Hi Rafael,
thanks for your suggestion. However, OCR is some quite complex staff, which I
am not experienced in.
Anyway, there are some OCR apps on the App Store (e.g. PERFECT OCR), although I
do not know about their accessibility.
ColorVisor - The app to identify colors.
Prizmo is a really good multilingual OCr app for the iPhone. There's certainly
a learning curve but I've had great success with it and I have no sight at all.
On 2 May 2012, at 09:09, Jan Blüher wrote:
> Hi Rafael,
> thanks for your suggestion. However, OCR is some quite compl
Hey guys
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find out more infomation about
reading PDF files with voice over
I want to know for example, why most can be read easily, and then bump into one
that just wont read at all?
I have also found some PDF files yes you read straight through,
I use Sound Studio to edit my podcast. Make sure to turn cursor tracking off
and it works great. I have a basic and brief demonstration on my website of how
to edit with Sound Studio. It is the third or fourth podcast from the top of
the page.
Robert Carter
On Ma
Hi. I have a question. How do you undim an item. Somehow or other, whenever
I go to safari, it will let me type in the webb address, but when I press
enter, it will not allow me to enterin to anything. When I press the foreward
button and back button it says that both items are dimmed. I thi
I know that in Windows you can use Webvism to solve captias with Firefox. Is
there a similar method for solving them using Safari?
Any help would be appreciated.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this gr
No. there is not. Solona is dead. However, with Firefox soon to be accessible
on the Mac, this may be a moot point.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On May 2, 2012, at 8:37 AM
I am cross posting just in case I miss some people who have braille displays.
I was completing a survey which Mike sent using my I phone 4S using my braille
display and each time got to a pop up button or a button that needed checking,
it would not happen until I tapped my I Phone screen
Hmmm, that's not good at all. And, even if Firefox does become accessible on
OS X, Webvism would still need to be made for the OS X platform.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 8:46 AM
To: mac
Cheree Heppe here:
Do you meam that you must tap the corresponding checkbox on the screen or that
once positioned in a checkbox, tapping the screen is required to activate the
Cheree Heppe
Sent from my iPhone
On 02/05/2012, at 6:46, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> I
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have received it on. All enquiries to be directed to the official web-site.
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For immediate publication: May 1st 2012, Buck
Hi all! New to the group, but have been lurking and reading for a
while and wanted some input on some of my specific questions.
A little about me: I still have a fair bit of usable vision left,
though my eyes get tired quickly and thus I use a combination of
Zoomtext (with the doc reader) as well
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have received it on. All enquiries to be directed to the official web-site.
Permission to post this message to this list has been sort from its respective
moderator / owner.
For immediate publication: May 1st 2012, Buck
There actually is no current method on the Mac. It's hoped that Firefox will be
more accessible in the near future, but that hasn't happened yet. Currently, I
boot into Linux and use Firefox there.
"Slow down; you'll get there faster."
On May 2, 2012, at 6:37 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
I use the selection button on popup menus instead of the routing buttons.
"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman
On May 2, 2012, at 7:21 AM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Do you meam that you must tap the corresponding checkbox on th
Someone wondered:
"I want to build a text-only Facebook client that can be used either
through an HTML interface or a command line interface that can be used
from the terminal. I wish to know if it is possible to access a user's
notifications, messages, request, etc and do small things like post
The interaction thing is probably the most confusing but yet powerful
part of VoiceOver. What I do with my setup in Mail is to interact
with the list of mail boxes which can actually be navigated as a tree
view with expanded and collapsed nodes. Anyway, once I choose the
mail box I want to work w
I have another question for this subject; I thought I had read that
the modes (DOM or Groups) could be selected for each site you go to
and VO would remember that preference when you go back to a given
site. Did I read this wrong? I do not observe that aspect to be
working on my setup.
The differ
No it wouldn't, as all webvisum is, is a firefox plugin addon. It already
supports multi platform. It's not that we can't already use web visum on the
mac, it's just we can't accessibly.
- Original Message -
From: Daniel Miller
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Not quite sure from your descriptions, but you might just need to expand a
"tree" item. If scanning your list of mailboxes, you hear collapsed then
hitting VO-backslash or an unmodified right-arrow will expand the item so you
can see the enclosed folders.
Best wishes,
Ah, my mistake, then. I thought they had to make it platform-specific.
Do we know when Firefox will become fully VO accessible?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 11:46 AM
To: ma
I understand all itunes issues have to be resolved online / email.
When you call Apple support, they will most likely give you the URL or
email address to follow through with. It's stuff like this I wish I
could deal with in person on the phone; generally lots quicker that
way. You might also try
Webvisum can definitely be used on the Mac. It isn't the smoothest process but
it is doable. Earlier in the week there was a blog post stating that the
nightly builds of Firefox now offer voiceover support. I downloaded the
nightly build and I have used webvisum successfully several times. I
What are the steps to do it?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Earle
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 12:06 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Captia solving on the mac.
Webvisum can definitely be used on the Mac. I
Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't own an IOS device, just my macbook, and I don't
think that having an IToy would solv these
particular problems anyway. I called apple, and she helped me fill out forms
for Itunes store. I think that in future, I'll
ask for the email address I need to contact if I ev
You first have to download the nightly build of firefox. Then go to the
webvisum site and download the webvisum extension. You will have to tab around
to find the install now and restart buttons. I also found I had to hit enter
on those buttons. For some reason vo space wouldn't work.
One o
I can use popups fine. I double tap (space-3-6 or a cursor key), then
rotor up and down (space-6 or space-3) to find my selection, then
swipe (space-1) to the done button and double tap it.
On 5/2/12, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I use the selection button on popup menus instead of the routing buttons
Just curious whether you could simply use the unix underneath OSX to do
your bidding. I know there are currently 11721 packages ported to osx
under macports.org so maybe you can just run them in the Mac
environment. Just not sure what the key package is in linux that you are
trying to gain acce
Ah, ok. I figured you'd have to ignore the next keystroke.
That helps a lot, actually. Thanks.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Earle
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 12:36 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Captia sol
Hi Will.
I can't answer all your questions because I am totally blind, so I don't use
any kind of magnification. I understand the cvommand to make text on the Mac
bigger is command plus sign.
I haven't done it, but I guess you know by now that you can put Windows on a
I got Abby Fine Re
Hi Pam.
Have you tried getting rid of all your windows in Safari with command W or
killing off the history and then quitting Safari and starting over? You might
also try shutting down your computer, and closing all the windows when you shut
down. That's the only things I can think of at the mome
Hi there.
Some screen readers like VoiceOver and Jaws don't some PDF files well,
especially any that have columns. Most screen readers are reading from left to
right, and if the author of the Pdf file makes columns, well then they get
mixed up quite often. It sometimes helps to OCR them, maybe.
While I'm sure others can give you more specifics, I should point out
that if you go to the Mac platform you can avail yourself of some safety
nets to enable running Windows apps on the same machine. You don't have
to go 'cold turkey' and if you check the archives for discussions of
VMWare Fusi
e SIP phone clients, both Telephone available from the Mac app store and Blink
available from http://icanblink.com both work well. They sound better too.
I just noticed this long thread so someone else has probably brought this up,
but it drives me mad how the new Skype keeps saying "Skype has n
Hi Anne.
Seems to me like I remember you being the one that had Prizmo for the iPhone. I
just got it from the app store. I can a picture taken with the voice option.
However, whenever I get to o c r, I get nothing. Can you tell me what I'm doing
You received this message because yo
Gee, why not just use the telephone for goodness sake? I mean, why use other
apps to make phone calls when a the Iphone does just fine of it's own accord?
Sorry if I'm missing something here; but, think about it. Why use Skype to
make phone calls when your own phone is just as good?
I agree. Over all, using a real phone is much, much easier. I guess that's why
I have skype, but don't use it regularly. The
only thing I can figure is that maybe using skype as a replacement for a
regular phone is cheaper, especially for long
distance. I honestly don't know, but am tempted to ex
For me, I can hear better because I can use my hearing aids' Icom streamer
device to hear the Skype call better than I can a phone call. And, it's
cheaper than a phone, even a cell phone, which I have and also can't hear well
on. :)
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: Burni
Sorry to report that this new app seems inaccessible. I opened it and just got
a blank window over top of finder. Have I missed something? I'd love to find a
better syncing service than Dropbox, which to me seems like one of those things
that works until you really need it. Too bad Sparkleshare
Yes, it just goes to the website anyway, which is pretty accessible. You have
to sign in with the app, but even when you do, it lives in the status menu by
the clock, and doesn't seem to announce itself easily. It doesn't seem to have
an interface for accessing files, which is still handled by t
Economy: Skype is often cheaper than a phone.
Flexibility: You can change how you listen to and/or talk into a call
more easily with a computer program than with a phone, e.g., switching
between headphones, a wireless headset, a stereo system, etc.
Unification: If you already use Skype to talk to
Thanks for the feedback so quickly!
@ Eugenia - thanks for the tips! I actually hadn't thought about porting
.pdf's onto my iphone for reading, but that could be very useful for
catching up on reading when on the bus or travelling. I will have to
experiment some.
@ Chris - I had heard about Boo
Hey guys, gotta get my 2 cents in on this topic. I don't really care about
where I land when Skype starts. My concern is conferences. When I posted a
thread a few months ago about making a conference, I got an answer that I had
to do all this turning cursor tracking off and routing the VO cursor
How do you click column headers with VO on a Mac? An example of where
I need to do this is with the list view in iTunes where I want to sort
the tracks differently than Artist. In my immediate situation, I have
some "various artist" type collections where I don't want tracks
sorted by track artist
Such a thing already exists, and it's called FBCMD. See
- wrote:
> Someone wondered:
> "I want to build a text-only Facebook client that can be used either
> through an HTML interface or a command line interface that can be used
> from the terminal. I wish to know if
It doesn't surprise me much that it isn't accessible; I mean, look at
their kindle crap product and their sweetheart relationship with the
authors' guild. I wouldn't use or buy anything from Amazon until they
take a better approach to accessibility.
On 5/2/12, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Yes, it jus
Yes, the economic benefits of using skype or other SIP based phone
services make it worth while. I also like the idea of flexibility;
especially now that the iPod app for skype is quite accessible now, I
can use skype on my iPod over WIFI now. Where I live right now, all I
have phone wise is a ch
I mean that when I got to the pop up boxes and checked boxes, my routing cells
would not activate anything.
Next time I will try the other methods that teresa and david refer to.
On 2 May 2012, at 03:21 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Do you meam that you must tap the c
Hello Steve,
To sort a column, just interact sufficiently to be able to place the VO cursor
on your chosen column and use the VO sort command (VO-vertical line) On my
British keyboard, this is shift on the rightmost key on the home row, the key
in the angle of the Return key. The first time you
Hi again well
If you email a PDF file to yourself, when you call up the attachment, one of
the choices is to send the file iBooks. I did that and it works good.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 2, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Will Cummings wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback so quickly!
> @ Eug
Hello Steve,
On 2 May 2012, at 18:45, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I thought I had read that
> the modes (DOM or Groups) could be selected for each site you go to
Maybe if you create an ativity it could be done. I've never bothered because I
have a keyboard commander shortcut and a Quick Nav shortcut t
Thanks Anne
I must've missed something earlier because I had no idea Esther had posted
something about Prismo. Thanks for the information, and I a.m. going to archive
it here. We'll have town this weekend I'll do some more messing around with
this program.
Sent from my iPhone
It is very easy to stop Skype from saying Skype has new window. Just go into
preferences, then go to notifications and disable all visual alerts. You can
also have Skype tell you when contacts are available by choosing the contacts
available event under notifications. Then just check the box
Thanks Anne,
I had no idea VO had its own sourt command. I thought I might have to
figure a way to find the actua column header and click with trackpad
or something. this should be easy enough. Look forward to trying it
out when I get home and play with itunes some more. I'm actually
Another neat way to get PDFs or EPUB books onto an iPhone is to use
Dropbox and then use the dropbox app to download and export the file
into iBooks.
On 5/2/12, Gigi wrote:
> Hi again well
> If you email a PDF file to yourself, when you call up the attachment, one of
> the choices is to send the
Well, I think I did all that.
I just started a new ward and don't have any home teachers yet.
I've decided to move to Chicago ASAP, so hopefully, I'll get there before June.
On May 1, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> You can do it either way. Look around the User options under Sys
On 5/2/12, Anne Robertson wrote:
> I also use the Safari Reader for reading articles.
What is Safari Reader? is that just part of the normal web browser or
is that something else. Sorry for silly question.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
did that, it still comes up randomly.
On May 1, 2012, at 4:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Jenny,
> Admittedly, I have not been paying close attention to this thread so forgive
> me for suggesting something that has already been posted but, have you
> considered turning off the login scr
Hello Steve,
Have you looked at the full list of VO commands? You can find them by doing
VO-h-h. You'd be amazed!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups
Hello Steve,
Safari Reader is a normal part of Safari. You press Cmd-Shift-r, wait a second
or two, and VoiceOver starts reading the article. The beauty of it is that it
brings together all the pages without you having to click on "Next page".
You received this message becaus
On 5/2/12, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> Have you looked at the full list of VO commands? You can find them by doing
> VO-h-h. You'd be amazed!
Oh I know. I've been in there from time to time and mainly used it to
look up something specific. I would have never expected VO to provide
I have always been able to download books from Bard and copy them to an SD
card.I can no longer do this. I press the past command and my mac bonks. I am
not an expert Mac user, but this seems like a rather simple thing. I have no
clue what I'm doing wrong.
You received this message because
As I said, I don't wanna do that as I'm an audio engineer, and my mac OSX
system is strictly being used for my audio workflow. I don't want to bog it
down with anything else.
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Blouch"
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Qu
This is the exact same thing I po8nted out. The only thing is, even after
granting permissions to all the things by typing
fbcmd addperms
It still wouldn't work when I then did
fbcmd status "Testing."
Frankly, I didn't find this utility was all that great, but that's just me.
Well, and plus
hello everyone.
I am having trouble trying to find/install facetime for the iPhone 3GS. the app
store has listings that contain facetime, but not the actual app. I would also
like to find this app for my OS X Snow Leopard system. anyone have a clue
exactly where this app is?
You rec
It's already there, but not an app. Open the phone app, find your desired
contact, and hit the Facetime button. I could be wrong and it isn't on the 3GS,
but I'm not sure.
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from my iPod)
On May 2, 2012, at 18:30, Eric Oyen wrote:
> hello every
so far, I haven't found it on the 3GS. I have iOS 5.0 on here. that may mean I
need a better phone to support. I seriously wish I had the funds to get a
proper iPad 4th generation device. have both Wi-Fi and 4G on it.
anyway, it looks like I may have to bow out of a paid survey designed to help
Neither do I. Perhaps we can help if maybe you describe what you did before
and what you're doing now?
1. Download the book.
2. Go to the downloads folder off your home folder.
3. Find the book.
4. When focused on the book, press command+c to copy.
5. Now, navigate to the new location y
Google it before you bow out; Google knows all!
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from my iPod)
On May 2, 2012, at 18:39, Eric Oyen wrote:
> so far, I haven't found it on the 3GS. I have iOS 5.0 on here. that may mean
> I need a better phone to support. I seriously wish I had
FYI there is not a 4th generation iPad on the market at the present time.
As far as FaceTime on a 3GS iPhone goes look in the app store for an app called
"fring" it might be just what you are looking for. BTW it's free.
Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.gi
There is no FaceTime on the 3GS. Its only on the iPhone 4 and higher, iPad 2
and higher, or the 4th gen iPod touch. Keep in mind, the 3GS doesn't have a
front facing camera so, having video chat would be a little ridiculous. :)
Ricardo Walker
Hi, the 3GS doesn't support face time.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Oyen
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 4:40 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: trying to find facetime...
so far, I haven
What exactly are you looking for in accessibility? I've used the app with much
success. The main thing I like about the app, is you can choose where to
download your music, either directly to your itunes library, or a folder of
your choice. I mean why would you want to access them from the ap
I made the switch to the mac almost a year ago. And don't regret it one bit!
One tip I will give you is the same one someone gave me and it helped me the
most. It's going to sound simple, but is hard to do and in the long run is the
1 thing that will help you the most. Forget everything you
I wonder why Apple chose to use that phrase instead of just the word "link",
which you hear on a Windows machine when you encounter a link.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:50 PM
To: macvisiona
The way you've described it is exactly the way I used to do it. I am beginning
to think there is a problem with the card.
On May 2, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Neither do I. Perhaps we can help if maybe you describe what you did before
> and what you're doing now?
> 1. Download
Did anybody succeed in installing the google drive Mac app? I get a warning
from disk image mounter that the the image is not recognized. I downloaded it
many times but had no luck.
Sent from my iPhone
On 03-May-2012, at 6:48 AM, Kliphton wrote:
> What exactly are you looking for in access
Okay, for the past week I've been writing about mail issues from out
of town. I'm still puzzled about the mailboxes and messages tables
because they don't behave like some of you describe. But now that I
came home, the good old Mail problem reappeared again. I can once
again receive mail, but n
Hi. Yes I had tried all of those things and they didn't work but the problem
has been solved. I think it had something to do with usent E. mails and it was
affecting safari too. Thanks.
On May 2, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Pam.
> Have you tried getting rid of all your windows
You'll also notice that sometimes the pdf doesn't read at all. This is usually
due to the pdf being a graphic. It could be a simple graphical diagram which
is not going to read by any screenreader or it could be a scanned image of a
textual item. In the latter, even though it appears textual
Hi all.
Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
all system sound going across the internal speakers?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar
Yes. Open the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
device vo should use.
On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy wrote:
> Hi all.
> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
> Sean
> --
> You received
Hey don't give up. I know how you feel. I am very new at the Imac and when I
read what some of these people are doing and the knowlege that everyone has, it
makes my head spin. I have a snow leopard so I can't help you with the E. mail
problem but I can tell you that I have been so frustrated
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