Hello Marc,

To create a new event in iCal, press Cmd-n then type something like: "Dental 
appointment on Friday March 2nd at 3:30 pm", then press Return. iCal will 
format the event for you and you can add bits or change things by navigating 
right to the scroll area, where you interact. Here you'll find all the possible 
fields, including the menu for selecting the appropriate calendar.

To go to a particular date, press Cmd-Shift-t and start typing the date you 
want. iCal will autofill the field and you can adjust it to what you want, then 
press Return.

To look at the week's events, interact with the grid. Navigate using the VO 
keys and you'll hear something like Monday 2 events. Tuesday list. Where it 
just says List, there are no events. To look at the events on a particular day, 
interact with the list.



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