Hello Marc,
You can get to the first day in the grid by pressing VO-Cmd-x (go to next list).
On 27 Feb 2012, at 20:33, Marc Sutton wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> Thanks for your ical tips. Do you know of a quick way to get to the grid of
> dates? Once in add event mode things get a little u
No, you have to purchase content.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
> Can you watch regular network TV with the Apple v or do you have to buy
> everything you watch? I have never seen one so I don't know what the
> difference is between that and cable.
> Jenny and
Well, I've had it with our PC and am purchasing an iMac. I'd like to be able
to record TV shows via a TV Tuner card. I was informed by the Mac sales rep
that there isn't a card slot, rather, they offered me a device called the El
Gato Eye TV Hybrid. It's supposed to work with both the Mac and
Hi there and glad to hear you're making the move to the mac. you won't regret
I have used the elgato tv tuners and the software isn't exactly bad but has
some accessibility issues. bearing in mind this was some time ago so things may
have changed since. the included software allows you to r
Hello Kawal,
I received what appeared to be an auto-reply from Accessibility acknowledging
receipt of my email.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 4:08 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Thank you Mark for confirming that. For clarity sake and (if Donna doesn't
> mind me saying so) did you get any kind of re
nothing new there. they always do that. unless they feel it's imperitive to
contact you, they won't
On 27 Feb 2012, at 20:33, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Kawal,
> I received what appeared to be an auto-reply from Accessibility acknowledging
> receipt of my email.
> Mark
> On Feb 27, 201
Here is a link to an iPhad app for Dish Network.
It turns out that with this app you can control a lot of the functions
for dish network if that is what you have.
With a compatible DVR you can set and control just about everything
from an iPad.
If you read below the descri
Mine came with a physical remote that lets you do some features. Main
problem is it is an IR rather than RF and the IR receiver is located on
the USB dongle so it's easy for other things to get in the way of the
remote's beam of light. They did include a little 6" USB able so you can
move the U
Yes, having just read your message I didn't realize textedit could do
this. I agree that staying out of terminal, if possible, should be the
easier way.
On 2/27/12 9:27 AM, Esther wrote:
Hi Chris,
I agree that this stuff is easy to do in Terminal, but a lot of people don't
feel comfortab
Would this app be able to write in grade 2 braille? I am a braille user as
stating in another message, I use a braille display.
On 27 Feb 2012, at 17:23, James Mannion wrote:
> Although there is no harm in wanting something to be completely
> optional and available for someone to use, I
Hello All.
Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you open
a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address before the
message. I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
You received this message because you are subscribed t
Hey Kawal,
I'm starting to wonder if my Mac is possessed. lol I don't have the problem
you describe at all.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you
> open a mail, Voice Over i
Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth keyboard
for convienience sake to reply with, at least you know you've replied to an
e-mail. Why do we not have bugs in the I phone mail?
On 27 Feb 2012, at 10:09 PM, "Goodin, Donna" wrote:
> Hey Kawal,
> I'm st
Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you
> open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address before
> the message. I prefer the old
Hello, My name is Christine, and I just bought an iMac. I want to know if
there is any instructions or podcasts for using VoiceOver with commands. I
would really appreciate any help, thank you.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
I think the better question is, given that we don't have bugs in iPhone mail,
why do we have them in Mail on the Mac? :)
On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth
> keyboard for convienience sake to
Actually, I've been using a MacBook Pro since late 2009, so I appreciate the
advantages of a Mac. The desktop purchase signals the end of my PC purchases.
With the Elgato device, can I watch programs on our TV, or is this strictly
done via our hard drive? We have Time Warner Cable and a DVR r
It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent. I don't have the issue
Kawal mentions. And, I didn't have the problem with VO not reading the read
status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it before, and
2, why it started on Saturday.
On Feb 27, 2012
I've done several pod casts on blind cool tech, you might check those out.
Also, voiceover doeshave a built in tutorial which you can start by pressing
control option command F8
On Feb 27, 2012, at 6:10 PM, Christine Pierce wrote:
> Hello, My name is Christine, and I just bought an iMac. I want
I have a compiled copy of lynx the text only web browser I use in terminal.
This particular version does not support https secure functions on the net.
Does anyone know of a compiled version that does have this and where to get
Hi Christine. Congrats on the iMac. It's a fine machine.
Two places to check out would be a series of podcasts by Mike Arigo on Blind
Cool Tech.
Although Mike's Podcast mostly deal with the previous Snow Leopard system many
things are still relevant.
Also David Woodbridge
I updated to Lion a few weeks ago. Mail was awful under Lion, which is why I
was not terribly upset this weekend when my Macbook Pro crashed completely for
the first time ever in the 27 months I've owned it. I had to erase and
reinstall from the Snow Leopard disk that came with the Macbook, an
The eyeTV USB thing is a digital TV tuner just like in a standalone TV
so you should be able to tune in any digital broadcasts that a regular
tv can. That said, your cable provider might scramble things or require
a decoder box which would limit the utility of the USB tuner. If you are
just usi
Hi Chris,
Okay, sounds like a call to TWC is in order. I may be switching providers
later this year, we'll see. If Fios comes into our area, I'll probably switch.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> The eyeTV USB thing is a digital TV tuner just like in a standalone TV so y
Here are some links to videos about basic controls
This is general all around controls
This one is about basic controls in Safari
This is a two parter. Part one is about Skype and part two is about an awesome
Hi Bill and Colin
I've also been having trouble with spellcheck in mail on Lion, usually
OK in SL. What I have found is that when you check before sending, you
used to be able to press escape to exit the spellcheck, for example,
when you realised the check had progressed down to the earlier
I would just ask them whether you can use the digital tuner in a tv by
itself with their service or if they require a separate box. If you
start asking about USB tv tuners on a mac they will probably go down a
rabbit trail that will never get you an answer.
On 2/27/12 5:14 PM, Les Kriegler
Sorry if I don't understand the issue here, I missed the beginning of the
thread. When I focus on a file in Finder in the public folder of my dropbox and
bring up the contextual menu with VO+Shift+M, I get the option to copy the
public link.
Are you saying that this is not happening for y
You might want to set up Macports on your machine. From there you can
install any number of (about 13000) unix packages including lynx 2.8.7
which has dependencies on openssl so I assume it allows the use of https:
lynx port page:
Hi all, I am having this issue as well as I have updated lion and hear the
email address read. Another mail issue is when I am reading an email, and wish
to move by character, the reading starts from the top of the email no matter
where I am in it. this goes away when I reply and interact with
Hello Esther and others,
I would like to thank you all very much for your input regarding my question
about continuous reading of a book in the iBook application. As you stated,
Esther, a two-finger flick down from within the text did the trick. And yes, I
agree that upon more thought, this m
Hi, all,
When using the Facebook full site, I've tried tagging with cursor tracking on
with no effect. However, it seems to work quite consistently with cursor
tracking off.
when I want to tag someone in my status, I type the @ symbol, immediately
followed by the beginning of a person's name.
Hello Teresa And All,
I've been tagging people in a bit of a different way. I type the @ symbol
followed by the first few letters of a person's name. I then proceed with the
press of the ENTER key and the rest of the person's name is completed.
Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
is to use mutt on my Linux box. That's hardly the right answer for a
Mac users list though. When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
with VO not reading th
Hi and good morning!
i try to add some material in my dropbox, but whatever i try, it does not work
There is also the fact that not every folder in my dropbox is detected by my
In my IPhone are more folderds then on the dropbox on my Mac.
In windows i had the possibilaty to send people
Hello Marc,
To create a new event in iCal, press Cmd-n then type something like: "Dental
appointment on Friday March 2nd at 3:30 pm", then press Return. iCal will
format the event for you and you can add bits or change things by navigating
right to the scroll area, where you interact. Here you'
You say "we" and perhaps that should be "I" because I for one do not find the
keyboard difficult to type on. THe letters really do not change position and
nor would the keys for entering Braille. Regardless if you have have a Braille
keyboard or not there will be a learning curve in loca
I think there is one of the key problems. If someone has developed the app, are
they really going to be willing to give the nod to APple for implementing their
app into the OS? Yes it is free, but there surely are issues of intelectual
rights and such. I suspect APple would have to buy th
Thank you Mark for confirming that. For clarity sake and (if Donna doesn't
mind me saying so) did you get any kind of response? As Donna says it's not a
bug although this was what was discussed on list as I hate to be contradicted
and if there is going to be an issue then I can be contacted pr
Hello Becky,
On 26 Feb 2012, at 15:57, Becky Knaub wrote:
> Can it take PDF's from school that are blank as far as VO is concerned into
> readable images?
Yes. Just open the image with ABBYY FineReader and click on the appropriate
button (RTF, PDF, HTML).
> How well does this program work with
>From what I've seen so far, I haven't had any discrepencies with files
and directories but I did only see one context menu option on the
dropbox folder; that was for going to the dropbox website. No thanks,
I don't like their website much. I wish there were more options on
the folder. Dunno if
You can find the dropbox contextual menu but I find it hard to describe doing
I found it to be such a kludge that I simply resorted to memorizing my drobpox
public folder address:
O yeah and make sure to name files without spaces to cut down havin
Set your calendar to view by day, that way you can see your events. I believe
there is a table to the left of the calendar that has a list events.
On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Marc Sutton wrote:
> Hi Kawal,
> No problem. I suspected you might be referring to the addressbook. It seems
> like
The developers are not just making the app free, but the source code
as well. In addition, they have said that they do not want money for
licensing rights or anything, so apple could do this with no money and
no problem.
On 2/27/12, Scott Howell wrote:
> Alex,
> I think there is one of the key
Dear listers,
I have an old braille printer that is not attached to my mac. To emboss
something, all I have to do is create simple plain text files with 27 lines per
page, and no more than 30 characters per line. Looking at how text edit handles
printing however, that works with inches or centi
Oo, I have much the same concern, so I'm looking forward to hearing more about
On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
Dear listers,
I have an old braille printer that is not attached to my mac. To emboss
something, all I have to do is create simple plain text files with 27
The html5 worked!! Thank you very much! It did say that videos with ads
in them are not available in html5 so those will still play with the flash
player but still this works much better. It sounds like this is still in the
testing phases. Pretty cool though. Thanks again.
Mike M
I for one can't type at 32 words per minute at any sort of accuracy on the
iPhone or iPad (without a bluetooth keyboard :)) so I'm eager to see this thing
in action. The developers' practical testing has been admittedly limited, but
even a fraction of that potential improvement could save minute
This is a perfect example of the kind of stuff you can do in the unix
shell of terminal. Save a text file somewhere handy like your desktop. I
called mine test.txt. Then open terminal and cd to wherever you have
the file. So for me I did
cd ~/Desktop
then use the fold command which breaks te
Wanted answer the assertion of Android being more flexible. While anyone
could add a different keyboard to Android, I'm not clear how that would
get universally baked in so that anyone pickup an Android phone would
get this option. It's the same problem that if you want it baked into
Android yo
Hello John and Paul,
Have you looked at the preferences for TextEdit? If you bring up the
preferences from TextEdit using Command-comma, the first tab, for "New
Document", lets you specify format as either plain text or rich text with radio
buttons, then next lets you specify the window size w
Its not so hard. from the finder, press command shift H to go to your home
folder. Interact with the browser area with your folders, and arrow down to
dropbox/public. press VO shift M on the file and arrow down to the dropbox sub
menu and pick what you want to do.
Ricardo Walker
Although there is no harm in wanting something to be completely
optional and available for someone to use, I am definitely not sold on
it until it is out and proven that it really is at all something I
like using. I don't think it makes a lot of sense either to be making
a push for something to be
Hi Chris,
I agree that this stuff is easy to do in Terminal, but a lot of people don't
feel comfortable with Terminal and the command line. Besides, this still
doesn't address getting this printed out, so you'd have to add the pipe to a
selected printer.
It's actually not hard to do what they
Hi John,
Instead of memorizing your dropbox public folder address, why don't you take
advantage of Lion's text expansion capability and define a shortcut for the
prefix string giving your dropbox public folder address? For example, you
could set a character string named "dbpf" to expand to
Thanks for this tip. I notice that working pretty well except that as i
command-right-arrow through dates, if there is an event on a particular date,
voiceover doesn't tell me that fact unless i move back to the events list. It
would be nice if there were some indication. I wonder if there is so
Can you watch regular network TV with the Apple v or do you have to buy
everything you watch? I have never seen one so I don't know what the difference
is between that and cable.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 26, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Chenelle Hancock
> hi all,
> i just only pur
that may be all possible, but why so f… difficult?
Dropbox and windows have a far more better relation.
I think its a bad deal how dropbox and apple work now, if we talk about the mac.
Op 27 feb. 2012, om 20:10 heeft Esther het volgende geschreven:
> Hi John,
> Instead of memorizing
Thanks. I'll give that a try.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Gigi wrote:
> Hi Jenny
> I have another suggestion about how to speed up the selecting of messages on
> your iPhone. If you go into settings, and then go to mail can't remember
> exactly where it is an
Hi Anne,
Thanks for your ical tips. Do you know of a quick way to get to the grid of
dates? Once in add event mode things get a little unpredictable. Thanks.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:59 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Marc,
> To create a new event in iCal, press Cmd-n then type something
60 matches
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