Depends I guess what you're trying to do. Me, if I want to find an album, I
just make sure that the album radio button is selected in the current view and
then, go all the way over to the right where the grid of albums is. Then, I
just asrrow left or right (not VO) till I find it. When I find
Hi all
I bought my Macbook Pro in 2012 because I love what Apple has done to
the iOS platform and thought why not. I'm slowly but surely switching
full time so am ready for when my Windows 7 64 bit laptop dies. I
certainly think it was worth every penny, and thanks to this and other
lists as w
Hello. About ten months ago, I was declared legally blind. I have been on
the search for a full diagnosis and prognosis since. No luck.
In December, when my Windows 7 machine became totally unstable, and had
been reformatted three times in less than a month, I bought a Mac. I
figured, if I
Thank you for that bit of info because that is the step I was not
understanding well.
Appreciate the podcast by the way.
P.S. From what I understand you use Hazel. It is a great application, do
you have any tips how I can configure this program to work better for me
because some things
can somebody help me get rid of it, i already uninstall the program and still
kepss saying that. it is very annoying
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Sure, not a problem. My email address is and I would be glad to
help out where I can. This goes for anyone out there that is looking to
increase their knowledge about using a Mac to automate their lives. I am a
fanatic about this subject.
On Apr 6, 2014, at 5:58
A friend recommended that I consider Hazel as a way of resolving some of my
problems with various tasks. So, I' d appreciate it a lot if you guys would
have that discussion right here since this is an application I know virtually
nothing about. Meanwhile, I'm going to Google it down so I can lea
Sure, I have no problem with discussing KM or Hazel or any other Automation app
on list, or off list.
Just for your edification, Hazel is a Daemon that watches folders for specific
things and then performs an action based on the result. For instance, on my Air
I have Hazel watch the Downl
To begin the conversation, Hazel is a file management program that
automates various tasks. These tasks are known as “rules,” which a user
develops by first, selecting a folder, second, titling, and adding a rule,
and finally, setting the criteria the rule will execute. For instance, I
have a
Screen readers are complicated to learn. They require one to think very
differently about accessing computers. Newly blind people can easily spend
months learning the extremely different interface that the screen reader
provides. It is not at all intuitive. It requires an extreme amount of
I'm doing more work with text in Pages and Numbers now and would like to know
how I can identify the format of text. Using JAWS with Office suite, there is a
keystroke that gives all the format info you'd ever want about the selected
text (insert + F). Is there anything similar on the Mac side?
To have text attributes read aloud, press VO T.
Ricardo Walker
On Apr 6, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> I'm doing more work with text in Pages and Numbers now and would like to know
> how I can ide
I have been using a mac full time now for about 3 or 4 years and There is not
one thing that I can not do on a mac that I could not do on a pc. The only
exception to the role is capcta, which I just use firefox and vinux4 to do so
that problem is salved. I do everything I want on my mac
Hi list.
I am very happy about the fact that the new garage band is accessible.
I am getting started with garageband. I wish to know the list of
things that can and can not be done with garageband and VO. For
starters, I tried to drag a loop into one of the tracks and the loop
got inserted after a
Hi list.
Is there any way to get auto capitalisation in textedit and pages? I
want the first letter of the first word of sentence to be an upper
case letter.
Thanks in advance.
Venkatesh Potluri
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I have been an access technology trainer, and I was intrigued with the idea of
the out-of-the-box accessibility of the Mac. I had been experimenting with
Linux distributions, but I was doing far more tweaking than I cared to. I had a
problematic Windows laptop, but was just starting to use NVDA
Forgive me if this is an obvious question, but how does Hazel differ from
"The golden age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete graham
On Apr 6, 2014, at 7:56 AM, Emilio wrote:
> To begin the conversation, Hazel is a file management program that automates
> various tasks. The
I believe that that function was removed from the newest version of Pages. It
appears to be a sore spot amongst many, so will likely be brought back in a
future update to Pages. I've always hated all this auto-formatting so usually
turn it off as I don't like my Word Processor to try and
Hi there
I had a situation once similar to what you are describing. Is this program
listed on your ndesktop as a volume? If it is, you may have to put your cursor
on top of it and press command e to eject the volume off your desktop. I had
this happen once with a piece of software, and that's w
Hello Tim,
I'm with you on this one. I always turn off all automatic spelling and grammar
checks and do a complete spell check once I'm finished editing my document.
On 6 Apr 2014, at 20:28, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> I've always hated all this auto-formatting so usually turn it off a
I'm with Anne and Tim on this one. I always hated it in word when it would try
to auto number stuff when I start with the number 1. Would drive me mad.
Matt Dierckens
Macintosh Trainer
Blind Access Training
1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
On Apr 6, 2014, at 2:37 PM, Anne
Hi Pam,
Sorry, no Looney Bin today. The Grid in iTunes seems to work differently than
the one for Screen Savers. The grids within iTunes supply much more
information and require more interaction to manipulate. I seldom use the Grid
view when in iTunes as I prefer the List view in most cases,
Thanks Ricardo, I knew it must have been a simple one like that.
On Apr 6, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> To have text attributes read aloud, press VO T.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On
Hi there
I have used my husband's Windows computer like maybe three times since I
switched to my MacBook Pro in 2011. The first time was about two weeks after I
switched because I had something that had to get out like yesterday. Then twice
more I got on the Windows computer because I was tryin
Hi Teresa,
Automator can create folders which it watches and then performs certain actions
if a file is placed in that folder. Hazel is different in that it will perform
the action only if the given conditions are met, and these conditions are quite
powerful. Moreover, it is easier to setup as
but what does this have to do with switching in all due respect?
"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshiped as gods. They have never
forgotten this."
On Apr 6, 2014, at 7:56 AM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Screen readers are complicated to learn. They require one to thin
Yes, hazel is exactly what I need. I hve Microsoft One Drive which has
been syncing my work documents across my Pcs and Mac. My office is
moving to One Drive Pro but there's no Mac option yet. so, I plan to
maintain my One Drive across tdevices as appropriate, but I need
certain files to replicate
actually i cant see it everywhere, cant see it on my desktop, where do you
actually see that?
On 06 Apr 2014, at 08:30 pm, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> I had a situation once similar to what you are describing. Is this program
> listed on your ndesktop as a volume? If it is, you may have
Please read the message I responded to.
What it has to do with switching to the mac is, screen readers are complex and
complicated to learn, especially for someone who has never used a screen reader
before. That said, even most people who used screen readers on windows struggle
quite a bit when
Well April, my offr is still on the table. If you like, I can teach you how to
use Voiceover. That goes for anyone that wants my help. Email me off list and
we’ll set something up.
Sent From My White MacBook
From: [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegrou
and what a great old tv show it was too.
On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:17 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
> Deb,
> Sure, I have no problem with discussing KM or Hazel or any other Automation
> app on list, or off list.
> Just for your edification, Hazel is a Daemon that watches folders for
> specific thi
According to dropbox help, you can retrieve past versions of files (for 30
days, or unlimited with Packrat feature), but I can't seem to work it out.
There's supposed to be a item in a files context menu (on website), but I can't
find anything that looks like prior versioning. Has anyone success
I've been using a Mac here since February of 2008, and have not had any
reason to switch back to Windows. Like a lot of people on this thread, , I got
tired of having to pay to keep a JAWS SMA updated, and I also had it with their
system of ILM authorizations. I too, had to have my activa
Theoretically you could use KM to do what Hazel does. But it would be like
using a hammer to chop down a tree. The hatchet is a much better tool for the
job. Hazel does a particular type of job well so why not use the better tool.
Here let me give you an example of a task that Hazel does
Oops, addressed that last note to Nick instead of Deb. Friggin rookie blind guy
mistake. Preaching to the choir by addressing it to Nick.
On Apr 6, 2014, at 4:27 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> Hi Teresa,
> Automator can create folders which it watches and then performs certain
> actions if
Sure was. And if I threw Mainard G. Crebbs out there would I really be dating
And just so I don't get accused of straying away from the Mac angle follow
along with this thought run. Mainard G. Crebbs = Gilligan = Bob Denber = Denver
Colorado = Mountain Standard Time = Mountain Lion? Was
Personally, I'm still having a tough time with word processing on the Mac. I
want to like and use pages, but I can't figure out styles and formatting using
pages. I still haven't found anything that compares with MS office and JAWS for
writing and formatting documents. JAWS really does work well
I don't see what the fuss is. I was able to make good documents, for a history
class. I could allign things, italicize, make headings and such. What else
would you want to do?
Sent from my iPod
> On Apr 6, 2014, at 21:06, Phil Halton wrote:
> Personally, I'm still having a tough time with
Hello Keith and others,
If I am understanding correctly, recording a macro basically is me executing a
series of keyboard commands that Keyboard Maestro can use to compile a custom
I am a little hesitant to record because if I am remembering correctly from the
podcast that once the macro
hi, as the subject line says, which keyboard so y'all use with garage
band if any? also, when i get the right one do i just connect it via
the usb port?
Thanks in advance.
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Hit return, Carriage Return, to move to bar 1, beat 1, tic 1; before you paste
your loop.
Good luck,
On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
> Hi list.
> I am very happy about the fact that the new garage band is accessible.
> I am getting started with garageband. I wish
Another deficit on the Mac is braille translation and music braille
translation. I have to continue to use Windows for this.
I have also not found a way of importing my old Outlook Express emails into Mac
Mail. Supposedly some expensive apps do this, but it's not guaranteed to work
so haven't sp
Hi everyone,
It sounds as if we have all had varying experiences with an reasons for
changing to a mac.
We all have different means of learning as well as different paces we learn. I
think also changing under any circumstances requires a major degree of
commitment that one must truly consider b
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