Be ware of updating. My experience with the preview was that vo wouldn't read
pdfs when Preview was in single page mode. I haven't seen any indication that
it has been fixed.
When I can, I want to install the latest OSX on the test partition I'm using,
but for some reason the update isn't sho
Well, I don't know what is going on. When running my production partition, I
have both the preview 10.8.4 and the update 10.8.4 in the updates list.
There is weirdness hear, so I'm not doing anything at the moment. Especially
not until I can test it first.
On Jun 4, 2013, at 4:57
There is a lot of material at In particular, I
would recommend the Cocoa Fundamentals Guide at:
>From there, you can also find a link to an o
I recommend a program called octave. You can read more about it at
Matlab is the standard for technical computing and octave is matlab
compatible. It supports functions for descriptive statistics,
statistical tests, and numerical analysis just to
To create a new library or switch between libraries, hold down the
option key as you start ITunes.
Hope that helps.
On Oct 4, 2009, at 4:14 AM, hank smith wrote:
> how do you sink different libraries and only those libraries to your
> iphone or ipod?
> also how do I create new libraries
I use emacs. Vi is also good. with ctags, you can brouse source code.
On Oct 6, 2009, at 5:05 PM, Mitchell Smith wrote:
> Hi List,
> I was wondering if anyone has found an accessible source code editor
> for the
> Mac?
> I would normally use Eclipse for this task, but I've had some
First, make sure that "show styles drore" is selected in the view menu.
Then, interact with the drore which is located next to the toolbar.
Interact with the paragraph styles table and choose the heading style
you want to use.
To assign a hot key to it, rout the mouse to the style and cntrl-
I think that Keynote in IWork is your best bet. I've played around
with it and while it seems a bit flaky, I think that most things can
be done with vo.
On Oct 14, 2009, at 6:33 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been asked to co-present a program about Macintosh and VoiceOver
> at
After the latest OS10 Java vm update, I'm not having problems with ebay. So, I
think it's probably a java applit causing the problem.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 8:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi I speculated to myself that possibly ebay added some contrary flash
> content to it's home page. For w
First of all, vo doesn't see bullets if lists are done through auto formatting
in word or auto correct in pages. The only way for that to work that I see is
for Apple to fix it which they don't sem in any hurry to do.
As far as tables, text boxes, and other objects, there are ways to work
For mouse-overs, all you have to do is move the vo cursor to the mouse over and
move the mouse to the vo and restart vo. The problems you are having are most
likely related to the web page in general. Unfortunately, there are just
situations where cursor tracking just doesn't work.
On De
I just noticed that you can't move vo to the mo.
I still think that it is the page in general as mouse-overs usually work fine
with the exception that restarting vo is necessary to read the new content.
On Dec 21, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Mike Pedersen wrote:
> Hi All, does anyone have any good tips
If you haven't already, try setting vo to speak text attributes in the
verbosity settings. Seems to work on my end.
On Dec 21, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
> I need to write papers for college, and I want to complete the task on
> my Mac. How do I be sure the formatting is the w
I only got one copy of his message.
On Dec 22, 2009, at 5:19 AM, Joe Plummer wrote:
> Hi, you are sending out multi email to this list! I got at least two of
> these emails. Rather it is your fault or not there is more than one going
> out.
> Sign,
> JP ( Joe Plummer)
> joeplum...@td
> On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> If you haven't already, try setting vo to speak text attributes in
>> the verbosity settings. Seems to work on my end.
>> On Dec 21, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
just to be safe. When the verbosity settings are turned on, vo
speaks the attributes correctly as you move the insertion point.
On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:45 AM, Matt Roberts wrote:
> Won't VO-T give me this information?
> Matt Roberts
> Sent from my iPhone using VoiceOver
I use a white 13 inch Macbook. I have this problem on any page with large
content lists when groups mode is on. The google search page is a good
example. All of the search results are in a content list and when groups is
on, they are all grouped together. Even with google preferences set to
Thanks for the info. However, I don't think that the problems I described is
flash related. It has to do with voiceover group mode.
On Dec 31, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Barry and others having this problem,
> There's a Safari plugin called ClickToFlash w
Hi Anne,
I'm glad you aren't having any problems. I, on the other hand, definitely am
in the situations I previously described.
My pop-up blocker stays off.
On Jan 3, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Barry,
> On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Barry Hadder wrote
I meant to say that my pop-blocker stays on.
On Jan 3, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Barry,
> On Jan 3, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Thanks for the info. However, I don't think that the problems I described
There only two problems that I am aware of with pages.
1. You can't read or operate on in-line objects such as tables, text boxes,
2. For some reason, vo doesn't read auto bullets or numbers in regards to
Those two issues make it difficult to read documents created with Word
Safari has a key stroke that's supposed to highlight all items that aren't
links. It is option-tab. I've never seen it work right though. I don't know
if it is because of Safari, or Voiceover.
On Jan 5, 2010, at 1:21 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> You can actually find non-linked tex
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Jan 5, 2010, at 8:58 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Safari has a key stroke that's supposed to highlight all items that aren't
>> links. It is option-tab
I've always used GNU octave. It's a free, open source matlab like environment.
There are links to pre-built binaries for OS10 at
Note that if you git it through macports,it builds it from scratch and it will
take a long time.
On May 3, 2010
t? Have you had any probloems?
> Thanks
> Edward
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Barry Hadder
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 10:57 AM
> To:
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Barry Hadder
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 12:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: matlab
> Hi,
> It is text based so accessibility isn't an issue.
se matlab here. If I had to, can I use
> matlab with voice over?
> Thanks for your help,
> edward
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Barry Hadder
> Sent: Monday, May 10
Hi Holly,
I still seem to be having the vo restart problem after I'm signed in. Another
work-around I've found which is far less than perfect, is to disable java
script. I am able to navigate with the vo cursor after signing in. However, I
haven't tested all of the functionality of the sight
I was just able to determine that the problem seem to be when I initially sign
in. It seems that when I return to Audible after signing in, there isn't any
problems. I mentioned in another post that I tried disabling java script, but
this is with it enabled.
On Jun 8, 2010, at 3:09 PM, M
Well, Now it isn't working. It did work previously though, and I almost got it
to work just now. Seems to be very unpredictable. Every body's best bet at
the moment is to turn off java script and see if they can use the sight. I
should say that I've purchased things at Amazon with no js enab
I just made it work again and I have no idea how.I refreshed the page, and
all I can think of is that there seems to be a timing issue in which you have
to get vo into the content at just the right time while the page is loading.
This aught to keep everyone busi for a while.
On Jun 8, 201
I've written accessibility.
I'm starting to feel very disappointed.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Ok everybody,
This seems to work, but it's just a work-around as doing this can still cause
problems in some situations. Check the "Disable Run away Java script Timer"
option in the develop menu. You can turn on the develop menu in the advanced
tab of Safari preferences.
This seems to fix th
er" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 8:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've written accessibility.
>> I'm starting to feel very disappointed.
>> --
>> You received this mes
> Hello, I have done what you described below and VO is still restarting here
> when I access Audible's site. I honestly don't think a web site should be
> restarting your screen reader. Has this been reported to Apple Accessibility?
> Thanks,
> Do
x27;s site. I honestly don't think a web site should be
> restarting your screen reader. Has this been reported to Apple Accessibility?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On 2010-06-09, at 1:42 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Ok everybody,
>> This s
ere the keynote
> was and watched it with Quicktime. Running an MBP '09 model, 2gb ram, and os
> x 10.6.3. YMMV.
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've written accessibility.
Ok, I've tried this atleast 20 times so I'll pass along this tip.
In voiceover utility, go to web and uncheck the box that says "Move the
VoiceOver cursor to it When loading a new webpage:". I also have the speak
webpage and speak summary unchecked. Now, when you have that problem you can
> I have that first box you mentioned checked and I don't have any problems
> refreshing a page.
> On 2010-06-09, at 10:07 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Ok, I've tried this atleast 20 times so I'll pass along this tip.
>> In voiceover utility
In system preferences, open network.
Select the service you are using and open advanced.
Select the WINS tab and enter your work group name.
In system preferences, go to sharing/options and make sure share file and
folder using SMB is checked.
On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Chris Snyder wrot
Sorry to hear that. It is still working for me however.
On Jun 9, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> This did not solve the problem at "Audible."
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:12 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Ok everybody,
>> This seems to work,
I've tried this and am having the same problems.
On Jun 9, 2010, at 1:34 PM, William Mutch wrote:
> Hi, Yesterday I downloaded the latest build of Safari version 5 from software
> update. I had all of the problems previously mentioned on this list
> including the website. I then u
be a good thing.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've tried this and am having the same problems.
>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 1:34 PM, William Mutch wrote:
>>> Hi, Yesterday I downl
ermissions after installing Safari 5. Have also visited and posted
>> on facebook with no problem, and even visited the Apple page where the
>> keynote was and watched it with Quicktime. Running an MBP '09 model, 2gb
>> ram, and os x 10.6.3. YMMV.
>> O
It doesn't solve the problem. It fixes it so that refreshing the page works
80% of the time.
There is something else that I've been doing and it has worked every time for
me. When you go to, shut down vo, refresh the page, and wait for
several seconds. Then restart vo and fi
ceover cursor
> to it when loading a web page". I've done no other modifications except
> resetting Safari, so I'm not sure how much of a factor that is.
> Teresa
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It doesn't
I wouldn't hole my breath on that. From what I understand from their bug
tracker, the developers have no idea how to fix that at this time.
I can't remember actually what the case number was, but if I find it, I'll post
it for anyone interested in keeping up with this. Personally, I think that
Hello everyone,
I've just noticed that when searching for a book at, vo can't
seem to correctly interpret the reading order in the descriptions. Words are
chopped up. I would like to know if anybody else who downloads nls books can
notice this. Just search for an author or ke
ough me for a little while.
Buggy search engine.
On Jun 14, 2010, at 10:18 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> I'm not having a problem with the site. I've used it several times since I've
> updated to 5 with no problems.
> On 2010-06-14, at 8:12 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
Everybody just started buzzing about this a few days ago, so I wouldn't be too
concerned at this point that it hasn't been fixed. I will be more concerned
after several months have gone by.
Mean while, after vo restarts, shut it down, reload the page, and wait a few
seconds before rest
e often and must navigate successfully.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
> On Jun 15, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Mary,
>> Everybody just started buzzing about this a few days ago,
Hi Mary,
I'm afraid that I don't know anything about IChat.
On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hy Barry,
> How about Ichat? I tried shutting down and restarting there and its messy,
> sometimes sort of works, often not. has anybody found a stable work around
> with Ichat?
> Mary
Hi Donal,
What's the url? I would like to give it a try.
On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:31 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Afternoonall,
> I upgraded to 10.6.4 last night, and it seems that this upgrade includes
> Safari 5. So the first thing I did was go to my favourite soccer forum, and
There is at least one thing I've noticed that is more accessible than before.
The actions menu can now be accessed with vo. One thing you have to do
however, is turn off cursor tracking. When keyboard tracks with vo, nothing
seems to work.
Another note of interest: Mail rules are now store
Vo-f2 twice will access the widgets, and vo-cmd-f2 will close a widget.
Hope that helps.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't do this either. It looks like you should be pressing Ctrl-Shift F2,
> but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'd add my apprec
I want to also point out that vo can read floating tables and most other
objects with little or no difficulty. When they are floating, they are found
in the lay-out area. Also, you can convert an in-line table to text and back
again. A text table has tabs as column seporators and new-line cha
I had to comment on the issue you mentioned in regards to cmd-[ some times
working and some times not. Most of the time it works fine for me. However,
I've noticed the same thing on occasion and it has really had me perplexed.
There are times when I no that there is a prior window, but I can'
You can use uif2iso. You can get it through macports. It is command line, but
I think that there is a gui front end for it somewhere.
On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there an archiver/packer/unpacker for mac that can handle the file format
> .uif? I did a goog
It works ok, but you can't read the content with the vo cursor. You can,
however read it by pressing vo-f4.
On Jan 13, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Hi there,
> Well the subject says it all really. I have lots of PDF based
> presentations, all prepared using LaTeX. I'm
When the installer first comes up, there is a menu to select the addition of
Windows you want to install. If you just hit enter, it will probably install
the starter edition. Down-arrowing will select home basic, home premium,
professional, and ultimate.
Hope that helps.
On Jan 26, 2010
I can't use Amazon at all unless I disable java script. I disable it through
the develop menu.
It works for me.
On Feb 6, 2010, at 12:00 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi list,
> Is anyone finding the old "busy" problem with Safari on Amazon please? I have
> repaired permissions, blown out
If I may, I would like to point out that all navigation through elements on a
web page can be done with one hand and you don't need to remember a lot of
keys. When in dom. mode, press the left and right arrows at the same time to
enter quick nav mode. Now, press the left-up or right-up
Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages. There are a few hang-ups
1. Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
2. You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: objects
embedded in the document. That being said however,
I'm wondering what problems you have with reading comments. I've tried
inserting them myself and can't see any problems. Are you referring to Word
On Feb 12, 2010, at 2:52 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
> James,
> I wanted to add one more remark about pages accessibility. Comm
ere I inserted it.
On Feb 12, 2010, at 6:38 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Could you please provide instructions on using Styles and comments with VO?
> Thanks
> TC
> James Lyn Nash & Twinny
> On 12 Feb 2010, at 21:43, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Bot
creating structured headings in Pages using Voiceover isn't a problem. You do
it from the styles drawer. I explained how to do it in a prior message, and I
learned how to do it from the Pages on-line help.
On Feb 13, 2010, at 11:34 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
> Good evening,
> So I was try
I have not had most of the problems mentioned thus far, but I wanted to confirm
the issue with the genius mixes playlist not detectable by vo. I've notified
Apple accessibility.
On Mar 31, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> The same experience I have encountered. Please anyone who is
There should be away to run the tools from the command line rather than running
them from the IDE. You might check that out.
I might also remind them that a blind persons money is just as green as a
sighted person's, and that by not making there software usable to someone that
can't s
There should be away to run the tools from the command line rather than running
them from the IDE. You might check that out.
I might also remind them that a blind persons money is just as green as a
sighted person's, and that by not making there software usable to someone that
I've never used Tables, but you might go into VO
utility/verbosity/announcements and see if "speak header when navigating
across a table row" is turned on.
Don't know if that will work or not but it might.
- Original Message -
From: "Brett Campbell"
Sent: Thursday, April
You don't want to use TextEdit as a code editor.
You all ready have several good code editors on your system. Just
open Terminal and type emacs, vi, or pico.
On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:21 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Can anyone give me some ideas on what free code editors are ac
Hi Cara,
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to decrease the second
partition and increase the first. Sorry if I didn't get that right, but for
now I'll just go from hear.
In order to do what I think you are trying, you would have to shrink the
second by moving it over and I don't
I think that this was a very helpful post and I for one would be very
interested in any updates as to any solutions Apple accessibility may
send your way. While I also emailed them about issues with IWORK, I
did not have the luck you seemed to have had as far as getting
intelligent respon
I don't know what you mean as to what is accessible to one might not be to
another. It either works or it doesn't. If your are suggesting that
accessibility is determined on someone's opinion, I have to disagree. If a
screen can be read and manipulated with voice over, than it is acc
You can do vo-space to click the mouse. You don't have to use the actual
pointing device to click. I think your problems would fall under Voiceover
skills. And just for the record, I've hit enter on specific templates and
that has worked many times although, not always. I would classify tha
I need to make a slight correction to my last post.
Mouse click is vo-shift-space.
- Original Message -
From: "Gary W. Kelly"
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 3:57 PM
Subject: iWorks, TextEdit, Access and the Mouse
> Hi,
> I did have a correspondence in regard to using the templa
ay very well make it seem as though it
> is not accessible when it is. So, yeah, this is a thread really not
> worth continuing, but I am sure you see where I'm going.
> On Jun 8, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Scott,
>> I don'
It's better than it was but still has some problems.
I would download the trial and see if it works for what you want it for.
- Original Message -
From: Kerry Painter
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 8:35 AM
Subject: IWorks
Hi Folks.
I don't recall telling anybody not to use it. I simply gave another
On Jul 4, 2009, at 6:38 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Or why not use Transmit?
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Barry"
> To: "MacVisionaries"
> Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re:
Actually there is a way to send and receive unicode characters.
You can run telnet with the -L option to set 8-bit binary output, or
with -8 to set binary in and out.
Of course terminal it self has all of these encodings but I don't
think they have anything to do with what is sent remotely.
Well, It works better on some pages than on others. But over all, I
would say that it it is significantly quicker navigation in most
cases. I leave it on all the time. I have seen a few instances
however where some things are invisible to VO when group is on. I'm
not sure, but it seems
I recommend OpenOffice.
With Writer you have access to bullets and tables. With those two
things, you can make a pretty decent technical document.
Just a note about the tables:
You might not think that you can do anything with Them at first, but
it does work. However, Text presented in a t
I use latex my self, but I haven't found a good way to be compatible
with people who write Word docs.
On Jul 7, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Justin Harford wrote:
> If you use LaTeX you are doing quite well. LaTeX is far nicer under
> Mac OS X than Windows.
> Justin
> On Jul 7, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Jame
You don't have to use TEXShop. You can just run the tools from the
command line.
I should also mention that I have noticed some ligatures not showing
up correctly in pdf files generated with pdflatex or dvipdf.
lowercase fi is one that comes to mind. I haven't a clue as to why
this is
; them.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Barry Hadder"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 10:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Word Processing on Mac OS X
>> I use latex my self, but I haven't found a good
Are you also receiving unicode? What switch did you run telnet with?
You might also look in terminal preferences/encodings and see if the
right ones are checked. I really have no idea if that would work but
that is what I would do. Of course, you might have already done that.
Well, you make some valid and well articulated points. However, I
personally am not ready to feel discriminated against because they're
not showing accessibility features. I'm happy so long as they're
putting that suff in. I have to say though that I think it is a
stretch to claim that
Try force quit and relaunch finder.
Or, try ejecting the cd as the computer is booting.
If that doesn't work, open terminal and type lsof -n|grep /Volumes/
volumename. After the grep you could also just copy the ikon of the
drive in question from the desktop and paste it into the ter
pair of tweazers and give it a tug as the motors
>> are trying to spit out the disk. It will probably damage the media
>> some, but you will be able to remove the disk:).
>> On 8-Jul-09, at 1:36 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Alex,
Well Howdy!
I don't know what jump mode is. Could you expand on that? Just curious.
>From what I can tell, the VO fin in Safari only looks at what is on the
current screen. I've been using the items list (VO-i) for that purpose very
- Original Message -
From: "Jonath
That's definitely my vision of how things should be. However, all
such blind services (i.e. NLS, RFBD) seem to be hell bent on producing
material in some bizarre format completely incompatible with anything
that the main stream world is using. I wonder just how much money
actually goes i
serial zmodem protocol to select licensed hardware
>> devices where it will speak every other word until a license
>> activation key is installed in the PC DIN keyboard connector. Note
>> that Mac users will be unable to use the quijibo format due to the
>> lack of a
lay on
> the stream.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Barry Hadder"
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:39 PM
> Subject: Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod,
> iPhone?
>> I personally think that the way NLS and RF
Rock On!
I made the plunge about two years ago and I've gotten to the point
that I use my windows machine grudgingly. I'm just waiting patiently
(or not) for it to die before I replace it with a Mac.
On Jul 15, 2009, at 2:41 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
> Ok everyone. I have made my decision
nager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 180
I'm just curious. Have you tried mounting it from within disk utility?
You might also open terminal and type mount just to see what all disks are
Also, you might try mounting it with the mount command. For example, you
could create a folder in finder to use as a mount point, make a sho
I could also very easily plug my nls cassette player into my sound card and
record it to MP3 in the back ground while I'm listening.
I could also buy the printed copy and make a photo copy of it.
So, what's your point?
- Original Message -
From: "louie"
Sent: Thursday, July 16,
I've had very little look working with tables in pages. If i insert a
table into the layout area, I can see and edit it. If i insert it
into the body, I have had no luck in working with it in any way.
On Jul 17, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> Has anyone succ
for giving
> me this lead.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 18-Jul-09, at 1:18 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've had very little look working with tables in pages. If i
>> insert a
>> table into the layout area, I can see and edit it. If i ins
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