Hi, Just to clarify, I suppose you used a sighted person to find that skip ads
button the first time? Because i never see it in form controls or item chooser.
Greetings, Anouk,
On 09 Oct 2014, at 02:21, Rob wrote:
> The way I solved the problems with ads on YouTube was to use the VoiceOver
> Ho
You can do it by yourself.
The button only shows while the ad is playing.
So pause the ad, or quickly VO right arrow to the skip ad button.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 9, 2014, at 2:25 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:
> Hi, Just to clarify, I suppose you used a sighted person to find that skip
The article I read was about the guy who put it in his back pants pocket and
sat on it for an hour driving to work. Couldn't understand why it was bent
when he got there.
I mean, it is long and thin, so he sits on it, and then looks surprised.
The sort of intellegence suggesting they aren't u
I caught something in my pants zipper once, I didn't sue anybody, it wasn't
in fashion then.
I'm still hoping the 6/6+ form factor finds its way into a new iPod Touch,
but have to wait and see like the rest of us.
- Original Message -
From: "Jamie Pauls"
Sent: Thursday,
Here's the trick to finding it. For one thing, the add MUST, absolutely must
be over three seconds long or it won't even present. Now, if you start from
the top left of the page and use VO+j, and if the add is over three seconds
long, you will find it.
the Constantly Barefooted Ra
Hi there
I don't think the bugs are that bad. If I lose VoiceOver, and sometimes when I
press the home key when getting out of an app it happens, I just tell Siri to
turn VoiceOver off then tell her to turn it back on again. The other thing has
to do with the music coming on when you use two fi
Hi Phil,
Thank you for letting me know. It was when I would do a select all from the top
of the page that I had problems.
On Oct 8, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> There is a well-known bug in pages where selecting across page boundaries
> causes problems. I don't really know all the de
let me just say: yes, there are bugs. However, I am using my iPad and both
iPhones every day just as I have always use them. Do I have to do a few little
work arounds? Yes. But still, I am using all of my devices with braille, with
speech, with dictation and Siri and everything else and with the
Hi Cheryl
Which device is working okay for the braille input? I have a 5S iPhone, and
that is the one I'm having trouble getting it to work on. I don't have an iPad,
unfortunately. At least, not yet! Hey, I have been saying I was going to get
one of those forever. I still haven't done it. I'm tr
it is working on my iPad my iPhone 5 s and my iPhone 6+
> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call t
On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
are there are program to download some videos on youtube, i just want
to present it to my prof. thanks
I use youtube-dl in terminal.
It will download a youtube playlist. It also downloads video fr
hi there
That's really interesting. The only thing I can figure is that you got your
calibration set right, and I didn't. Maybe it has something to do with getting
it set wrong, and The iPhone won't change it once it gets set. That's the
only thing I can figure.
I have tried starting over, bu
Hi, Well, yesterday I installed windows 7 under fusion 7. Last time i
used fusion it was version 3. I finally got it done but there are some
problems. Windows 7 seems kinda slow, also when i plug a flash drive
into my mac when windows is running i get an error message and sound
on the virtual machi
Hello all:
How do you get adium to read your incoming messages automatically? I am
running OXS X 10 Mavericks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
Does anyone have UVerse in your home? I'm wondering if it's accessible? Can you
find shows, and record shows on your TV's? I heard there are UVerse remote and
TV guide apps. Does anyone use these?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
How much memory and how many CPUs did you allocate to your Win7 Fusion
setup? At a minimum I would do 1GB RAM and 2CPU but more will go faster.
I haven't used Fusion 7 but under previous version when you insert a USB
device Fusion would ask if you want it connected to the Mac or Windows side.
I used to have AT&T U-verse here in my home. When I had it, the answer was more
no then yes. But, I understand from a friend who actually still has a virus in
his home, that the universal remote app on the iPhone is actually quite
accessible with U-verse. I think it's called easy remote. With th
Okay, thank you for the information. Did your friend get the virus because of
On Oct 9, 2014, at 12:48 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I used to have AT&T U-verse here in my home. When I had it, the answer was
> more no then yes. But, I understand from a friend who actually still has a
How do I deal with or access pop ups that websites use either to get me to sign
up for their newsletter, answer a survey question, or to fill out forms for an
online purchase? I only know that they are there because something seems wonky
and doesn't' make sense when I am navigating on a page. It
Does it come up as a new window in Safari? You could check in the window
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 9, 2014, at 14:46, Christina C. wrote:
> How do I deal with or access pop ups that websites use either to get me to
> sign up for their newsletter, answer a survey question, or to
Hi all
I know we use our devices whatever ways suit us, but I struggle to
understand just why people won't update until bugs are fixed, with no
specific rhyme or reason at all. But being an Apple fan I'm bound to not
understand this. Sure I would like to see bugs fixed along with the rest
Hello everyone, this is Chanel it's been a long time since I've posted out here
however, a friend of mine has a Mac Mini 2009 city drive is not working
correctly in the spitting out CDs we went to system preferences then to city
drive we checked all the boxes that needed to be church and it was
Document yeah this is computers were talking about but anyway. I think it's
almost impossible to get every little bug out, but if I understand things, it
sounds like Apple went a long way to figuring out a method for debugging things
when they wrote that new programming language. At least, that'
I don't know. Is there some cause for concern because of it? My friend is a
Windows user, where Isaiah, I'm a Mac user.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray,
Still a very happy Mac and iPhone user!
Sent from my iPhone, the only smart phone with full accessibility for the blind
Some of us don't want to swap a stable, fully functional system, for a more
flaky one, still being refined; not even for new facilities.
The frustration and productivity factors.
RobH, understands that much.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Hallsworth"
Sent: Thursday, Octob
Its not hard to understand. I for one do not want to spend time
learning work arounds for bugs that will eventually be fixed. Its not a
game where one scores points. I did not get my iPhone for any purpose
other than to use it as a phone or use the apps on it. I dont want to
have to
Hi Chris, I allocated 8gb memory and 2 cpu cores. If I have voiceover
running when I plug in my flash drive it does ask me if I want to
connect it to windows 7. Then my windows screen reader says there is a
problem. I'm going to play around with it again tonight, maybe there
are other settings avai
it must be a settings problem somewhere, Three’s no reason why windows7
shouldn’t work fine and fly on your system. I run win7 on Fusion v5 and it is
just fine. Don’t run off and use bootcamp just yet - shake out the bugs and
settings and I bet it’ll come around.
You’ll appreciate the ability to
It sounds like there is something physically wrong with the drive. Normally,
when that sort of thing happens, there's some sort of obstruction or
misalignment in the drive that is causing the CD to not drop into place
properly. Consequently, the drive determines that it needs to spit out
Totally agree with you on that.
I still on my plan with my 5s and i stick with that.
8 okt 2014 kl. 20:24 skrev Phil Halton :
> Has Apple ironed out the bugs in iOS 8 yet? And, is the 6+ bending under
> pressure still a problem? Is it going to be a disaster for Apple? I've held
> both iPh
Hi All,
Does anybody know of a trick to add items to the shopping cart on either the
mac or the iPhone?
I can add things to my wish list but, can't add them to my cart.
Thanks much.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
Note to self:
All Apple Email list will get very busy on 16th!
Put note in diary!
On 9 Oct 2014, at 22:10, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Totally agree with you on that.
> I still on my plan with my 5s and i stick with that.
> /A
You received this message because you are subsc
I had ocasion to order something from amazon recently. They've gone and
changed it so that the actual buttons to order with one click or add to shoping
cart appear just to the right of the labels for those buttons.
the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone use
People are often uncomfortable with change. Therefore, there is a tendancy to
focus on the negatives rather than the positives.
In my opinion, there is also a subset of people who are not happy unless they
are complaining about something. These people do a good job of confusing the
issue for th
Using a wifi only iPad mini with retina , under ios 7.12 I could ask it
the weather, IE, do I need an umbrella and it would come back with the
weather for the current location.
After upgrading to ios 8.02 this no longer functions.
Is anyone else seeing this?
Mystic Access
Where t
Hi Ray,
Thanks. so, how do i get to the correct buttons? i don't see any other button
next to the add to cart button.
thanks much.
On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I had ocasion to order something from amazon recently. They've gone and
> changed it so that the act
I was trying to move an app for my husband today on his i phone 5s which is
running I OS 8.
Does the double tap and hold, then slide the app where you want not work any
longer? This is what I tried and the app stubbornly stayed in place, despite
my efforts to shift it!
How do we move thin
Hello all.
Just tried deleting a previously-created Mac OSX partition using VoiceOver
on Maverick, however, am having serious difficulties.
Here is what I do:
1. Open Disk Utility, click on the primary disk, then choose the
"partition" tab.
2. In the "partition selector" area select the partitio
I found Mactubes is the best option for me. Works fairly well with
VoiceOver. You should be able to find it by searching on Google or via a
Good luck.
On Thursday, October 9, 2014 6:37:17 AM UTC-7, Dan Dunfee wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
I agree with David. Change is not often welcome even though it is inevitable.
There are those who are pioneers breaking new ground, testing the waters, and
settling the frontiers. There are those who wait for the lawlessness to
subside and/or for the cities to mature and quote, "get civi
I have upgraded my ipad mini and so far i've only found that voiceover crashes
I can live with it until the bugs are fixt.
I have tried to use the braille input with no luck yet.
9 okt 2014 kl. 15:26 skrev Eugenia Firth :
> Hi Cheryl
> Which device is working okay for the braill
The answer is yes and no. I think that there's an issue with the placement of
apps and their ability to be moved with VO. At least for me, items in the
fifth row don't like to be moved with the VO gestures. Try the same gesture in
the fourth row and it works. My work around so far is to
I guess its because we want evrything as perfect as possible.
Thats a problem for us in the western part of the world.
SO now i take the plunge and update me phone.
9 okt 2014 kl. 21:07 skrev Christopher Hallsworth :
> Hi all
> I know we use our devices whatever ways suit us, but I strug
No problem,
I'm glad to help. I think I got them off of one of these email lists. They
don't show up anywhere on youtube. Anyway, glad it was of assistance.
Good day,
On Oct 8, 2014, at 2:41 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:
> Hi , thanks a great deal for that! That helps a lot already. How did y
No, I tried that. Thanks though. :)
On Oct 9, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Does it come up as a new window in Safari? You could check in the window
> chooser.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 9, 2014, at 14:46, Christina C. wrote:
>> How do I deal with or access pop u
Hi, I tried mactubes as well but I PERSONALLY vastly prefer a program called
Its totally accessible and can work with many many many other sites besides
I installed a plugin for safari and now it is even easier, when you are playin
gthe video that you want to download from youtu
I noticed on my iPad this morning that I had to tap the button and refocus a
couple of times before the "add to cart" worked. You know that on Amazon
because a new page loads. But on the Mac I just do return or vo-space and I
have had no problem.
I tried and tried to turn over a new
Hi y'all
I finally discovered another way of rearranging my apps Lee's days. I used to
use folders, but now I just tell my iPhone to reset my home screen. This has
the effect of alphabetizing my apps starting with page 2. I discovered I like
that a lot better than me moving things around
Sent f
What's on page 1?
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:52 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: moving apps on i phone under I OS 8
Hi y'all
I finally
Soudns worth a look to me.
Thanks for the headsup.
the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
built-in and fully protected by ClamXav Antivirus!
On Oct 9, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Anouk Ra
Usually, the buy now with one click button is just off to the right of the
label for that button. The way they've gone and changed it, the buttons have
very graphic numerical sounding labels sometimes so you have to watch that you
don't pass over it accidentally. Also, it helps to have Safari
You can also go to www.amazon.com/access. It is a bit scaled down but I just
used it earlier this week and all the add to card and checkout buttons are
quite accessible.
On Oct 9, 2014, at 6:49 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Usually, the buy now with one click button is just off to the
Well, I can scarcely speak for everybody, but I'm still glad of my iPod Touch
running iOS 7.1.2 for playing Choice of Games games on. Because, yes, some
bugs are really, really, really annoying and can not simply be excused.
However, I agree with the general sentiment that simply forgoing the
thanks, i will try this as, the other suggestions are not working.
i can not add to cart on the mac and, i can not get past the, select shipping
options on the iPhone.
it's as if voiceover is not focusing on what it is saying.
thanks again,
On Oct 9, 2014, at 9:30 PM, Gabe Griffi
Hi Vic,
I just had to remove a partition from disk utility the other day, but my issue
became more complicated because 471 MB would not be removed. That's a different
story. This is what I did and others can pipe in if I am incorrect.
1. Open Disk Utility.
2. Select your main drive at the to
Hi all
If you do not have two step verification enabled on your Apple ID, you
can safely ignore this message. If you do, I have a note for you. The
below took effect as of today.
If you use third party clients such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla
Thunderbird to manage your iCloud Mail accoun
Hi all
Really sorry for my post yesterday, I do see your points indeed about
not updating, that's all really and will stop harping on about it.
Sent from my laptop
On 10/10/2014 03:32, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
Well, I can scarcely speak for everybody, but I'm still glad of my iPod Touch r
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