Re: Braille translation settings on iOS devices?

2015-01-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chenelle, You just have to switch to the keyboard for another language for the Braille to follow. Cheers, Anne > On 7 Jan 2015, at 21:42, Chenelle Hancock wrote: > > Hello everyone, > This is Chenelle, I wanted to know when you're using a refreshable braille > display on I was device

Re: Safari

2015-01-08 Thread David Griffith
The back command in Safari is command left bracket. The forward command is command right bracket. I personally put a tactile dot on the left bracket key to help me locate this as I use it a lot for this and things like web spot navigation. David Griffith > On 8 Jan 2015, at 01:19, Lorie McCloud

Re: the graphicsless paradigm

2015-01-08 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! CLi based environment can be used if you’r willing to type a lot. If you’r lazy then go for the gui. I use both as they compliment each other. /Ae > 7 jan 2015 kl. 00:06 skrev DD : > > On Tue, 6 Jan 2015, Sean Murphy wrote: > > > "The CLI on the Mac does provide text base applications if y

Re: the graphicsless paradigm

2015-01-08 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Is it cobra screenreader you mean? That one excists and is in my opinion the absolute best screenreader from a braille users perspective. /A > 7 jan 2015 kl. 02:13 skrev Sean Murphy : > > If people want to do an open source solution of what have been outlined here, > go for it. I would be v

Re: Transferring audio content questions

2015-01-08 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! No it costs but is worth the money. /A > 7 jan 2015 kl. 04:08 skrev Sarai Bucciarelli : > > Is it free? >> On Jan 6, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Sean Murphy wrote: >> >> Get audiobook builder it will do it for you. >> On 7 Jan 2015, at 11:22 am, Sarai Bucciarelli >> wrote: >> >>> Hello: >>> I purch

needing an ssh client

2015-01-08 Thread Scott Berry
Does anyone have any ideas as to what a good ssh client with a GUI is for the Mac? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks, that makes sense and is about what I figured. I'm still not sure if Match is worth the price for me, especially when I could spend less and just expand my iCloud storage, then dump my music on that instead. > On Jan 8, 2015, at 12:18 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > Matched are

Re: needing an ssh client

2015-01-08 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Is terminal in the utilities folder not working for you? With terminal launched you can just do ssh hostname and get connected or sftp if you need to fling files. CB On 1/8/15 9:11 AM, Scott Berry wrote: Does anyone have any ideas as to what a good ssh client with a GUI is for the Mac? -

Re: needing an ssh client

2015-01-08 Thread Scott Berry
II need to do it with public and private keys so I though a GUI would be easier. > On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:37 AM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Is terminal in the utilities folder not working for you? With terminal > launched you can just do ssh hostname and get connected or sft

Re: projecting media to smart tv

2015-01-08 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Sounds like you need to set up a DLNA server on your Mac assuming your TV supports DLNA wifi video streaming. There are a couple apps out there to play media via DLNA. Found this article which does a nice roundup: another list of players i

Re: Audio Book Builder transferring books

2015-01-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I’m using a Mac, not an ios device. > On Jan 7, 2015, at 11:07 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > When in the Music app, on the main page, double-tap the More button, then > double-tap the Edit button. Drag the items you want in the tabs along the > bottom to their place. To drag, double-tap

Re: Transferring audio content questions

2015-01-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I bought in hte Mac app store. Definitely worth the money. > On Jan 8, 2015, at 5:59 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > No it costs but is worth the money. > /A >> 7 jan 2015 kl. 04:08 skrev Sarai Bucciarelli : >> >> Is it free? >>> On Jan 6, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Sean Murphy wrote: >>> >>> Get

Sorting Data in Numbers

2015-01-08 Thread Jim Fettgather
This one really has me stumped. After highlighting a row of numbers to be sorted in either a row or column of numbers, then stop interacting with the table and VO left arrow to the formatter group, because this seems to be where the sort options are located, no matter what I select, the sort now

How to stop getting the extra letters when using TextEdit or any other editor

2015-01-08 Thread Joseph
Hello List, Here’s one that really bothers me, I guess. When editing text, in a textedit or Pages. If you hit the escape key, the computer brings up I I I letters. what does this mean and how do I stop this really dumb occurrence? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: How to stop getting the extra letters when using TextEdit or any other editor

2015-01-08 Thread Tyler Thompson
in TextEdit it’s bringing up a list of auto-complete/prediction options. The same as iOS8 gave us for sending text messages using their prediction technology > On Jan 8, 2015, at 11:25 AM, Joseph wrote: > > Hello List, > Here’s one that really bothers me, I guess. > When editing text, in a texte

Re: How to stop getting the extra letters when using TextEdit or any other editor

2015-01-08 Thread Joseph
Hello, Thanks. I guess I’ll play around with it and learn how to use it, I hope. > On Jan 8, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Tyler Thompson wrote: > > in TextEdit it’s bringing up a list of auto-complete/prediction options. The > same as iOS8 gave us for sending text messages using their prediction > techn

Re: Sorting Data in Numbers

2015-01-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi, try to jump to the head of the table at first by pressing VO + Shift + ‚. It might be another key combination on english keyboards but you might find it yourself. There you can choose wether to jump to column head or row head. Then you can open the context menue. But in terms of the sorting

Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread The Believer
Does anyone use one of these keypads with the Macbook Pro? Any recommendations? From The Believer. . . . . . what if it were true? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group a

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread David Griffith
I bought one to use remotely in my armchair with my iMac which I was never able to pair successfully. however a cheaper USB model works absolutely fine. If you are think of using NumPad commander you need to be aware that there is a slight difference between the dApple Numeric keypad layout

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread The Believer
Thanks David. Do you remember the brand so I don't get the same one? :) I want to avoid USB as I already have too many cables to trip over. And thanks for the tip on the equals key. will watch for that. From The Believer. . . . . . what if it were true? On 1/8

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Kliph
So let me get this straight. I was told if your music in your iTunes library is already in the match data base, that it does not count against your 25 thousand count limit, only songs that match cannot find are counted against you? Do I have it correct? So for example, I have over 250 thousan

tweet bot

2015-01-08 Thread Faisal ali
Hi all, I’m wondering if anyone on here uses Tweet bot? I’m interested in another twitter client than night owl, but don’t want to put down 20 bucks for a app that isn’t accessible. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To u

Re: Sorting Data in Numbers

2015-01-08 Thread Phil Halton
In numbers, I sort table rows/columns by the following method. I don’t know if this will work the same with a selection, but it might. A little experimentation will tell the tale. for sorting tables by row or column. 1, position VO anywhere in the table and press VO Shift Vertical bar (the key

Latest Pages and Numbers updates, anything broken?

2015-01-08 Thread Phil Halton
Has any brave soul upgraded to the latest Pages and Numbers Versions released today? Did they break anything? I’m very timid about upgrading these two apps as I am reliant on them working as expected or better - but not worse - I don’t like surprises. -- You received this message because you a

Re: tweet bot

2015-01-08 Thread Portia Scott
Hello there, The last time I tried tweet bot, if I remember correctly it was not very accessible. I could be wrong, I've tried many Twitter apps. But who knows. It might just be accessible for you. At least, I think I remember trying tweet bot. Although it was a long time ago. Sent from my iPh

Is Setting Styles Fixed in Latest Pages?

2015-01-08 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all, I don't use Pages much, but I like to keep up on where it is compared to other productivity solutions. So, did the update released today (Jan 08, 2015) fix the problem where VO users couldn't set styles without resorting to mouse tricks? Are there any other VO improvements? -- Have a gr

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread David Griffith
Afraid not. It was second hand on eBay but I remember that there were not that many bluetooth models which claimed to be Mac compatible. In fact I think I found only one model which claimed it would definitely work on the mac. WhenI looked the bluetooth option was seriously more expensive than

Re: Audio Book Builder transferring books

2015-01-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Oops, sorry. On the Mac in iTunes, VO-space on the More button after the current tabbed items like Music, Movies etc. A pop-over will appear listing the items in the More category including an Edit button. Vo-space on the Edit button and check the items you want to see regularly on the m

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Kliph, If I’m understanding your example correctly, then you’re correct. EG: 250,000 songs - Kliph’s total music library. 240,000 songs - Purchased from iTunes 10,000 - Ripped from personal music collection. Therefore, with an iTunes Match subscription, the 240,000 purchased songs are avail

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Cliff, unfortunately it doesn't quite work like this. All the material you've purchased from the iTunes Store isn't counted against the 25,000 song limit, however everything else is, including material that iTunes has matched without the need for you to upload your copy. 25,000 songs is just

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Oops, I read over Kliph’s scenario again, and I misunderstood it originally. In either case, my explanation stands correct. Sorry for any confusion. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada > On Jan 8, 2015, at 16:51, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi Kliph, > > If I’m understanding your exam

Re: iTunes Match: do you keep matched tracks after your Match ends?

2015-01-08 Thread Faisal ali
In other words, if your entire music collection IE 400 000 songs are all matched in the iTunes store, you will only have access to 25000 per year? > On Jan 8, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Oops, I read over Kliph’s scenario again, and I misunderstood it originally. > In either case,

Re: Audio Book Builder transferring books

2015-01-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Thank you! It appears that I got my book transferred. Just not sure how I did it. LOL! > On Jan 8, 2015, at 5:31 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote: > > Hi, > > Oops, sorry. On the Mac in iTunes, VO-space on the More button after the > current tabbed items like Music, Movies etc. A pop-over will appear li

Re: Latest Pages and Numbers updates, anything broken?

2015-01-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
No! I’m to scared to update! I’ll wait until another victum… um, I mean person upgrades. LOL > On Jan 8, 2015, at 2:57 PM, Phil Halton wrote: > > Has any brave soul upgraded to the latest Pages and Numbers Versions released > today? Did they break anything? I’m very timid about upgrading these

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I went searching at one time and got a usb one with a kind of retractable cable that kind of worked with my Mac but wasn't really consistent. So I've been interested in this for a while and would also really like a bluetooth one. Because of this thread, I decided to do a little search on Amazon.

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread Phil Halton
For what it's worth the Apple USB keyboard is a full-sized keyboard and it has a numeric keypad on it. I know it's not Bluetooth but it couldn't be any more inconvenient to carry around this keyboard then a Bluetooth numb pad. Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:59 PM, Cheryl Homiak w

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Yes, I actually have the usb keyboard. It is a nice keyboard but (1) it is usb not bluetooth) an (2) it is significantly longer than a regular Apple keyboard and of course much longer than a numeric keypad. Especially if you are using a computer that already has a built-in keyboard, you may want

A suggestion for anybody who is losing voiceover speech in Yosemite: switch to classic mail

2015-01-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Hi all. Ever since I started using Yosemite on my iMac, I have had intermittent issues with voiceover stopping. I don't think voiceover actually turns off but my arrow keys would do nothing, vo-arrows did nothing at least not with sound feedback, and command-tabbing gave me little clicking soun

Re: Bluetooth Numeric Keypad

2015-01-08 Thread The Believer
It does not help any when people make suggestions that were not asked for. In this case, I was asking about Bluetooth keypads for a good reason. I have both of Apple's keyboards, wired and wireless. At the moment, I am using the wired one with my Macbook so I have access to a keypad whe

disabling voiceover in vmware fusion

2015-01-08 Thread deedra waters
Is there a way to disable voiceover when i’m in my vm? i’ve tried setting up an activity to mute it but that doesn’t seem to be working. When voiceover is on, when i try to use the arrrows it doesn’t let me so i have to use command+f5 to turn it completely off which is just a pita. Any suggestio

Re: disabling voiceover in vmware fusion

2015-01-08 Thread Kliph
That is the only way to do it. If you mute it, it’s still active. Turning it off completely works fine for me. Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV? New user and want quick efficient answers? Or maybe you know apple products and want to contribute? Then come join a list where quest

Re: disabling voiceover in vmware fusion

2015-01-08 Thread deedra waters
as a thought it might be worth a way to put voiceover to sleep some how when you cycle through so if you command tab to vmware it goes to sleep/stops and if you cycle back to say mail then it wakes up and resumes working. Not complaining here just suggesting since i know of other screen readers

Re: disabling voiceover in vmware fusion

2015-01-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
That's a good suggestion. Adding to this, it would be nice if we could do that for other apps such as the RS Games Client. Perhaps it would be best to write to and request this. Shawn Sent From My White MacBook > On Jan 8, 2015, at 11:07

Re: Latest Pages and Numbers updates, anything broken?

2015-01-08 Thread Gabriele Battaglia
Hi, I did it. But as it was late night, I didn't have time to explore Pages deeply. So, at a first sight it seems ok, maybe better. Gabriel. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving ema