Hey guys. Not sure what I did but somehow I've managed to have Command W act
like a hotkey for Mission Control. Now I can't close app windows without
quitting them. I tried setting my hotkeys back to defaults in System Prefs but
that doesn't seem to work. How do I get Command W to behave like no
Hello Steve,
I'm about to have a firestorm land on my head for saying this, but Pages works
just fine for me, except for tracking changes, which I never have to do anyway.
To use Pages efficiently, you need a thorough knowledge of VoiceOver. Make sure
that the mouse cursor is set to ignore the
Hi Esther,
I have tried both trial versions of expand drive and webdrive and for
some reason I can not login to a server I up load to on a regular basis I
checked on my windows laptop and with winscp it logins straight away. I have
entered the domain and usersname and password and port n
Hi Folks,
i managed to cut some audio, get me markers right and be happy.
but one question still remains.
Why does amadeus use two cursors?
there is the playhead and the insertion point?
In the old days, when i used tapedecs, i could understand the idea.
ut here?
Can someone explain the meaning to
Thanks for your responses, Backy and Anne. Hot spots are one area I
haven't dealt with in Voice Over yet. I've only been using this for
about a month so far. I've used Open / Libre Office quite a bit in
Linux and I have had Office experience over on that other platform
. I just haven't heard re
Esther answered a similar question a while back. I will paste her answers
Ricardo Walker
Hi Veronica,
I'll paste in excerpts from the answer I gave Paul a few days ago (subject: iOS
User Guides):
I'm looking for a single hot key to open a link to a new tab instead
of replacing the current window. right now, I use Shift-VO-m to open
a context menu and then choose 'open in new tab.' Is there a single
key to do this like VO-Space?
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
Hello Jürgen,
Great to hear you have your custom keyboard shortcuts working. One of the
reasons I like to know how to type the ellipsis character with the Option key
combination for my input language keyboard is just so that I can type
combinations as well as use the VO-Shift-C shortcut to cop
I use cmd T to open a new tab and ctrl shift tab to change tabs.
On Feb 23, 2012, at 9:04 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I'm looking for a single hot key to open a link to a new tab instead
> of replacing the current window. right now, I use Shift-VO-m to open
> a context menu and then cho
I think you press command enter or, command shift enter. Someone please
correct me if I'm wrong.
Ricardo Walker
On Feb 23, 2012, at 9:04 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I'm looking for a single hot key to open a li
Hi Anne,
The only thing is text edit seems to do what pages does when I try to read. I
use pages for college primarily and text edit for everything else like notes.
When I read I press VO and A to read all and it will stop at the next page.
Also I have to make sure I interact with each page. Wha
Hi Becky!
Well I'm not sure if this is what you need!
But there is a command to wrap to page!
And you can set this in the textedit pref's Command+comma there is a check box
to set wrap to page I think this is maybe what you need!
hth Colin
On 23 Feb 2012, at 15:04, Becky Knaub wro
Hello Becky,
In TextEdit, in the Format menu, there's a Wrap to command which toggles
between Wrap to page and Wrap to window.
For straight reading, you should set it to Wrap to window, whereas should you
wish to be able to navigate by page, you should set it to Wrap to page.
The shortcut is C
On Feb 23, 2012, at 10:34 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Becky,
> In TextEdit, in the Format menu, there's a Wrap to command which toggles
> between Wrap to page and Wrap to window.
> For straight reading, you should set it to Wrap to window, whereas should you
> wi
When I want to change the contents of a particular cell, I position the cursor
on the data-entry field. Then, I arrow over to the cell that I want to edit.
Next, I press the delete (back-space) key to delete the cell's contents.
Finally, I type in the new information that I wish to store in t
I downloaded an e-book on my I-phone and I can read the first page but I can't
make it go to the next pages. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've never
done this before.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 23, 2012, at 9:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi
Dean, can you make sure the SSH server admin has both authorized Password and
Keyboard Interactive authentication?
On Feb 23, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Dean Adams wrote:
> Hi Esther,
> I have tried both trial versions of expand drive and webdrive and for
> some reason I can not login to a server I
What are you using to read the book? iBooks I assume? If so, just
swipe down with two fingers to start reading continuously. Also, make
sure you have the latest iBooks installed.
On 2/23/12, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> I downloaded an e-book on my I-phone and I can read the first page but I
> can't
Hi All.
I just tried to make a new event in iCal and something happened. What I did was
put in all of the information, and set the date and time. The problem happened
when I tried to create a custom repeat time. When I set the days and the
frequency and then hit OK, the event disappeared.
Has an
No, I'm using an app called Deseret Bookshelf. I know it's not an ap that's
well known but can I transfer that book to the i-book reader?
Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 23, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> What are you using to read the book? iBooks I assume? If so, just
If you bought it from iTunes, then you should be able to open in with
iBooks. I am not very experienced in this, so someone with more
knowledge, please step in here.
On 2/23/12, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> No, I'm using an app called Deseret Bookshelf. I know it's not an ap that's
> well known but
it depends. If the book is DRM free, you can just import it into iBooks via
Ricardo Walker
On Feb 23, 2012, at 1:15 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> No, I'm using an app called Deseret Bookshelf. I know it's not a
Hi Egbert,
actually I can't explain why Martin Hairer decided to do it this way. But I saw
it in several other sound editors as well. I'm going to suggest to Martin to
make it optional to combine these two cursors in the settings. You could also
write to him and make this suggestion. So he migh
Hope someone can help me with this.
I've searched the internet, but haven't found any good answers...
I have a Mac with Lion wich I will use TimeMachine for backing up to
my iOmega Storcenter 2-200.
The Mac is connected via WiFi to an AirPort Express, wich again are
connected to a Linksys Route
Hi Everyone,
For some reason, in my music on my Iphone 4S, it is stuck on repeat.
I have tried to look everywhere to figure out how to turn this feature off.
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
- Original Message -
From: "Jennifer Perdue"
Sent: Thursday, Feb
OK, that's interesting. I thought you might do it this way. So it is not
possible to change just a part of the content of a cell. You have to change the
whole content.
I opened an excel file with several sheets in Tables and tried to switch
between the sheets by pressing CMD + Option + arrow rig
Hallo Esther,
you are absolutely right: Option + period is the elipsis on a german keyboard.
I can imagine it's hard for you to know all the different keyboard layouts. But
as far as I could tell your tipps and tricks are always perfectly right. Where
do you live in the world and what keyboard
Hello Matthew,
I've never experienced such an issue. Did you searched for the event in iCal?
The date might have changed accidentally.
All the best
Am 23.02.2012 um 18:57 schrieb Matthew Campbell:
> Hi All.
> I just tried to make a new event in iCal and something happened. What I did
I found it.
It didn't up going anywhere at all at least on my iPad when it synced with
iClloud but I'm not entirely sure where it went on iCal.
Looks like a little more messing with iCal is in order. I've only started using
it today.
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 23, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Jür
I'm sorry but I don't know what that is. All I know is that I downloaded it
from an app called Deseret Bookshelf and that is where it sits as far as I
know. Voiceover won't read me the list of books that I have on the bookshelf
even though I can kind of see that there is something there. Can
No I didn't buy it from iTunes. I bought it from an app I got from the I-phone
called Deseret Bookshelf. It is a Latter Day Saint E-book reader. It was free
so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it. I got it to get on the introduction
page of the book but now I can't even get it to read the l
Hi Jürgen,
Have you tried cutting the info from the cell and pasting it in to text edit
and make your edits than paste it back to the same cell?
Some times when I am in Pro tools I do this and it is much faster and less
frustrating! :)
Your mileage May Vary! ;)
Hello Anne. do you mean that I should turn off the tracking with vu=shift+f3 in
order to use pages efficiently?
On Feb 23, 2012, at 3:39 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> I'm about to have a firestorm land on my head for saying this, but Pages
> works just fine for me, except for tra
Hi jurgen,
could you provide the ailadres of martin to me?
I have tried to read the manual, bt was not very successful uptill now.
i d like to write him a few things smile.
Op 23 feb. 2012, om 19:39 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Egbert,
> actually I can't expla
Hello Jürgen,
I live in the US, and use the US English language input keyboard. But I like
languages -- not a measure of proficiency, just liking -- so I keep a few
different voices and keyboards active on my Mac. In fact, my first expensive
software purchase for the Mac was VisioVoice, so I
Yeah and additionally, I learned on one of these lists that VO won't
turn back on automaticdally at login time unless a monitor is
connected. My communications with Apple support was all by phone but
I did get a phone acknoledgement that their engineers were able to
reproduce this problem and indi
Hi guys
If I remember correctly, right above where the song name is, there should be an
option there if you touch it on your iPhone, it says repeat and if you split
tap a double tap on it, it should say on shuffle and I think another on their
saying repeat all. I had trouble finding it, but once
My problem is that I am also having finder busy forever problems with a
monitor connected. They had me reformat my Mini about 7 times and run scans
and send data. They also convinced me to take a day off work and have my
wife drive an hour each way to the Apple store to show them there. Haven't
Y hi guys
I have had some success with attitude on the end of a sale on what I do to make
sure that I don't erase the whole thing, is to press command right arrow on my
MacBook Pro, and then I can backspace out on the end and delete text-only in. A
few instances have I been able to successfully
Hi guys
I know I may be one of the weird folks out there, but I actually like
wordprocessors better for inputting data like phone numbers. Dismiss this is
because, even in Windows, I have found getting around a spreadsheet with speech
to be a pain pain
However, if I were going to do that, am you
Click on the album art
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 23, 2012, at 3:30 PM, Gigi wrote:
> Hi guys
> If I remember correctly, right above where the song name is, there should be
> an option there if you touch it on your iPhone, it says repeat and if you
> split tap a double tap on it, it should sa
You need to get the Mac to pull its IP from the Linksys router. You need to
have all the devices on your network pulling their IP from one router and you
should not have the Mac pulling an IP from the AirPort. The AirPOrt could be
connected to the router via the ethernet connection and p
Hi listers,
In the new messages app for Lyon there is a nice feature that says
smile picker and it is a button. When pressed you find many faces to pick from
all say button after the description. I press them but nothing happens. They
don't appear in the message. Has anyone figured
I have not tried Tables in eons so I'm not sure if it will work the same as in
for me in Numbers but, in Numbers, if I Interact with the Formula entry field,
then arrow (just arrow, no VO keys) right. VO will announce as it goes past
characters and you can edit along the way. The only limitati
I have the same experience, so rather then using the popup button, I go to the
menu, go to edit and down arrow to Insert Smile. You can open the list and
navigate the choices.
On Feb 23, 2012, at 5:35 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi listers,
> In the new messages app for Lyon there i
Just a mention, but for a little while now, it's been possible to buy the
separate components of iWork separately @ reduced prices from the Apple App
Store. I.E. Pages for word processing, Numbers for spread sheet activities, &
Presentation for power point applications. I believe I pur
Hi Dean,
I probably can't help you much on this. Is the server you're connecting to a
Windows machine? I've never tried ExpanDrive on a Windows based server, and
don't have a recent version of the software that can be used with Lion to do
any testing. Since I've recently set up Lion there's
Hi Jessica,
Just to add to Ricardo's posts, the iPhone user guides that Apple supplies have
a fairly good description of operations with VoiceOver under the Accessibility
section. There are also several good podcasts at the VIsion Australia web site
on their Adaptive Technology podcasts page:
Hi Esther,
I have had issues with our service provider for our internet connection
and out internet went down for 8 hours yesterday I checked today and found that
I now can connect to the server I have tried to connect with so I had all the
settings correct because I just checked a few m
Hi Dean,
Glad things are working for you. One of the nice features of ExpanDrive is
that if you are using a laptop, and close it up and then go to a new location,
it should re-establish a connection to the device when you open up your
computer at the new location. And I only tried using this
Hey guys. Ever since I installed Messages on here, I've noticed a slight change
when it comes to how long my MacBook's battery lasts. Yesterday, I only got 2
hours of battery use and today I got 3 hours of battery use compared to my
usual 5 or 6 hours. Has anyone noticed this as well?
Another way to edit cells in Numbers is to move to the cell you want to change
and hit Option+Enter. This will put your cursor in the cell for editing. You
can navigate to any point in the cell by using the arrow keys or arrow keys +
the option key. Once I discovered this, working with Number
Newbie question here... What do you need for a server to work with
Expandrive? Does it merely use something like sshfs or sftp? I have a
linux machine sitting at my permanent residence, over $800 miles from
where I'm staying right now and the main way I connect to it now is
via ssh sessions. and f
Hello Egbert,
here's the address of Martin Hairer. But please be very sure about what you
write. We shouldn't scare him away because of wrong issue reports.
When you are a newbe to Amadeus please wait a little bit and explore the
software first. My experience is that a lot of people don't know
Hi Chuck,
yes, that would work. But actually then Numbers is faster to use. To copy
something from one App to another and back is like what my Boss recently did to
get a pdf file: He wrote a letter, printed it out, scanned it and saved it as
pdf. :-) Worked but there are much easier ways to do
You could also try to press VO + Spacebar. There you can interact with the
formular area and work with it.
All the best
Am 24.02.2012 um 05:45 schrieb Greg Aikens:
> Another way to edit cells in Numbers is to move to the cell you want to
> change and hit Option+Enter. This will put your
When focused on the cell you wish to change data in, press F2 key which will
put you in the editing mode. Then you should be able to use your cursor keys.
Once done, press tab. In the previous version of Tables, this worked very well.
The latest update has rendered this important function more d
Jurgen, changing sheets in Tables has always worked for me by pressing command
+ option + right or left arrow key. The larger the sheet the longer it takes
though for Tables to change to the next sheet. In the latest update, again you
do not necessarily know that the sheet has been changed so yo
Hello Simon,
that workes, thanks. The only issue: VO doesn't anounce the character when
using the arrow keys. Is that the issue in the latest version you meant? Could
you send me the version you work with?
Because actually it seems to be a great program. Navigating is much faste
Simon, I tried it and after nearly 5 minutes of hearing the message "Tables
busy" I gave up. But as I mentioned before: I use Sheets as a two dimensional
note pad and so it might be because of a lot of text in each sheet.
Am 24.02.2012 um 07:37 schrieb Simon Cavendish:
> Jurgen, changing sheets
Dear Jurgen,
I am afraid I had made the wretched mistake of updating Tables to its latest
version as I moved to Lion so I do not have the Tables version where editing
cells was easier and worked better. I too like Tables a lot. It has quite a few
shortcut keys that seem to work like for selecti
Yes, I agree. When I had a lot of data in Tables, I had to wait for ever. This
is a problem in Tables. I have never discovered a way round it.
On 24 Feb 2012, at 06:44, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Simon, I tried it and after nearly 5 minutes of hearing the message "Tables
> busy" I gave up. But as I
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:01:31AM -0500, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you press command enter or, command shift enter. Someone please
> correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, it's Command-Enter. I just tried it. Thanks for the
suggestion. This is much better. I like tab browsing and use
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