Dunno about finding the box locally. Might try the usual suspects like Radio Shack or Best Buy. Best buy has one for $64 here:


Radio Shack as one for $85 here:


Might be others around where you live.


On 11/30/11 10:06 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:
Thanks.  I only asked about t bird because yyou were using the mac version to 
responde to my message.  as for this box device you were refering to, can you 
get this localy.  If any how I could get this work it would be nice for now.


On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So you'll need two adapters. One is the HDMI or DVI to VGA and the second is 
the VGA to NTSC box to trick your Mac into thinking there is a monitor hooked 

Nope. Not accessible at all. This is the same problem with Firefox. The Mozilla 
folks support the open Iaccessible2 API which is not implemented on OSX. Apple 
already has a perfectly dandy accessibility API but Mozilla has no intention of 
supporting a second platform-specific API since iAccessible2 works on both 
Windows and Linux. So the standoff leaves all Mozilla apps unusable on OSX for 
now. Different story on Windows as FF with IAccessible2 and NVDA or Jaws is 
somewhat the gold standard for good web accessibility support such as ARIA.


On 11/29/11 3:30 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
Chris,  I have an addapter which I have connected before.  I have several 
people looking for me, but will look around and see if one of the local thrift 
store againd see what I can come up witth.

Now to change the subjet if I may.  I notest you are using thunderbird on your 
mac and wonder if you foun d it to be accessible with vo.  UYou can write mere 
off list if you wish.


On Nov 29, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Lots of times thrift stores will have old ones that work well enough. They don't even 
need to turn on really because the sense pins are just resistors connecting certain ones 
together. They used to sell "vga terminators" but every site I found either 
discontinued them or they were permanently out of stock. Another option I've documented 
before was to get a VGA to NTSC/PAL adapter. It will appear to be a VGA monitor to your 
Mac whether you hook it up to a TV or not. I got one from here for about $27 plus 



On 11/27/11 10:49 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:
Hi all,

Anyone know whare  I can get a cheep monitor to connect to my mac mini.  I have 
a 2009  mottle.  I already have a vga addaptor, but have not been able to find 
a monitor cheep enough.  I don't mind paing around $30  for one if I have to, 
but that is the moste I am wailling to pay.  Thanks.

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