yes, I am getting the same behavior. The even more weird thing is if I don't
use quicknav, it doesn't read anything at all. This is a little annoying since,
when you use quicknav, some of the other hotkeys like left and right arrow
won't move between songs. Even when I do use quicknav, it's va
H! Yes, your right, I am not sure why that would have happened on an
upgrade installation. Especially since the other settings appear to have stuck.
Well, sometimes, we overlook the obvious like I just did!
On Aug 3, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I found that the option in the s
Well, I am pushing my luck here, but, I have 3 backups of my system.
Unfortunately, with Lion, Apple doesn't let you delete the file.
However, since I do have 3 backups, i decided to take a chance.
I booted up from 1 of my external backups and then deleted the file
and th
Ok, I like having vo tell me I misspelled something when I am typing. However,
I am annoyed about it doing so when reading mail. If I turn off the
misspelling indication from the VO utility menu, then, it won't work when I am
typing. Also, if I do a spell check, it won't read properly either.
that read beautifully for me using the latest build of webkit and Lion!
However, I have experienced that on some other articles. Honestly though, I
can't remember if it was Lion or SL.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much
Again, I didn't get any double links when using the reader. I read the article
all the way through. Perhaps, it's time to seriously consider the Apple TV.
On Aug 8, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi all,
> I used the following link
Nothing, it was the content of the article I was commenting about, just a side
thing and wasn't strictly on topic with the message. I should probably not
have done it!
On Aug 8, 2011, at 10:52 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Ok, sounds like this item is fixed in Lion. Excellent. Dan, I
hat the problem is with mail which
is, to my knowledge, completely separate from Safari.
On Aug 9, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Dan!
> This is a software update problem [not sure witch software] but people reckon
> safari!
> But I'm not sure, but since I've upd
I am realy really glad to discover they fixed the preview focus problem.
I have 1 annoying thing that is now happening in preview though, it's seems to
cut off letters on words that are at either the beginning or end of a line.
So, the word computer might be read as omputer and so on. I assume
Why would you go back to windows, is Safari giving you that many problems?
On Aug 14, 2011, at 12:54 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> well,
> I wanted to try out google chrome today and couldn't even get past the select
> a search engine interface. all it presented me with was 3 images and 3
> unlabeled
I am expecting my new macbook air to arrive tomorrow. Does anybody know if the
charger from the macbook pro is compatible with the 1 from the macbook air.
If I do sell the macbook pro, if the chargers are compatible, I can package the
macbook pro with the brand new charger. Knowing my luck, this
The more I think about it, the more doubtful I get. The batteries in that air
have to be different.
On Aug 14, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I incredibly highly doubt it, but don't know for sure.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - F
> believe me, I don't want to go back to windows if I can avoid it.
> -Eric
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> Why would you go back to windows, is Safari giving you that many problems?
>> On Aug 14, 2011,
Hi mIke, this happened since 10.6.4. What you could try doing is shift-tabbing
away from the message content area, , and then tabbing back to it. Like some
here, I don't like using the preview pane, mainly because of the fact that
when I'm going through messages in the messages table, th
Hi Christy, I'd used Fusion with Windows before, and SA. In my experience,
iwth hte latest version of fusion, which is I believe 3.0.1, hitting command-g
with Voiceover on, while in the VM window, worked pretty consistently to bring
keyboard input to the VM. Took fusion, and my VM off though,
Or how about this. HTere's an app from cocotech, called Pathfinder, which is a
finder replacement. I've got that here, wonder if that has functionality for
moving files via the keyboard? Still trying to figure it out here.
On Jul 2, 2010, at 5:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> There is no reason
Yeah, you can create signatures. Josh, I'm curious as to how you got around
the bug, of mail crashing, when attempting to create/edit a signature. For me
as of late, it consistently crashes, when attempting to do anything at all with
On Jul 2, 2010, at 6:57 PM, Allison Manzino w
d drop it in so it can be used with that specific
account. If put under all signatures, I don't get why it wouldn't be
available for all accounts. It's kind of strange.
On Jul 2, 2010, at 6:59 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Yeah, you can create signatures. Josh, I'm
Hi Josh, i believe command-up arrow, will do what you're after.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 2, 2010, at 10:31 PM, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> Hi
> Is there a sh
Hmmm, interesting harticle. Where can you get these voices? It doesn't seem
to say.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 2, 2010, at 9:36 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
Superduper is a program with which you can clone your harddrive to an external
for example, and then actually boot from the external.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 3, 2010
Ah ok. It didn't really say in the article that they were the cepstral voices
that it was referring to.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 3, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Allison Ma
Hi Jeff, try VO-shift-fn-right arrow. THis should do what you want.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there a
In the version that I've downloaded , voiceover is not seeing anything in the
status menus pertaining to this app.
Dan Eickmeier, Brantford Ontario Canada. MSN and email:,
skype:va3ets. Follow me on twitter at
On Jul 5, 2010, at 5:01 AM,
Please, spare us this!
While I think it would be nice if the mini worked without a monitor, please,
don't give us this stuff about being forced to buy something you don't need.
Personally, I have a vary old monitor which I keep around just in case I get in
to trouble where sighted assistance i
This is a great explanation, but, how come it works even if the monitor is
turned off. Since there's no signal, I am not sure why it still thinks there
On Jun 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:
> Hello Bryan
> On Jun 28, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Because app
On Jul 14, 2010, at 8:04 AM, michael babcock wrote:
> you can do vo+H to open the home folder, but I don't know of one to go to the
> documents folder.
> On Jul 14, 2010, at 5:18 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> I have a vague recollection that someone once said there is a shortcut
Hi Al, , is iBank, a Mac app, or an iOS app? WIll have a play with it to see
how it is, if my bank is supported. Not sure if it is, but will see. ?
On Jul 16, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Alfred Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering whether anyone has had experience with iBank Financial
> Managemen
Yeah, I'm noticing the same thing here as well Matt.
On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello list members.
> Which version of audacity for mac was supposed to be accessible?
> I got the latest beta and all I can see is unknowns everywhere.
> Thanks.
> Matthew Campbell.
John, is this Disc a full install of XP? OR just an upgrade disc? THat could
be your issue right there, as a full instalation disc is required.
On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:00 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
> Hi list.
> I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if I
Do you have a mac mini? If so, you will probably need a monitor connected. I
am just guessing that could be causing your problems with web sites.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Samuel wrote:
> I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
> this January so I could stop wo
Hey John, there is an add sender to address book command, which has a shortcut
key of command-shift-y. HTH.
On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:37 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
> I'm confused!
> I want to add someone who sent me an email to my address book, but I've
> brought up the context menu for the mess
Eudora for one, is a power PC app, and hans't been updated in a long while.
What is it specifically you odn't like about mail? If it's the sort order of
messages, you could always change that. HTH
On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I believe someone has reported Eudora is acce
Hi Sonia, you certainly can add tracks to playlists, it's just a matter of
selecting them, doing a VO-shift-M, and in that contextual menu, there'll be an
add to playlist submenu, and in there, you can select the playlist you created,
and then hit VO-space on that. As far as deleting tracks fr
I usually just select that contents in the body of the email, and hit delete.
On Aug 3, 2010, at 10:11 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
> Hey, all,
> When I want to forward something, how do I delete the email address of the
> sender of the forward from the email?
> Thx,
> Chantel.
> --
> Yo
Not sure how accessible this app is, but i've heard of an app called Chrono
sync from Leo Laporte, and I guess it essentially uses RSync to do what it
does, but. you'd get a GUI instead.
On Aug 5, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> would RSync work? I dont' use the command line but ju
Hi Greg, if you tab around in there, you'll find areas where you can enter your
skype name, and password. It requires use of the tab key to get around that.
On Aug 6, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just got my mac last saturday and I'm really liking it so far. The
Tried Chrono sync very briefly, and it looks very accessible.
On Aug 6, 2010, at 2:46 AM, Alfredo wrote:
> If chrono syncs works for you, can you please let me know. If it is
> not accessible please let us know so taht we can all ask the developer
> of chrono sync to make accessible.
> Alfredo
As far as changing the mood message, what you can do, is use your VO keys to go
to the edit profile button, and then hit tab. After you hit tab, you'll be
put into an edit box where you can type your mood text and hit return.
On Aug 6, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Chris,
Was going to suggest the same thing, since storage is getting cheaper and
cheaper, even though there are ways that you could get a mac to both read and
write to NTFS formatted drives.
On Aug 7, 2010, at 2:36 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
> The Mac can read NTFS partitions, but out of the box, it
In that case, I'd think that the Braillenotes aren't supported by iOS 4 to be
used as braille displays. Best idea though to be sure, is to check the apple
accessibility page at
On Aug 7, 2010, at 1:37 AM, Sonnia wrote:
> I found the iphone by searching for i
Just give audible a call, they will reset it for you.
On Aug 8, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
> hi list,
> I don't know if this is on topic but I have an audible account and I want it
> to work in my new mac. but the thing is I used it on my other laptop before
> and my friend al
Hi Kimberly, do you have cursor tracking turn on? And your keyboard focus set
to follow where you are with Voiceover in VO utility? THat's what it sounds
like is happening for you there. .
On Aug 20, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> Hi Folks:
> As the subject states, I am h
Hi linda, it shouldn't matter where you save this file. HOpe this helps.
On Aug 26, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Linda Adams wrote:
> Hi,
> I haven't had any problems with Voiceover but after reading some recent
> messages, I decided I should save my preferences which I haven't done since
> buying
Also, we don't want to forget, if your using Safari 5 or Webkit, you can simply
hit command-shift-R and the darned thing will just read it to you. this,
unfortunately, doesn't work on all sites, but, it seems to work on that 1 ok!
On Aug 25, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
> If you
Hi Ian, this is what I think you're wanting here. YOu can go into the mailbox
menu, select the new mailbox item, and setup what Mail refers to as a
mailbox, and then move messages into there. Hope this helps.
On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:
> hi all how do i create a folder
Just go to window and turn off both type and description, should work.
On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Actually, I don't want to be read the subject line. Should have made that
> clear.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> A Very Proud and Happy Mac Us
Hey all, got an Apple bluetooth keyboard today, so I could use the bluetooth
keyboard support in iOS on my iPod touch. I was able to pair it successfully
with my touch, and it worked well. However I cannot seem to pair it with my
Mac, as i want to use it with my iMac as well. I turned off
if nothing connects to it right away.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: c
Hey Ricardo, thanks a bunch. THat totally helped.
On Sep 9, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> No.
> Double tap on more under the name of the BT keyboard and delete the info from
> the touch.
> hth
> On Sep 9, 2010, at 6:18 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
I would appreciate any suggestions.
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thing. Is there such a
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To pos
I like it too, granted, the album grid is a little weird, but, I usually use
song view anyway, I think this interface is much less cluttered than the old 1
and I can get to things a little bit faster.
On Dec 1, 2012, at 3:44 PM, Richard Ring wrote:
> I actually like the new interface a lot. I
I just went and tested this out. When you select books, you then have to check
audio books. then, go over to the grid, interact with it. when you found the
book or books you want to delete, use VO-shift-M to bring up the context menu
and arrow down to delete, that should do it.
On Dec 2, 2
TaxAct will take you through the entire process without you having to do
anything with PDF files. Even with the schedule C, it treats your return like
an interview, if a schedule C is needed, it will generate it on it's own. The
only time you will have PDF files is when you actually save your
Electronic filing works just fine. At the end of your return, it will run
through some checks to make sure everything is ready for electronic filing,
then,it will happen. Just follow the insructions, you should do just fine.
TaxAct does, I believe have downloadable software which you can use of
>From what I read, with the new itunes, anything you purchase from iTunes
>directly is automatically put in the cloud now. The matching service comes in
>to play when your trying to use content not purchased on iTunes directly. At
>least, that's my understanding of the situation.
On Dec 9, 2
I wasn't aware that taxact had an app for the iPhone, will investigate this.
On Dec 8, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Dan
> Thanks for the information. I also downloadedi the app for the iPhone, and
> got myself registered owner. I had no trouble with the iPhone a
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hey don't
> pop up with that damnable CAPTCHA again.
> On Dec 10, 2012, at 6:31 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Dan
>> So far as I can see right now, it works great with VoiceOver on the iPhone.
>> I'm thinking about trying it when I put in data. I don'
Hi May, I'd say Handbrake would probably be the best choice to go with. It's
available from
On 2013-01-04, at 10:28 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> Hi.
> Sorry if this thread was talked about before.
> What is the best dvd ripping software that works with voiceover that allows
> m
I have a Brailliant BI 40, and it works nicely on the MAc, and iOS as well.
On 2013-01-03, at 2:35 PM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
> I have a Braille conect and it works great with iOS windows and Mac.
> Best of luck deciding on one!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 3, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Les
Is there a way to connect an audio cassette player to an Ipod Touch 4G and
record the content as an MP3? I have a bunch of non-commercial cassettes
that I would like to preserve as MP3's.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
I upgraded, in fact, I completely reformatted my mac partition and installed
from scratch.
I am still able to boot up in windows 8.1 with no problems. The bootcamp
partition wasn’t altered in any way.
> On Oct 20, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
> This book champ looks like a very in
rint at only 13 inches wide and 8 inches deep. There are no
inkjet cartridges to dry out and no nozzles to keep clean. Amazon has them for
$61.00 USD.
From: Brian Fischler
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Easiest Print
It's only 13 by 8 inches and less than 9 pounds. Since it's wireless and you
have WIFI, you can put it where you want. I don't own this printer so I can't
vouch for it's accessibility.
From: Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 2
if you go to, you will find everything there in a web interface,
works for me.
If you have it set up on your iOS device and use the same login as you have on
that device, all your preferences will work as well.
On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:23 PM, agent086b wrote:
> Thanks, am I correct i
First, Piano Pub ver 1.5 is working ok in Mountain Lion. However, this is the
first time I am using this software.
1. Does anyone know if there is a way to pause the music, I can't find
anything in the menus or by tabbing around. there doesn't seem to be a help
file or hotkeys either. I did
Thanks, this was quite helpful.
On Aug 30, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Rose Waagan wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Perhaps this page on my web site will help you.
> Here I explain the order of buttons in pandora as well as how to play music.
> Simply refer to a
h Q would port Hope over to mac...
>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Rose Waagan wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Perhaps this page on my web site will help you.
>>> Here I explain the order of buttons in pandora as well a
button that was supposed to be skip, and nothing happened. I
>>>> labeled the thumbs up/down buttons, and they suddenly appeared in reverse
>>>> order. I really with Q would port Hope over to mac...
>>>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Rose Waagan wrote:
I am looking for an accessible way to log on to someone elses computer from
either the mac or the iPhone. I found the logmein site, and, that will send
the sound through, however, once logging on to a remote machine, it's vary
difficult to gain focus on it. Besides, this is a fairly expensive
> Hth Colin
> On 8 Sep 2012, at 16:50, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I am looking for an accessible way to log on to someone elses computer from
>> either the mac or the iPhone. I found the logmein site, and, that will send
>> the sound
Hi Timothy, the command you're looking for, is command-option-u.
On 2012-09-12, at 5:06 PM, Timothy Clark Music wrote:
> hello - anyone remember the command to view the source contents of a webpage?
> thanks.
> Timothy
> Your Friend in the music industry
> http://www.timothyclarkmusic
; On 9/8/12 9:35 PM, wayne coles wrote:
>> Hi what about team viewer i have used that on windows but i don't
>> know if you can use it on the mac
>> --wayne---Original Message-
>> From:
>> [mailto:macvisi
Hi, inn the past, under previous versions of the OS, you could type in the name
of the city you're in, and hit return.
On 2012-10-07, at 10:01 AM, Shen wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried this week and found that VoiceOver is unable to interact with
> the world map in the timezones tab under System P
I had this problem as well, the first time you use it, it had to download some
additional components. I would try 1 of 2 things. First, I would try waiting
3 to 5 minutes and then doing command-F5 and see if Fred comes up. If that
doesn't work, see if you can get some sighted help to read the
Yes, that's to bad! when I first purchased my Mac, preview made me vary happy.
It loaded PDF files fast and read them immediately and easily. something
definitely went wrong in the later versions. I haven't yet found anything I
like nearly as well as the earlier versions of preview.
On Nov
Hi Laura, what you could do, if you wanted to password protect a document, or a
set of documents, is use disk utility to created an incripted .dmg file. Disk
utility is foun under /applications/utilities. Open it, and you'll find
options under a new submenu uner hte file menu for createing dis
Hi Damon, yep, Adium works really well, with MSN messenger, AOL messenger,
and a whole bunch of other IM services. If you need help feel free to email
On Oct 13, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Damon Fibraio wrote:
> OK, so I realize that I can do mail on my mac, but what can I do about
> ac
Yes it certainly is. SImply go to the view menu, and check organize by thread.
On Oct 15, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> All,
> is it possible in Mac Mail to have mail items sorted into conversation view,
> in OutLook what this does is thread each set of messages
I've found this as well Ray, with the alerts. Even though i have them set up,
I'm getting no sounds, or no spoken notifications when people are coming
online, or going offline.
On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:05 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> the thing I have found is that none of the alerts work. conta
You can use command-option-left and right arrow to switch conversations. HTH.
On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> has anyone figured out how to move from one conversation to another when you
> have more than one or how to get skype to behave like it does in the release
> vers
Not hearing any sounds when people come online, or go offline, even though I
have those set. I've got the speak text checkbox also checked for both of
those events, and am getting no spoken notifications either for contacts
coming online, or going off.
On Nov 6, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Mark Bu
Dropbox is an absolute hastle to work with on the Mac, And it's a shame, but
the dropbox people do not seem to be the most responsive when it comes to
accessibility of the mac client.
On Nov 8, 2010, at 5:36 PM, Daniel K. Gartmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody tried deleting the DropBox
I've also disabled auto complete, as I found it to get in the way, rather than
help me to use the client the way I wanted. .
On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. contact the dev about the auto complete issue. As far as your first
> question I hit cmd n and hit follow @us
Hi Erik, not sure if the site is US only, or whehter it's a golobal site, but
to get a good idea on what she should sell it for, try putting information
about it into
On Nov 15, 2010, at 11:03 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi guys,
> one of my clients bought a macbook in 2009 and t
Hi marlaina, I'm assuming you're trying to do this via the , finder, don't
think you can upload this way, think you can only download. I'd highly
recommend checking out Transmit from
It's an absolutely excellent client. Hope that helps. If you need help with
Transmit i
Any possibility of doing the same thing for numbers. Right now, Text edit is
enough for the vary light word processing work I do. However, numbers is
another thing, I would love it if you could do something with that, thanks in
On Nov 15, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Allison Manzino
H, interesting. Can't say I've experienced this in either app. Maybe try
a permissions repair? Don't know for sure , but maybe something is screwed up
with permissions somehow? To do this do the following:
1. Go to the finder,
2. HIt command-shift-U to go to your utilities folder, whic
Alison, thanks vary much, I am looking forward to it!
On Dec 2, 2010, at 3:34 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi again all,
> I'm sorry for the multiple posts, but since I'm posting about different
> topics, I thought it would be easier to write multiple messages. I remember a
> while ago som
Hello Everyone:
I am having a lot of fun with my mac mini.
The weirdest thing is the application that I spend most of my time
with is giving me some weird problems.
Sometimes when navigating between mailboxes in mail, when I get to the
box I want, VO will say empty table. I get this even t
Hi, this has been a bug for as long as I can remember. It was back in
iTunes 8, and is obviously still a bug in 9.
On Oct 8, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just came across something and I'm wondering if anyone else has
> noticed this. I tried to import an audio
Hi Bob, right now as it is, the best app for doing audio work would
have to be Amadeus pro.
On Oct 14, 2009, at 9:32 AM, Bob Hill wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am going to be starting with a new job, and will be advising and
> demonstrating access using VoiceOver and the Macintosh.
> We're thinking
Does Echo Mac work ok under Snow Leopard? I was aware that it hadn't
been updated in quite some time. I'd had it when I was running
Leopard, but haven't put it on since installing Snowy. 73 de Dan
On Oct 19, 2009, at 10:09 AM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hi, I j
Is Logic at least sort of accessible? Or totally not at all?
On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
> I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
> Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
> It would certainly be nice to actually
Hi, I'm assuming the voicemail that you're talking about is your Skype
voicemail. What usually works for me, is to go to the history window
in Skype, with command-4, and then I can interact with the table
there, and go through anything I may have missed, such as calls,
chats, and voicemai
There's an application called PDF pen from THis is
good for doing stuff with PDF's, but from what I've heard about it,
it also has scanning, and OCR capibilities. If it were accessible,
maybe it would illiminate the need to use two applications to do
scanning and OCr,
Go into finder preferences with command-coma, and check the hard discs
checkbox so that they'll show on the desktop. By default, if you do a
clean install of SL, harddiscs are not set to show on the desktop,
like they were in Leopard. Hope this helps.
On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:04 PM, May McDon
Hi May, on the advancedtab of Safari preferences, you'll find a
checkboxthat says press tab to highlight each item on a web page.
Check that, and hit command-w to close safari preferences.
On Oct 24, 2009, at 2:35 AM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hi everyone. I have discovered another problem.
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