
Sorry if I don't understand the issue here, I missed the beginning of the 
thread. When I focus on a file in Finder in the public folder of my dropbox and 
bring up the contextual menu with VO+Shift+M, I get the option to copy the 
public link. 
Are you saying that this is not happening for you.

I just tested it and here is a link for a podcast I have just recorded on 
selecting text in IOS without a keyboard. I haven't tested the link but it 
looks as it should to me


I am not sure if I have done anything different to have this working. Onc 
again, sorry if I don't understand the issue.


On 28/02/2012, at 5:19 AM, Egbert wrote:

> Hi,
> that may be all possible, but why so f… difficult?
> Dropbox and windows have a far more better relation.
> I think its a bad deal how dropbox and apple work now, if we talk about the 
> mac.
> Egbert 
> Op 27 feb. 2012, om 20:10 heeft Esther het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi John,
>> Instead of memorizing your dropbox public folder address, why don't you take 
>> advantage of Lion's text expansion capability and define a shortcut for the 
>> prefix string giving your dropbox public folder address?  For example, you 
>> could set a character string named "dbpf" to expand to 
>> "http://dl.dropbox/u/12345678/"; whenever you typed it in Mail or TextEdit.
>> Since Michael just pointed Ezzie to a YouTube video with instructions on how 
>> to do this yesterday, in order to set a string that gets expanded for 
>> signatures, I can just paste in his text giving the link:
>> <begin quote>
>> Ok here is the link. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything. It 
>> should be clear enough if my memory hasn't failed me. Enjoy!
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKxWbBuDSSI
>> <end quote>
>> Very briefly, you go to the System Preferences > Language & Text menu and 
>> select the "Text" tab.  Then you press the "Add" button to enter a new entry 
>> to the "Substitutions" table, and type in the string you want expanded 
>> (e.g., "dbpf" in the above example), and the replacement string 
>> (e.g."http://dl.dropbox/u/12345678/";).
>> Then, in the applications that support such expansion substitution, like 
>> Mail and TextEdit, you navigate to the "Edit" menu on the menu bar, and 
>> arrow down to the "Substitutions" menu, then right arrow to the submenu and 
>> navigate to "Substitutions" to check this option.
>> That should save you some typing and memorization.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 2:19 AM, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>>> You can find the dropbox contextual menu but I find it hard to describe 
>>> doing that.
>>> I found it to be such a kludge that I simply resorted to memorizing my 
>>> drobpox public folder address:
>>> http://dl.dropbox/u/12345678/fileName.ext
>>> O yeah and make sure to name files without spaces to cut down having to 
>>> type %20 for each space.
>>> Smile, of course I occasionally make a typo so folks write back and 
>>> complain that they can't access the file.
>>> Also, be sure that you allow time for the transfer to take place after 
>>> you've copied files into the dropbox folder.
>>> hth,
>>> John S
>>> . 
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 3:31 AM, Egbert wrote:
>>> Hi and good morning!
>>> i try to add some material in my dropbox, but whatever i try, it does  not 
>>> work There is also the fact that not every folder in my dropbox is detected 
>>> by my macbook.
>>> In my IPhone are more folderds then on the dropbox on my Mac.
>>> In windows i had the possibilaty to send people a link when i wanted to 
>>> share some things, macwhise, i don't see that option.
>>> Any tips or tricks?
>>> Egbert .
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