Re: Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini

2011-11-29 Thread Chris Blouch
f one of the local thrift store againd see what I can come up witth. Now to change the subjet if I may. I notest you are using thunderbird on your mac and wonder if you foun d it to be accessible with vo. UYou can write mere off list if you wish. Matthew On Nov 29, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Chris B

Re: Burning Itunes purchases to CD?

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
Time Machine, right? CB On 11/29/11 9:13 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: Hi: I don't think you need to backup your iTunes purchases anymore because you can just redownload them. On Nov 29, 2011, at 2:15 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Last stats I found said online music purchases were to surpa

Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
You could just do the script in the shell as well and skip automater. Just put each command line by line in a text file and then modify the text file to be executable with chmod a+x after that you can just run that text file and it will execute all the commands inside as though you had typed

Re: Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
device you were refering to, can you get this localy. If any how I could get this work it would be nice for now. Matthew On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: So you'll need two adapters. One is the HDMI or DVI to VGA and the second is the VGA to NTSC box to trick your Mac int

Re: Update to my monitor question

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
Without a VGA monitor or the NTSC contraption attached your Mac will endlesly scan for a non-existant monitor which will bog it down. Not sure how to tell if the Mac thinks there is a display hooked up at the moment but if you're getting a lot of voiceover busy messages that's usually a symptom

Re: how to work with facebook?

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
While the solution is patented and currently under development, the folks over at Towson University have come up with a novel approach using sound cues instead of garbled speech as the captcha. I'm trying to get access to a demo but there is a lot of NDA wrapped around it so I probably can't sh

Re: Browsing with Safari has become extremely difficult

2011-11-30 Thread Chris Blouch
Is this happening on all sites or just certain ones. Web pages can do lots of bad things which trip up a screen reader such as rotating content and tickers. CB On 11/30/11 1:50 PM, Christina wrote: I am still using SL and I am using the most current version of Safari. Why am I having so muc

Re: Safari Does Not Like This Site

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Maybe it's been fixed with yesterday's Safari update but I got no busy messages with voiceover. This was the only web page I had open and not much else on my MacBook Pro quad CPU. If you have lots of browser tabs open and web pages with lots of stuff going on in each tab, that stuff will contin

Re: Little Mac Victories

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Can you share the URL of the page that failed to work? I'm curious what they did. VO not being able to submit the form is probably a symptom of bad HTML under the hood. All bets are off for accessibility if the web developer doesn't follow web standards. CB On 11/30/11 4:18 PM, Kawal Gucukogl

Re: radio apps

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: There is also a good number of radio stations in iTunes itself. CB On 11/27/11 8:03 PM, André Carioca wrote: I use tunein radio pro. Is very accessible and tune several radio stations. Enviado via iPhone Em 27/11/2011, às 17:14, "wayne

Re: Browsing with Safari has become extremely difficult

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit is the 'rendering engine' that powers Safari. So when you run webkit nightlies you will get what seems like just another copy of Safari but under the hood it will be running the latest engine. That means you'll get all the latest bug fixes but it also means you get all the newest bugs th

Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
afraid I don't know about shell and chmod. Sorry for being so clueless. Any pointers are as usually very appreciated. Take care, Ioana On Nov 30, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: You could just do the script in the shell as well and skip automater. Just put each command line by lin

Re: Update to my monitor question

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Blouch
ress command f5 again. 2. In itunes if I perform a sync or anything that puts info in the lcd section of itunes I cannot access it. If I try to interact with it it goes busy on me. These things are solved when a monitor or a monitor adaptor box is attached to the mini. hth, Ioana On Nov 30, 2011

Mac spreadsheet apps - was Re: Mac App Store 1 Day $0.99 App "Bundle" deals

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Numbers from Apple and variations of the free Open Office are the two most common ones. CB On 12/4/11 12:35 AM, rdlaw wrote: what type of spreadsheet program is available for the mac? - Original Message - From: "Esther" To: Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 12:55 PM Subject: Mac App

Re: Music Notation software

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. So it's a scripting language for typesetting musical scores. Never even knew such a beast existed. Have to send it to a friend of mine who teaches piano. CB On 12/2/11 5:07 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote: Would this help? I notice it has both a GUI and

Re: Macbook Air microphone

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm assuming it's the same for the MBA but i regularly use standard wired headphones and the built-in mic for Skype calls. Unless your headset has an extra segment on the plug for a microphone your internal mic should keep on working. CB On 12/5/11 1:19 PM, Traci wrote: Hi all, Let's hope th

Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
From: "Chris Blouch" To: Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 8:00 AM Subject: Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands In your utilities folder is a program called terminal which lets you type commands in what is usually called a 'unix shell'. If you've use

Re: Little Mac Victories

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
e in helping you with uncontested divorces as I'm doing it at the moment. Kawal. Sent from my iPhone On 1 Dec 2011, at 03:36 PM, Chris Blouch <>> wrote: Can you share the URL of the page that failed to work? I'm curious what they did. VO not being able t

Re: A question for Cara on this LookTel Money Reader and Siri

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Can you do this with any app? Could I put in weather:// to the same effect? CB On 12/1/11 5:18 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote: Cara, What if you've put your looktel money reader app in a folder? Will that change the path you use in the URL? Kev On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote: Let

Re: Watching live TV on a Mac.

2011-12-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Eye TV comes with a remote control which lets you do some functions that way. No feedback from VO to let you know what channel you're on but I guess that's no different than most cable boxes. CB On 12/6/11 9:15 AM, Randy Stegall wrote: You can set smart guides so eye tv is not a total loss as

Re: Watching live TV on a Mac.

2011-12-06 Thread Chris Blouch
m <> Sent from my Mac Mini. On Dec 6, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: Eye TV comes with a remote control which lets you do some functions that way. No feedback from VO to let you know what channel you're on but I guess that's no different than most ca

Re: How to share an Internet connection on the mac?

2011-12-09 Thread Chris Blouch
I've used this before to do a quickie wireless setup where I used my Mac to share out a single network connection via the airport in the machine. I just navigate to Internet Sharing but have to pick the From and To before it will let me turn it on. So in my case I chose Ethernet 1 from the "Sha

Re: YouTube and HTML 5

2011-12-09 Thread Chris Blouch
It's something you opt into. Goto and the 5th or 6th header will be a link saying to join the HTML5 trial. Action that link. From then on most youtube videos played from their site should use the html5 interface. Some older videos used Flash-specific codecs those

Re: nevermind renaming large numbers of files...

2011-12-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I guess I'm not clear what problem you are trying to solve. Are you trying to add .mp3 to a bunch of files? If that's the case you could just do this in terminal. Go to the folder with the mp3 files you want to add .mp3 to and do this: for e in *; do mv "$e" "`echo $e | sed -e ''`.mp3"; done

Re: Combo box driving me crazy

2011-12-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I took a poke at the site and they are using a 'fake' combo box made using a javascript library called Dojo. Dojo generally has been very good with accessibility but not everything was right from the getgo and apparently the version used on the Harry & David site is 1.3.1, from 3 years ago. Not

Re: nevermind renaming large numbers of files...

2011-12-12 Thread Chris Blouch
, Eric Oyen wrote: what I was attempting to do was remove the underscore from between filename elements. I have a huge number of mp3 files here. I use terminal for some of this operation but I tend to lose track of where I am. -eric On Dec 12, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: I guess I&#x

Re: nevermind renaming large numbers of files...

2011-12-12 Thread Chris Blouch
d and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook: <> On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:03 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Ahh, so you need something like this: for e in *; do mv "$e" "`echo $e | sed 's/[_

Re: Weird thing happened yesterday

2011-12-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Last I played with MacFUSE I was unable to get it to work. I was using it to mount an FTP server to show up as a disk drive for easier manipulation so maybe it works better for mounting real devices. CB On 12/11/11 5:47 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: Hi Lew. I went to Google to get the Macfuse prog

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I wonder what impact the new FCC notice of proposed rule making will have for accessibility in communications apps. Will any email or chat app have to be accessibly implemented on at least one platform? So if they make Skype work with Jaws on Windows does that mean they don't have to do anythin

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
enable. Will be interesting to see how this plays out and if there are any unintended consequences. CB On 12/15/11 12:09 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: if that were to be the case, that in itself is product exclusion and discrimination to users relying on the mac. lew On 15 Dec 2011, at 17:07, Chr

Re: setting up php on my mac

2011-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
PHP is already installed on OSX. All you have to do is enable it in the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file removing the # character from the front of the line which reads: LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ And then stop and start web sharing. After that any file ending in .php shoul

Re: e-bay audio verification won't play

2011-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Is there a way to try this without having to create an account? In other words is that the only place the captcha shows up? CB On 12/14/11 8:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: Ah, good to know. Best to contact Ebay then? Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac us

Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
situation, then there's the types who roll out any old junk just to rake in the money. I hope and pray that one day, developers see us as real people with real needs and not a burden on resources... no... not... "That's a lovely burden you've got there" kind of thing.

Re: accessibility of audacity with voiceover?

2011-12-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Rather than manually convert them you should use something like Fluke: Donwload, unzip and then run the installer. This adds Flac playback codecs to Quicktime/iTunes. Unfortunately iTunes still refuses to impor

Re: Ejecting a USB flash drive with a keyboard shortcut [was Re: MBP Keyboard]

2011-12-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Ditto. I've also has some badly behaved apps that keep their fingers in the flash drive even after I have closed the document I had opened from there. So sometimes I had to quit apps before the Mac would let me eject the drive. CB On 12/19/11 5:00 PM, Esther wrote: Hi Ezzie and Others, The

Re: iOS help

2011-12-20 Thread Chris Blouch
I've also seen any number of iOS related discussions here. For me I just can't keep up with another mailing list so I tend to sneak my iOS questions in here. Maybe that's not the best but it's worked for me. CB On 12/17/11 9:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote: That would be either or the VIp

Re: accessing youtube playback controls

2011-12-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. Goto to switch to the html5 version. I've also noticed that mine switches back to Flash every now and then so I have to re-signup. Maybe it's just a 30-day setting or something. CB On 12/21/11 10:20 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote: You can access the playback controls by singing u

Re: hearing system sounds via remote access

2011-12-21 Thread Chris Blouch
Wonder if you could use Soundfly which sends audio from one Mac to another. Never tried it but the description sounded good: There is also Airfoil: I haven't found a screen sharing solution that does mouse/keyboard

Re: importing wma in itunes possible?

2011-12-21 Thread Chris Blouch
It depends quote a bit on what is in the WMP files. WMP is a container which can have a number of tracks (audio, video, text etc) encoded in any number of formats with or without encryption. Depending on what's in there you can re-export a WMP files from QuitTime Pro but I'm sure there are othe

Re: best way to get to wifi menu

2011-12-21 Thread Chris Blouch
I think he meant control+F8, so the * was a shifted 8 key :) CB On 12/20/11 10:27 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote: Hi, again, What did you say I should press? f* is this maybe a typo? Sent from my iPhone On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:53 PM, Ray Foret Jr > wrote: Press control+F

Re: partitioning my Mac

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Blouch
The nicest thing about going the VMWare route is that Windows just becomes another app that you launch when you need it and quit when you don't. You don't have to reboot your whole machine and give up the Mac to enter Windows for a while. This also provides a great migration tool. As you get mo

Re: email issues

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm told that Mail and calendar in general work much better with VO under OSX 10.7 than 10.6. Have you upgraded to the latest OS? CB On 12/22/11 3:27 PM, Badger, Nancy wrote: My work email is on exchange. I know that outlook is not accessible on the mac so I am using mac mail. I routinely ha

Re: Sharing files with another user on my Mac

2011-12-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Can't answer all your questions but generally the iTunes music folder is stored in your user folder and stuff in there is not accessible to other users on the same machine. Stuff on iCloud should show up in all your registered iDevices connected under the same iTunes account but you will have t

Re: iTunes question re external file server

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Blouch
I think a higher level description is that iTunes will store your preference of library location and use it from then on when you launch. But, if it can't find your new special location (because it doesn't exist for some reason) it will revert back to using the standard location. So if you have

Re: Symphonic Orchestra Jampack for Garage Band

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Blouch
Dunno why but it's available on Amazon for $123: At that price you might just find it worth it to buy Mainstage 2 which I believe gives you the right to download all the jam packs (about 20GB) for free. Quite a deal at $30

Re: uncompressing files

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Blouch
Not sure how to do it as a multipart zip but you can split any file using the command line in terminal: split -b 300m That should generate a series of files, each 300MB in size until all of the source file is stored in the splits. Each split file will get a co

Re: iTunes question re external file server

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Blouch
change the library location each time after I've been somewhere? The thing is, I don't want all that music on my MBP or my Mac Air. Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the world! Marlaina Lieberg On Jan 3, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Chris

Re: E Q on Macs?

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't have this but supposedly Audio Hijack has all kinds of effects including EQ that you can apply to its output. So you would just hijack any audio you want to tweak and then play with the output. Dunno how accessible the effects part of hijack is though. CB On 12/28/11 2:38 PM, Ricardo

Re: Switching to a Mac from PC

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Blouch
As has been posted in the past, some older minis could be tricked into thinking there was a monitor just by plugging in the DVI to VGA adapter cable. Newer minis are now 'smarter' and won't be fooled by this. Since the whole OS/hardware architecture assumes there will always be a display hooked

Re: Ripping DVDs for streaming from apple TV.

2012-01-09 Thread Chris Blouch
You could also try RipIt. While it's not free ($25) you can do 10 rips before it self destructs. CB On 1/8/12 7:30 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: handbrake will manage certain formats fairly well. I use mactheripper and it's a nice, lightweight app if you h

Re: Ripping DVDs for streaming from apple TV.

2012-01-09 Thread Chris Blouch
cs, and is continuously updated to rip the latest releases." CB On 1/9/12 11:25 AM, Daniel Miller wrote: Do any of these apps bypass the CSS? *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Blouch *Sent:* Monday, January 09, 2012 10:24 AM *To:*

Re: Looking for a couple of programs

2012-01-09 Thread Chris Blouch
Firefox is definetly not accessible with voiceover. For details on why you can poke through the mailing list archives so I'll spare you the sad tale here. I know some folks like Chrome and the VO support keeps getting better with every release. Some folks find more success with running the WebK


2012-01-09 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't think you can just copy a DVD into iTunes. Commercial DVDs are generally copy protected (unlike audio CDs) so at a minimum you would have to get something that breaks the encryption and copies the files to your hard drive. In the US the mere act of breaking that encryption is illegal (t

Re: Hand Break DB Download

2012-01-09 Thread Chris Blouch
Did I miss something? HandBrake just put out a new version on January 3. You can get it from their official site: CB On 1/9/12 2:16 PM, Andy Lane wrote: is this software no longer available for download? If so I will make sure mine is backed up. If you have a newer or b

Re: Installing an accessible version of Chrome on the Mac?

2012-01-11 Thread Chris Blouch
You do that in Chrome. Go to Preferences and in the Basics section you'll find a Default Browser section at the very end with a "Make Google Chrome My Default Browser" button. CB On 1/11/12 12:16 PM, Christine Grassman wrote: How does one override Safari as the default browser without having

Re: A truly frustrating issue

2012-01-11 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm not Tim, but you should hear the Mac reboot and chime over and over as long as you hold down these keys. If it seems to be booting up regularly then you missed to window of opportunity. Most stuff says to keep holding down the parameter ram reset keys until you hear 3-5 startup chimes. CB

Re: perhaps not new but solution for safari busy… : google chrome

2012-01-11 Thread Chris Blouch
Chrome is on a roughly 6-week release cycle so it doesn't take long to get old. It should prompt you to update. Most people will be on the "Stable" releases whcih currently is 16.0.912.75. If you're a little more daring you can jump to the preview beta release (17.0.963) or the even more bleedi

Mac Mini pro audio weirdness

2012-01-11 Thread Chris Blouch
So I've been fighting with nasty audio distortion on the audio out on a Mac mini and finally solved it, but I don't understand it. Last March I got a Mini which I use for AV purposes connected to a Mackie 16 channel mixer, amps etc. The audio out from Keynote, iTunes and such was horribly disto

Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm assuming Garage Band could do all this and more but at a minimum, QT Player 7 will play MIDI files and if yo open the AV controls you will find a playback speed slider. CB On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote: Hi. Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on

Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the midi file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in Garage Band. Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the Arrange Layout Area, interacted with that and the interacted with the track head

Re: Safari bookmarks

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Actually, if you put items in the bookmark bar you can access them by pressing Command-1 for the first bookmark and command-2 for the second. I always keep my most often used sites in the bookmark bar so I can have those shortcuts to loading them. CB On 1/12/12 7:48 AM, Thomas McMahan wrote:

Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
The documentation for DVDRemaster says it will not decrypt commercial DVDs and points you towards other tools previously mentioned, Fairmount being one of them. Note that in the US the mere act of decrypting a DVD is not legal despite "fair use" laws. So no legal backups for you. Details at:

Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
ards Annie. Den Jan 12, 2012 kl. 4:50 PM skrev Chris Blouch: Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the midi file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in Garage Band. Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the Arrange L

Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I believe Fairmount comes with DVDRemaster but Fairmount itself is free. With Fairmount running you can stick in a DVD and it will re-mount it with read requests being run through VLC for decryption. So VLC is required for Fairmount to work. That said, once Fairmount has done it's thing you cou

Re: Demonstrating the iPhone to a larger audience

2012-01-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Will be doing a presentation on accessibility solutions in April and had similar issues. What I'm playing with and going to try is using a device called an ELMO. It's sort of a camera on stick with a base that outputs VGA video of whatever is underneath it. I'll probably do demos on an iPad ins

Re: Demonstrating the iPhone to a larger audience

2012-01-13 Thread Chris Blouch
From this article it seems that you have to have a jailbroken iPhone4 to get video mirroring to work: CB On 1/13/12 9:37 AM, Michael Busboom wrote: Hello Gigi, As far as I know, I will be the onl


2012-01-13 Thread Chris Blouch
So I went to try this out on the iPad today and wasn't able to get very far. Seemed like most of the ones I tried were unreadable with voiceover. Does anyone know of a particular subscription that works well? I gave up after trying eight different ones. CB -- You received this message because

Re: Firefox on Mac may become accessible

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Sounds like good news to me although I had heard similar news back in 2006 which didn't get very far. Let's hope for a home run on their second bat at this ball. I know I'll be giving it some good testing once there is something to test. CB On 1/17/12 10:36 AM, Alex Hall wrote: Hi all, I jus

Re: Selecting text in Safari

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
I was able to do this on your test page just fine. Main thing was to be sure cursor tracking was turned on with control-option-shift-F3. I then went to your page: and found the text starting with "Pandora's

Re: ToDo by Appigo - anyone tried it?

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
I bought grocery gadget and found it to be mostly accessible except I can't find the checkboxes in the list to check off that I bought something. I've emailed the developers as that should be an easy fix for them. CB On 1/16/12 3:53 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote: Hi All Per the subject line, ha

Re: Selecting text in Safari

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
gured problem was between keyboard and chair. I thought I had the tracking set right. Let me try later today and see if I can duplicate. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Re: Selecting text in Safari

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
: [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:28 PM To: Subject: Re: Selecting text in Safari I was able to do this on your test page just fine. Main thing was to be sure cursor tracking

Re: Selecting text in Safari

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
lton wrote: Thanks. As mentioned, I figured problem was between keyboard and chair. I thought I had the tracking set right. Let me try later today and see if I can duplicate. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of

Re: Selecting text in Safari

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
at to select line by line, there is no selecting going on. A silly question. Are you using Lion or SnowLeopard? I'm using Lion. On 2012-01-17, at 2:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: I guess I'm not following what you're looking for. I did a VO-command-h to jump to the heading and the V

Re: Pandora

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
In general Flash does not work with Voiceover at all so any site that requires it will be problematic. As long as they stick to using it for media playback and not the user interface it can be ok but most put the UI in Flash as well which ruins accessibility for Voiceover users. The outlook is

Re: Fire Fox

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Thunderbird is built on the some of the same codebase as Firefox so it is also not accessible with voiceover. That also implies that fixing Firefox should do wonders for Thunderbird. CB On 1/17/12 9:41 PM, Eric Oyen wrote: firefox doesn't work with VO at all. about the most you can expect is

Re: Firefox on Mac may become accessible

2012-01-17 Thread Chris Blouch
Saying to use browser x or y is pretty old school. Sites should be coding to web standards and browsers should be adhering to those standards. Otherwise the web fragments into a myriad of tiny islands of compatibility. Web standards support across browsers has been achieved to some extent with

Re: Accessible HTML editing?

2012-01-18 Thread Chris Blouch
In preferences for TextEdit, there is a tab called New Document and under there you can pick Plain text instead of Rich text with a radio button. That should stop all the RTF weirdness. CB On 1/18/12 9:32 AM, Bill Holton wrote: Trying to make it simplier than just doing innotepad on my PC. I

Grocery Gadget

2012-01-19 Thread Chris Blouch
t To: Chris Blouch Hello Chris. Thank you for contacting us. I am forwarding your case to our development team for their follow-up. We greatly appreciate and welcome your input. Bill Anllo. On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Chris Blouch <>> wrote: No

Re: Safari still coming up as default although I have set Chrome to be default browser

2012-01-19 Thread Chris Blouch
It's actually called Google Chrome so if you are alphabetical you'll need to go in the Gs area to find it. That said, your subject seems to say you can't get Chrome to be your default browser. Is that still the case? CB On 1/19/12 12:48 PM, Christine Grassman wrote: Hello, everyone. I tried t

Re: Safari still coming up as default although I have set Chrome to be default browser

2012-01-19 Thread Chris Blouch
t browser, but it is not showing up when I want a browser -- Safari is, and when I want it, I must seek it via Spotlight. On Jan 19, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: It's actually called Google Chrome so if you are alphabetical you'll need to go in the Gs area to find it. That said,

Re: Demonstrating the iPhone to a larger audience

2012-01-20 Thread Chris Blouch
n they write up reviews. It can't hurt. Regards, Gigi On Jan 13, 2012, at 8:48 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: From this article it seems that you have to have a jailbroken iPhone4 to get video mirroring to work:

Re: Safari still coming up as default although I have set Chrome to be default browser

2012-01-20 Thread Chris Blouch
t. And, in order to start Google Chrome, I have to search for it via Spotlight; I can't find it in Applications, and I can't figure out how to put it on the dock. Christine On Jan 19, 2012, at 1:45 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: So in Chrome preferences, under Basics, at the very bottom is the Def

Re: Lion Server

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Blouch
You might also check out the SLA with your service provider. Usually if you have a consumer connection using DHCP to assign you some random IP address they have clauses in the contract that say you can't host servers or somesuch. Around here going with a commercial account from Cox cable was $3

Re: Apple IMAP mail problems, Time Machine and a 2 TB drive.

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Blouch
You should be able to backup to most any drive as long as it's formatted for the Mac. I think Time Machine is kinda picky about this so if you've got it formatted as some NTFS or whatever volume Time Machine probably won't touch it. Largest drives right now are 4TB unless you have a box that us

Libre Office 3.4.5

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Blouch
So I downloaded and installed this and found spreadsheets to be inaccessible. In previous version of OpenOffice and it's relatives I couldn't get the column/row info to announce without setting a hotspot in the window chrome. On LibreOffice it doesn't even read the cell content not to mention k

Re: Inserting Accents In Text Documents

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't use them often but usually you can add accents by typing the letter with the option key and then the letter itself so to make é I type option-e and then e. á I type option-e and then a. Same for í ó ú. ¿ is typed with option+shift+questionmark. I don't think Spanish uses an umlaut bu

Re: Gmail and typing echo

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Do you have a monitor connected to the mini. Weird things happen without one. CB On 1/25/12 12:12 AM, Chuck wrote: Hi All, I just bought a Mac Mini after 16 years with a PC. I cannot get a typing echo while typing in the body of the email in the web based G mail. It works OK in the to and sub

Re: Vmware fusion 3 and jaws 12 dropping authorisation key

2012-01-25 Thread Chris Blouch
I've used the Jaws dongle with VMWare which saves all the hassles of authorization. I think the dongle is $45 but somebody else configured the dongle for me. I then just pass the USB dongle through to VMWare and Jaws is happy. Just have to be sure to pull it out before putting your mac in a car

Firefox Mac VO progress

2012-01-31 Thread Chris Blouch
There's been an update the Marco's accessibility blog and they seem to be making good progress: CB -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To p

Re: Some help with making a web site accessible.

2012-01-31 Thread Chris Blouch
There are clear guidelines on how to make menus accessible which includes keyboard controls, focus management and correct use of ARIA attributes. Much of this is documented in the w3c ARIA design patterns. Here is a link to the menubar specific stuff:

New AIM for iOS

2012-01-31 Thread Chris Blouch
Seems to be a pretty accessible app. Lets you also connect to Facebook chat, twitter and Instagram along with regular AIM and MobileMe (while it lasts). I found a number of issues but nothing huge. There are some unlabeled fields if you try to create a new account so you have to flick left to f

Re: New AIM for iOS

2012-02-01 Thread Chris Blouch
my macbook pro On 2012-01-31, at 4:20 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: Seems to be a pretty accessible app. Lets you also connect to Facebook chat, twitter and Instagram along with regular AIM and MobileMe (while it lasts). I found a number of issues but nothing huge. There are some unlabeled fields if

Re: New AIM for iOS

2012-02-01 Thread Chris Blouch] *On Behalf Of *Chris Blouch *Sent:* Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:05 AM *To:* *Subject:* Re: New AIM for iOS Curious to know what the differences are. Would be glad to pass along any improvements in general app behavior in addition to v

Re: time machine?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Blouch
To elaborate on #1 and #2: You can use any external hard drive and TimeMachine will keep adding incremental backups until the drive is full and then delete the oldest one first. Actually it's a little more elaborate than that. From Wikipedia: Time Machine saves hourly backups for the past 24

Re: time machine?

2012-02-03 Thread Chris Blouch
While I haven't done it I know that there are settings on VMWare to share the documents folder between your Mac and Virtual windows instance. That would be a nice way to get your windows documents backed up, although it wouldn't help with the rest of your Windows setup. Normally you don't want

Re: my itunes is terrible since updating Lion.

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Would this be easier via the terminal? Launch terminal and then type (or copy paste): cd ~/Library/Preferences then rm rm CB On 2/5/12 3:59 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: in an update to this, these files can be found but an application calle

Re: converting tapes to MP3

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
The actual process or bringing the audio in should require no extra hardware or software. As was previously stated, use a standard consumer stand-alone tape deck that has the typical RCA left and right out and use an RCA to mini headphone cable to run that to the audio in jack on your computer.

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
As an aside, an old MacMini would also make a nice media computer if you want real storage and more than what an AppleTV will get you. The headphone jack is actually a digital optical output which you can connect to any typical surround-sound stereo to get the full 5.1 output from DVDs and such

Re: Mac app store help

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
So far I haven't had any updates to apps I purchased through the AppStore. If there are updates will they just show up in the regular Software Update process or do I have to go into the Mac App Store and get updates there? Would be nice if they would integrate it into the regular software updat

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