Hallo Christopher,
the ColorVisor costs 4.99$US in the US store and something equivalent in all
the other regions it is available.
ColorVisor - The app to identify colors.
Available on the App Store:
Dr. Jan Blüher
visorApps - Accessible a
Hello Chris,
I'm not a student, but I work as a freelance translator and most of the
documents I work with are MS Word format. I use Pages and export to Word and
the only formatting problem I have is with text boxes which do not stay in the
correct position between the two formats. Styles and s
Hallo Alex,
I think there are two ways to achieve a calibration. First is a calibrated
sensor connected via Bluetooth. The second is a samll scanning box in front of
the camera where you include some known colors next to the scanning object. The
camera measures both, the known colors and the o
Okay, thanks for this. Does it matter the distance to the place one wishes to
track. In other words, I know places are identified by default at 490 feet.
Let's say I wish to go to the bus stop that is around 4 or 5 miles away from my
home. Can I set that as a favorite place to track? That m
I purchased your app last evening. I went looking for a help file in order to
get started using this app, but didn't locate one. Is there help for this app?
If not, any pointers for getting started with this app will be appreciated.
This is the first color identifier I've used, hence the que
Hi All
Thanks very much for the input. I'll definitely bring this discussion
with my friend. I guess she's thinking to save couple of hundrets and
also space by having a MacMini rather than a IMac.
I was able to test out a MacMini 2010 server version from a friend's
business. its workable, but in
Hello Les,
If you run your finger up the right-hand side of the screen, you'll find the
Settings button. Just to the left of this is the Info button which will take
you to a screen that has a link to the User Manual.
On 25 Oct 2012, at 11:50, Les Kriegler wrote:
> I purchased
When you add your wifes workplace to "My Places" following happens:
1) When you get within selected radius, place is mentioned
automatically when you get close (so, in a bus you get "warning")
2) When you are within selected radius, selecting "My Places" category
lists this place and you can start
Hallo Les,
thanks for buying the ColorVisor. Additionally to what Anne said, here is the
direct Link to the english user manual on the ColorVisor support page:
It is equal to the one inside the app.
If you have further questions, please feel
Hi all,
I want to backup my website and started to look for accessible ftp clients that
will make a backup of my site. Is this even possible? I currently have Transmit
just newly updated and I just downloaded some of my Wordpress folders to my
Macbook. My webhost has a backup service, but I wan
Hi everyone,
Sorry for two posts today. I have been bugged by this one for a long time now.
Sometimes when I play videos from youtuube, VoiceOver will read out how much
of the video is downloaded or something. like 9 out of 13 percent. This occurs
while the video is playing and I have to quit V
Hello List,
I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I am attempting to record from tapes using
Audacity. When I plug tape player up to Mac, I can hear contents of tape going
into the computer, but contents from tape are not getting recorded. Rather, my
voice and movements are getting recorded. I h
Has anyone ever ran fusion or pulled there VM from a NAS drive or USB drive?
If so, how was the performance?
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I want to download this app. It will save me a lot of frustration, if you
could give me the link. I am ready to take my new guide dog and go out on the
town. Mel
On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> I just purchased this app and highly recommend it. I used it on the bus
> t
Good morning Kliphton:
I've not gotten a chance to run Fusion from a NAS drive, however I have used a
Windows 7 VM running on an SSD as well as an HDD with a a USB enclosure. The
takeaway is: the performance is going to vary depending on your system as well
as the drive. Spinning drives are goin
Hi Mary,
Why not download it using the App Store on your I Device? I will be taking it
on a walk in the next day or so, I'm expecting really good results.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Mary Scott wrote:
> I want to download this app. It will save me a lot of frustration, if you
> could g
Well, if mice and trackpads work with no setup, that explains it. You just
click away until you are told to enter the password on the keyboard, and then
all is well. Of course, this does no good at all for blind users as there is no
mouse or trackpad command to launch vo, but it explains why sig
In the keyboard commander window, there is a popup menu to select which option
key to use (left, right, or both). Select both and there you go. You get the
usual warning that the option key will not work normally after doing this, but
it works fine provided the keystroke you want involves one or
Yes, I find that sometimes as well. Normally I use MacTubes to watch videos,
but if I get a youtube link I can't do that. I have set up a keyboard commander
command to mute speech and sounds, so i can just hit that if I find the problem
On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:36 AM, Allison Manzino wro
Yes, just open "App Store" on your iPhone and search "blindsquare".
Here is link too: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blindsquare/id500557255?mt=8
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Hi there!
That must have been added in Mountain Lion under Snowy Kitty you could only
pick one or the other!
Nice little addition
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
On 25 Oct 2012, at 15:01, Alex Hall wrote:
> In the keyboard commander window, there is
Hi Kliphton. Oh, in that case, if your friend doesn't use Voiceover, then they
shouldn't experience any performance issues at all.
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Hi all, Just a thought, but does anyone know if apple is still pushing out
security updates for sl? I have not hurd anything abourt them not doing so. I
did receive a security update a few weeks ago, but just wondering as I do not
have the ram to run lion on this mac mini 2009.
I think you might need something called the Imike available from amazon.com for
$24. . It's the only way I can record from tapes. It has both an audio in and
out jack. You can plug a patch cord from your tape deck to the mac, and then
connect a pair of headphones. If you change the sound
I did it and it seems good. Mel
On Oct 25, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> Why not download it using the App Store on your I Device? I will be taking
> it on a walk in the next day or so, I'm expecting really good results.
> Les
> On Oct 25, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Mary Sco
Sure, I could do this under VO Commanders, but I enjoyed the challenge and
learning something new about my Mac. I also thought, the service shortcuts
would work when VO is off. I like to know the native Mac shortcuts as much as
possible, in case there is a problem with VO.
Extending the short
For your knowledge, version 1.20 is sent to Apple for review. It will
have following changes:
NEW FEATURE: Works on background. You can disable this from settings.
NEW FEATURE: FourSquare leaderboard announcements
NEW FEATURE: Volume can be changed
NEW FEATURE: Web page of the venue can be opened
I think I read that SL security updates are not being done any more, but I'll
try to check my information.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
On Oct 25, 2012, at 10:09 AM, matthew Dyer wr
another way to do this is to get an olympus if you have any of the olympus
mottels laying around you can plug a linen plug into it and the other end into
the player and recording can be done directly into the olympus then dropped on
to your computer.
web site
Can you check in there on foursquare as well and have it show up publicly as
home or whatever you've called it?
-Original Message-
From: Ilkka Pirttimaa
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:29 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Best GPS for me?
I'm glad yo
Chris, Apple do a lightning to dock adaptor for a reasonable fee.
Christopher Hallsworth
On 25/10/2012 02:43, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Chris sighs...
You know, Cliff, I've actually heard mixed stories about this. I've
heard of a friend who had a 4, not even a 4S, which I assume! is wh
The Apple Keynotes are available as podcasts, so you will be able to catch it
again soon.
On Oct 23, 2012, at 11:25 AM, Cameron Strife wrote:
> Hi. The iPad fourth gen, iPad mini and the new iMacs were the best
> things in the presentation in my opinion. The updates to the mac mini
> wi
That's very true, I bought the iMac primarily for the monitor. Just in case I
got stuck. I don't have a monitor on my Windows computer and there has been
many times when something went wrong with the sound and then I had to have my
brother in law come over with a monitor.
Having a screen just ma
You can check-in to Home too, so you will get points :-)
FourSquare will not publish location of your home outside of your
friends. I just checked that when I'm not logged in, 4sq give overall
map of the area with text "Since this is a home, the exact location is
not shared here. This map is of th
Hello, when reading e-mail, is there keys combination to read by word, or by
Thank you, your assistance is very much appreciated.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Yes, just like in a document, writing an email, entering text online, or
anywhere in OSX you are writing or reviewing text in an edit area.
Left/right: move by character
Option left/right: move by word
Cmd-left/right: jump to start or end of line
up/down: move by line
option-up/down: move by parag
Same thing happens to me too.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Oct 25, 2012, at 9:11 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Yes, I find that sometimes as well. Normally I use MacTubes to watch videos,
> but if I get a youtube li
That would be great.
The thing i have trouble with is, let's say turning text to the appropriate
style. font 12 point times new roman and double space.
Thanks for any assistance.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 1:04 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> I'm not a student, but I work as a freela
Hi Alison and Alex. I also experience this, and I thought it was just me that
is getting these progress indicator messages but thank god that it's not just
me. I was thinking of downloading Mactubes but I heard there were some
unlabelled buttons. I've never labelled buttons before so what are th
That's easy, especially in Mactubes. I sy that because the buttons don't have
labels, but they do have help tags, so you need only move to one and wait for
the help tag (or press vo-shift-h) to know what it is for. Press vo-slash to
bring up the "label element" dialog and type in the name (I use
hi ann,
could you please send me those templates as well?
It would greatly help me out.
thank you,
On 10/25/12, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
> Hi.
> That would be great.
> The thing i have trouble with is, let's say turning text to the appropriate
> style. font 12 point times new roman an
Hi all.
So i'm on a mission to find my favorite word processor for use in school.
I'm currently trying nidus writer pro, or express. One question i have is, how
can you stop voiceover from bouncing around in the document?
I have interacted with the document, a 50 page or so chapter for school, and
Okay so I have home set and a couple other places in blind square, but how
do I get them imported in to foursquare so I can check in to them?
-Original Message-
From: Ilkka Pirttimaa
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:29 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re:
Can this app be used without Foursquare entirely? It sounds useful when I am
able to get an iPhone, but I don't use Foursquare and find those checkin tweets
very annoying from others. Besides, I don't like the idea of my every move
being broadcast to the world. Still, the app's ability to speak
It works totally without FourSquare. My initial idea was to make an
app that you can use without any knowledge of smartphones. You don't
even need to have FourSquare account. It can still access foursquare
database and it get's information about other users check-in counts.
That way it knows "what
Tammy, currently there is no way to use BlindSquare to add place to
FourSquare. It's planned feature but now you have to do that with
FourSquare client. BlindSquare will then show it in category "Shared
Places" (I think it describes it better than "Private", since it's
shared among your 4sq frends)
That is a cool idea, though my town is so small that I doubt I would get
accurate readings. Still, if it could just tell me my street, the intersection
I am approaching, and nearby POIs, that's good enough for me when walking
around. Now I just need the iPhone...
On Oct 25, 2012, at 5:26 PM, Ilk
Hi Shawn and all,
I have heard of Mactubes but never tried it. In response to your question,
Shawn about labelling buttons, VoiceOver has a keystroke for that. To label a
button just press VO with the slash key and you will be able to enter a
description for that button. I love this feature, o
Hello, I have only used iTunes for sinking my iPhone, downloading & playing
podcasts. I now wish to store my CDs on my Mac. What settings in iTunes are
best to set up?
Thanks for any advice.
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"MacVisionaries" grou
I find when i have notifications and new messages in Skype using it on the Mac,
I can't find the messages or notifications. I have had a look in all the menus
In the end I have to read everything using Skype on my I phone. Can anyone
tell me how to read new messages and notification
I used it without 4square, but found I liked the checkins, and the game
aspect of 4square. You don't have to broadcast at all unless you want to.
Blindsquare is totally a stand alone app if you want it to be, and works
really well on the bus or when you're walking to tell you street cross
thanks for the information. Now all I have to do is figure out how to add
personal places in foursquare and I'll be set!
-Original Message-
From: Ilkka Pirttimaa
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 5:32 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Best GPS for me?
Hi Alex. I was able to download Mactubes. Is there a way that I could convert
files to not just MP4 but to MP3 as well? I'd like to listen to videos on
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Hi all,
Anyone know if there's a way to do this?
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yeah Chris I have the same problem too.
On 10/25/2012 12:31 PM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
That would be great.
The thing i have trouble with is, let's say turning text to the appropriate
style. font 12 point times new roman and double space.
Thanks for any assistance.
On Oct 25, 2012, at
Not directly, but google around and I'm sure you can find a converter for that
kind of thing. Handbrake might even do it, but I'm not sure.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:49 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi Alex. I was able to download Mactubes. Is there a way that I could convert
> files to not just MP4
How can I activate the edit area please?
Thank you.
- Original Message -
From: Alex Hall
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: reading e-mail
Yes, just like in a document, writing an email, entering text online, or
When you open a message, you are focused on the content adn can use the
commands I sent earlier to move around. I was just saying that those commands
are the same for reading an email as they are for writing pretty much anything
on the mac.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 8:35 PM, "Estelita" wrote:
> How
Yeah, I had this very experience last year when I bought my Mini. I started
out with a bluetooth keyboard and then I ran into the chicken or egg question.
How do you pair the keyboard without speech and how do you start VO without a
paired keyboard? So I went back to the Apple store the next
I also had numerous issues with not having a monitor connected to my Mac mini.
Got a lot of "Finder Busy" messages whenever I accessed Dropbox and I had some
other wierd situations that simply went away when I hooked one up. Your friend
could buy the cheapest monitor possible and these issues
For best results, interact with the message; so after you open it, press
Shift-VO-Downarrow and then you can use the various VO commands just given in
this thread.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> When you open a message, you are focused on the content adn can use the
> command
I suspect the problems are software, not hardware, so I don't think a hardware
refresh will change anything. I could be wrong, though, and some people have
said on this list that they had no trouble even with older Minis. I guess try
it with no monitor and see if you end up needing one.
On Oct 2
Yes, that works best for reading, but I'm able to navigate and even highlight
just fine. The only problem I've ever come across is that, if I move around
with the commands and then decide to read from where I am with vo-a, vo reads
from the top of the message instead of where my cursor is. Inter
Hi Kawal,
All new chat messages and other things will come to you in the side bar of
Skype. You know to interact with this table, choose the person you want, or
stop at the contacts category. You can stop interacting, and vo+right arrow to
the table to choose a contact. But if the person you wa
No, there is no way to read ibooks on the Mac so far as I am aware.
Mary Otten
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Ah, too bad. Thanks, Mary.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 10:29 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> No, there is no way to read ibooks on the Mac so far as I am aware.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> motte...@gmail.com
> --
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> "MacVision
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