Re: garage band question

2011-01-09 Thread Matthew Alvernaz
Hi, I have tried this, but voiceover always says either hidden layout item, or partially hidden. If it says hidden, I can't do anything much with it, and was just wondering how to get it so its not fully hidden. On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi, > > sure you can. Just i

Re: a fabulous experience with my MacBook Air

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Granados
Swiss air is great, all the booz is free, it's high end booz, and they give you the whole bottle none of this by the glass nonsense. Made the flight from New York to Geneva a lot more enjoyable. Prices weren't bad for business class either. On Jan 8, 2011, at 3:32 PM, Cheree wrote: > Cheree H

Re: a fabulous experience with my MacBook Air

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Granados
Don't worry, there are haters everywhere. You can't have something fun with out someone else pouring up a big glass of haterade. :) On Jan 8, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > It would sure be nice if people could just appreciate that it was a cool > experience. If I wanted two gl

Re: a fabulous experience with my MacBook Air

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Granados
Actually, flying isn't that hard. Granted I had a skilled pilot looking over my shoulder but I do a lot of the primary flying work. Especially on modern aircraft with up-to-date avionics you can do a lot independently. You'd be surprised how many of the devices have some sort of spoken output

Re: Defragmenting the file system

2011-01-09 Thread AZ
Hi I'm trying to use iDefrag, but the best defrag algorithms work only in single user mode or somethink like that, the VoiceOver doesn't speak. AZ 09.01.2011 2:02, Sarah Alawami writes: I tried to google articles on this and they say that just repairing permitions is fine. I don't i

Re: a fabulous experience with my MacBook Air

2011-01-09 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here: It's that first few hundred feet that will get you every time. I guess I'm not going to try flying planes, even with the enhanced gadgetry, for a while. I'm getting my thrills and chills keeping my teenager in line. Regards, Cheree Heppe - Original Message - From

Re: garage band question

2011-01-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Try saving before deleting. I don't know why but, sometimes hitting command s before trying to do anything with a region helps. Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197 On Jan 9, 2011, at 4:00 AM, Matthew Alvernaz wrote: > Hi,

Re: Problems with Braille displays and iOS devices

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Howell
THanks for the info. Scott On Jan 9, 2011, at 2:01 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Scott H,: > I think it's a spin off from here. I think it's run by 'Saren and/or Kawal. > But, then againI could be totally mistaken and so I'll defer to someone else > to answer that. > Carolyn H, > On Jan

Re: Problems with Braille displays and iOS devices

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Howell
THanks Andy, I will check that out. I think there is enough evidence now that Baum needs to address the issue since they are the original developers for the firmware or at least some portion is a part of the firmware companies such as APH is using. Well this is at least my impression in any case

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Howell
Well glad you at least have some idea and direction and I can see how this mess could occur. Glad you were at least able to recover most of the material. Scott On Jan 9, 2011, at 2:13 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote: > Well here's what was going on. > > I was setting up my sound system, macbook pro,

test: don't see my messages

2011-01-09 Thread Paul Erkens
--- Twitter: pjepje -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more opt

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Colin M
Hi there! I have at the moment over 2000 tracks that are all in invalid locations! What I had done is in the compilations folder on my hard disc, I is set up new folders such as disco, 70s, 80s and dance and others! And after putting a lot of the music in them thats when they stopped being found

quickly finding loose files in DJ and Microphone issues

2011-01-09 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hi, Okay. I'm trying DJ Demo and I'd really love to know the following: 1. How do I quickly find loose files which I know I have but which are not tagged nearly at all. These are all in my ITunes library. 2. Every time I press shift+m to open the Mic, I find I have to go in to the Mic wind

Re: first mac perchus

2011-01-09 Thread Massimo
In data Sabato 8 Gennaio 2011 0.08.59, Sara Waggle ha scritto: I use mostly Text Edit, and occasionally Pages. Hello. Just some questions about some accessibility issues in Pages. If I work on a MS-Word document containing tables, pages showes the tables, but VO just skips them. Any solution

Re: Defragmenting the file system

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
On the boot disk, the Macintosh will de-frag on the fly any file <2MB if it has more then 8 fragments. There is an excellent article at This article discussed 6 month old 10.3 systems and they were 99% fragment free. HFS+ also has a

Re: Defragmenting the file system

2011-01-09 Thread AZ
Hi The free space can be fragmented too, Mac OS x doesn't defrag it or optimize drives AZ 09.01.2011 18:30, Jon Cohn writes: On the boot disk, the Macintosh will de-frag on the fly any file<2MB if it has more then 8 fragments. There is an excellent article at

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Karen Lewellen
oh goodness! but I have heard of this happening before. Granted the person was using itunes on a windows machine, but apparently the program will if one is not careful with setup, go through your system and remove things it feels might not be legal copies. Granted, I do not know how you have s

Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread Al Puzzuoli
Hi, Just wondering what options are out there for those wanting to work with a trainer to learn the Mac with VO? I know of at least one student in the detroit area who would be interested . A local person would obviously be ideal but failing that, someone who could do it via phone might work as w

Re: VueScan question

2011-01-09 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I use Vuescan for mail, and don't' do much scanning beyond that. I suspect it would work fine for well-printed books or any type of high-contrast typed text, but would probably choke and epically fail on things with graphics embedded in them or dot-matrix type, badly printed text. It reads all

Re: Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread Ryan Mann
Have you checked with your local blindness training organization? I teach assistive technology and the organization I work for just purchased a mac in case there is a blind person who needs mac training. Maybe your local organization is the same way. -- You received this message because you

Re: Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I offer training via Skype; contact me off list if you think this might work. • Mark BurningHawk Baxter • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969 • MSN: • My home page: • -- You received this message because you are subscribed to th

Re: VLC app removed from App Store

2011-01-09 Thread Christina
OK, I feel really dumb but I've read and read this article and I don't get the story at all. I just don't get it. I have the app on my phone but I don't understand why it was pulled from the itunes store and why the guy wanted it taken. Maybe I'm just not tech savvy enough to understand the s

Re: VLC app removed from App Store

2011-01-09 Thread Jude DaShiell
Because the programmer is an employee of Nokia and Nokia has litigation going on with Apple. He wanted to show how loyal he is in hopes of getting a promotion or bonus. I predict he'll get fired though as a consequence of the bad publicity for Nokia though.On Sun, 9 Jan 2011, Christina wrote:

Re: Problem with some messages showing an empty content area

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
WHen using IMAP, by default the Mail application only downloads the message when you select it. In the preferences panel under Accounts' Advanced tab there is an item called Keep copies of messages for offline viewing: There are options to download Messages and Attachments, Just messages or to

Re: VLC app removed from App Store

2011-01-09 Thread Christina
I apologize but I don't understand on what grounds he had apple remove VLC from the app store? Why did he choose VLC player? What does VLC player have to do with the cell phone company. It's confusing. :) Christina On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote: > Because the programmer i

Re: VLC app removed from App Store

2011-01-09 Thread Jude DaShiell
1) vlc player was put into the App Store by him when relations between Apple and Nokia were better. 2) He wrote that software. vlc differs from vlc player since vlc doesn't run on the IPhone and comes from a different software writing group having no connection to Nokia. The vlc wr

Re: Defragmenting the file system

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
That is a good point, but one that should not be of too much concern unless you are using > 90% of your disk drive. If you are using that much disk space then it is time to consider migrating to a larger disk. And actually HFS+ does do disk Optimization via the Hot Zone whereby frequently touch

Hidden files shortcut key.

2011-01-09 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
WIth thanks of the TIps area of In Snow Leopard, if you want to show otherwise hidden files in Open and Save dialog file lists, just press Command-Shift-period. Pressing it again hides the files. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVi

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Howell
I have been using iTunes for a long time and have never heard or read where iTunes removes content based on whether it is legal or not. Scott On Jan 9, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote: > oh goodness! > but I have heard of this happening before. > Granted the person was using itunes o

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Scott Howell
If you move content outside iTunes, you will encounter this problem because iTunes has no idea that you have moved the file. You should only move files from within iTunes. This is because the database does not update itself upon startup. If it did this you would go nuts waiting since a large lib

Re: Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi al, Please check out and feel free to drop me a call or a note if you have any questions. Best, Erik Burggraaf User support consultant, Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf, 1-888-255-5194 On 2011-01-09, at 11:21 AM, A

Re: following these directions to speed up apple mail, except I can't get past the first step

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
Yes, you can set up an apple script to run as an alarm for ical. There is a runscript option in the alarm pull down menu. I don't know what would happen if you are not logged in when the Alarm occurs. And if you are logged in and reading mail right now it would quit you out of mail, so you m

ITunes not properly updating podcasts

2011-01-09 Thread John D. Lipsey
Hi list: I've now had this happen twice. For reasons I can't figure out, ITunes all of a sudden stops updating my podcasts. The only reason I know this is because I have one hourly news and one or two daily podcasts that haven't updated in the last several days. The only way I've found to fi

Re: ITunes not properly updating podcasts

2011-01-09 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Note: this post is a bit windows orientated; for some reason I thought you'd sent this to viphone, but I'm sending it anyway in the hope that it may help others as well. John, I've also had this happen and it's really really annoying. Unlike you, I like to download / sync my podcasts every morning

Mod note -- expressive language.

2011-01-09 Thread Geoff Waaler
Greetings y'all, Some may be familiar with George Carlon's routine discussing the seven words you can't say on television (at least here in the US). Recent posts have prompted us to remind you that this list conforms to those rules. We have subscribers of all faiths and ages, hence one can not

Re: ITunes not properly updating podcasts

2011-01-09 Thread Robert Carter
Hi, If a podcast has not been listened to for a period of time, iTunes makes the decision that you are not keeping up with the podcast so it stops checking for updates. When this happens, simply use the context menu after highlighting the podcast and tell iTunes to refresh the podcast. Robert

Re: ITunes not properly updating podcasts

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm maybe you can then mark all tems as played and then update the podcast that way. S On Jan 9, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Robert Carter wrote: > Hi, > > If a podcast has not been listened to for a period of time, iTunes makes the > decision that you are not keeping up with the podcast so it stops ch

Re: following these directions to speed up apple mail, except I can't get past the first step

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Since I don't know how to do dialogues yet I'll have to poke my nose in to that. Is there an easier way then typing all of it by hand, besides asking for help of corse. I want to try and do as much as I can on my own. that's the best way to learn. lol! On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Jon Cohn wrote

Re: Problem with some messages showing an empty content area

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Mine downloads all messages a d attachments. Once in a while I'll see the image even then so I just wait. On Jan 9, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Jon Cohn wrote: > WHen using IMAP, by default the Mail application only downloads the message > when you select it. > > In the preferences panel under Accounts'

Re: Can't update Webkit.

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually I managed to update last night, or rather this morning. Try again, or uninstall and reinstall the nightly build found at On Jan 8, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote: > Greetings, > > I wonder if this problem is unique to me -- I presume so since Googling > di

Re: forgetting wireless networks?

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
Well, in my personal opinion, your office is doing things wrong. Any Private WiFi Network in an office environment should not be advertising its ID to the world, they should instead require that the SSID be entered into those computers that are authorized to use the NetWork. This probably doe

[aiphone] Verizon to Offer iPhone Users Unlimited Data

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Wall Street Journal Verizon to Offer iPhone Users Unlimited Data By SPENCER E. ANTE Verizon Wireless will offer unlimited data plans when it starts selling the iPhone, a person familiar with the matter said, providing a key means of distinguishing its service from rival AT&T Inc. New buyers of t

Re: Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread Earle M. Harrison
Hello Al, My company Handy Tech NOrth America has developed a 3 day basic training workshop and a workbook and study guide that can be purchased separately for those who don't have the time or financial resources to do the three day class. We also offer telephone training on the subject at a r

Re: Adding music to playlists in iTunes

2011-01-09 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Yes. If you created the Playlist on your iPhone, it should automatically sync and become a playlist within iTunes. If you wish to edit it within iTunes on your Mac, simply locate the songs you wish to add to the playlist, press VO-shift-m to bring up the contextual menu and then choose Ad

Re: following these directions to speed up apple mail, except I can't get past the first step

2011-01-09 Thread Jon Cohn
If you right click while in the AppleScript editor several basic forms are available. I took two of these to create the script at the end of this message. The first one was Action Clauses->Timeout Clauses and the second was Dialog Clauses->Two Button. So this script should display a dialog box

Re: Can't update Webkit.

2011-01-09 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi, I have not seen any new updates to webkit for some time now. I have mmine set to check for updates at startup. Matthew On Jan 9, 2011, at 2:31 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > Hello. is the place. I have not found the need to update yet > so yeah maybe there site is down for th

Re: VueScan question

2011-01-09 Thread Doug Lee
Vuscan probably works well, though I haven't used it recently. I do know, though, that it is like recent Safari versions in that it works way way faster if you have a physical monitor attached than if you don't. On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 12:31:27AM -0700, Carolyn Haas wrote: Hi Laura: Vuescan will

Re: soon to be mac user

2011-01-09 Thread Doug Lee
Unfortunately there is no Chatterbox version for the Mac. Chatterbox is the chat client used by the For The People site. On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 08:18:57PM -0800, Leslie Fitzpatrick wrote: I would like to know if there is a chat client for mac. Also does anyone get on for the people website

Re: skype questions

2011-01-09 Thread Nick Van Vlaenderen
When you say you've got the newest version of Skype, do you mean the beta version (version 5) or the stable release (version 2.8)? Nick On 9 Jan 2011, at 04:44, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > Hi all. > > I have the latest version (as of a week ago) of skype now running on my Air. > I have managed

reading all in pages

2011-01-09 Thread Laura Bratton
Hi All, When I press VO A in pages it will read down to the bottom of that page. How do I change the settings so that I can read the whole document? Thanks, laura -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send e

Re: Can't update Webkit.

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is a update. I checked last night. For some reason it didn't let us know about it. S On Jan 9, 2011, at 3:03 PM, matthew Dyer wrote: > Hi, > > I have not seen any new updates to webkit for some time now. I have mmine > set to check for updates at startup. > > Matthew > > > On Jan 9,

Mac Mini and Microphone

2011-01-09 Thread Jane
I have a headset with a microphone; both have standard headphone jacks. Will the Mic work on the Mac Mini? I know the headset does, but unsure about the Microphone. Do I need instead to get a USB headset/microphone? Jane -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: Mac Mini and Microphone

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
the mic jack is at line levels so you will need to eather turn the mic all the way up or use a usb mic. S On Jan 9, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Jane wrote: > I have a headset with a microphone; both have standard headphone jacks. Will > the Mic work on the Mac Mini? I know the headset does, but unsure a

Controlling Netflix with Apple TV remote

2011-01-09 Thread Brian Miller
All, I don't know if this is an appropriate question for this listserv, but I just set up my Apple TV and the Voice Over is great... Accept I can't quite figure out how to move around in the netflix environment. I can click on a link to see new releases on the website, and even play them, which i

Re: Student in Detroit Area Looking for Mac/VO training?

2011-01-09 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Al: I know the Apple folks are trying to have certified VO trained personnel at most of their locations. I'd probably start by phoning the local Apple stores. When I got started, they even waved the requirement that I purchase one to one when I bought my Mac. Granted it was an exception, b

The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi All, Perhaps I'm just dense, but I can't seem to master the VO trackpad navigation system to save my life. I gather it's quite similar to one which many people have gotten used to on the IPhone, so I know it should be possible. I'm even having trouble turning the system on via trackpad. Wh

Playlist question

2011-01-09 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
All: I have my Nano set to manually sync to my Mac. I went to the Nano under devices on iTunes, and created a playlist. I want to get that playlist on to my iTunes library. I've tried copying and pasting, but it won't paste. Any suggestions? -- You received this message because you are subscrib

Re: The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Kimberly thurman
Zac, put your thumb and forfinger down on the track pad about an inch and a half to two inches apart, then turn like you are turning a knob. hth It just takes practice. On Jan 9, 2011, at 8:41 PM, Zachary Kline wrote: > Hi All, > Perhaps I'm just dense, but I can't seem to master the VO trackp

Re: The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Zack: Think of the trackpad more as a small flat radio dial. You can position two fingers about an inch apart, and pretend to turn the litle dial clockwZise. Or, trying keeping one finger still and moving the other clockwise around it. Finally, do this while holding the VO keys with your o

Re: The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi Zack, Sounds like you've got the right idea. Are you getting results from any other gestures on the trackpad, such as swiping left or right? Did you turn on the Trackpad Commander in your VoiceOver Utility / Commanders screen? Are you using the external Magic Trackpad, or is it the built-in

garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-09 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi everyone, well I decided to try the Garmin GPS App, besides a couple buttons that have strange labels, it's very accessible, it's the first version, there are some improvements I hope they will make. First, this app does not store its maps on the device, it downloads them as needed, this mean

Re: garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-09 Thread James Mannion
Wow, that is great to hear that it does pass the accessibility test at least. I hope they will see fit to add spoken instructions while in a walking route. Simply beeping to tell you when to turn seems generally not user friendly all the way around and if they can have it speak instructions for a d

Re: garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-09 Thread Bryan Jones
I also had the opportunity to do some more walking with he Garmin StreetPilot App today. As Mike mentions, the pedestrian mode did not speak at all for me, and the feature called "Pedestrian Alert" only gave a brief series of beeps and a short vibration when approaching turns, and those did not

Re: Controlling Netflix with Apple TV remote

2011-01-09 Thread Kevin Mattingly
There are the 2 buttons below the select and nav button. Hit the left button. That is the back button. Kev On Jan 9, 2011, at 8:27 PM, Brian Miller wrote: > All, > > I don't know if this is an appropriate question for this listserv, but I > just set up my Apple TV and the Voice Over is great...

Re: reading all in pages

2011-01-09 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi, You have to first interact with the text and then press vo a, then it will read to the bottom of the document. hth, Rafaela Freundt E-mail/MSN: Skype: rafafreundt El 09/01/2011, a las 18:55, Laura Bratton escribió: > Hi All, > When I press VO A in pages it will re

Re: The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Brian, It looks as if I'll just need to keep practicing. I'm using the internal trackpad of my Macbook Pro. I do indeed get some results, but can't yet seem to reproduce them consistently. Thanks for your help. Best, Zack. On Jan 9, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Bryan Jones wrote: > Hi Zack, > > Sou

Re: Playlist question

2011-01-09 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, Unless something has changed drastically in newer generations of the iPod Nano, when you create a Playlist, even if the Nano is selected in Devices, the playlist is actually created within iTunes, not the iPod. If I'm understanding your post correctly, then you'll have done just that. To

Re: The Fine Art of Trackpad Control

2011-01-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Yes. May I suggest turning on keyboard help? This is done by pressing control option k. Now you can practice and discover voiceover keyboard commands as well as, voiceover trackpad gestures. Pressing escape takes you out this mode. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype,

My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi anyone who's still awake or perhaps just waking up. I was copying files from my mbp to my Victor Reader Stream. I got a message that there wasn't enough space. As I was deleting a couple of books, my nls folder just disappeared. A spotlight search turned up no items, and a command Z only

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'm still awake. lol! did you look inthe trash folder? Take care. S On Jan 9, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi anyone who's still awake or perhaps just waking up. I was copying files > from my mbp to my Victor Reader Stream. I got a message that there wasn't > enough space. As I

Re: garmin GPS iphone app

2011-01-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I think your mistaken about Simply beeping to tell you when to turn seems generally not user friendly all the way around. If your sighted , what more would you need? You can read street signs so you wouldn't need street names spoken. You would just want some indication of when to turn.

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah: Sorry but how do I find the trash folder.:) CH On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > I'm still awake. lol! > > did you look inthe trash folder? > > Take care. > > S > On Jan 9, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi anyone who's still awake or perhaps just waking

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
lol. Its in the dock. You can press control F3, or VO D. I'm just laughing because it took me months to find it too. I wish I knew about this list when I first got my Mac. It would have saved me from a lot of growing pains. :) hth Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype, and AIM

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
go to your doc and go to trash. it should be there. the VrStream folder I mean. On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Sarah: > Sorry but how do I find the trash folder.:) > CH > On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > >> I'm still awake. lol! >> >> did you look inthe

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Neither have I. How could they even begin to detect such a thing? Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197 On Jan 9, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > I have been using iTunes for a long time and have never heard or read where

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Eric Oyen
don't forget the control-command-option-shift-M then select restore. saves having to go through the menu. -Eric On Jan 9, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > go to your doc and go to trash. it should be there. the VrStream folder I > mean. > On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Carolyn Haas wrot

Re: skype questions

2011-01-09 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I mean the stable release. On Jan 9, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote: When you say you've got the newest version of Skype, do you mean the beta version (version 5) or the stable release (version 2.8)? Nick On 9 Jan 2011, at 04:44, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > Hi all. > > I have the la

Re: skype questions

2011-01-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. See my tutotrial on the latest stable release of skype but basically your first answer to yoru first question is no. You should be able to type in the table and have your contact come in focus. your chat thing works like this. type the sms and hit I believe control enter. the keystroke k

Re: Playlist question

2011-01-09 Thread Chris Moore
My advice would be to create a playlist of the same name on iTunes, then go to the playlist on your iPod and do a select all on all the tracks, then copy, then go to the playlist of the same name on your iTunes library and paste. Not an ideal solution but it works On 10 Jan 2011, at 01:47, Sara

Yet another iOS audio game under development: Captain Dynamite and the Fallen Hero

2011-01-09 Thread Orin
Hey all, This time it's a rhythm music game based on a superhero story. You're jamming to some awesome orchestrated music. Youtube videos are below. Please note: In the videos, you'll notice DataGirl is telling the player to hit X, A and B. This is because this game is cross platform, coming o

EPISODE 79: Paying The Cost

2011-01-09 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All, In this approximately 43 minute episode of the Candle Shore Podcast, I discuss the issue of charging the visually impaired more for an accessible version of an App with Mr. Alex Georgiou, co-founder of Essency, makers of Awareness-The Headphones App.

Re: My Mac ate my Victor Reader folder Please HELP!!!!!!

2011-01-09 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
go to your doc and enter your trash folder. once in ther, you can copy and paste anything that's still there back to the proper folder. hope that helps, max On Jan 9, 2011, at 11:56 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: Hi anyone who's still awake or perhaps just waking up. I was copying files from my m

Re: Furious about itunes

2011-01-09 Thread Yuma Decaux
Don't really know why or where the files have dissapeared. It's not like i can just do a slew of vo movements to delete select files without cognition of me doing all the steps to delete them. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group