Hi list,
I was just setting up some performance configurations for two applications i
use often, applescript editor and preview.
I have two discrepancies going on right now.
I've set a hotspot 2 and monitor hotspot 2 on the result pane in applescript so
that everytime text changes, it declares
Alex and others, I solved the problem in a more or less indirect way.
It turns out that the Bluetooth keyboard apparently doesn't forget the pairing
code. If I hit the reset button on the keyboard after turning it on, it works
fine. I don't understand why, but I can live with this.
Thank you
I have a Mac Mini G4 with original box and manuals. This Mini has a 1.4Ghz G4
processor, 80Gb drive, CD/DVD RW drive, and 512Mb ram. I have the original
Tiger installation CDs, manual, and box. I will include a mouse and keyboard,
as well as a five license family pack retail copy of Leopar
You want the keyboard to remember the pairing so that it will pair
automatically when you turn your keyboard on. I had this issue last week. Just
remember to pair when changing devices.
On Jan 7, 2012, at 6:25 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Alex and others, I solved the problem in a more or les
Hello all,
I want to run windows 7 on my macbook. Take note, i said macbook, so
no macbook pro or mba.
This thing has a core 2 duo 2.4ghz processor and 4 gigs of ram. The
graphics card is nVIDIA GEforce rt320m I believe.
Why this is important will become clear in a second.
I went around bootcamp's
Suddenly my Command f5 stopped working. It won't turn VO off and on. I
have tried with two different keyboards, and with the Apple Bluetooth
keyboard I have tried both with and without holding down the FN key.
When I do a VO-k keyboard command pressing all the other keys describes the
key p
by the sound of it, you may have accidentally turned on keyboard learning.
Well... at least sounds that way.
off the top of my head, my advice here would be to restart the system and see
if voiceover defaults. if not then lets do some further investigation.
On 7 Jan 2012, at 17:40, Bill Ho
Hi Bill!
I do not know if the lay out is different but under snowy kitty!
In system pref's under keyboard and then keyboard shortcuts tab you will find
in the table of categories universal access then next to that in the table of
commands at the end should be the command+f5 selector just check if
Everything else works fine. As a matter of fact, I am replying to this message
from the mini. Safari started acting funny, busy, refresh, busy, refresh, so I
figured I'd shut down and restart VO. That's when I learned I could no longer
do this.
Did check quick nav, it is off.
On Jan 7,
Bingo. Thank you very much.
On Jan 7, 2012, at 12:57 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Bill!
> I do not know if the lay out is different but under snowy kitty!
> In system pref's under keyboard and then keyboard shortcuts tab you will find
> in the table of categories universal access then next to tha
Fire fox? thats not even accessible with voiceover.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Jan 5, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Luca wrote:
> I am using a mac since late 2010 and frankly have to say that i am
> not going to switch to a mac wi
and your saying, voiceover reads the 3rd party icon in the status bar when the
mouse pointer is over it? Now, I haven't tried this in a while but, I remember
this not being the case. It might have reported Apple icons like time machine
and wifi etc, but not 3rd party icons.
Ricardo Wa
Hi Neil,
Let me clarify a few things first. It simply replaces the iTunes Library
database so that it reflects the iTunes Library that you've synced to the
iTunes Match service from your computer. So, you'll see the "iCloud Download"
button beside items that were originally on your iPhone as
All i can say here is "it's not about the tool, but the man"
On 8/01/2012, at 7:46 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Fire fox? thats not even accessible with voiceover.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jan 5, 2012, at
I'm trying to keep my twitter lists up to date using Yoru Fukouru. But I can't
seem to figure out how I add people to lists I've already created.
Is there a way to deal with lists through that interface, or do I need to go to
the website to add people to my lists? If so… where exactly do I go?
Hello Florian,
You wrote:
"... I went around bootcamp's back..."
Bad idea. Florian, I Have successfully installed Windows 7 via BootCamp on
several MacBooks (Not MacBook Pros), although it has been quite some time
since doing so. Nevertheless, in each case, I followed the BootCamp
Hi all again!
This also was good due to some recent post's!
And the reader command works here!
This is an interesting view on multi tasking.
Enjoy the read.
You received this message because you are subscribe
And yet one more!
an interesting fix on how to solve file sharing issues if you have them on
your macs.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the G
My only problem is that I have seen an app prove this person wrong.
When I use Read2Go on my iPod 4th gen, it nearly always gives me a low
memory warning. If I then go through my app switcher and take out
everything, Read2Go once again runs fine. If what the blogger says is
true, then it should not
Hi Shannon. Bring up the tab management screen by pressing command p. In the
table, select the tab of the list you want to edit. Press the list members
button. From the dialog that appears, you can add and delete people from your
On 2012-01-07, at 3:54 PM, Shannon Curry wrot
Hi folks,
I've looked all over the different menus, but cannot find the
option to update my profile. I know that there is a key
combination to do the task, but cannot remember it at this time.
If someone can point me to the right direction, I'd appreciate it
Thank you in advanc
Go to the Tools in the menu bar, update profile is about the fourth item down.
Brett C.
On Jan 7, 2012, at 4:15 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've looked all over the different menus, but cannot find the option to
> update my profile. I know that there is a key combination to do the
Ahh, this was helpful. Thank you so much!
On Jan 7, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi Shannon. Bring up the tab management screen by pressing command p. In
> the table, select the tab of the list you want to edit. Press the list
> members button. From the dialog that appears, you
in this case, I disagree. the tool is only useful if one can use it. Firefox is
a fine browser (works well with ORCA in linux) but the folks at mozilla Inc.
didn't want to support more than one version. I came up with a solution that
involves having a few custom tags in the configure and c
Yes. With something like readToGo, it definitely matters. If I have more than a
couple of things in the app switcher, I get the low memory warning when running
ReadToGo. Once I clear the switcher, the app runs just fine.
If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build communi
Hi everyone I remember seeing on the list people talking about and accessible
Bible for the iOS platform if anybody can give me the name of that accessible
Bible or tell me where I can find it that would be fantastic thanks a lot for
helping and happy new year blessings bye-bye
On Jan 6,
Hi everyone I was reading on the list a couple months ago about an accessible
Bible that would work on the iOS platform if anybody knows about that Bible or
where I can find it please let me know thanks so much happy new year
On Jan 6, 2012, at 9:02 PM, "Jessica" wrote:
> Ok, what are h
I can definitely see the point the blogger raises about apps not sucking up CPU
usage and battery life. However, I think that many blind people tend to use a
good number of background apps at once. I use Awareness!, Music, and VO at
once, and I'm sure that takes up a lot of memory. This might be
The blogger is correct in relation to OS on smart phones. If an app reports
straight away it doesn't have enough memory. Then either there is a memory leak
in that app or some other problem in relation to the app not reporting
correctly to the OS.
You are hitting a bug, not a miss explanat
Dvd remaster pro can do the job for you. It is not free but it works great and
is accessible.
You can also do this using "hand break" but then you need some other utility to
bypass the css protection found on Dvds.
On Jan 8, 2012, at 2:48 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
My only problem, though, is that this "bug" goes away once I clear the
app switcher. I would like to see Apple's official stance on this
multi-tasking topic.
On 1/7/12, Sean Murphy wrote:
> Hi,
> The blogger is correct in relation to OS on smart phones. If an app reports
> straight away it does
I'll have to check out that app. Thanks!
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Nektarios Mallas
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 6:57 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Ripping DVDs for streaming from apple TV.
I recall a book called abc for apple script. Let me look at my safari book list
and get back to you later this week. Remind me if I for get.
On 05/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually been wanting to learn to use App
Hi chuck,
I think people have missed the main point of your message and have gone on a
tangent which isn't what you were asking.
Large (magnification) on the Mac is very good from my understanding. You can
quickly change the size of the font. But I do not know what the feature
differences betw
Here are the main differences between ZoomText and Zoom on the Mac. Zoom on
the mac doesn't offer windowed or partial screen magnification as ZoomText
Does, though to It's benefit, it does offer several tracking options of how the
screen moves with the pointer. I use Continuous mode. and of C
Hello folks:
I use to be able to tag people successfully on Facebook by
inserting the AT symbol in front of a person's name. However,
when I try to do that now, the list of suggested names and pages
no longer pops up. Did FB change something again?
Ezzie Ez Bueno
Sent from my Brail
Hi all,
Sorry about the multiple or redundent messages. I recently got my 4S and I was
trying out using the dictation feature on it. I didn't think the first message
went through to the list here, but obviously I was wrong. And now you are
saying, you had to post a third time about this? Ye
Hello All,
I think I missed the genesis of this thread; but, as for zoom on the Mac
versus Zoomtext for Windows, Zoomtext is far superior. This truly saddens
me as, were they equal or more closely matched, I would use my Mac even more
than I currently do.
I have been lobbying AI Squared, the m
I use "command+right arrow I think to move through the tracks on some of
them, but haven't played around with it a whole lot and it took a lot of
experimenting to see what it did.
- Original Message -
From: "Eric Oyen"
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: DVD
Hi folks:
Can anyone please tell me how I can copy DVD's into my iTunes
- Original Message -
From: "Jessica" I use "command+right arrow I think to move through the tracks on
some of
them, but haven't played around with it a whole lot and it took a
lot of
Just out of curiosity, can you name other areas of superiority of ZoomText over
Zoom besides what I've mentioned? And do you think maybe these extra features
add to the instability problems the OP mentions? I'm just curious, as Zoom
does seem to run very flawlessly on the mac, limitations asid
Hi Folkes,
in Pages there is an option what allows to show changes in a document by
others. For a discription I need the correct term of that option in an english
Pages. When I translate literaly from my german Pages it should be called as
"protocol of changes" or "change protocol" or similar.
Hi all,
I just got this app for my windows desktop and I'm trying to create a
pc monitor account, but I can't see the links anywhere. I saw some
peopel discussing it here before, but I don't think that topic was
I'd appreciate any hints :)
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