Re: iTunes iCloud

2011-06-07 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello I think it makes much more sense if you think of iCloud as the new central place where you buy, manage and control the syncing of all your content (music, podcasts, books, apps, bookmarks, etc.). Up until now that place was one particular instance of iTunes running on your primary Mac or

Re: Accessible FTP Client

2011-07-04 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, You can also access any FTP server directly from Finder. Just press Command-k and in the server address enter something like: ftp://username:password@ftp.server.address It's a very basic FTP client and it does tend to hang if you access directories with a lot of files, but for a quick co

Re: Apple Mail or gmail, pop or imap

2011-07-09 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, I second that. POP is a protocol meant for the downloading of all the messages that the server as received for you, since the last time you connected. It has no notion of folders or message status. IMAP was designed to synchronize messages between your mail client and the server, so it

Re: configuration for VM fusion?

2011-07-09 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
HelloKliph, I'm not using Fusion currently, but maybe the RAM configuration is just showing in megabytes instead of gigabytes? 1 Gigabyte (GB) is 1024 Megabytes (MB), so to give 2 GB of RAM to your VM, for instance, just specify 2048. This has the advantage of allowing you to specify less rounde

Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-11 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Scott, AFAIK, you always need public addresses for both ends of an IPv6 tunnel, because they are included in the payload as part of the protocol. This means your IPv6 network would have to be connected to the SMC and this router would have to support IPv6 tunneling. For normal Internet ac

Re: Flash to HTML5; Can it be done?

2011-07-15 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Doug, Google has made available a flash to HTML converter called Swiffy: I saw a reference to it in, but never used it :-) Hope it's useful... André On Jul 14, 2011, at 11:17 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote: > Hello list: > I am looking for eithe

Re: maybe my macbook is too hot? was Re: can't get my macbook to stay shut down

2011-07-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Christina, Go to Apple (control F2), System Preferences, Energy Saver. Select the "Power Adapter" tab. If you have "Wake for Network Access" checked, uncheck it. This option means your computer can be turned on by certain requests from your network, especially if you have an Airport route

Re: Lion being released tomorrow july 20th

2011-07-19 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, For those of us who like to cross check our sources :-) Cheers, André On Jul 19, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > I don't believe that was said in the call. I assume 10 AM PDT, 1PM EDT. > This is when

Re: lion is now on the app store

2011-07-20 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, For those who want to know more about Lion before jumping in, check John Siracusa's totally thorough review on ArsTechnica: Obviously, it's from a sighted person's point of view, but still very interesting. Cheers, Andr

Re: Totally bizarre finding with Safari 5.1 in Lion

2011-07-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, In Snow Leopard, Safari 5.1 now has the option in Preferences, General, "Safari opens with" that you can set to: "All windows from last session" or "A new window". This last one means Safari doesn't remember the tabs and windows you had opened in the previous session. Sorry if this ha

Re: apple tv and voiceover

2010-12-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hi all, First time I'm posting here, so excuse any blunders. There's a short guide on how to activating VO on the Apple TV at: HTH, Andre On Dec 3, 2010, at 10:

Re: Text navigation and selection was Re: macbook pro command

2010-12-13 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello erik/all, On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:57 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: (snip, snip) > Move to the beginning or end of the line, control left and right arrow. Hmmm, on my mbp 13" it's command left and right arrow. Your mistake or could there be some kind of regional variation, as I have the portugues

Re: Text navigation and selection was Re: macbook pro command

2010-12-14 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
rik for the original info, very useful! On Dec 14, 2010, at 12:41 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > Andre, > > It is as Erik described it on my MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. > > Marlaina > On Dec 13, 2010, at 3:13 PM, Andre Nuno Soares wrote: > > Hello erik/all, > On Dec 13,

VOCheat Sheet, was: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-18 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Marlaina, It's not like "press alt f4 to shut the door", but I find Appendix A of the VoiceOver guide very useful as a kind of cheat sheet: HTH, André On Dec 18, 2010, at 1:28 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > Ah, I did that and it worked. Wow

Re: VOCheat Sheet, was: How to interact with a folder.

2010-12-18 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
ely, I know what those > words mean but I'll be darned if I know when to use them. That's what I mean > when I say for a new Mac user, I wish Apple had been a bit more descriptive. > But, I'm not complaining and I'm not giving up. > > Marlaina >

Re: jumping to text on a webpage

2010-12-20 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, Personally I prefer the QuickNav and the Web rotor. Just press right and left arrow simultaneously to activate it. When in QuickNav mode, up or down arrow jumps to previous or next item on the page, and left + up arrow or right + up arrow changes to previous or next item type. Item

Re: Haunted mail

2010-12-21 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hi Carolyn, Did you call Ghostbusters? :-) Seriously, are you using IMAP? If so, try synchronizing your mail accounts. Do VO + m, right arrow until you reach the "Mailbox" menu, and select "synchronize all accounts". Hope this helps, André On Dec 21, 2010, at 1:23 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote: >

Re: Folders in the Doc answer

2011-01-08 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, Personally, I prefer to place aliases on the desktop for the folders I most use. I find the dock most useful to start an application while using another, for example: while in Mail, do VO d and navigate to Safari to launch it. Just my 0.2 Euros...nowadays worthing less and less :-)

Re: a fabulous experience with my MacBook Air

2011-01-08 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Nah...the flying part is ok.. The taking off and landing buttons are the ones which aren't accessible :-) Ok, ok... I'll have another sip of Glenlivet and shut up. André On Jan 8, 2011, at 11:32 PM, Cheree wrote: > Cheree Heppe here: > > Well, I will never be flying the plane, and that's a c

Re: Links and urls

2011-01-16 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Sarah, While in QuickNav, change the rotter to "Links" and then jump (Up or Down arrow) to the link you want and VO Shift M should show the correct options. Of course, this also works with the TrackPad commander. HTH, André On Jan 14, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > that is i

Re: Searching the Archive

2011-01-16 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Paul, Besides the Google groups site that was already mentioned, you can also use: Personally, I find this site easier. HTH, André On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to acc

Re: safari question

2011-01-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Marlaina , That's the bookmarks bar. You can toggle between showing it or not, I think it's in the View menu. Sorry, I'm not at my Mac right now so can't check it. HTH, André On 17-01-2011 11:12, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: Hi all. When I tab around in Safari or open item chooser, I bum

Re: Apple to Remove the Home Button from Future iPads and iPhones?

2011-01-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Ars Technica has an interesting article on why the Home button won't disappear for now: Cheers, André On 17-01-2011 11:57, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote: I was thinking about that as w

Re: Router filtering webkit -> wasSafari weirdness.

2011-01-19 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Geoff , Check your DNS configuration. Did you set it manually? If so, change it to DHCP and see if it helps. Also, what happens if you do a telnet to the webkit address from the terminal? HTH, André On 18-01-2011 18:23, Geoff Waaler wrote: Okay, I am officially replying to my own pos

Re: an accessible packet analyzer

2011-01-19 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Matthew, Just in case you weren't aware, tcpdump comes bundled with SnowLeopard. HTH, André On Jan 19, 2011, at 7:03 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote: > Yeah no problem. > I needed something for my TCPIP Applications class at college and wire shark > on mac and windows isn't at all accessible

Re: Accessible kindle comes out for windows while Macs don't

2011-01-19 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
If you look at what they did on smart phones, Amazon clearly prefers to sell as many ebooks to as many people as they can, instead of pushing a specific hardware, even when it's their own. This and the fact they only need to make the Kindle for Mac VoiceOver compatible, that is, no need to imp

Re: Vo on speech off

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, Ricardo means a three finger double tap :-) There's a very useful "cheat sheet" in the VO manual: HTH, André On Mar 3, 2011, at 9:17 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Sounds like you might have muted voiceover. Try a 3 finger triple tap.

Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello joseph, You already have this with Snow Leopard, and it's a user preference, so you can have different users with different languages. Check system preferences, languages and text. What we don't get with SL are non-english voices, so long live the Lion King :-) André On Mar 3, 2011, at

Re: iTunes question

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Matthew, You seem to have the Mac firewall activated. If this isn't what you want, you can turn it off in System Preferences, Security, Firewall tab. If you want the firewall on, check the "allow signed software to received incoming traffic" option, in the Advanced configuration in the sa

Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, Just to add to what Donna and Colin said, the fastest way to get the date and time without the keyboard commander is to press Control F8 and then left arrow. Control F8 (or VO M, M) jumps you to the status bar, where you have icons for clock, battery, bluetooth, etc. Pressing left arrow o

Re: litle script question

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello William, I'm no expert in shell scripting, but why not just do: if [ -f *.txt ]; then echo "yes" else echo "no" ; fi HTH, André On Mar 3, 2011, at 11:35 PM, William Windels wrote: > Hello, > > Can someone help me with a litle bash-script? > > I would like to test if there is a txt-file

Re: causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Greetings from a fellow music nut, The problem is with the navigation links at the top, if you immediately jump to the first header Safari doesn't crash. Also, the ForkCasts section isn't accessible, or rather the videos aren't, as it uses an embedded flash player, and Flash isn't accessible wi

Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
for all your >> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit >> >> URL: - >> e-mail: - >> Phone: - +44 844 999 4199 >> >> On 3 Mar 2011, at 23:12, Andre Nuno Soares wrote: >> >>

Re: separate user accounts on iPad?

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Donna, No, the most you can do is activate restrictions, but those are meant more like parental control or to make sure someone you lend your device to doesn't do something you don't want them to. Still, might be useful to make sure your husband doesn't use the iPad to check Cristiano Ro

Re: The inaccessibility of Flash with VO

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
On Mar 5, 2011, at 9:28 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote: > Hello; ON my site i sell people's amusement equipment. So you sell Pocket Rockets? :-) Sorry, just couldn't resist crossing the wires on the 2 threads. André -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

Re: Accessible MUD client

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, Several years ago I used Tiny Fugue in Unix machines, and it apparently also supports Mac OSX. It runs in a terminal and I remember it had a mode where the screen wasn't split between display and input areas, so if telnet and terminal works well with VO tf should also. Check it out at:

Re: some questions

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Stephanie, To enable automatic login", go to System Preferences, Accounts and interact with "Accounts, Groups and Login Options". Do VO down arrow until you get to Login Options, and stop interacting. VO right arrow twice and you have the Automatic Login popup button, where you can choose

Re: iOS 4.3 VoiceOver change log

2011-03-09 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Kevin, Don't know if you mention this in the podcast, but what about the AirPlay/VoiceOver bug? The one where VO is "sent" with the sound you're redirecting, and with a lag of a few seconds? TIA, André On Mar 9, 2011, at 6:27 PM, Kevin Chao wrote: > iOS 4.3: VoiceOver Feature, Changes, Fixes

Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-15 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello, I too suffer this, but not often enough to be a real problem. Eric, Do you leave your Mac on for long periods of time? Do you use sleep more than shutdown? Do you have one or more VMs using a lot of RAM? I wonder if this is some kind of memory leak problem, in VO or somewhere else in SL

Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-15 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
On Mar 15, 2011, at 1:00 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Andre: > I really haven't had that issue show up, and I mostly use sleep mode for my > mbp. So, that wouldn't support this theory. But, I can sure empathize with > how frustrating it would be. And, I hope the accessibility team and the >

Re: organizing bookmarks

2011-03-15 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Laura, Command Option B displays all your bookmarks . In here you can change your bookmarks display order, their name or URL, add bookmark folders,etc. Was this what you were looking for? HTH, André On Mar 15, 2011, at 10:02 PM, Laura Bratton wrote: > Hi All, > Is there a way to organ

Re: What is a right pointing double arrow?

2011-03-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Howard, The right pointing double arrow is just part of your bank's site, not some sort of Safari button. >From your description, this image seems to have a link that is only activated >through a javascript event, namely the mouse click. Try moving the mouse cursor to where VO is (VO-Comma

Re: organizing bookmarks

2011-03-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
#x27;ll find this and other options. Hope I managed to be clear :-) Cheers, André On Mar 16, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Laura Bratton wrote: > Hi Andre, > Once I have pressed command option B how do I make the changes that > you listed? > Thanks, > Laura > > Andre Nuno Soares wro

Re: Creating an Executable File

2011-03-17 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Jeff, On Mar 17, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote: (snip, snip) > ()I was running my script with the following line: > > sh websites (websites being the filename) > > If I run it with the following command, it leaves me there when done: > > . websites (a dot before the name | websites

Re: 10.6.7 definetely smoother, and a Question

2011-03-22 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hi, The support article on the MacOS X v10.6.7 update is: HTH, André On Mar 22, 2011, at 9:37 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Thanks for that, Scott. I'll look more carefully next time there's an > update. I'll see if I can poke around the updates app or the we

Re: 10.6.7

2011-03-22 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Ray, Do you have "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled with AppleScript" checked? Many people have reported VO crashing when using the Keyboard Commander and having this option off. Check it in VO Utility, General category. HTH, André On Mar 22, 2011, at 10:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Ye

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, John Gruber has a great collection of pointers on this subject: Two of the most interesting:

Re: iOS 4.3.2: New Software Keyboard Rotor Option

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, Just one quick note: this new rotor option was added in IOS 4.3.0. This was also when the 4 finger flick up or down to go to the top or bottom of the screen was replaced with the 4 finger tap at the top half or bottom half of the screen, eliminating all 4 finger swipe gestures. Che

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Georges, There are no iPad versions of theWeather, Clock and Calculator apps that come pre-installed in iPhones and (I guess) iPods. For an alarm clock, try Alarmed. For weather, I've heard good things of Pocket Weather and Weather Bug, but you can also just use: http://braille.wundergro

Re: switching default email account in mail

2011-05-29 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Sarai, To drag things with VO, use the "sticky mouse down/up", VO + Command + Shift + Space Bar. So, to make your GMail account your default one you should go to Mail Preferences, Accounts. Interact with the accounts table, move with VO+ arrow keys to your Gmail account and press VO + C