Chris, Apple do a lightning to dock adaptor for a reasonable fee.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 25/10/2012 02:43, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Chris sighs...

You know, Cliff, I've actually heard mixed stories about this.  I've
heard of a friend who had a 4, not even a 4S, which I assume! is what
you're referring to, and she said it's a little slow with IOS 6, but
definitely by no means so slow it's unusable.  She actually loves it.
And that's saying something, being normally she's not very patient.  and
no, even if she were on this list, she'd not be offended at that
comment, as she'd be the first to tell you so, believe me.

So, yeah, I'd say your friend should be perfectly fine.  How do you like
the 5?  I can't wait to get mine in April, once I get a free upgrade.
The only thing that concerns me, is I won't be able to use my IHome
dock, as the docking USB port is way way way way smaller.  Or, do they
make adapters?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kliphton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:49 AM
Subject: IOS6 and iPhone4?

Hello, how is the performance of IOS6 on the iPhone 4?  I have a
iPhone5, so I have know clue. but I have a couple of friends who have
never had the iPhone at all, but want the cheaper option, and since the
iPhone4 is only 99 cent with a new contract, that is the option for
them.  So is it clunky, slow, or does it freeze up?  Or is there no
noticeable difference?  Thanks.

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