hi Ricardo
in sl, i used to obtain this info probably by system pref/mouse or keyboard.
this info is no longer available in lion, or, as far as i know.
On 10 Aug 2011, at 07:11, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure if your aware but, battery status can be found in the blu
Can anyone tell me how I can edit the contents of a cell in Numbers? I
have loaded in an excel spreadsheet, and can read its content, but I
can't add anything else into the sheet and I can't edit the content in
a cell. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated. Also how do I
move from one
Sure it is.
When I go to keyboard in system prefs, regardless of the tab I'm in, It shows
the battery status of my BT keyboard.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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HI all,
I posted to the list a couple of days ago but I didn't receive any
responses, so I thought I'd try again and see if someone could assist
me with Sound Studio 4. I can set up a new window, and start and stop
recording. What I can't do is delete portions of a recorded track, or
insert new tr
Hi all,
Just thought I'd let you know of a program called Adapter. It's a free
program and it lets you convert almost any audio or video file into
different formats. For instance, I am producing podcasts for my
students using Sound Studio and recording in .wav format. I then use
Adapter to convert
Hi Cam.
Where do I find the program.
Best regards Annie.
On 10/08/2011, at 12.15, Cam wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd let you know of a program called Adapter. It's a free
> program and it lets you convert almost any audio or video file into
> different formats. For instance, I am produci
This is a test message.
thank you
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Hi. To find out if a voice is checked, look for an automatic download image
beside the voice. HTH.
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Ok, when I read on the web, I don't notice this behavior, however, it could be
that the things I am reading don't have any misspelled words in them. So far,
it's mostly mail that has this problem. I am not ruling out the fact that it
could be Safari, it just seems confusing that the problem is
To edit a cell, press option+enter on the cell.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:09 AM, Cam wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone tell me how I can edit the contents of a cell in Numbers? I
> have loaded in an excel spreadsheet, and can read its content, but I
> can't add anything else into the sheet and I can't edi
hi i'm having trouble escaping out of any menu when i hit escape
its been working fine
i never had this issue before i'm stuck
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On Aug 10, 2011, at 4:04 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi Cam.
> Where do I find the program.
> Best regards Annie.
> On 10/08/2011, at 12.15, Cam wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just thought I'd let you know of a program called Ad
just went to system prefs keyboard and mouse, but no i am not getting the info,
is there any adjustment i need to make?
On 10 Aug 2011, at 11:09, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Sure it is.
> When I go to keyboard in system prefs, regardless of the tab I'm in, It shows
> the battery sta
This might sound like a silly question but, do you have bluetooth turned on and
the devices connected?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To po
What have you tried to fix the problem so far. So this way people won't
suggest things you have tried already.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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"MacVisionaries" gro
hi ricardo i tried running disk permissions and reset vo preferences
On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> What have you tried to fix the problem so far. So this way people won't
> suggest things you have tried already.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter &
When I've had this happen occasionally, closing and reopening the browser
usually helps, but I'm using webkit not safari. Also, I hope you mean
vo+command+j cause vo+j won't take you to form controls ever lol. Just making
On Aug 10, 2011, at 2:23 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> boy oh boy,
hi guys i fixed my issue of not being able to escape out of menus
i restarted the first time no luck but when shutting it down for a couple
i turned it back on and all is good
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When I switched to fullscreen, voiceover didn't busy me to death anymore, :)
Sent from my iPod
On Aug 10, 2011, at 2:09 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Really?
> I didn't do anything for me but, lag wasn't really my issue. Its keyboard
> focus, and voiceover busying me to death wh
I downloaded the Adapter program for file conversion. It seems accessible
enough, but I can't figure out where to either paste the file I want converted,
or where to put a path or URL to a file. All I see is an empty table, where I
think I'm supposed to be putting these things. Any help on
Different sites implement captcha (audio and otherwise) in many
different ways. What site's captcha was giving you trouble?
On 8/10/11 1:55 AM, chad baker wrote:
hi i can't play audio captchas in safari
java is installed
i go to the link saying listen to the numbers
i did the command and n
You have to interact with the table which is your spreadsheet after you
interact with the layout area. I think there is a table which shows the
worksheets in your workbook. Using the item chooser and typing sheet is the
easiest way to get there.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:09 AM, Cam wrote
These are ARIA (accessible rich internet application) roles which
provide more semantic meaning to what a particular spot on the page
really is. You can read more about the available roles in the W3C's ARAI
specification here:
The spec for th
Hi Cam. The most important thing about Sound Studio is to make sure you've got
VO cursor tracking off. You need to make sure you've done this before working
in a sound studio window. If you're running Lion, you might consider setting
up an activity for sound studio that does this.
On 2
OF course I meant command+VO+j.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
> When I've had this happen occasionally, closing and reopen
Lol. Thanks, Mark. If you ever figure out the name of the word count widget,
let me know, I'd love to download it.
On Aug 9, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> YAY! I love it when people agree with me! *bounce* There are loads of
> widgets out there--one I like
Hi Donna and others,
Could it be the following that you are looking for? I found a widget but I
haven't checked it out myself yet. I will soon though.
Download 132K
On Aug 10, 2011, at 8:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Lol. Thanks, Mark. If you ever figure out the name of the word count
> widget,
Another way to quickly check your downloads folder from within safari is to use
these 2 hotkeys in succession:
1. Press command h to hide safari. You can simply tab back into it later.
2. From the finder that you land in, use the finder key combination command
option l. If you look in the finder
I just discovered that handy shortcut in the "go" menu a few days ago. I don't
know if it is new or I just finally found it, but in the iTunes file menu there
is an option to show in a finder window (command + shift + R). It was much
easier than the old way I used to find iTunes music files t
yes i do.
On 10 Aug 2011, at 14:41, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> This might sound like a silly question but, do you have bluetooth turned on
> and the devices connected?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> --
> You received this
Thanks, Mark. this will be handy.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Word counter is attached. Just put it in your /library/widgets folder (note
> there is no tilde (~) in that path because, remember, this all takes place at
> the level toward root abo
Hi all,
I was just trying to reply directly to Mark's message, and I couldn't find a
way to reply to sender. I interacted with the message headers, but VO doesn't
seem to focus on the from field. I couldn't highlight Mark's address, and
there was no way to bring up a context menu so that I co
That was very very useful. Dragging an item off the favorites bar in Lion mail
has been a mystery, but no more. Thanks a lot.
On Jul 24, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to say, thanks to the person who mentioned using the favorites
> bar. Its freaking am
Hello, all. I am filling out a survey on-line, and the first part went
smoothly. However, although edit boxes are accepting my answers, when I need
to check radio buttons, even though it says "selected," when I choose the
choice I want, when I move on to read, let alone choose the answer for t
Hi Mark,
I've copied Word counter into the directory, but it's still not showing up in
the widgets menu. I'm sure I'm in the right directory, because I see the other
widgets there. Any idea what might be up?
On Aug 10, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Word cou
You might have to go into the widget bar submenu to find it. Once you open it,
though, it should go into your more recent list of dashboard widgets.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
• My home page:
• http://MarkBurning
I did that, but couldn't find it there.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> You might have to go into the widget bar submenu to find it. Once you open
> it, though, it should go into your more recent list of dashboard widgets.
> • Mark BurningHawk B
Hello Donna,
Assuming that you're already navigating through the different headers with VO +
arrow keys, do this:
VO right arrow until VO reads the address you want (typically it spells it
character by character).
Then VO left arrow once.
Now the context menu should show properly.
It seems t
Hmmm. I do not know why, since that's how I put widgets there. Try opening it
manually the first time from the Finder?
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
• My home page:
• http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
You received thi
ah, thanks! I figured it was something to do with Aria. still not exactly sure
what the terms mean but I'll check out that site. I'm curious and interested!
and yay, I fixed my safarii issue!! and it was something really simple! as it
usually is! the "name" checkbox wasn't checked under voiceove
Hi Mark,
I had to restart my box for it to work,
When Dashboard is running,look for "Widgets " in window chooser
and remember to .
Also change the display order to Sort by Date and make sure the Widgets
that you want to work are not " Uncheck but checked.., it did come up
ready to go al
hey all i've read on there web sight that click to flash does not work
in safari 5.1 so what flash work arounds are there? kind regards
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Yes, first, interact with the voices table, then arow down to read each voice's
name. If you interact with the voice name, you can look at the separate
columns, including whether it's checked or not.
On Aug 9, 2011, at 10:32 PM, Cody wrote:
> speaking of whch, while in the list of voices, you ca
Do you have the tool bar enabled? If so, I would disable it. The less you have
on the screen to keep the focus of the main content, the better, I would get
rid of the tool bar, book marks bar, all of that extra stuff. I haven't had the
issues you mention.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 1:23 AM, Ray Foret J
anybody got any thoughts on the newest Skype? It's so weird. You now have the
option of checking contacts as favorites or none favorites. The only way you
can search for contacts via first letter navigation now is if you check the
second of the two radio buttons just to the left of the
I honestly just hit for the context menu after interracting with the contact
and just found the call button and hit enter. to me, tha'trs a bit easier.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> anybody got any thoughts on the newest Skype? It's so weird. You now have
> the op
What version of Skype are you running? Context menu don't come up for me nohow.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Denise Barajas wrote:
> I honestly
one thing i hate about the new version is your contacts aren't sorted into
grops like offline/online but alphabetically regardless of status. hope there
is a way to change this.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> What version of Skype are you running? Context menu don't come u
Hi Andre,
Thanks, this helped me figure it out. It seems that I need to interact twice,
once to interact with headers, and then again, to interact with the text. Then
the "little dance" that you described works. God, the new mail is a pita!
On Aug 10, 2011, at 5:41 PM, André Nu
Thanks Mark. Running it manually worked.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Hmmm. I do not know why, since that's how I put widgets there. Try opening it
> manually the first time from the Finder?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twit
Hello Brandon and all:
Have you tried using command 3? That will provide you with a list of your
online contacts. I am using skype version 5.3.
Hopefully that proves of use to you. Please let us know.
Take good care and I wish you enough.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Brandon Misch wrot
Ah, yep. Command+3 will give you a list of all your Skype contacts who are
online; but, calling them directly from that point is impossible.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
is there a way to disable these descriptions?
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
(Marriage group) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/committed-married-christians
On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> These are ARIA (accessible ri
How do you disable the tool bar, and if it's disabled, how would you access it
if necessary?
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
(Marriage group) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/committed-married-christians
On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Mike
You might want to use trackpad commander to navigate through the survey. I had
a similar issue on a credit card sight just today.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 10, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Hello, all. I am
If you've selected the second radio button, which gives you your contacts in
list view, then you can do VO shift backslash on the status column to sort your
contacts by status. Then your online contacts should be at the top.
On 2011-08-10, at 9:05 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> one thing i h
Where are these voices saved?
Do we have to redownload them again each time we make a fresch install of lion?
Can one integrate them directly with the lion install?
Talking about integrating can one make a install dvd or flash drive
that includes any fixes directly with the lion install?
hey thanks. would be nice if it was like how it was in Skype 5.2 and earlier in
the 5x versions.
On Aug 10, 2011, at 11:52 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> If you've selected the second radio button, which gives you your contacts in
> list view, then you can do VO shift backslash on the status colum
On the click to flash they recommend using the CLicktoPlugin which
allows ClicktoFlash to work. There is a pre-built ClickToFlash 2.3.3
download link here:
which seems to be working in Safari 5.1 for me. It downloads a plugin
file which
The goal is to move, not just copy the files. cMDV does paste the
file. But I'm trying to move, not just copy.
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to the person who suggested using VO+shift+backslash to sort columns in the
Skype window, it don't work for me. I have selected the second of the two
radio buttons, and, I'm focused on a particular contact. Is there something
else I need to do? Every time I try to press shift+VO+backslash, al
Is this recovery partition equivalent to creating a bootable lion flash
drive in disk utility or ccc or the like using the installesd.dmg? If
not where is the difference?
Thanks a lot.
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Thought you all might find this important.
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Begin forwarde
As I reckon y'all are all aware, playing audible samples is now or seems to be
completely and totally impossible. Got any ideas how to solve this?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
what you want to do is simple!
command option v that will move the files
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Hi Ray,
You need to be focussed on the status field of the contact, similar to when
sorting by a column in Mail etc I think. That's what I did and it seemed to
work. My online contacts then appeared at the top of the list and the others
On 11/08/2011, at 3:21 PM,
Just wondering if anyone is using TeamTalk successfully. I tried 3 different
versions with no luck. Tried them under Lion and Snow Leopard just in case that
made a difference. Every version I tried wasn't accessible. Everything was
unknown and even when I interacted I couldn't read anything. I f
Hi all
I am writing to ask whether there is a way to reset voice over to itsoriginal
Regards ahmed
Sent from my iPhone
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