Thanks so much i will wait the link
But the demo in the mac App store?
Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 4:44 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
> I have a few podcasts on Amadius. It actually looks ve
Hi. Only just saw this, so sorry for the delay in replying. I'm
guessing that you are talking about voices on the iphone? If so, then
it's best to change the voice in the language section of
general/accessibility/voiceover rather than in the date and time
regional settings. So go to general, then a
I use an application called ”Free youtube to mp3 converter” that’s available on It works well for me.
11 nov 2013 kl. 03:37 skrev Andrew Head :
> Hi all,
> Just wondering, Is there a free youtube to mp3 converter for the mac?
> Kind regards,
> Andrew
> --
Hi, I use this app too it works great for me also. Its simple to use and is
regularly updated.
On 11 Nov 2013, at 10:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> /Krister
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Hi all, subject pretty much explains it all. I would like to know how to do
this from a Voiceover perspective.
My main concern for doing this though is that does it actually wipe your
internal hard drive once you've added the 1 partition in the pop up button box?
Wanting to give Mavericks a test
No, I am talking about the mac. I don’t want to change the voice, that’s the
point. I want to use the australian voice without it changing the dates to the
other format. thanks for the help.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 5:24 AM, Thuy wrote:
> Hi. Only just saw this, so sorry for the delay in repl
Look and see. IF not, you can google Amadeus Pro.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Nov 11, 2013, at 2:53 AM, ramy moustafa wrote:
> Thanks so much i will
Does it convert in stereo? Then again, why bother if one has Audio Hijack Pro?
I think that one will soon me fully Mavricks compatible. Testing the beta now
and works like a charm.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly
Under Language and text in System pref's there are options to change date and
time formats!
If by some chance the region has been changed then maybe putting it back to US
might solve it!
If the region is OK there is customise dates or time!
How they work with VO I do not know!
HTH Colin
On 1
That has happened to me on my win7 virtual machine. Restarting the VM has
always corrected the problem. Sorry I can't be of more help than that.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 1:01 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> Hey there.
> Hopefully someone can help out. All of a sudden the sound on my virtual
> windows
Ramey, May I suggest you do a google search for "amadeusPro" nd see what you
can find. Also, look for iBlindTech and Amadeus Pro. That is the creator of one
of the podcast I mentioned.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 3:53 AM, ramy moustafa wrote:
> Thanks so much i will wait the link
> But the demo in the
I think that the best way to accomplish a test drive of Mavericks is to first
image your existing OS, using SuperDuper or carbon copy cloner, and then just
upgrade to Mavericks through the app store. If you're not happy with it, you
should be able to just copy the image of the previous OS back o
How would I do that with SuperDuper? Do I have to pay for the app?
On 11 Nov 2013, at 15:43, Phil Halton wrote:
> I think that the best way to accomplish a test drive of Mavericks is to first
> image your existing OS, using SuperDuper or carbon copy cloner, and then just
> upgrade to Mavericks
I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do their own date
formatting whenever they think they need to, which gets very annoying. Not only
are dates formatted differently for different regions, but often the date
formatting is inappropriate. For instance, I currently have Dropbox 2.
Thank you, Teresa and others for confirming that Stanza works fine under
Mavericks. I can see the day approaching fast when I upgrade to mavericks.
With thanks
On 9 Nov 2013, at 21:09, wrote:
> Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
It may sound counterintuitive but sometimes it's worth trying to press down
arrow key to open a popup menu instead of vo+space. If that's no good, try to
route your mouse pointer to the popup menu button with vo+command+f5, verify
that your mouse is indeed in the right place by pressing
I used Super duper to upgrade. You don’t have to pay for the feature you’ll be
using in the app and its super accessible to use.
First, download super duper. You can run a search for it on Google.
Second, after you install and launch Super Duper, you’ll see that the
application contains two
hello all:
I had a quick question regarding xcode with voiceover.
I listened to the maccessibility podcast and I'm still a bit confused.
I am trying to create an outlet in xcode. I have my assistant editor
open and I select the button I want to create the outlet for. I go to
the inspector and fi
I’ve never gotten that to work, and I’d recommend coding your UI manually if
possible. I’m still working on how exactly to do this, though.
As to the app question, have you removed it from the App Switcher? When you say
you can’t turn it off, do you mean you can’t press the home button and have t
Hey Ty,
When the vo cursor is on the unknown to the right of the new referencing
outlet, you want to rout the mouse to vo. You said route vo to the mouse, but
you might have just miss worded that. I had to make sure though.
You don’t really need to turn cursor tracking off when you create an
Using interface builder and coding the UI are not mutually exclusive methods,
and IB is built in to the XCode development work flow. So, there is no way to
not use it.When you use interface builder, all you are not doing by had is
instantiating your ui. To do that requires much mor
Hello list,
One of he problems I’ve encountered with the new apple mail is determining when
a message is part of a thread. In standard view with preview pane enabled
(default), the number of messages in the thread is announced after the preview
pane is read. I’m not fond of this behavior and w
I am using a Brailliant 32, and I find it very nice. The thing is that I can’t
bring my cursor where I want using the ruter keys at the top of the letters,
doe’s anybody can give me an idea on how to make this work? Thanks!
Daniela Rubio T
iphone: +34662328507
Daniela Rubio T
Hi there.
My Braille Edge 40 is not routing all that great either, but it is routing over
short distances. I still have an open case on mine. Maybe if we're lucky, that
will help with others, even though it's a different braille display.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Daniela Ru
Thank you very much for this feedback. My Display is brand new, so I did not
know if I was doing something wrong. I will also place a mail to Apple
Accessibility, may be they will address this.
Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507
El 11/11/2013, a las 22:15, Eugenia Firth escribi
I have noticed some improvements in the latest version of Numbers.
Is there a way to stop VO saying empty sell? If it said blank that would be
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Hi there
I think I like the Empty Cell option because if there were a space in there
that you didn't know about and it mattered, the word blank would give the wrong
information, unless it said space. This is a minor point because there is a
more serious issue, although I like the new Numbers. I
Hey Nicholas, Just wanted to say thanks and yes, I wrote cart instead of wish
list. I seem to have gotten further as I am now getting a demo pop up from
Amazon, guess I will have to play around with it further to get it working but
at least I am now getting a pop up just have to figure out how t
Hi all,
Is there a way to figure out what system sound belongs to? In the last couple
days I’m hearing an airplane going off pretty frequently and I don’t know what
it is attached to. I’m guessing something to do with wireless, but is there a
way to look it up?
You receive
I have the mail configuration set to check for new mail every minute. This is
with Mavericks.
But, after I either start the machine and mail app or after I “wake up” the
machine, it can take several minutes to get the mail downloaded. I know the
messages are just sitting there on the se
Hi again,
This time a Safari question with Mavericks.
When I was running Mountain Lion and started Safari, it would come up with my
home page displaying. Now, under Mavericks, Safari just opens on the tool bar.
Is there a setting I can change to get the display of home page back again?
Believe me, you have no idea how badly I would love to use interface builder.
The problem is that the method for using interface builder as described here
and in other places, that of routing the mouse and then dragging, has never
once worked for me. If there's another way, or if Xcode5 fixed th
It is not just mail. I have noticed that after the Mavericks upgrade,
everything takes a while to start once I wake the computer up from sleep. In
fact, the entire computer takes a while to wake up, and everything just feel
slower for a few minutes until everything settles down. So, I don't thin
Ok, I’m getting this message in my notification center repeatedly. I have it
set to notify me when old backups are deleted. It says the current backup is
supposed to be 168 gigs. That doesn’t quite sound right. I upgraded to
Mavericks the day it came out, but it’s taken this long for this proble
Hey all, still running Mountain Lion here, and just updated to the latest
version of safari and noticed that web spots are back working in the
appropriate direction again after a year of not working properly, meaning if
you click VO command right bracket you go to the next web spot and down the
Hi all,
I have heard a lot about web spots, but I am not sure exactly how they work. I
seem to recall having asked about these a while ago, and was told that they
don't really work all that well. Are they back working again, or my just
remembering wrong? What exactly are they, and how might they
Hey Alex,
I was a big fan of web spots prior to Mountain Lion than MT. Lion messed them
all up. They seem to be working again in the latest version of safari in Mt.
Lion. On some sites they are fantastic and work perfectly, on other's not so
much. Web spots are a very quick way to navigate a we
Thanks, I will give it a try. I still wonder how it would work on webpages
whose content changes, such as forums or web– based e-mail interfaces. Still, I
guess the best way to find out is to do some experimenting…
On Nov 11, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey Alex,
> I was a big
That’s kind of what I thought. It says mail I got two days ago is october 11
since it is reading the 9 as october and the 11 which should be november as the
day of the week instead.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I don’t think that is the problem. Most Nuance voices do
Hi guys
My iPhone has updated itself to iOS 7.3. I had told it to go ahead and update
what it felt like it. However, what I didn't know, is that apparently the
search feature in the store on the iPhone is broken. Have any of you guys
noticed this and figured it out? I thought I would look for so
I've had this to happen as well as a friend of mine, if you exit out of the App
Store or iTunes and close it from the appswitcher then re-launch it the search
should work again.
A little buggy but a work around.
Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 9:07 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
Hi there
Unfortunately, it didn't work. I went to the acts which are enclosed
everything. Then I went into the store and search, and it still didn't work.
So, I got rid of everything out of the app switcher and closed it. I have a 5S
iPhone. Could this be part of the problem? Then I restarted th
Tried BIAB with OSX 10.8 & VoiceOver, just about a month ago. Long story
short, it doesn’t work worth a flip. You can access menus & use hot keys to
perform functions. But, & this is the killer, the chord entry window is just
not there. I.E. VoiceOver doesn’t see it @ all. Not with t
I'm not sure what to tell you. I have a 5s and I just was able to successfully
search both my App Store and iTunes on my phone. My friend has a 4s and can
also do this. We are both running 7.0.3, what iOS version are you running?
Just FYI I still have my 4s and it also works. Although, I'm
Hey Alex,
Like I said it varies from site to site. For some odd reason the worst site
where my web spots constantly disappear is in Yahoo fantasy games, but ESPN
fantasy games setting web spots is fine, so I think it really varies. Good luck
On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:16 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Than
Hi Tracy,
I only hear this sound when I send mail. Sometimes if I have
attachments it may be some time after hitting send before the sound happens.
Hope this helps.
Eric Caron
On Nov 11, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to figure out what system s
I have never had search issues on ITunes ever since upgrading to 7.0.3.
Using Iphone 5.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Eugenia
Hi, could you please be more specific as to what you mean by broken? I was able
to successfully run a few searches on my iPhone 5s just now.
Aser Tolentino, Esq.
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 20:58, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I have never had search issues on ITunes ever since upgrading to
Well, I tested this feature briefly. In Maverix, I think the reversed spot
navigation is present, since I had to use left bracket to jump to a spot
further down the page. Additionally, one of my web spots vanished when I
updated the page (a forum), so I really don't know how useful these will be
Hi Eugenia:
I have had the same problem. I thought it was due to the 2 g network being to
slow. I don't have a wireless to try it on at the moment but the next time I
encounter one I will try again. I also thought it was because I have a lot of
app updates waiting in the cue but since others
Hi don in the general pain of safari preferences there’s, a pop up button new
windows open with topsides and other items, and one of the options, is home
page popup and that’s the one you want to select,
cheers gerry have a nice day
Skype: gerry.cook1
Twitter: @
Hi all,
For some reason, when I connect my braillesense U2 to the mac as a braille
display, it has dashes under the text. Just wondering how to turn those off?
I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the braille settings of voice over, but not sure
where exactly. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Andrew,
To get rid of highlighting, (dashes underneath the braille display), you'll go
to the voiceover utility (VO+f8). Then you'll interact with the table and head
down to the "Braille" category.
You'll stop interacting with the table and leave the choice on the "layout"
tab. Go to where i
Hey Alex, Thanks for letting me know that the geniuses who test Apple
accessibility screwed them up again, yet another reason for me not to upgrade
to Mavericks. It looks like I will be sticking with Mountain Lion for the
foreseeable future, as most of what I have heard about Mavericks is nothin
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