushed out on September 20? Has anyone received the download? I’m in Pacific Time Zone. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: IPhone SE 2020 (2nd generation)

2021-09-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Donna, Had no idea about the washout. Good point. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Sep 20, 2021, at 7:34 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi Dave, Not Shawn, but I’ll give you my take on this. First, I do like the Home but

Re: IPhone SE 2020 (2nd generation)

2021-09-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Actually, if Face ID does fail, you are presented with the passcode keyboard automatically. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Sep 20, 2021, at 8:29 AM, wrote: Okay. Could you disable Face ID temporarily and just use the passcode? From: '

Re: IPhone SE 2020 (2nd generation)

2021-09-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Interesting. I did the process to use a mask, and it was not as easy as just doing the original Face ID setup. But I got it to work, and it does work now with a mask. Thanks for the tip. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Sep 20, 2021, at 8:46 AM

Re: IPhone SE 2020 (2nd generation)

2021-09-29 Thread Dave Carlson
unlocks immediately when it’s pointing anywhere near my face. Good luck. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Sep 28, 2021, at 10:07 PM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hey Dave. I'm finally able to send a reply to your message

Access to a Drive on My Wi-Fi Server

2021-09-29 Thread Dave Carlson
. But it tells me that this operation is not valid. Is there a better way to do this, rather than using the files app? Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have

Re: Access to a Drive on My Wi-Fi Server

2021-09-29 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, Yes, that’s exactly where I looked for ideas. I may be botching the user ID. Tried the usual admin with my password and that did not work. Can you point me to where I would look on the Mac for this information? I set up my backup drive so long ago I have no idea where to look. Dave Carlson

Re: Access to a Drive on My Wi-Fi Server

2021-09-29 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, Are you saying to look at the Airport Utility on the iPhone, and the disk tab? I opened Airport Utility on the Mac and do not find any tab for the disks. What am I missing? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Sep 29, 2021, at 10:31 AM, 

Re: What's With This "XXXX Busy" - Ridiculous

2021-10-13 Thread Dave Carlson
problem. Not sure what to do to fix, except remove the extension. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 13, 2021, at 5:21 AM, Bill Gallik wrote: I’ve recently been experiencing far too much of “(Name the Application) Busy” with hardly ever more than three apps

Re: Turning Off Email Notifications?

2021-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Fazil, Type letters n, o, t quickly and you will land on it. It just happens that Network comes alphabetically before Notifications. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 14, 2021, at 8:29 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Tim. I can not find Notification in System

Re: MailBox Table

2021-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Fazil, Control-Option Right Arrow twice to open that mailbox.Control-Option Left Arrow twice to get out of the mailbox. Use up/down arrow to look at the message subjects. Press Enter to read the message. Command-W to close the message. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician

Re: Going to the Top of the list in Message List?

2021-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Command-Option UpArrow Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Oct 14, 2021, at 8:35 PM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group. I am ashamed of my ignorance. When I am in a message list and arrowing through messages, and I reach, let’s say, 70thmessage in a list of

Re: Mail Has No Windows?

2021-10-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Fazil, Launch mail again from your dock or launch pad. You accidentally closed the mail app and need to reopen it. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Oct 15, 2021, at 8:38 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group. What should I do when Voiceover says: “Mail Has

Re: Mail Has No Windows?

2021-10-15 Thread Dave Carlson
ch are free, and others come at a cost. Voiceover is not an easy interface when you’re coming from a Windows environment — I know because I was there a couple years ago. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 15, 2021, at 8:38 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group

Re: Mail Has No Windows?

2021-10-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Then also look at <>. I learned a lot from their free tutorials. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 15, 2021, at 9:08 AM, Fazil wrote: Thanks much, David. Yes, I am using AppleVis extensively. Thanks!

Re: iTune for Mac

2021-10-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Not if you are using Catalina or newer OS . Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 15, 2021, at 9:25 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group. Do we have iTune for Mac? Thanks! -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If

Re: Backing up an iPhone or iPad to a MacBook Air

2021-10-17 Thread Dave Carlson
Ron, Sounds like your Mac Air thinks this is the first time you’ve connected your iPad to it for backup. Is that the case? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 17, 2021, at 5:54 AM, 'Ron' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi there, I’m trying

Exercising My MacBook Battery

2021-10-18 Thread Dave Carlson
it set to keep power off for 8 hours on, 8 hours off, and then a couple other smaller increments over a 24-hour period. So now my MacBook gets to run with and without battery during every day. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is

Re: Turning voiceover on and off quickly

2021-10-19 Thread Dave Carlson
No. It does not turn voiceover on/off. It just turns speech on/off. There’s a difference that’s important. Voiceover is still active, allowing the gestures and sounds. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Oct 19, 2021, at 6:45 AM, tim m wrote: Just

Re: Turning voiceover on and off quickly

2021-10-20 Thread Dave Carlson
SIRI to respond. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Oct 20, 2021, at 12:39 AM, 'Andy Logue' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi Tim and Dave. I never mentioned a 3 finger triple tap. I didn't know of it's excistance. What I meant to say is tha

Trying to restore a MacBook Pro

2021-10-30 Thread Dave Carlson
. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Farfar, Oregonian, pioneer, engineer, and Musician -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, p

How to Determine Where My Hard Disk Space is Being Consumed

2021-11-02 Thread Dave Carlson
I’m looking for somewhere on the Mac OS where I can look at how my hard disk space is being used. My old Mojave is pretty large (350+ Gb) and the APFS is crowding out my new install of Catalina on a second APFS. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker

Re: How to Determine Where My Hard Disk Space is Being Consumed

2021-11-02 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, Yes, but that only shows the total. I’d like a report to show me where the most or least amount of space is being used by particular applications or file types. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Nov 2, 2021, at 7:22 AM, Brad Snyder wrote

Re: How to Determine Where My Hard Disk Space is Being Consumed

2021-11-02 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, That tells me how much space remains on any of my connected volumes. But I need to know where the space is being gobbled up, as in what type of file, or files associated with particular apps, are consuming such-and-such amount of disk space. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer

Dual Boot Mojave and Monterey on MacBook Pro

2021-11-03 Thread Dave Carlson
, do any of you have some idea what’s going on? Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel

Re: Verbosity

2021-11-05 Thread Dave Carlson
Jonathan, I was not able to select activities on demand with VO+X. Instead I found that Option+Control+x worked. Is this possibly OS-dependent? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Nov 5, 2021, at 6:24 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: Hello, You need to go

Re: Verbosity

2021-11-05 Thread Dave Carlson
Sorry, my bad. I realize that I mis-interpreted my keys used under my right hand. VO is indeed Option+Control… Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Nov 5, 2021, at 8:44 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote: Hello Dave, I do believe this changed at some point

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