Hello and sorry if anybody regards my message as off topic but I love
using windows on a mac more than on a pc.
I have the macbook white 13inch since February 2009 and I upgraded its
memory to 4GB which is the max and is running Snow Leopard on it. I
bought yesterday an iMAC MC508 as well which
Hi Zack! I do hear exactly what you mentioned: "page 1 group." I
interact with it and hear "interact with group." I can't find anything
else (i type and don't hear my typing spoken back.) I just hear one of
those sound effects trying to tell me my key input doesn't produce
You receiv
Hello Sonnia,
What kind of document did you open in Pages? I always select the blank document.
After interacting with Page 1, you should be able to find more elements with
which to interact.
Have you listened to the VoiceOver On podcast about Pages and Keynote? It might
make things clearer.
The short answer is yes. The Bluetooth pairing happened right away for me with
my 27" iMac.
It just works.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To u
george< try to install win7 with fusion. this way you could have mac and
windows running at the same time plus you do not require sighted person's help
installing windows on fusion.
On 1 Jun 2011, at 08:43, Georges Zaynoun wrote:
> Hello and sorry if anybody regards my message as off topi
Hi all,
I know nothing whatsoever about writing html by hand, so I am wondering if
there is a free html editor for the Mac that would let you create links,
headings, etc, easily?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
Good morning listers,
I am a mac newbie. so far things are going well. I have even migrated
my windows pc over to a vm. I want to try to use it as little as
possible. I have a versapoint connected via an external print server
on my network. This works fine under windows. I have downloaded and
Hi, hopefully some one will jump in and correct me, but as far as I know, Louis
supports serial protocols only. no usb. No network.
This is a severe deficiency, but then it's free and developer time isn't.
Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eb
I think your BT keyboard will work out the box. BTW, You probably should have
chooses to get a magic track pad in stead of the mouse. when you bought your
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
On May 31, 2011, at 11:42 PM, Geo
What about Iweb which comes with the Mac? I've only just got a Mac so
haven't had much of a look at it yet. There's a lot of unlabeled items
I've noticed but perhaps if I label these with some sighted help that
will work. Anyone had any experience with IWeb at all?
David Eagle
On 01/06/2011, Jes
You can try rapidweaver!
Den 01/06/2011 kl. 15.26 skrev David Eagle:
> What about Iweb which comes with the Mac? I've only just got a Mac so
> haven't had much of a look at it yet. There's a lot of unlabeled items
> I've noticed but perhaps if I label these with some sight
Are you using iWork 09? Stupid question but I had to ask because the version of
iwork before 09 isn't accessible.
On 2011-06-01, at 4:20 AM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Zack! I do hear exactly what you mentioned: "page 1 group." I
> interact with it and hear "interact with group." I can't find anythi
Hi All,
I just purchased the HoverCam to use with DocuScan Plus on the Mac.
According to the documentation, To varify that it was properly
connected, I opened Image Capture, but I received the message that
there was no camera nor scanner connected. On the advice of an
acquaintance, I checked in sys
It actually won't show up in the image capture utility, but it should still
show in Docuscan Plus when you open it and select a scanning mode. If you go
into new document, then simple scan (for instance, could as easily be batch
scan), do you get a list of available devices? The Hovercam sh
I will give that a shot. Thanks so much.
On May 31, 2011, at 11:36 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> It looks like it did not import the info into the correct fields.
> Sometimes, you need to coax things a little. That is, open the CSV file and
> put some header info at the front of t
Hi Myrna,
When you run Docuscan, does it give you the Hovercam as an option? There is
some software which you can download from the Hovercam website for the Mac. I
have to wonder if this isn't part of the problem. I keep getting this page
appears to be blank and Serotek is putting in a reque
Hello Listers,
How exactly can one tell whether apps are accessible with VO?
When I tried getting money back for an app, I filled out the form
with my email address and such. Despite me filling out
everything, the form was sent back to me when I clicked submit,
asking me to fill in all requi
Given that you have a MacBook with 4GB of Ram, I recommend that you install
Windows 7 32-bit.
The simple answer is "no", you will not be able to install Windows 7 via
Boot Camp without sighted assistance.
While some may recommend using Fusion as an alternative to Boot Camp so as
I'm sure this has been asked on this list loads of times but I must
ask, since I can't find the answer in Google. I have used windows for
years, I use windows everyday at work. I cannot come home and suddenly
get to grips with the way that Voice-Over deals
with cursoring through text. I'm su
Here's something that might prove a big help to you. Where-as in windows, the
curser is directly beneath each character you right, on the Mac, the curser is
immediately to the right of each character you type. think, if you will, of
the old electric typewriter. On an electric typewriter, as y
Hi Mark,
May I ask what challenges you refer to? I'm curious about this point, as a
fusion user on a 4 GB MacBook Pro. I've occasionally been interested in
Bootcamp, but was always put off by the lack of a fully accessible installation
procedure. FUsion has served me very well, and I view it
Hi Ezzie!
I suggested that apps that were vo friendly were marked somehow [like say :VO:
] but someone said it is not Apples job to do this!
And I suppose it would be hard to get all devs to take this on!
As for your fields question I would look through all of them and make sure
you've filled tho
Hi ezzy:
I must say the accessibility question is a common one. Best thing to do is
check with people you what they use, or go to sites like Macfortheblind.com,
Applevis.com or accessibility.net, to name a few. You can also go to the
Macvisionaries archives and see if an app you want is mentio
Hi David:
Welcom to Mac!:)
I actually haven't run across this question a lot. But, I struggled with the
same issue when starting out with the Mac. Now, when I go back to that other
system, I'm all thumbs when I have to edit anything. (and I don't mean the
thumbs that can text well either.:)
The iMac will come automatically paired with the Bluetooth devices that came
with it. Thus, you don't require the USB keyboard or anything other than what
comes in the box to set it up.
On 2011-05-31, at 9:42 PM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I bought this 21.5inch iMa
So, I hear you can connect a HDMI cable to thunder bolt. Now is this port
on the monitor, or on the actual tower? Also, is it for input, or output?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisio
Hey Tammy. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of accessible games for the Mac,
but there are a few games that are. Try RS Games and download their client, you
can find it at http://zanosoft.net/rsgames/
There is another game out there, but I can't remember what it was called,
someone on here told
Also, in VoiceOver utilities, you can go to the Verbosity category,
select the Text tab, and then Select the Speak text to the right of
the cursor PopUp button.
I am really glad that this option exists.
On 6/1/11, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi David:
> Welcom to Mac!:)
> I actually haven't run acro
Uh, yeah, sure, you can do that; but, why? Seems to me that if one is going to
take the time to learn Voice Over, should not one totally emerce
himself/herself in the Mac world? I myself thought I might take the curser
adjustment approach, but, after trying it, I came quickly to see the wisdem
when running both win7 and fusion does the mac screen reader voice
over work or do you need a windows screen reader like jaws?
Laura Ann
At 06:58 AM 6/1/2011, you wrote:
george< try to install win7 with fusion. this way you could have
mac and windows running at the same time plus you do not r
Hi Buddy and All,
Buddy, your instructions did work. The Hovercam did show up in the
device list in the DocuScan Plus window. I hadn't looked until I read
your message because I figured that if the camera didn't show up in
the Image Capture app, as the documentation stated that it should, I
Hi Ray, I agree with you in an ideal world and all that stuff. I am now a very
comfy mac user, the only concepts I have not wrapped my head around are the
delete thing as mentioned prior in this thread, and the groups mode. We all
have to emerse as much as comfortable and productive
On 2011-06-
I currently have a toshiba laptop running XP but its about 6 to 6.5
years old or so.
I can tell soon I need to make a change either to windows 7 or Mac.
It recently had a major crash and had to be revived and is now a bit sluggish.
I have been a windows user since windows 95 or 98 and
Wow Laura!!! Got a lot on your plate don't yuh? Well, rest easy. With the
Mac, (I'd say Mac book pro with 500GB 72000 RPM drive and at least 4 GB Ram.
The K 1000 will not work directly on the Mac; but, you can install windows and
use it with JAWS on the Mac. Sounds like you'll be needing t
Hello Zachary,
Let me say that I am a Jaws user so my experience with fusion is based on
Jaws and not other very popular screen readers for Windows.
The primary reason that I recommend Boot Camp to Fusion is because of the
skill level that is required for one to efficiently navigate between t
Hello Laura,
In short, I think your question is too broad to be answered in one email
with any degree of authority. I say this because, like most things in life,
there is no silver bullet, no one-size-fits-all.
Having said this please consider the following before you make your
This is awesome. Incidentally, I bought two Apple wireless keyboards
at the same shop same day just before buying this iMac to be used with
our iPads here at home. The seller told me the keyboard inside the
iMac is just the same as the ones I bought, here I wonder how do they
pair a particula
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